Incident Response and Computer Forensics, Second Edition A strong system of defenses will save your systems from falling victim to published and otherwise uninventive attacks, but even the most heavily defended system can be cracked under the right conditions. Incident Response aims to teach you how to determine when an attack has occurred or is underway--they're often hard to spot--and show you what to do about it. Authors Kevin Mandia and Chris Prosise favor a tools- and procedures-centric approach to the subject, thereby distinguishing this book from others that catalog particular attacks and methods for dealing with each one. The approach is more generic, and therefore better suited to dealing with newly emerging attack techniques. Anti-attack procedures are presented with the goal of identifying, apprehending, and successfully prosecuting attackers. The advice on carefully preserving volatile information, such as the list of processes active at the time of an attack, is easy to follow. The book is quick to endorse tools, the functionalities of which are described so as to inspire creative applications. Information on bad-guy behavior is top quality as well, giving readers knowledge of how to interpret logs and other observed phenomena. Mandia and Prosise don't--and can't--offer a foolproof guide to catching crackers in the act, but they do offer a great "best practices" guide to active surveillance. --David Wall Topics covered: Monitoring computer systems for evidence of malicious activity, and reacting to such activity when it's detected. With coverage of Windows and Unix systems as well as non-platform-specific resources like Web services and routers, the book covers the fundamentals of incident response, processes for gathering evidence of an attack, and tools for making forensic work easier. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Book Description Written by FBI insiders, this updated best-seller offers a look at the legal, procedural, and technical steps of incident response and computer forensics. Including new chapters on forensic analysis and remediation, and real-world case studies, this revealing book shows how to counteract and conquer today’s hack attacks. # 507 pages # Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Osborne; 2 edition (July 17, 2003) # Language: English # ISBN-10: 007222696X # ISBN-13: 978-0072226966
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INTRODUCTION A ccording to the Internet research firm comScore, goods and services worthmorethan$17billionweresoldviatheInternetinthefirstquar- ter of 2002. It has been our experience that wherever money goes, crime follows. We have spent the last few years responding to incidents where the number one goal of a computer crime was money. Nearly every computer intrusion we have responded to was followed by credit card fraud, extortion, or fraudulent purchases of merchandise by thieves who had obtained valid customer credentials on e-commerce sites. It is highly probable that these intrusions also led to identity theft. With enough infor- mation about an individual, evildoers can manufacture false credentials andattempttowithdrawmoneyfromanunwittingperson’sbankaccounts. Today’s attackers are much more efficient and aggressive at seeking eco- nomic gain than they have been in the past. New regulations and standards are indirectly and directly influencing an organization’s capability to respond to computer security incidents. Therefore, we wrote this book to illustrate a professional approach to inves- tigating computer security incidents in an effort to help organizations com- ply with the new standards and regulatory requirements, as well as to minimize losses. xxv Copyright 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use. Duringaninvestigationofacomputersecurityincident,theuntrainedsystemadmin- istrator, law enforcement officer, or computer security expert may accidentally destroy valuable evidence or fail to discover critical clues of unlawful or unauthorized activity. We have witnessed lack of education curtail too many efforts to apprehend external and internal attackers. We have also witnessed computer forensics evolve from an esoteric skill to a propri- etary esoteric skill, with nearly every company that performs forensic analysis develop- ing many of its own tools and not sharing them. Also, much of the forensic training is availabletolawenf




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