def fetchMessages(timeout: Long,
replicaId: Int,
fetchMinBytes: Int,
fetchInfo: immutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, PartitionFetchInfo],
responseCallback: Map[TopicAndPartition, FetchResponsePartitionData] => Unit) {
// 只有Follower副本才有replicaId,而消费者是没有的,消费者的replicaId始终是-1
val isFromFollower = replicaId >= 0
val fetchOnlyFromLeader: Boolean = replicaId != Request.DebuggingConsumerId
val fetchOnlyCommitted: Boolean = ! Request.isValidBrokerId(replicaId)
// read from local logs
// 从log中读取
val logReadResults = readFromLocalLog(fetchOnlyFromLeader, fetchOnlyCommitted, fetchInfo)
// if the fetch comes from the follower,
// update its corresponding log end offset
// 检测FetchRequest是否来自Follower副本
// 1. 在leader中维护了follower副本的各种状态,这里会更新对应Follower副本的状态。
// 2. 检测是否需要对ISR集合进行扩张如果ISR集合发生变更,就把新的ISR集合记录保存到zookeeper中
// 3. 检测是否后移leader的HW
// 4. 检测delayedProducePurgatory中相关key对应的DelayedProduce,满足条件则将其执行完成
updateFollowerLogReadResults(replicaId, logReadResults)
// check if this fetch request can be satisfied right away
// 统计从log读取消息的字节总数
val bytesReadable =
// 统计从log读取消息中是否有异常
val errorReadingData = logReadResults.values.foldLeft(false) ((errorIncurred, readResult) =>
errorIncurred || (readResult.errorCode != Errors.NONE.code))
// respond immediately if 1) fetch request does not want to wait
// 2) fetch request does not require any data
// 3) has enough data to respond
// 4) some error happens while reading data
// 是否可以返回Fetchresponse,满足以下条件之一:
// 1. FetchRequest中timeout<=0,则消费者不希望等待
// 2. FetchRequest没有指定要读取的分区
// 3. 已经读取了足够的数据,即bytesReadable>=fetchMinBytes
// 4. 读取数据中有异常
if(timeout <= 0 || fetchInfo.size <= 0 || bytesReadable >= fetchMinBytes || errorReadingData) {
val fetchPartitionData = logReadResults.mapValues(result =>
FetchResponsePartitionData(result.errorCode, result.hw,
// 直接调用回调函数,发送FetchResponse
} else {
// construct the fetch results from the read results
val fetchPartitionStatus = { case (topicAndPartition, result) =>
(topicAndPartition, FetchPartitionStatus(, fetchInfo.get(topicAndPartition).get))
val fetchMetadata = FetchMetadata(fetchMinBytes, fetchOnlyFromLeader, fetchOnlyCommitted, isFromFollower, fetchPartitionStatus)
// 创建delayFetch对象
val delayedFetch = new DelayedFetch(timeout, fetchMetadata, this, responseCallback)
// create a list of (topic, partition) pairs to use as keys for this delayed fetch operation
// 创建delayedFetchKeys
val delayedFetchKeys = TopicPartitionOperationKey(_)).toSeq
// try to complete the request immediately, otherwise put it into the purgatory;
// this is because while the delayed fetch operation is being created, new requests
// may arrive and hence make this operation completable.
// 尝试完成DelayedFetch,否者将DelayFetch添加到delayedFetchPurgatory中
delayedFetchPurgatory.tryCompleteElseWatch(delayedFetch, delayedFetchKeys)