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原创 A Proud Linguist

Once there was an Austrian empire who made it a rule to interview everyone of his soldiers once a year. During the interview he invariably asked three questions----"How old are you?", "How long have y

2014-01-14 10:51:32 684

原创 The Stage Fright

Tom was sick with disappointment. The piano recital was successful except his solo. He didn't know how it was going. In fact, He had practised for several weeks seeming like several mouths. He has giv

2014-01-13 10:25:55 1050

原创 The Stolen Smell

A poor student lived in a small room in a restaurant where the room was near to the kitchen. He had little money. The restaurant owner was mean and nobody liked him. But he cooked well, so there were

2014-01-12 10:02:46 743

原创 A Pocketful of Pigs

Once there was no money for a trade. When they wanted to get something, they had to give something.They give a cow for one fish, a bowl for a shirt, seven orange for a fish. People had to trade for th

2014-01-11 09:29:20 594

原创 A Difficult Customer

Mrs Smith went to a shop selling gramophone record. She wanted to buy a record heard on the radio in the morning, but she couldn't remember the record name.Then she asked the salesgirl to play a few r

2014-01-10 10:25:31 804

原创 Why not Stop her?

These days I was busy with finished the graduate thesis. Little story plan has been suspended for several days.Now continuing.....The ladies club has a meeting every Friday afternoon and someone wil

2014-01-09 11:02:12 744

原创 A Mix-Up Language

Two British men went to France for a tour when a policeman stopped them and went for a search.He found a bag of power which looked suspicious."Drogue?",asked the heroin-conscious policeman."Yes, dogs,

2013-12-16 09:38:53 724

原创 A Ten-Dollar Bill

Tom was waiting in a long line at the grocery store. He had to pick up some items for his mother. He always did some chores for his parents after school. He enjoyed helping out at home. As waiting pat

2013-12-15 09:23:41 863

原创 Going to a Theatre

If you want to see a play in London, you must book a ticket in advance. You could either book a ticket at Theater Ticket Agency or a Box Office. It's rarely that you could buy a ticket five minutes be

2013-12-14 10:05:38 526

原创 At Christmas Time

Many people like to decorate the houses at Christmas time. They decorate the inside of the house and the outside two. Inside, they place a decorating Christmas tree and dress the fireplace, if they ha

2013-12-12 09:34:15 623

原创 Would You Like a Shave or a Haircut?

The poor farmer was always living in a country and he had never went to the city. Last time, he won a lot of money,so he could afford a holiday by the sea.After settling in a good hotel, he enjoyed hi

2013-12-11 09:20:55 1104

原创 If I Don't Do anything Else

John has got a economic paper to write. He put a piece of paper in the typewriter, ate a piece of candy and looked out from the window for a while. Just as setting about it, he realized that he hasn't

2013-12-10 10:11:24 785

原创 The Bell Rang Again

Mrs Smith had a hard-work  day at the office. Just as she arrived at home, the phone began to ring. It was the salesman to sell the light bulks. But she didn't need it and refused him. After put down

2013-12-09 11:34:11 1029

原创 They Are Here in My Hand

Mrs Smith loves flowers and she has a big garden with many kinds of flowers. At this time, it was a season for the rose. The rose in Mrs Smith's garden was the flourishing in the street. One afternoon

2013-12-08 09:58:52 566

原创 As Other Children Do

John was the only son of a very wealthy businessman. Usually he was taken to school by the chauffeur in his father's beautiful car. One evening, John's father told him that he need to the chauffeur se

2013-12-07 09:31:34 542

原创 Christmas Cards

It's going to be the Christmas Day.Mrs Smith is very busy. She has bought some Christmas Cards to sent to her friends and her husband's friends. When her husband, Mr Smith, come back from work, she sa

2013-12-06 09:22:53 502

原创 An Childhood Memory

The country school is not far from Uncle Sam' s farm. The school locates in a clearing in the woods and could hold about twenty boys or girls  I need to go the school once or twice a week with more or

2013-12-05 10:22:22 591

原创 How to Revise her Restaurant?

Jenny was worried about her restaurant very much. She had lost many customers because there was a new restaurant named the Charcoal Pit across the street appealing more customers than she did. She wan

2013-12-04 09:32:48 994

原创 In Three month's time

Susan was seventeen when she left the high school  and she went to a college for a year to learn to type, because she wanted to find a typist job after graduation. A year later, there was a big need f

2013-12-02 10:01:45 936

原创 Growth with Everything

Cindy walked briskly into the yard and took a deep breath of the fresh and cool air. Seeing everything in the yard was grow cheerful, Cindy felt eager to do some work. Then she took a spade from the h

2013-12-01 10:43:04 615

原创 Give me a big box of chocolates

John likes to eat chocolates very much, but his mother doesn't want him to eat, because it's bad for his tooth. John has a kind grandfather. He likes John very much. When he comes to see John, he will

2013-11-30 09:53:06 817

原创 Where are you going?

Mrs Jones was cleaning the house. She worn dirty clothes without stockings. Her hair was in a mess and there was even some dust on her face. When his husband, Mr Jones ,come home,  he said to Mrs Jone

2013-11-28 09:47:11 663

原创 Mrs Neat

Mrs Neat is a tidy and orderly woman. One day she got on a bus, went up to the top and sat down. When a conductor asked her for a fare, she opened her bag, took out her purse, closed the bag, opened h

2013-11-27 10:03:49 581

原创 A Unforgettable Camping Activity

Last weekend, I went camping with my classmates on the beach. It's a nice and unforgettable experience. The day was fine and we took many activities there.In the daytime, we went to swim in the sea. M

2013-11-25 09:11:21 734

原创 After a Heavy SnowStorm

One night there was a heavy snowstorm.In the morning, the garden was full of deep snow and my  mother couldn't take out the car. So she paid a man to clean the path from the garage to the gate. My mot

2013-11-24 10:25:43 1522

原创 Wave to Everybody

My uncle, Peter, is living in the county. One summer I went to stay with him for a few weeks. Whenever we took a walk or drove a car outside, we would meet somebody. At this time uncle Peter was sure

2013-11-23 09:00:15 787

转载 linux shell export 环境变量

shell 与 export命令用户登录到Linux系统后,系统将启动一个用户shell。在这个shell中,可以使用shell命令或声明变量,也可以创建并运行shell脚本程序。运行shell脚本程序时,系统将创建一个子shell。此时,系统中将有两个shell,一个是登录时系统启动的shell,另一个是系统为运行脚本程序创建的shell。当一个脚本程序运行完毕,脚本shell将

2013-11-22 20:27:31 2637

原创 Auto Dishwasher

Some days ago, a new neighbor  moved next to my house.We all call her Mrs Brown. Mrs Brown always likes to talk a lot about her expensive furniture, beautiful carpet and new kitchen.One day, she tol

2013-11-22 08:56:43 639

原创 My Grandfather

My Grandfather is living with us. Every morning  he will go out for a walk in the park  and get back at half past twelve for lunch. One day, a police car stopped outside my house. Two policemen helped

2013-11-21 13:20:21 726

原创 The Foreigner Did

I have a neighbor named Tom. Last summer, Tom was planning to travel to London, so he decided to practice his English before his trip. Everyday, he went to the evening class and learned English cultur

2013-11-18 15:08:15 717

转载 MVC 是什么?

MVC (Modal View Controler)本来是存在于Desktop程序中的,M是指数据模型,V是指用户界面,C则是控制器。使用MVC的目的是将M和V的实现代码分离,从而使同一个程序可以使用不同的表现形式。比如一批统计数据你可以分别用柱状图、饼图来表示。C存在的目的则是确保M和V的同步,一旦M改变,V应该同步更新。模型-视图-控制器(MVC)是Xerox PARC在八十年代为

2013-10-25 15:14:53 544

转载 2008-11-10 15:24 Linux下C语言的多线程编程学习[写得很好哦]

Linux下C语言的多线程编程学习一、首先,简单了解一下多线程,从耳熟能详的fork()、pthread中理点头绪出来,然后自己写一个简单的来增加一下信心。1、Linux系统下的多线程遵循POSIX线程接口,称为pthread。编写Linux下的多线程程序,需要使用头文件pthread.h,连 接时需要使用库libpthread.a。因此,后面的编译必须在选项中加入 -lpthread 选

2013-09-29 11:39:35 540

转载 判断单链表中是否存在环及查找环的入口点

问题1:如何判断单链表中是否存在环(即上图中从结点E到结点R组成的环)?解答:         设一快一慢两个指针(实际上是两个迭代器,Node *fast, *low)同时从链表起点开始遍历,其中快指针每次移动长度为2,慢指针则为1。则若无环,开始遍历之后fast不可能与low重合,且fast或fast->next最终必然到达NULL;若有环,则fast必然不迟于low先进入环,且由于f

2013-09-28 18:34:39 527

原创 C++ 中的流操作

C++中IO操作都可以用流对象来实现,一般有三种流对象:1)控制台流对象: istream, ostream, iostream 2)文件流对象: fstream, ifstream, ofstream3)字符串流对象: stringstream, istringstream, ostringstream以上三种流类的读写都是以char 类型组成的流,对于wchar_t ,C++中

2013-09-01 18:05:44 976

转载 中缀表达式转为二叉树

8-(3+5)*(5-6/2) 怎样把中缀表达式转为二叉树?中缀表达式的括号怎样处理?一般情况下并不能由一个中缀表达式得到一个唯一的二叉树,但是若由二叉树来表示表达式,叶子节点必须是操作数,非叶子节点是操作符,所以能够确定一个二叉树:转化过程如下:按照优先级加上括号,得到:( 8 - ( (3 + 5) * ( 5 - (6 / 2) ) ) ) 然后从最外层括号开始,依次

2013-09-01 11:07:50 13029 2

转载 Linux下的tar压缩解压缩命令详解

tar-c: 建立压缩档案-x:解压-t:查看内容-r:向压缩归档文件末尾追加文件-u:更新原压缩包中的文件这五个是独立的命令,压缩解压都要用到其中一个,可以和别的命令连用但只能用其中一个。下面的参数是根据需要在压缩或解压档案时可选的。-z:有gzip属性的-j:有bz2属性的-Z:有compress属性的-v:显示所有过程-O:将文件解开到标准输出

2013-08-13 12:49:41 474

转载 linux执行shell脚本的方式及一些区别

假设shell脚本文件为hello.sh放在/root目录下。下面介绍几种在终端执行shell脚本的方法:[root@localhost home]# cd /root/[root@localhost ~]#vim hello.sh#!  /bin/bashcd /tmpecho "hello guys!"echo "welcome to my Blog:lin

2013-07-15 19:16:25 552

原创 sizeof 和 strlen 的区别和联系

1.sizeof是算符,strlen是函数。2.sizeof计算变量函数在内存中分配的字节数,strlen 计算的是字符串的长度。3.sizeof可以用函数,类型做参数,strlen只能用字符串做参数。4.sizeof 和strlen在处理静态字符数组方面的区别:          char str[20]="0123456789";           sizeof(str)

2013-04-18 19:59:43 438

转载 const iterator ,iterator 和const_iterator的区别

1.iterator,const_iterator作用:遍历容器内的元素,并访问这些元素的值。iterator可以改元素值,但const_iterator不可改。跟C的指针有点像(容器均可以++iter,而vector还可以iter-n, iter+n,n为一整型,iter1-iter2:结果是difference_type类型,表两元素的距离.)2.const_iterator 对象

2013-04-17 15:14:29 2047

原创 《ubuntu 标准教程》读书笔记(一)

8.3.2  获取已安装软件包的信息Ubuntu Linux将所有已安装或已卸载的软件包信息都全部记录下来,以便后期的检索。然而这个安装记录非常多,靠手工查询费时费力,使用dpkg工具可以很方便地完成信息提取。1.查看当前系统中已安装软件包Ubuntu Linux系统是由非常多的程序组件支撑运行的。查询当前系统中的软件包安装情况,了解某个软件包的安装状态等操作都是经常要做的

2013-04-13 15:45:49 575










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