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原创 KMP算法的摘抄

<br />KMP字符串模式匹配详解KMP字符串模式匹配通俗点说就是一种在一个字符串中定位另一个串的高效算法。简单匹配算法的时间复杂度为O(m*n);KMP匹配算法。可以证明它的时间复杂度为O(m+n).。一.简单匹配算法先来看一个简单匹配算法的函数:int Index_BF ( char S [ ], char T [ ], int pos ){/* 若串 S 中从第pos(S 的下标0≤pos<StrLength(S))个字符起存在和串 T 相同的子串,则称匹配成功,返回第一个这样的子串在串 S 中的下

2010-08-14 10:40:00 539

原创 经典的汉诺塔问题,非经典的Pro

<br />#include <stdio.h>//<br />void hanota(char,char,char,int);<br />void main()<br />{<br /> int ncount;<br /> puts("enter the amount of the plates:");<br /> scanf("%d",&ncount);<br /> hanota('1','2','3',ncount);<br /> putchar('/n');<br />}<br />void han

2010-08-06 20:58:00 336


<br />一个文件的全局变量可以在另一个文件中作为外部变量使用。某个文件引用了另一个文件的全局变量,只要用extern声明就可以了,说明这个变量在其他的文件中已经声明过了,在这个文件中系统不会为其分配内存。

2010-06-06 17:04:00 254

原创 No.27

    There is a "cursed tree"in a tiny village called Frinlely.The tree was mentioned in a newspaper,lots of people went to the village to make a visit and the number of the tourists is increasing.  

2010-04-18 16:03:00 292

原创 No.26

    My friend,Hugh,has always been fat,but things got so bad recently that he determinded to go on a diet.He began a week ago.First of all,he worte a list of all the food which were forbidden.The list

2010-04-18 15:42:00 323

原创 No.25

    Denist always asks questions when it is impossible for you to answer .Last weekend,I went to the dentists.I felt uncomfortable extremely in these day.The dentist gave me a check and told me to pu

2010-04-17 11:26:00 287

原创 No.24

    When a plane from Longdon arrived at Sydeny,the workers began to unload  a large number of wooden boxes which is contained clothing.Nobody could not account for it that one of them is heavy extrem

2010-04-16 17:15:00 332

原创 No.23

    A public house was bought by Tompson recently is up for sale.Tompson is going to sell if because it is haunted.He said that he couldt sleep all night because he heard a strange noise from the bar

2010-04-16 16:58:00 271

原创 No.22

    My old friend,Harrision,had live in the mediterranean for many years before he returned to England.He used to dream of returning to England and settle down in the country when he retired.    Rec

2010-04-15 21:45:00 254

原创 No.21

     Till used to drive to taxi,however, a short time ago ,he became a bust driver and he didnt regret it.He is finding his new work far more exciting.    Recently,when driving along the Catford St

2010-04-14 16:14:00 383 1

原创 No.20

    Lucy is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.She will set out from the French coast at 5 oclock in the monrning.Lucy is nonly 11 and she hopes to set a new world record.She is consid

2010-04-14 15:55:00 411 1

原创 No.19

    Nearly a week passed before I was able to  explain what had happened to me. One afternoon,I set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.Towards evening,the boat hit a big ston

2010-04-13 21:14:00 291

原创 No.18

People are not so honest as they once were.As the standard of the economy is developing rapidly.The gap between the rich and the poor is larger and larger.AS a matter of fact ,the tempertation to get

2010-04-13 15:36:00 297

原创 No.17

At present,I’m doubting whether the English I have learnt in class is native or not.Last week,I went to London.I arrived at the station late in the afternoon on Monday.The station is big,black and d

2010-04-13 10:03:00 303

原创 No.16

    I felt upset that I had just lost 100 yuan in the company.I entered the mangers office and saw him leaning on the desk with a lighted cigarette.After greeting,He was sympathetic,but he could do n

2010-04-12 19:41:00 229

原创 No.15

    Airplane drive me mad and crazy recently.I live near a airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.The airport has not been used for some reason for many years.But several months ago.,it

2010-04-11 11:34:00 237

原创 No.14

    Fishing is my favourite sport.I often go finishing from the river which is near my home.Even I do this frequently ,I often return home without catchinganything.Some fishman are unlucky.Instead o

2010-04-11 11:23:00 351

原创 No.13

    If you park your car in the wrong place.A traffic police will find it soon and punish you .You will be lucky if he let you go without a tickect.But this is not always happen.Last month,I was on bu

2010-04-10 17:49:00 378

原创 No.12

    The writer had lunch at a pub in the village yesterday.After that,he was worried seriously.As his bag was lost.While he was looking for it,the landlord came in.The writer told her the fact and he

2010-04-09 15:57:00 224

原创 No.11

     A group of pop singers who is named the Greenwood Boys will be coming to the writers town.At present,the group is visiting all parts of the country.They will come by train and most of the youn

2010-04-08 09:38:00 234

原创 No.10

    The writers neighbour,Capitain Tim,will sail from Posthurst tomorrow.He will meet him at the harbour early in the morning.Tim will in his small boat which is called Topsail.Topsail is a famous bo

2010-04-08 09:30:00 262

原创 No.9

    The writer was having lunch at a restaurant yesterday when his friend Tom came in.Tom worked at a lauers office years ago,but he is working at the Agricultral Bank of China.He has good salary.but

2010-04-07 17:33:00 255

原创 No.8

   On wednesday evening,a large crown of people went to the Town Hall,for the new yearcoming.They were expecting the clicking in twenty minutes time.Fifteen minutes pasted and then,at five to twelve

2010-04-07 17:21:00 235

原创 No.7

    The detectives,waiting at the airport all morning,were expecting a plane which from South Africa.There will be a valuable parcel of diamonds in it. They received a message several hours earlier th

2010-04-06 17:07:00 236

原创 No.6

    Tim moved to a new house in the Bridge Street.Yesterday, a baggar knocked at his door and asked for a meal and a glass of beer.In return for the offer,the baggar gave a strange performance that he

2010-04-06 16:55:00 282

原创 No.5

    The writer has a garage in Suibury and now he has just bought a new one in Pinnust, a small town,which is five mile far from Silbury. AS a result  of having not got a telephone in Pinnust,he bough

2010-04-05 20:23:00 283

原创 No.4

    The writer had just received a letter from his brother-----Tim,who had been in Australia for six months.He was also an engeer.As the matter of working,He had already visited a great number of diff

2010-04-05 19:39:00 226

原创 No.3

        The writer doesnt like sending postcards at all.Last summer,he was going on a trip in Italy in which he visited lots of places.At that time,he was always thinking the postcards,because he had

2010-04-05 11:16:00 381 1

原创 No.2

    The writer always gets up late on sundays.    Last Sunday,he got up late as usual and answered a telephone from  his aunt.She told him that she had just arrived to see him by train at the statio

2010-04-02 11:29:00 317 1

原创 NO.1

    Last week,the writer went to the theatre.He didnt enjoy himself because a man and a woman ,sitting behind him,talked  too loudly.As a result ,he could hardly hear the actors,so he returned around

2010-04-02 11:06:00 332 1




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