<!-- JS文件压缩过滤器配置 begin-->
<!-- 压缩过滤器 GZIPFilter Definition -->
<!-- 压缩过滤器 CacheFilter Definition -->
<!-- JS文件压缩过滤器配置 end-->
# This properties file controls the behavior of the various
# filters available in the Tacit Knowledge filters package.
# Each filter has its own set of configuration directives,
# prefixed with the filter name, that controls that specific
# filter's behavior
# ClusterCheck
# A frequent problem when clustering is that applications use the session
# in a non-clusterable way, so The "ClusterCheckFilter" instruments the
# application server's sessions with checks to see if this is a problem.
# Its possible to check for modifications to session objects after
# they have been set in to the session. This is a problem for sessions
# that are replicated in a copy-on-write fashion
# Its possible to check serialized size to ensure high performance clustering
# Aggregate size is important for containers that serialize the whole session
# every time. An example would be a database-backed session store.
# An aggregate size limit will also cap the maximum RAM used by sessions,
# allowing you to quantify the RAM necessary for peak loads.
# Attribute size is important because each time an attribute is put in a
# session, it has to be serialized and persisted to a cluster peer, or
# to a database (depending on clustering implementations). Thus, very large
# session attributes will be a performance problem.
# ClusterCheck errors can return a 500 error to the client
# in order to have "fail-fast" behavior, if this is turned on.
# This is good for test machines, but is usually too aggressive for production.
# GZIPFilter
# A performance boost can be achieved by sending data from the application
# server to the client using the Gzip encoding. This incurs a small CPU
# cost to gain a large network benefit. The GZIPFilter, when enabled,
# transparently Gzip encodes all data after it leaves the application,
# but before its transmitted to the client.
# WARNING: GZIPFilter is currently not recommended for production use.
# It does not send all data under certain conditions.
# Its possible for the GZIPFilter to log statistics about the compression
# ratios and byte savings it is achieving. This turns that on or off.
# CacheFilter
# A server can send expiration headers to the client, enabling the client
# to confidently cache certain pieces of static content. This eliminates
# unnecessary conditional GETs from the client to validate the freshness of
# content. If the application is on a server that doesn't do that, this
# filter can be enabled and mapped to static content (images, javascript,
# css files, etc), potentially reducing network traffic a great deal.
# This is the number of minutes the client will wait before verifying the
# freshness of a piece of content.