go的selenium库 github.com/tebeka/selenium 官方文档

go的selenium库 github.com/tebeka/selenium 官方文档地址


func DeleteSession(urlPrefix, id string) error
func SetDebug(debug bool)
type Capabilities
func (c Capabilities) AddChrome(f chrome.Capabilities)
func (c Capabilities) AddFirefox(f firefox.Capabilities)
func (c Capabilities) AddLogging(l log.Capabilities)
func (c Capabilities) AddProxy(p Proxy)
func (c Capabilities) SetLogLevel(typ log.Type, level log.Level)
type Condition
type Cookie
type Error
func (e *Error) Error() string
type FrameBuffer
func NewFrameBuffer() (*FrameBuffer, error)
func NewFrameBufferWithOptions(options FrameBufferOptions) (*FrameBuffer, error)
func (f FrameBuffer) Stop() error
type FrameBufferOptions
type Point
type Proxy
type ProxyType
type Service
func NewChromeDriverService(path string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)
func NewGeckoDriverService(path string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)
func NewSeleniumService(jarPath string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)
func (s Service) FrameBuffer() *FrameBuffer
func (s *Service) Stop() error
type ServiceOption
func ChromeDriver(path string) ServiceOption
func Display(d, xauthPath string) ServiceOption
func GeckoDriver(path string) ServiceOption
func HTMLUnit(path string) ServiceOption
func JavaPath(path string) ServiceOption
func Output(w io.Writer) ServiceOption
func StartFrameBuffer() ServiceOption
func StartFrameBufferWithOptions(options FrameBufferOptions) ServiceOption
type Size
type Status
type WebDriver
func NewRemote(capabilities Capabilities, urlPrefix string) (WebDriver, error)
type WebElement

View Source
const (
DefaultWaitInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond

DefaultWaitTimeout = 60 * time.Second
View Source
const (
ByID              = "id"
ByXPATH           = "xpath"
ByLinkText        = "link text"
ByPartialLinkText = "partial link text"
ByName            = "name"
ByTagName         = "tag name"
ByClassName       = "class name"
ByCSSSelector     = "css selector"

View Source
const (
LeftButton = iota
Mouse buttons.

View Source
const (
NullKey       = string('\ue000')
CancelKey     = string('\ue001')
HelpKey       = string('\ue002')
BackspaceKey  = string('\ue003')
TabKey        = string('\ue004')
ClearKey      = string('\ue005')
ReturnKey     = string('\ue006')
EnterKey      = string('\ue007')
ShiftKey      = string('\ue008')
ControlKey    = string('\ue009')
AltKey        = string('\ue00a')
PauseKey      = string('\ue00b')
EscapeKey     = string('\ue00c')
SpaceKey      = string('\ue00d')
PageUpKey     = string('\ue00e')
PageDownKey   = string('\ue00f')
EndKey        = string('\ue010')
HomeKey       = string('\ue011')
LeftArrowKey  = string('\ue012')
UpArrowKey    = string('\ue013')
RightArrowKey = string('\ue014')
DownArrowKey  = string('\ue015')
InsertKey     = string('\ue016')
DeleteKey     = string('\ue017')
SemicolonKey  = string('\ue018')
EqualsKey     = string('\ue019')
Numpad0Key    = string('\ue01a')
Numpad1Key    = string('\ue01b')
Numpad2Key    = string('\ue01c')
Numpad3Key    = string('\ue01d')
Numpad4Key    = string('\ue01e')
Numpad5Key    = string('\ue01f')
Numpad6Key    = string('\ue020')
Numpad7Key    = string('\ue021')
Numpad8Key    = string('\ue022')
Numpad9Key    = string('\ue023')
MultiplyKey   = string('\ue024')
AddKey        = string('\ue025')
SeparatorKey  = string('\ue026')
SubstractKey  = string('\ue027')
DecimalKey    = string('\ue028')
DivideKey     = string('\ue029')
F1Key         = string('\ue031')
F2Key         = string('\ue032')
F3Key         = string('\ue033')
F4Key         = string('\ue034')
F5Key         = string('\ue035')
F6Key         = string('\ue036')
F7Key         = string('\ue037')
F8Key         = string('\ue038')
F9Key         = string('\ue039')
F10Key        = string('\ue03a')
F11Key        = string('\ue03b')
F12Key        = string('\ue03c')
MetaKey       = string('\ue03d')

View Source
const (
Direct ProxyType = "direct"
Manual = "manual"
Autodetect = "autodetect"
System = "system"
PAC = "pac"
View Source
const DefaultURLPrefix = "http:const DefaultURLPrefix=“轮毂“
//DefaultURLPrefix是提供WebDriver API的默认HTTP端点。

View Source
var HTTPClient = http.DefaultClient

func DeleteSession(urlPrefix, id string) error

func SetDebug(debug bool)

type Capabilities map[string]interface{}

func (c Capabilities) AddChrome(f chrome.Capabilities)

func (c Capabilities) AddFirefox(f firefox.Capabilities)

func (c Capabilities) AddLogging(l log.Capabilities)

func (c Capabilities) AddProxy(p Proxy)

func (c Capabilities) SetLogLevel(typ log.Type, level log.Level)

type Condition func(wd WebDriver) (bool, error)

type Cookie struct {
Name   string `json:"name"`
Value  string `json:"value"`
Path   string `json:"path"`
Domain string `json:"domain"`
Secure bool   `json:"secure"`
Expiry uint   `json:"expiry"`
//Cookie表示HTTP Cookie。

type Error struct {
Err string `json:"error"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Stacktrace string `json:"stacktrace"`
HTTPCode int
//WebDriver JSON wire协议。此代码仅由旧版本生成
//Selenium WebDriver版本、Chromedriver和InternetExplorerDriver。
LegacyCode int


func (e *Error) Error() string

type FrameBuffer struct {
Display string
AuthPath string

func NewFrameBuffer() (*FrameBuffer, error)


func NewFrameBufferWithOptions(options FrameBufferOptions) (*FrameBuffer, error)

func (f FrameBuffer) Stop() error

type FrameBufferOptions struct {
ScreenSize string

type Point struct {
X, Y int

type Proxy struct {
Type ProxyType `json:"proxyType"`

AutoconfigURL string `json:"proxyAutoconfigUrl,omitempty"`

FTP           string   `json:"ftpProxy,omitempty"`
HTTP          string   `json:"httpProxy,omitempty"`
SSL           string   `json:"sslProxy,omitempty"`
SOCKS         string   `json:"socksProxy,omitempty"`
SOCKSVersion  int      `json:"socksVersion,omitempty"`
SOCKSUsername string   `json:"socksUsername,omitempty"`
SOCKSPassword string   `json:"socksPassword,omitempty"`
NoProxy       []string `json:"noProxy,omitempty"`

HTTPPort  int `json:"httpProxyPort,omitempty"`
SSLPort   int `json:"sslProxyPort,omitempty"`
SocksPort int `json:"socksProxyPort,omitempty"`

type ProxyType string

type Service struct {

func NewChromeDriverService(path string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)

func NewGeckoDriverService(path string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)

func NewSeleniumService(jarPath string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)

func (s Service) FrameBuffer() *FrameBuffer

func (s *Service) Stop() error

type ServiceOption func(*Service) error

func ChromeDriver(path string) ServiceOption

func Display(d, xauthPath string) ServiceOption

func GeckoDriver(path string) ServiceOption

func HTMLUnit(path string) ServiceOption


func JavaPath(path string) ServiceOption

func Output(w io.Writer) ServiceOption

func StartFrameBuffer() ServiceOption


func StartFrameBufferWithOptions(options FrameBufferOptions) ServiceOption

type Size struct {
Width, Height int

type Status struct {
Java struct {
Version string
Build struct {
Version, Revision, Time string
OS struct {
Arch, Name, Version string

Ready   bool
Message string

type WebDriver interface {
Status() (*Status, error)

NewSession() (string, error)

SessionId() string

SessionID() string

SwitchSession(sessionID string) error

Capabilities() (Capabilities, error)

SetAsyncScriptTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error
SetImplicitWaitTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error
SetPageLoadTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error

Quit() error

CurrentWindowHandle() (string, error)
WindowHandles() ([]string, error)
CurrentURL() (string, error)
Title() (string, error)
PageSource() (string, error)
Close() error
SwitchFrame(frame interface{}) error
SwitchWindow(name string) error
CloseWindow(name string) error
MaximizeWindow(name string) error
ResizeWindow(name string, width, height int) error

Get(url string) error
Forward() error
Back() error
Refresh() error

FindElement(by, value string) (WebElement, error)
FindElements(by, value string) ([]WebElement, error)
ActiveElement() (WebElement, error)

DecodeElement([]byte) (WebElement, error)
DecodeElements([]byte) ([]WebElement, error)

GetCookies() ([]Cookie, error)
GetCookie(name string) (Cookie, error)
AddCookie(cookie *Cookie) error
DeleteAllCookies() error
DeleteCookie(name string) error

Click(button int) error
DoubleClick() error
ButtonDown() error
ButtonUp() error

SendModifier(modifier string, isDown bool) error
KeyDown(keys string) error
KeyUp(keys string) error

Screenshot() ([]byte, error)

Log(typ log.Type) ([]log.Message, error)

DismissAlert() error

AcceptAlert() error

AlertText() (string, error)

SetAlertText(text string) error

ExecuteScript(script string, args []interface{}) (interface{}, error)

ExecuteScriptAsync(script string, args []interface{}) (interface{}, error)

ExecuteScriptRaw(script string, args []interface{}) ([]byte, error)

ExecuteScriptAsyncRaw(script string, args []interface{}) ([]byte, error)

WaitWithTimeoutAndInterval(condition Condition, timeout, interval time.Duration) error

WaitWithTimeout(condition Condition, timeout time.Duration) error

Wait(condition Condition) error

func NewRemote(capabilities Capabilities, urlPrefix string) (WebDriver, error)


type WebElement interface {
Click() error

SendKeys(keys string) error

Submit() error

Clear() error

MoveTo(xOffset, yOffset int) error

FindElement(by, value string) (WebElement, error)

FindElements(by, value string) ([]WebElement, error)

TagName() (string, error)

Text() (string, error)

IsSelected() (bool, error)

IsEnabled() (bool, error)

IsDisplayed() (bool, error)

GetAttribute(name string) (string, error)

Location() (*Point, error)

LocationInView() (*Point, error)

Size() (*Size, error)

CSSProperty(name string) (string, error)

Screenshot(scroll bool) ([]byte, error)

func DeleteSession(urlPrefix, id string) error
func SetDebug(debug bool)
type Capabilities
func (c Capabilities) AddChrome(f chrome.Capabilities)
func (c Capabilities) AddFirefox(f firefox.Capabilities)
func (c Capabilities) AddLogging(l log.Capabilities)
func (c Capabilities) AddProxy(p Proxy)
func (c Capabilities) SetLogLevel(typ log.Type, level log.Level)
type Condition
type Cookie
type Error
func (e *Error) Error() string
type FrameBuffer
func NewFrameBuffer() (*FrameBuffer, error)
func NewFrameBufferWithOptions(options FrameBufferOptions) (*FrameBuffer, error)
func (f FrameBuffer) Stop() error
type FrameBufferOptions
type Point
type Proxy
type ProxyType
type Service
func NewChromeDriverService(path string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)
func NewGeckoDriverService(path string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)
func NewSeleniumService(jarPath string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)
func (s Service) FrameBuffer() *FrameBuffer
func (s *Service) Stop() error
type ServiceOption
func ChromeDriver(path string) ServiceOption
func Display(d, xauthPath string) ServiceOption
func GeckoDriver(path string) ServiceOption
func HTMLUnit(path string) ServiceOption
func JavaPath(path string) ServiceOption
func Output(w io.Writer) ServiceOption
func StartFrameBuffer() ServiceOption
func StartFrameBufferWithOptions(options FrameBufferOptions) ServiceOption
type Size
type Status
type WebDriver
func NewRemote(capabilities Capabilities, urlPrefix string) (WebDriver, error)
type WebElement

View Source
const (
// DefaultWaitInterval is the default polling interval for selenium.Wait
// function.
DefaultWaitInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond

// DefaultWaitTimeout is the default timeout for selenium.Wait function.
DefaultWaitTimeout = 60 * time.Second
View Source
const (
ByID              = "id"
ByXPATH           = "xpath"
ByLinkText        = "link text"
ByPartialLinkText = "partial link text"
ByName            = "name"
ByTagName         = "tag name"
ByClassName       = "class name"
ByCSSSelector     = "css selector"
Methods by which to find elements.

View Source
const (
LeftButton = iota
Mouse buttons.

View Source
const (
NullKey       = string('\ue000')
CancelKey     = string('\ue001')
HelpKey       = string('\ue002')
BackspaceKey  = string('\ue003')
TabKey        = string('\ue004')
ClearKey      = string('\ue005')
ReturnKey     = string('\ue006')
EnterKey      = string('\ue007')
ShiftKey      = string('\ue008')
ControlKey    = string('\ue009')
AltKey        = string('\ue00a')
PauseKey      = string('\ue00b')
EscapeKey     = string('\ue00c')
SpaceKey      = string('\ue00d')
PageUpKey     = string('\ue00e')
PageDownKey   = string('\ue00f')
EndKey        = string('\ue010')
HomeKey       = string('\ue011')
LeftArrowKey  = string('\ue012')
UpArrowKey    = string('\ue013')
RightArrowKey = string('\ue014')
DownArrowKey  = string('\ue015')
InsertKey     = string('\ue016')
DeleteKey     = string('\ue017')
SemicolonKey  = string('\ue018')
EqualsKey     = string('\ue019')
Numpad0Key    = string('\ue01a')
Numpad1Key    = string('\ue01b')
Numpad2Key    = string('\ue01c')
Numpad3Key    = string('\ue01d')
Numpad4Key    = string('\ue01e')
Numpad5Key    = string('\ue01f')
Numpad6Key    = string('\ue020')
Numpad7Key    = string('\ue021')
Numpad8Key    = string('\ue022')
Numpad9Key    = string('\ue023')
MultiplyKey   = string('\ue024')
AddKey        = string('\ue025')
SeparatorKey  = string('\ue026')
SubstractKey  = string('\ue027')
DecimalKey    = string('\ue028')
DivideKey     = string('\ue029')
F1Key         = string('\ue031')
F2Key         = string('\ue032')
F3Key         = string('\ue033')
F4Key         = string('\ue034')
F5Key         = string('\ue035')
F6Key         = string('\ue036')
F7Key         = string('\ue037')
F8Key         = string('\ue038')
F9Key         = string('\ue039')
F10Key        = string('\ue03a')
F11Key        = string('\ue03b')
F12Key        = string('\ue03c')
MetaKey       = string('\ue03d')
Special keyboard keys, for SendKeys.

View Source
const (
// Direct connection - no proxy in use.
Direct ProxyType = "direct"
// Manual proxy settings configured, e.g. setting a proxy for HTTP, a proxy
// for FTP, etc.
Manual = "manual"
// Autodetect proxy, probably with WPAD
Autodetect = "autodetect"
// System settings used.
System = "system"
// PAC - Proxy autoconfiguration from a URL.
PAC = "pac"
View Source
const DefaultURLPrefix = ""
DefaultURLPrefix is the default HTTP endpoint that offers the WebDriver API.

View Source
var HTTPClient = http.DefaultClient
HTTPClient is the default client to use to communicate with the WebDriver server.

func DeleteSession(urlPrefix, id string) error
DeleteSession deletes an existing session at the WebDriver instance specified by the urlPrefix and the session ID.

func SetDebug(debug bool)
SetDebug sets debug mode

type Capabilities map[string]interface{}
Capabilities configures both the WebDriver process and the target browsers, with standard and browser-specific options.

func (c Capabilities) AddChrome(f chrome.Capabilities)
AddChrome adds Chrome-specific capabilities.

func (c Capabilities) AddFirefox(f firefox.Capabilities)
AddFirefox adds Firefox-specific capabilities.

func (c Capabilities) AddLogging(l log.Capabilities)
AddLogging adds logging configuration to the capabilities.

func (c Capabilities) AddProxy(p Proxy)
AddProxy adds proxy configuration to the capabilities.

func (c Capabilities) SetLogLevel(typ log.Type, level log.Level)
SetLogLevel sets the logging level of a component. It is a shortcut for passing a log.Capabilities instance to AddLogging.

type Condition func(wd WebDriver) (bool, error)
Condition is an alias for a type that is passed as an argument for selenium.Wait(cond Condition) (error) function.

type Cookie struct {
Name   string `json:"name"`
Value  string `json:"value"`
Path   string `json:"path"`
Domain string `json:"domain"`
Secure bool   `json:"secure"`
Expiry uint   `json:"expiry"`
Cookie represents an HTTP cookie.

type Error struct {
// Err contains a general error string provided by the server.
Err string `json:"error"`
// Message is a detailed, human-readable message specific to the failure.
Message string `json:"message"`
// Stacktrace may contain the server-side stacktrace where the error occurred.
Stacktrace string `json:"stacktrace"`
// HTTPCode is the HTTP status code returned by the server.
HTTPCode int
// LegacyCode is the "Response Status Code" defined in the legacy Selenium
// WebDriver JSON wire protocol. This code is only produced by older
// Selenium WebDriver versions, Chromedriver, and InternetExplorerDriver.
LegacyCode int
Error contains information about a failure of a command. See the table of these strings at https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#handling-errors .

This error type is only returned by servers that implement the W3C specification.

func (e *Error) Error() string
Error implements the error interface.

type FrameBuffer struct {
// Display is the X11 display number that the Xvfb process is hosting
// (without the preceding colon).
Display string
// AuthPath is the path to the X11 authorization file that permits X clients
// to use the X server. This is typically provided to the client via the
// XAUTHORITY environment variable.
AuthPath string
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FrameBuffer controls an X virtual frame buffer running as a background process.

func NewFrameBuffer() (*FrameBuffer, error)
NewFrameBuffer starts an X virtual frame buffer running in the background.

This is equivalent to calling NewFrameBufferWithOptions with an empty NewFrameBufferWithOptions.

func NewFrameBufferWithOptions(options FrameBufferOptions) (*FrameBuffer, error)
NewFrameBufferWithOptions starts an X virtual frame buffer running in the background. FrameBufferOptions may be populated to change the behavior of the frame buffer.

func (f FrameBuffer) Stop() error
Stop kills the background frame buffer process and removes the X authorization file.

type FrameBufferOptions struct {
// ScreenSize is the option for the frame buffer screen size.
// This is of the form "{width}x{height}[x{depth}]".  For example: "1024x768x24"
ScreenSize string
FrameBufferOptions describes the options that can be used to create a frame buffer.

type Point struct {
X, Y int
Point is a 2D point.

type Proxy struct {
// Type is the type of proxy to use. This is required to be populated.
Type ProxyType `json:"proxyType"`

// AutoconfigURL is the URL to be used for proxy auto configuration. This is
// required if Type is set to PAC.
AutoconfigURL string `json:"proxyAutoconfigUrl,omitempty"`

// The following are used when Type is set to Manual.
// Note that in Firefox, connections to localhost are not proxied by default,
// even if a proxy is set. This can be overridden via a preference setting.
FTP           string   `json:"ftpProxy,omitempty"`
HTTP          string   `json:"httpProxy,omitempty"`
SSL           string   `json:"sslProxy,omitempty"`
SOCKS         string   `json:"socksProxy,omitempty"`
SOCKSVersion  int      `json:"socksVersion,omitempty"`
SOCKSUsername string   `json:"socksUsername,omitempty"`
SOCKSPassword string   `json:"socksPassword,omitempty"`
NoProxy       []string `json:"noProxy,omitempty"`

// The W3C draft spec includes port fields as well. According to the
// specification, ports can also be included in the above addresses. However,
// in the Geckodriver implementation, the ports must be specified by these
// additional fields.
HTTPPort  int `json:"httpProxyPort,omitempty"`
SSLPort   int `json:"sslProxyPort,omitempty"`
SocksPort int `json:"socksProxyPort,omitempty"`
Proxy specifies configuration for proxies in the browser. Set the key "proxy" in Capabilities to an instance of this type.

type ProxyType string
ProxyType is an enumeration of the types of proxies available.

type Service struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Service controls a locally-running Selenium subprocess.

func NewChromeDriverService(path string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)
NewChromeDriverService starts a ChromeDriver instance in the background.

func NewGeckoDriverService(path string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)
NewGeckoDriverService starts a GeckoDriver instance in the background.

func NewSeleniumService(jarPath string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)
NewSeleniumService starts a Selenium instance in the background.

func (s Service) FrameBuffer() *FrameBuffer
FrameBuffer returns the FrameBuffer if one was started by the service and nil otherwise.

func (s *Service) Stop() error
Stop shuts down the WebDriver service, and the X virtual frame buffer if one was started.

type ServiceOption func(*Service) error
ServiceOption configures a Service instance.

func ChromeDriver(path string) ServiceOption
ChromeDriver sets the path for Chromedriver for the Selenium Server. This ServiceOption is only useful when calling NewSeleniumService.

func Display(d, xauthPath string) ServiceOption
Display specifies the value to which set the DISPLAY environment variable, as well as the path to the Xauthority file containing credentials needed to write to that X server.

func GeckoDriver(path string) ServiceOption
GeckoDriver sets the path to the geckodriver binary for the Selenium Server. Unlike other drivers, Selenium Server does not support specifying the geckodriver path at runtime. This ServiceOption is only useful when calling NewSeleniumService.

func HTMLUnit(path string) ServiceOption
HTMLUnit specifies the path to the JAR for the HTMLUnit driver (compiled with its dependencies).


func JavaPath(path string) ServiceOption
JavaPath specifies the path to the JRE.

func Output(w io.Writer) ServiceOption
Output specifies that the WebDriver service should log to the provided writer.

func StartFrameBuffer() ServiceOption
StartFrameBuffer causes an X virtual frame buffer to start before the WebDriver service. The frame buffer process will be terminated when the service itself is stopped.

This is equivalent to calling StartFrameBufferWithOptions with an empty map.

func StartFrameBufferWithOptions(options FrameBufferOptions) ServiceOption
StartFrameBufferWithOptions causes an X virtual frame buffer to start before the WebDriver service. The frame buffer process will be terminated when the service itself is stopped.

type Size struct {
Width, Height int
Size is a size of HTML element.

type Status struct {
// The following fields are used by Selenium and ChromeDriver.
Java struct {
Version string
Build struct {
Version, Revision, Time string
OS struct {
Arch, Name, Version string

// The following fields are specified by the W3C WebDriver specification and
// are used by GeckoDriver.
Ready   bool
Message string
Status contains information returned by the Status method.

type WebDriver interface {
// Status returns various pieces of information about the server environment.
Status() (*Status, error)

// NewSession starts a new session and returns the session ID.
NewSession() (string, error)

// SessionId returns the current session ID
// Deprecated: This identifier is not Go-style correct. Use SessionID
// instead.
SessionId() string

// SessionID returns the current session ID.
SessionID() string

// SwitchSession switches to the given session ID.
SwitchSession(sessionID string) error

// Capabilities returns the current session's capabilities.
Capabilities() (Capabilities, error)

// SetAsyncScriptTimeout sets the amount of time that asynchronous scripts
// are permitted to run before they are aborted. The timeout will be rounded
// to nearest millisecond.
SetAsyncScriptTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error
// SetImplicitWaitTimeout sets the amount of time the driver should wait when
// searching for elements. The timeout will be rounded to nearest millisecond.
SetImplicitWaitTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error
// SetPageLoadTimeout sets the amount of time the driver should wait when
// loading a page. The timeout will be rounded to nearest millisecond.
SetPageLoadTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error

// Quit ends the current session. The browser instance will be closed.
Quit() error

// CurrentWindowHandle returns the ID of current window handle.
CurrentWindowHandle() (string, error)
// WindowHandles returns the IDs of current open windows.
WindowHandles() ([]string, error)
// CurrentURL returns the browser's current URL.
CurrentURL() (string, error)
// Title returns the current page's title.
Title() (string, error)
// PageSource returns the current page's source.
PageSource() (string, error)
// Close closes the current window.
Close() error
// SwitchFrame switches to the given frame. The frame parameter can be the
// frame's ID as a string, its WebElement instance as returned by
// GetElement, or nil to switch to the current top-level browsing context.
SwitchFrame(frame interface{}) error
// SwitchWindow switches the context to the specified window.
SwitchWindow(name string) error
// CloseWindow closes the specified window.
CloseWindow(name string) error
// MaximizeWindow maximizes a window. If the name is empty, the current
// window will be maximized.
MaximizeWindow(name string) error
// ResizeWindow changes the dimensions of a window. If the name is empty, the
// current window will be maximized.
ResizeWindow(name string, width, height int) error

// Get navigates the browser to the provided URL.
Get(url string) error
// Forward moves forward in history.
Forward() error
// Back moves backward in history.
Back() error
// Refresh refreshes the page.
Refresh() error

// FindElement finds exactly one element in the current page's DOM.
FindElement(by, value string) (WebElement, error)
// FindElement finds potentially many elements in the current page's DOM.
FindElements(by, value string) ([]WebElement, error)
// ActiveElement returns the currently active element on the page.
ActiveElement() (WebElement, error)

// DecodeElement decodes a single element response.
DecodeElement([]byte) (WebElement, error)
// DecodeElements decodes a multi-element response.
DecodeElements([]byte) ([]WebElement, error)

// GetCookies returns all of the cookies in the browser's jar.
GetCookies() ([]Cookie, error)
// GetCookie returns the named cookie in the jar, if present. This method is
// only implemented for Firefox.
GetCookie(name string) (Cookie, error)
// AddCookie adds a cookie to the browser's jar.
AddCookie(cookie *Cookie) error
// DeleteAllCookies deletes all of the cookies in the browser's jar.
DeleteAllCookies() error
// DeleteCookie deletes a cookie to the browser's jar.
DeleteCookie(name string) error

// Click clicks a mouse button. The button should be one of RightButton,
// MiddleButton or LeftButton.
Click(button int) error
// DoubleClick clicks the left mouse button twice.
DoubleClick() error
// ButtonDown causes the left mouse button to be held down.
ButtonDown() error
// ButtonUp causes the left mouse button to be released.
ButtonUp() error

// SendModifier sends the modifier key to the active element. The modifier
// can be one of ShiftKey, ControlKey, AltKey, MetaKey.
// Deprecated: Use KeyDown or KeyUp instead.
SendModifier(modifier string, isDown bool) error
// KeyDown sends a sequence of keystrokes to the active element. This method
// is similar to SendKeys but without the implicit termination. Modifiers are
// not released at the end of each call.
KeyDown(keys string) error
// KeyUp indicates that a previous keystroke sent by KeyDown should be
// released.
KeyUp(keys string) error
// Screenshot takes a screenshot of the browser window.
Screenshot() ([]byte, error)
// Log fetches the logs. Log types must be previously configured in the
// capabilities.
// NOTE: will return an error (not implemented) on IE11 or Edge drivers.
Log(typ log.Type) ([]log.Message, error)

// DismissAlert dismisses current alert.
DismissAlert() error
// AcceptAlert accepts the current alert.
AcceptAlert() error
// AlertText returns the current alert text.
AlertText() (string, error)
// SetAlertText sets the current alert text.
SetAlertText(text string) error

// ExecuteScript executes a script.
ExecuteScript(script string, args []interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// ExecuteScriptAsync asynchronously executes a script.
ExecuteScriptAsync(script string, args []interface{}) (interface{}, error)

// ExecuteScriptRaw executes a script but does not perform JSON decoding.
ExecuteScriptRaw(script string, args []interface{}) ([]byte, error)
// ExecuteScriptAsyncRaw asynchronously executes a script but does not
// perform JSON decoding.
ExecuteScriptAsyncRaw(script string, args []interface{}) ([]byte, error)

// WaitWithTimeoutAndInterval waits for the condition to evaluate to true.
WaitWithTimeoutAndInterval(condition Condition, timeout, interval time.Duration) error

// WaitWithTimeout works like WaitWithTimeoutAndInterval, but with default polling interval.
WaitWithTimeout(condition Condition, timeout time.Duration) error

//Wait works like WaitWithTimeoutAndInterval, but using the default timeout and polling interval.
Wait(condition Condition) error
WebDriver defines methods supported by WebDriver drivers.

func NewRemote(capabilities Capabilities, urlPrefix string) (WebDriver, error)
NewRemote creates new remote client, this will also start a new session. capabilities provides the desired capabilities. urlPrefix is the URL to the Selenium server, must be prefixed with protocol (http, https, ...).

Providing an empty string for urlPrefix causes the DefaultURLPrefix to be used.

type WebElement interface {
// Click clicks on the element.
Click() error
// SendKeys types into the element.
SendKeys(keys string) error
// Submit submits the button.
Submit() error
// Clear clears the element.
Clear() error
// MoveTo moves the mouse to relative coordinates from center of element, If
// the element is not visible, it will be scrolled into view.
MoveTo(xOffset, yOffset int) error

// FindElement finds a child element.
FindElement(by, value string) (WebElement, error)
// FindElement finds multiple children elements.
FindElements(by, value string) ([]WebElement, error)

// TagName returns the element's name.
TagName() (string, error)
// Text returns the text of the element.
Text() (string, error)
// IsSelected returns true if element is selected.
IsSelected() (bool, error)
// IsEnabled returns true if the element is enabled.
IsEnabled() (bool, error)
// IsDisplayed returns true if the element is displayed.
IsDisplayed() (bool, error)
// GetAttribute returns the named attribute of the element.
GetAttribute(name string) (string, error)
// Location returns the element's location.
Location() (*Point, error)
// LocationInView returns the element's location once it has been scrolled
// into view.
LocationInView() (*Point, error)
// Size returns the element's size.
Size() (*Size, error)
// CSSProperty returns the value of the specified CSS property of the
// element.
CSSProperty(name string) (string, error)
// Screenshot takes a screenshot of the attribute scroll'ing if necessary.
Screenshot(scroll bool) ([]byte, error)
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### 回答1: 好的,我可以帮你解决这个问题。 首先,你需要安装selenium和chromedriver。你可以通过以下命令安装selenium: ``` pip install selenium ``` 然后,你需要下载对应浏览器版本的chromedriver,并将其添加到系统环境变量中。 接下来,你可以使用以下代码爬取https://data.eastmoney.com/xg/xg/?mkt=kzz页面信息: ```python from selenium import webdriver # 创建Chrome浏览器对象 chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') # 无头模式,不显示浏览器窗口 browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options) # 打开页面 browser.get('https://data.eastmoney.com/xg/xg/?mkt=kzz') # 获取页面源代码 html = browser.page_source # 关闭浏览器 browser.quit() print(html) ``` 这段代码将使用Chrome浏览器访问https://data.eastmoney.com/xg/xg/?mkt=kzz页面,并获取页面源代码。你可以在代码中添加其他操作,比如查找特定元素、点击按钮等。 ### 回答2: 使用Selenium可以实现对https://data.eastmoney.com/xg/xg/?mkt=kzz页面的爬取。 首先,我们需要安装并导入selenium,并且也需要安装浏览器驱动程序,例如Chrome驱动程序。 接下来,我们可以通过实例化一个浏览器对象驱动程序,打开该页面。 ```python from selenium import webdriver # 使用chrome驱动程序 driver = webdriver.Chrome() # 打开页面 driver.get("https://data.eastmoney.com/xg/xg/?mkt=kzz") ``` 爬取页面信息时,可以使用xpath或者css选择器来定位元素,并提取相应的信息。 ```python # 使用xpath选择器 title = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//h1").text print(title) # 使用css选择器 content = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".content").text print(content) ``` 以上代码演示了如何获取页面中的标题和内容,并打印输出。 最后,别忘记关闭浏览器对象。 ```python # 关闭浏览器对象 driver.quit() ``` 这样就完成了对https://data.eastmoney.com/xg/xg/?mkt=kzz页面信息的爬取。 ### 回答3: 使用Selenium爬取https://data.eastmoney.com/xg/xg/?mkt=kzz页面信息,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 导入Selenium和相关模块: ``` from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options ``` 2. 设置Chrome浏览器的选项: ``` chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') # 无头模式,不显示浏览器界面 chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') # 禁用GPU加速 ``` 3. 创建Chrome浏览器对象: ``` driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options) ``` 4. 打开目标页面: ``` url = 'https://data.eastmoney.com/xg/xg/?mkt=kzz' driver.get(url) ``` 5. 获取页面中需要的信息: ``` # 例如获取页面标题 title = driver.title print(title) # 例如获取页面中的内容 content = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[@class="content"]') print(content.text) ``` 6. 关闭浏览器对象: ``` driver.quit() ``` 通过以上步骤,就可以使用Selenium自动打开指定页面,获取页面中的信息。在实际应用中,还可以根据页面的DOM结构和需要获取的具体信息,使用Selenium提供的定位元素方法(如xpath、id、class等)来获取指定元素的内容。


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