面向对象软件构造(第2版)-第5章 接近对象技术 (下)


5.3 基于对象的分解


The case for using objects (or more precisely, as seen below, object types) as the key to system modularization is based on the quality aims defined in chapter 1, in particular extendibility, reusability and compatibility.

使用对象(或下所示,更精确地说是对象类型(object types))作为系统模块化的关键,这建立在第1章中所定义的品质目标之上,尤其是扩充性,复用性和兼容性.


The plea for using objects will be fairly short, since the case has already been made at least in part: many of the arguments against top-down, function-based design reappear naturally as evidence in favor of bottom-up, object-based design.

由于这种情况至少部份被建立了,所以使用对象的请求将会相当的快: 许多不支持由上而下的,基于函数设计的理由会很自然地重现了支持由下而上的,基于对象设计的迹象.


This evidence should not, however, lead us to dismiss the functions entirely. As noted at the beginning of this chapter, no approach to software construction can be complete unless it accounts for both the function and object parts. So we will need to retain a clear role for functions in the object-oriented method, even if they must submit to the objects in the resulting system architectures. The notion of abstract data type will provide us with a definition of objects which reserves a proper place for the functions.






If the functions of a system, as discussed above, tend to change often over the system’s life, can we find a more stable characterization of its essential properties, so as to guide our choice of modules and meet the goal of continuity?



The types of objects manipulated by the system are more promising candidates. Whatever happens to the payroll processing system used earlier as an example, it likely will still manipulate objects representing employees, salary scales, company regulations, hours worked, pay checks. Whatever happens to a compiler or other language processing tool, it likely will still manipulate source texts, token sequences, parse trees, abstract syntax trees, target code. Whatever happens to a finite element system, it likely will still manipulate matrices, finite elements and grids.

被系统操纵的对象类型是较有希望的备选方案.无论在先前所用的薪资处理系统例子上发生什么变化,它或许仍旧将操纵对象来描述雇员,薪水标准,公司规章,工时,薪资账单.无论在一个编译器或其它语言的处理工具上发生什么变化,它或许仍旧操纵着源代码,令牌顺序,剖析树,抽象语法树,目标码.无论在一个有限元系统上发生了什么变化,它或许仍然操纵着矩阵(matrices),有限元(finite elements)和网格.


This argument is based on pragmatic observation, not on a proof that object types are more stable than functions. But experience seems to support it overwhelmingly.



The argument only holds if we take a high-level enough view of objects. If we understood objects in terms of their physical representations, we would not be much better off than with functions — as a matter of fact probably worse, since a top-down functional decomposition at least encourages abstraction. So the question of finding a suitably abstract description of objects is crucial; it will occupy all of the next chapter.






The discussion of reusability pointed out that a routine (a unit of functional decomposition) was usually not sufficient as a unit of reusability.



The presentation used a typical example: table searching. Starting with a seemingly natural candidate for reuse, a searching routine, it noted that we cannot easily reuse such a routine separately from the other operations that apply to a table, such as creation, insertion and deletion; hence the idea that a satisfactory reusable module for such a problem should be a collection of such operations. But if we try to understand the conceptual thread that unites all these operations, we find the type of objects to which they apply — tables.

表示法曾用了一个典型的例子: 表查询. 一个查询例程,以一个表面上的潜在需求开始,注意到我们不能够简单地复用这样的一个例程,把它从应用于表的运算,如创建,插入和删除这样的运算中分开;因此,对这样的一个问题,一个能满足复用模块的想法应该是这些运算的一个集合(collection). 但是如果我们试着其理解概念上的思路,即把所有的这些运算联合起来,那么我们就能找到应用的对象类型-表.


Such examples suggest that object types, fully equipped with the associated operations, will provide stable units of reuse.






Another software quality factor, compatibility, was defined as the ease with which software products (for this discussion, modules) can be combined with each other.



It is difficult to combine actions if the data structures they access are not designed for that purpose. Why not instead try to combine entire data structures?




5.4 面向对象软件构造


We have by now accumulated enough background to consider a tentative definition of object-oriented software construction. This will only be a first attempt; a more concrete definition will follow from the discussion of abstract data types in the next chapter.




Object-oriented software construction (definition 1)

Object-oriented software construction is the software development method which bases the architecture of any software system on modules deduced from the types of objects it manipulates (rather than the function or functions that the system is intended to ensure).




An informal characterization of this approach may serve as a motto for the object-oriented designer:


















Ask not first what the system does:

Ask what it does it to!










To get a working implementation, you will of course, sooner or later, have to find out what it does. Hence the word first. Better later than sooner, says object-oriented wisdom. In this approach, the choice of main function is one of the very last steps to be taken in the process of system construction.



The developers will stay away, as long as possible, from the need to describe and implement the topmost function of the system. Instead, they will analyze the types of objects of the system. System design will progress through the successive improvements of their understanding of these object classes. It is a bottom-up process of building robust and extendible solutions to parts of the problem, and combining them into more and more powerful assemblies — until the final assembly which yields a solution of the original problem but, everyone hopes, is not the only possible one: the same components, assembled differently and probably combined with others, should be general enough to yield as a byproduct, if you have applied the method well and enjoyed your share of good luck, solutions to future problems as well.



For many software people this change in viewpoint is as much of a shock as may have been for others, in an earlier time, the idea of the earth orbiting around the sun rather than the reverse. It is also contrary to much of the established software engineering wisdom, which tends to present system construction as the fulfillment of a system’s function as expressed in a narrow, binding requirements document. Yet this simple idea — look at the data first, forget the immediate purpose of the system — may hold the key to reusability and extendibility.




5.5 议题


The above definition provides a starting point to discuss the object-oriented method. But besides providing components of the answer it also raises many new questions, such as:

• How to find the relevant object types.

• How to describe the object types.

• How to describe the relations and commonalities between object types.

• How to use object types to structure software.


·        该如何寻找有关的对象类型.

·        该如何描述对象类型.

·        该如何描述在对象类型之间的关系和共通性.

·        该如何使用对象类型构建软件.


The rest of this book will address these issues. Let us preview a few answers.



Finding the object types



The question “how shall we find the objects?” can seem formidable at first. A later chapter will examine it in some detail (in its more accurate version, which deals with object types rather than individual objects) but it is useful here to dispel some of the possible fears. The question does not necessarily occupy much of the time of experienced O-O developers, thanks in part to the availability of three sources of answers:



• Many objects are there just for the picking. They directly model objects of the physical reality to which the software applies. One of the particular strengths of object technology is indeed its power as a modeling tool, using software object types (classes) to model physical object types, and the method’s inter-object-type relations (client, inheritance) to model the relations that exist between physical object types, such as aggregation and specialization. It does not take a treatise on object-oriented analysis to convince a software developer that a call monitoring system, in a telecommunications application, will have a class CALL and a class LINE, or that a document processing system will have a class DOCUMENT, a class PARAGRAPH and a class FONT.



• A source of object types is reuse: classes previously developed by others. This technique, although not always prominent in the O-O analysis literature, is often among the most useful in practice. We should resist the impulse to invent something if the problem has already been solved satisfactorily by others.



• Finally, experience and imitation also play a role. As you become familiar with successful object-oriented designs and design patterns (such as some of those described in this book and the rest of the O-O literature), even those which are not directly reusable in your particular application, you will be able to gain inspiration from these earlier efforts.



We will be in a much better position to understand these object-finding techniques and others once we have gained a better technical insight into the software notion of object — not to be confused with the everyday meaning of the word.



Describing types and objects



A question of more immediate concern, assuming we know how to obtain the proper object types to serve as a basis for modularizing our systems, is how to describe these types and their objects.



Two criteria must guide us in answering this question:



• The need to provide representation-independent descriptions, for fear of losing (as noted) the principal benefit of top-down functional design: abstraction.



• The need to re-insert the functions, giving them their proper place in software architectures whose decomposition is primarily based on the analysis of object types since (as also noted) we must in the end accommodate both aspects of the object-function duality.



The next chapter develops an object description technique achieving these goals.



Describing the relations and structuring software



Another question is what kind of relation we should permit between object types; since the modules will be based on object types, the answer also determines the structuring techniques that will be available to make up software systems from components.



In the purest form of object technology, only two relations exist: client and inheritance. They correspond to different kinds of possible dependency between two object types A and B:

在最纯粹的对象技术形式中,只有二个关系存在: 客户端和继承.它们符合在二种对象类型AB之间的可能存在的不同种类的相关性:


B is a client of A if every object of type B may contain information about one or more objects of type A.



B is an heir of A if B denotes a specialized version of A.



Some widely used approaches to analysis, in particular information modeling approaches such as entity-relationship modeling, have introduced rich sets of relations to describe the many possible connections that may exist between the element of a system. To people used to such approaches, having to do with just two kinds of relation often seems restrictive at first. But this impression is not necessarily justified:

一些被广泛使用的分析方法,特别是信息建模方法如实体-关系建模(entity-relationship modeling),已经介绍了大量的相关机制来描述许多可能存在于系统元素之间的关联.在人们使用这样的方法之前,不得不首先处理二种看上去受限制的关系类型.但是这种印象不必证实:


• The client relation is broad enough to cover many different forms of dependency. Examples include what is often called aggregation (the presence in every object of type B of a subobject of type A), reference dependency, and generic dependency.



• The inheritance relation covers specialization in its many different forms.



• Many properties of dependencies will be expressed in a more general form through other techniques. For example, to describe a 1-to-n dependency (every object of type B is connected to at least one and at most n objects of type A) we will express that B is a client of A, and include a class invariant specifying the exact nature of the client relation. The class invariant, being expressed in the language of logic, covers many more cases than the finite set of primitive relations offered by entity-relationship modeling or similar approaches.

关联的许多属性通过其它的技术将会以一种更通用的形式表达出来.举例来说,要描述一个1-to-n(一对多)关联(B类型的每个对象至少被连接到一个或最多nA类型的对象上)我们将表示B是一个A的客户端,同时包括一个类不变式(class invariant)叙述客户端关系的精确类型。相比实体-关系建模或相似的方法提供的原始关系的有限集合,在逻辑语言中表达的类不变式包含了更多的情况。



5.6 摘要


• Computation involves three kinds of ingredient: processors (or threads of control), actions (or functions), and data (or objects).

计算包括三种成分: 处理器(或控制线程),动作(或函数)和数据(或对象).


• A system’s architecture may be obtained from the functions or from the object types.



• A description based on object types tends to provide better stability over time and better reusability than one based on an analysis of the system’s functions.



• It is usually artificial to view a system as consisting of just one function. A realistic system usually has more than one “top” and is better described as providing a set of services.



• It is preferable not to pay too much attention to ordering constraints during the early stages of system analysis and design. Many temporal constraints can be described more abstractly as logical constraints.



• Top-down functional design is not appropriate for the long-term view of software systems, which involves change and reuse.



• Object-oriented software construction bases the structure of systems on the types of objects they manipulate.



• In object-oriented design, the primary design issue is not what the system does, but what types of objects it does it to. The design process defers to the last steps the decision as to what is the topmost function, if any, of the system.



• To satisfy the requirements of extendibility and reusability, object-oriented software construction needs to deduce the architecture from sufficiently abstract descriptions of objects.



• Two kinds of relation may exist between object types: client and inheritance.

二种类型的关系可以在对象类型之间存在: 客户端和继承.


评论 3




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