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原创 最简单易用的Qt 界面库插件 FTStyle (一)

点击此链接查看"最新版本功能介绍"newQt 自从使用LGPL许可证以来,对于C++程序员来说,拥有了与CSharp、Java开发一样强大的现成可用的功能库。唯一遗憾是没有界面美观成熟的界面库可用。2011年我用Qt完成了的类似Office 2003界面的4种颜色主题;2015年在原来的基础上增加了类似Office 2007、Office 2010的皮肤主题;2016年修改库结构,增加了...

2016-12-26 14:16:23 13947

Tiny PXE Server 最新版

Tiny PXE Server, 用于PXE网络安装系统,维护系统


DevPartner for Visual C++ BoundsChecker Suite 11.3.1812.0 (4)

1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.


DevPartner Studio Professional Edition 11.3.1812.0 (2)

1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.


DevPartner Studio Professional Edition 11.3.1812.0 (3)

1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.


DevPartner Studio Professional Edition 11.3.1812.0 (4)

1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 re


DevPartner Studio Professional Edition 11.3.1812.0 (1)

1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.


DevPartner for Visual C++ BoundsChecker Suite 11.3.1812.0 (3)

1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.


DevPartner License Manager 11.3.1812.0

1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.


DevPartner for Visual C++ BoundsChecker Suite 11.3.1812.0 (2)

1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.


DevPartner for Visual C++ BoundsChecker Suite 11.3.1812.0 (1)

1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.


最简单易用的Qt 界面库插件 FTStyle for Qt5 (Windows)

最简单易用的Qt 界面库插件 FTStyle for Qt5 (Windows),向您展示使用 FTStyle 后软件界面的完美效果


最简单易用的Qt 界面库插件 FTStyle for Qt4 (Windows)

最简单易用的Qt 界面库插件 FTStyle for Qt4 (Windows),向您展示使用 FTStyle 后软件界面的完美效果


CSR xIDE for BlueLab 4.1-Release蓝牙开发环境及中文教程

CSR xIDE for BlueLab 4.1-Release蓝牙开发环境及中文教程


Visual Assist X v10.5.1727.rar

非常好用的 Microsoft Visual Studio 插件,自动识别各种关键字,系统函数,成员变量,自动给出输入提示,自动更正大小写错误,自动标示错误,等等。在Visual Studio .NET 2005 中, 支持 C/C++, C#, ASP, Visual Basic, Java 及 HTML; 在 Visual C++ 6.0 and 5.0 中支持 C 和 C++ 的编程。



这本白皮书主要描述QT C++的框架。QT支持“一次编写,随处编译”的跨平台运行GUI应用程序开发。同一代码重新编译可以运行在Window98到XP系统,苹果系统,Solairs,HP-UX,以及其它使用X11的Unix操作系统。同时QT可以编译运行在嵌入式Linux平台中。QT使用独一无二的内部对像通讯机制“消息与槽”。它优秀的跨平台机制,可以很好的支持二维与三维图形、国际化、SQL、XML、单元测试,同时也为具体平台下的应用程序提供扩展。QT应用程序可以采用QT设计器进行可视化设计,它是一款灵活的,支持系统整合的用户界面编辑器。



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