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原创 码农黑话-缩写用语

RTFM是一个网络语言,意思是:“去读那些他妈的手册”(Read The Fucking Manual),这句话通常用在回复那些只要查阅文件就可以解决,拿出来提问只是浪费别人时间的问题。AFAIK/AFAICT  —  as far as I know / can tellLGTM  —  Looks good to me.IANAL  — “ I am not a lawyer ”, but I smell licensing issuesIMO  — (In my opinion),在我看来.

2021-10-09 11:18:21 1123

原创 Python Rule Engine

Those rule engines in python are:pyDatalog Pyke PyCLIPS durable_rules Intellect business-rules PyKnowRelative question link in stackoverflow:Python Rule Based Engine Open Source based Rules Engines in Java or Python Implementing a "rules engin

2021-07-28 09:49:06 1584

原创 Postgresql

PostgreSQL vs MySQLhttps://www.cnblogs.com/geekmao/p/8541817.html数据迁移 —— 从 PostgreSQL 到 MySQLhttps://www.cnblogs.com/xjnotxj/p/12776575.htmlPG2MySQLhttps://github.com/pivotal-cf/pg2mysqlIn PostgreSQL it is common to use thetextdatatype for ch..

2021-07-26 14:41:09 184

原创 阿里云大数据

图计算https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/134413.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.6.561.44e366f2XItg8jGraph Studio简介Graph Studio是Dataworks旗下一站式图计算研发平台,为图应用开发者提供了实例建模、数据导入、数据查询、可视化分析等一站式的研发服务。Graph Studio核心功能特性如下:实例建模:用户可以通过列表模式和可视化模式快速构建图实例的点/边 数据导入:支持m

2021-07-26 11:36:40 110

原创 阿里云日志分析

分析uwsgi日志耗时* | select approx_percentile(try_cast(time as bigint),Array[0.5,0.85,0.95]), max(try_cast(time as bigint)) as max, count(time) as count from (select regexp_extract(content, '.* in (\d+) msecs .*', 1) as time from log)

2021-06-04 15:51:36 589

原创 zstdmd


2021-06-01 09:18:53 163

原创 Set -e -x

They are options passed tobashseehelp setfor more info, in this case:-x Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.-e Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.

2021-06-01 09:13:33 99

原创 python percent_to_float

参考代码def percent_to_float(data): """Convert percentage string to float. e.g. 99% -> 0.99 """ if data is None: return 0.0 if isinstance(data, (int, float)): return float(data) return float(data.strip('%')) / 1.

2021-05-27 15:07:49 198

原创 pytest capture ouptut

During test execution any output sent tostdoutandstderris captured. If a test or a setup method fails its according captured output will usually be shown along with the failure traceback. (this behavior can be configured by the--show-capturecommand-l...

2021-05-26 16:34:01 330

原创 Python Articles

flask 2.0 releasehttps://palletsprojects.com/blog/flask-2-0-released/

2021-05-22 16:01:54 111

原创 python pip 依赖冲突定位

今天pip安装一直遇到Jinja2冲突可以使用pipdeptree定位冲突原因说明文档https://pypi.org/project/pipdeptree/pipdeptree -r -p Jinja2Warning!!! Possibly conflicting dependencies found:* Flask==2.0.0 - Jinja2 [required: >=3.0, installed: 2.11.3]* networkx==2.5.1 - deco.

2021-05-21 17:27:30 3660 2

原创 阿里云日志服务数据加工

日志服务可以使用DSL进行加工处理阿里云帮助文档数据加工语法简介https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/zh/doc-detail/125439.htm?spm=a2c63.p38356.b99.358.1d114889OpfTP1函数总览https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/159702.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.6.1004.3a9628c75XwwfpSamplee_if( ..

2021-05-18 15:58:09 478

原创 Python *args and **kwargs

总结*argsand**kwargsare special keyword which allows function to take variable length argument. *argspasses variable number of non-keyworded arguments list and on which operation of the list can be performed. **kwargspasses variable number of keywor...

2021-05-11 17:54:31 53

原创 poetry

poetry commandpoetry installpoetry buildpoetry install -E serverpoetry run pytest -v --cov=lxapi --cov-config .coveragercpoetry buildpoetry update xxxpyproject.tomlhttps://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/lock versionhttps://github.com/p

2021-05-11 17:35:16 85

原创 Python Logging

Python loggine default level is warningThe default logging level is warning. Since you haven't changed the level, the root logger's level is still warning. That means that it will ignore any logging with a level that is lower than warning, including debu

2021-04-23 09:58:25 157 1

原创 python json schema validation

schema自动生成-gensonhttps://pypi.org/project/genson/builder = SchemaBuilder()builder.add_object(data)fp = open("test.txt", "w")print(builder.to_json(indent=4, ensure_ascii=False), file=fp)fp.close()schema校验-gsonschemahttps://pypi.org/project/j.

2021-04-16 16:39:56 345

原创 pycharm技能

自动生成带参数的docstringhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/36292999/pycharm-does-not-auto-create-documentation-stubs生成格式类型 """ :param investor: :type investor: :return: :rtype: """

2021-04-16 09:47:03 73

原创 限流ratelimit示例参考

python ratelimit decoratorhttps://github.com/tomasbasham/ratelimittwitter rate limithttps://python-twitter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/twitter/ratelimit.htmlguava rate limithttps://www.baeldung.com/guava-rate-limiter

2021-03-09 18:10:02 264

原创 Python开发工具

IDEpycharm community对比专业版少了web开发,django等https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/features/editions_comparison_matrix.htmlPycharm pluginsEnvFilehttps://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7861-envfile

2021-02-20 10:14:12 51

原创 bump version


2021-01-19 17:24:00 498 1

原创 JAVA8 CompletableFuture

JAVA 8 CompletableFuture特点JAVA8直接支持使用简单异步基于ForkJoinPool限制all不返回结果combine可以两两合并返回合并结果

2021-01-15 09:21:12 105

原创 Python Log Config

参考https://github.com/madzak/python-json-loggerhttps://github.com/hynek/structlog示例propogate设置为False,否则root logger也会输出trigger_logger = logging.getLogger("trigger")logHandler = logging.StreamHandler()formatter = jsonlogger.JsonFormatter(json_en

2021-01-14 17:03:13 356

原创 python virtualenv

开始: virtualenv venv进入: source venv/bin/activate退出: deactivate

2021-01-13 21:51:48 61

原创 JAVA Stream处理

代码用例filter & sorted & forEach List<Processor> processors = processorRegistry.getProcessors(); processors.stream().filter(it -> { return StringUtil.equals(POST, it.type())

2021-01-13 21:37:32 79

原创 网关实现

参考Zuul实现前置后置过滤器过滤器注册器githubhttps://github.com/Netflix/zuul/blob/be48a05641c2d5a5aa507539150f42d46c7120cc/zuul-core/src/main/java/com/netflix/zuul/filters/MutableFilterRegistry.java不用翻墙的国内代码https://gitee.com/netflix/zuulZuul 1.x的处理器逻辑https://g

2021-01-13 21:23:30 195

原创 JAVA正则处理

正则工具https://regex101.com/java8正则笔记https://zq99299.github.io/java-tutorial/essential/regex/介绍正则表达式(regex)即一种搜索字符串中模式(pattern)。模式可以是任意的字符串,或者是一个复杂的表达式。正则主要应用在字符串的搜索,编辑等操作上。语法1 如下egrep使用的是正则的语法,虽然是命令行,但内涵一样。.代表任意的字符串,所以egrep搜索字符的时候所以的字符都是红色的,...

2021-01-13 21:15:34 206

原创 手动rebase:一种merge操作

手动rebase:一种merge操作• 1.checkout master分支:git checkout master• 2.master 分支更新:git pull -p• 3.checkout 开发分支:git checkout {dev_branch}• 4.开发分支更新:git pull -p• 5.发起 merge(一定要checkout在本地分支): git merge master• 6.解决冲突...

2020-05-19 13:15:47 869

原创 mac下安装mysql

一直用的docker的mysql,今天尝试在mac下安装mysql,还是踩了一些坑。安装brew install mysql@5.7重置密码brew services stop mysql@5.7 cd /usr/local/opt/mysql@5.7/bin /mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables Command+N新开窗口 mysql -u r...

2020-01-29 12:11:41 226

原创 分层设计

Repository的使用https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000012346333Repository蕴含着真正的OO概念,即一个数据仓库角色,负责所有对象的持久化管理。DAO则没有摆脱数据的影子,仍然停留在数据操作的层面上。Repository是相对对象而言,DAO则是相对数据库而言,虽然可能是同一个东西 ,但侧重点完全不同。Repository居于业务...

2020-01-20 14:10:29 215

原创 Mybatis出坑记

Springboot mybatis集成 Invalid bound statement (not found)https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35981283/article/details/78590090后来实在没办法了,跟以前的项目逐一比对,发现application.properties中忘记了mybatise的两行配置:mybatis.typeAliase...

2019-12-26 22:22:20 179

原创 Mac技能

Where is gradle installed on my machttp://intrepidjava.com/gradle-installed-mac/Now navigate to/usr/local/binand run 1 ls -la gradle The result will be 1 2 ...

2019-12-19 10:03:59 160

原创 架构设计摘要

领域模型,你真的理解的了吗?https://www.jianshu.com/p/fe45506ea358领域模型是分析业务的分析模型,在实际项目中主要由系统分析师在分析阶段中使用。DDD的“领域模型”是综合分析、设计的模型,在实际项目中横跨分析和设计两个阶段,岗位需要具备“系统分析师”和“系统设计师”的综合能力。领域模型主要内容:业务实体 业务实体之间关系“领域模型”主要内...

2019-12-17 14:41:27 184

原创 Visual Paradigm使用技能

Why there are “a” and “M” icon showing in my shapes?https://knowhow.visual-paradigm.com/diagramming/a-and-m-icon/

2019-12-17 14:20:44 308

原创 数据产品架构


2019-09-30 16:05:33 909

原创 切面捕获异常

@Aspectpublic class RiskExceptionAspect { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerNamesConstants.RISK); @Pointcut(value = "execution(* com.xxx.risk..*.*(..))") ...

2019-08-22 19:37:57 2052

原创 什么是Dimension table(维表)

什么是Dimension table(维表)Dimension Table概念多出现于数据仓库里面,维表与事实表想对应,比如一个 “销售统计表” 就是一个 事实表,而 “销售统计表” 里面统计数据的来源离不开 “商品价格表”,“商品价格表” 就是销售统计的一个维度表。事实数据和维度数据的识别必须依据具体的主题问题而定。“事实表” 用来存储事实的度量及指向各个维的外键值。维表用来保存该维的元数据...

2019-07-20 09:58:40 25545 1

原创 怎么写好release note

怎么写好release note。https://www.zhihu.com/question/21207358/answer/57746997https://www.productplan.com/release-notes-best-practices/https://www.jianshu.com/p/8ff449fc83a7

2019-07-18 13:58:24 11682

原创 AARRR漏斗模型

2019-05-20 22:32:37 1447

原创 工单系统


2019-04-29 15:24:12 4636

原创 自动刷新按钮举例

var $j = $$; setInterval(function(){$j('#newPost .btn-box button')[0].click();}, 30000);延时30s模拟点击按钮

2019-04-08 11:44:41 337


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curl for Windows

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GIF Movie Gear软件是一个非常好用的GIF动画制作软件,它的操作使用非常简单,可以将动画图片文件减肥。除了可将编辑好的图片文件存成动画GIF外,还以可输出成AVI或ANI动画游标的文件格式。


Effective C# chm

C#'s resemblances to C++, Java, and C make it easier to learn, but there's a downside: C# programmers often continue to use older techniques when far better alternatives are available. In Effective C#, respected .NET expert Bill Wagner identifies fifty ways you can start leveraging the full power of C# in order to write faster, more efficient, and more reliable software


Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed (2007).pdf

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is Microsoft’s latest technology for creating graphical user interfaces, whether they consist of plain forms, document-centric windows, animated cartoons, videos, mmersive 3D environments, or all of the above! This is a technology that makes it easier than ever to create a broad range of pplications. For example, WPF makes it relatively straightforward to implement applications similar to Windows Media Player, Microsoft Word (or at least WordPad), and, yes, even Microsoft PowerPoint!


Debugging Applications for Microsoft .NET and Microsoft Windows

You get huge development advantages with Microsoft visual Studio .NET but you need a new bag of debugging tricks to take full advantage of them in today’s .NET and Win32 development worlds. Learn lethally effective, real-world application debugging techniques for .NET Framework 1.1 and windows with this fully updated programming guide. Debugging expert John Robbins expands the first edition of his classic debugging book with all-new scenarios and bug-killing tools, tips, and techniques. You’ll see every .NET and Windows debugging scenario here—from XML Web services and Microsoft ASP.NET to Windows services and exceptions. Along with John’s expert guidance, you get more than 6 MB of his battle-tested source code—for the tools and tactics you need to ship better software faster!


Introducing Microsoft Silverlight 1.0

Introducing Microsoft Silverlight 1.0<br>by Laurence Moroney<br><br>ISBN: 9780735625396<br><br> * Chapter 1: Silverlight and User Experience<br> * Chapter 5: Programming Silverlight with JavaScript<br>


Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX

Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX<br>by Dino Esposito<br><br>ISBN: 9780735624139<br><br> * Chapter 1: The AJAX Revolution<br> * Chapter 5: The AJAX Control Toolkit<br>


Introducing Microsoft LINQ

Introducing Microsoft LINQ<br>by Paolo Pialorsi and Marco Russo<br><br>ISBN: 9780735623910<br><br> * Chapter 1: LINQ Introduction<br> * Chapter 2: C# Language Features<br> * Chapter 3: Visual Basic 9.0 Language Features<br> * Chapter 4: LINQ Syntax Fundamentals<br> * Chapter 5: LINQ to ADO.NET<br> * Chapter 6: LINQ to XML<br>


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精心收藏的支持.net 2.0和中文的Ndoc.可以将C#.NET 编译生成的程序集和对应的/doc XML 文档,自动转换成如.NET Framework SDK 类库文档或者MSDN Library 在线.NET 类库文档形式的代码文档,让您快速拥有专业级的类库API 文档。



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Exception C++系列

Herb Scutter的好书<br>Exceptional C++<br>More Exceptional C++



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