之前使用Texturepacker 生成的Spritesheet很是顺手,所以现在在学习html5的时候,不自然的就像试一下html5和Texturepacker的结合,写了个小例子。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Created with TexturePacker http://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker-->
n => name of the sprite
x => sprite x pos in texture
y => sprite y pos in texture
w => sprite width (may be trimmed)
h => sprite height (may be trimmed)
oX => sprite's x-corner offset (only available if trimmed)
oY => sprite's y-corner offset (only available if trimmed)
oW => sprite's original width (only available if trimmed)
oH => sprite's original height (only available if trimmed)
r => 'y' only set if sprite is rotated
<TextureAtlas imagePath="attack.png" width="256" height="256">
<sprite n="AttackBB/00101.png" x="2" y="2" w="28" h="76" oX="235" oY="187" oW="512" oH="512"/>
<sprite n="AttackBB/00102.png" x="2" y="142" w="40" h="56" oX="238" oY="206" oW="512" oH="512"/>
<sprite n="AttackBB/00103.png" x="32" y="2" w="36" h="60" oX="235" oY="207" oW="512" oH="512"/>
<sprite n="AttackBB/00104.png" x="182" y="98" w="28" h="44" oX="243" oY="223" oW="512" oH="512"/>
<sprite n="