Original Export



  1. Several system schemas cannot be exported because they are not user schemas; they contain Oracle-managed data and metadata. Examples of schemas that are not exported include SYS, ORDSYS, and MDSYS.
  2. SYSDBA is used internally and has specialized functions; its behavior is not the same as for generalized users. Therefore, you should not typically need to start Export as SYSDBA except in the following situations:

At the request of Oracle technical support

When importing a transportable tablespace set

  1. Export Modes

Nonprivileged users can export and import only indexes they own on tables they own. They cannot export indexes they own that are on tables owned by other users, nor can they export indexes owned by other users on their own tables. Privileged users can export and import indexes on the specified users' tables, even if the indexes are owned by other users. Indexes owned by the specified user on other users' tables are not included, unless those other users are included in the list of users to export.

Nonprivileged and privileged users can export and import all triggers owned by the user, even if they are on tables owned by other users.

A full export does not export triggers owned by schema SYS. You must manually re-create SYS triggers either before or after the full import. Oracle recommends that you re-create them after the import in case they define actions that would impede progress of the import.

  1. Export Parameters


Default: operating system-dependent. Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer used to fetch rows. As a result, this parameter determines the maximum number of rows in an array fetched by Export. Use the following formula to calculate the buffer size:

buffer_size = rows_in_array * maximum_row_size

If you specify zero, then the Export utility fetches only one row at a time.

Tables with columns of type LOBs, LONG, BFILE, REF, ROWID, LOGICAL ROWID, or DATE are fetched one row at a time.

The BUFFER parameter applies only to conventional path Export. For direct path Exports, use the RECORDLENGTH parameter to specify the size of the buffer that Export uses for writing to the export file.

This section shows an example of how to calculate buffer size.The following table is created:

CREATE TABLE sample (name varchar(30), weight number);

The maximum size of the name column is 30, plus 2 bytes for the indicator. The maximum size of the weight column is 22 (the size of the internal representation for Oracle numbers), plus 2 bytes for the indicator. Therefore, the maximum row size is 56 (30+2+22+2).

To perform array operations for 100 rows, a buffer size of 5600 should be specified.



The default, COMPRESS=y, causes Export to flag table data for consolidation into one initial extent upon import.

If extent sizes are large (for example, because of the PCTINCREASE parameter), then the allocated space will be larger than the space required to hold the data.

If you specify COMPRESS=n, then Export uses the current storage parameters, including the values of initial extent size and next extent size. The values of the parameters may be the values specified in the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements or the values modified by the database system. For example, the NEXT extent size value may be modified if the table grows and if the PCTINCREASE parameter is nonzero.

The COMPRESS parameter does not work with bitmapped tablespaces.

Neither LOB data nor subpartition data is compressed. Rather, values of initial extent size and next extent size at the time of export are used.  这两种segment不会compressed



默认不使用导出一个对象对应一个事务,但如果导出此对象使用了nest table或为分区表,还是不能保证单表一致的

Specifies whether Export uses the SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY statement to ensure that the data seen by Export is consistent to a single point in time and does not change during the execution of the exp command.

If you use CONSISTENT=n, then each table is usually exported in a single transaction.但是对于nested table 与分区表还分开导出:However, if a table contains nested tables, then the outer table and each inner table are exported as separate transactions. If a table is partitioned, then each partition is exported as a separate transaction.

Therefore, if nested tables and partitioned tables are being updated by other applications, then the data that is exported could be inconsistent. To minimize this possibility, export those tables at a time when updates are not being done.

If the export uses CONSISTENT=y, then none of the updates by user2 are written to the export file. If the export uses CONSISTENT=n, then the updates to TAB:P1 are not written to the export file. However, the updates to TAB:P2 are written to the export file, because the update transaction is committed before the export of TAB:P2 begins. As a result, the user2 transaction is only partially recorded in the export file, making it inconsistent.

If you use CONSISTENT=y and the volume of updates is large, then the rollback segment usage will be large. In addition, the export of each table will be slower, because the rollback segment must be scanned for uncommitted transactions.

Keep in mind the following points about using CONSISTENT=y:

  1. CONSISTENT=y is unsupported for exports that are performed when you are connected as user SYS or you are using AS SYSDBA, or both.
  2. Export of certain metadata may require the use of the SYS schema within recursive SQL. In such situations, the use of CONSISTENT=y will be ignored. Oracle recommends that you avoid making metadata changes during an export process in which CONSISTENT=y is selected.
  3. To minimize the time and space required for such exports, you should export tables that need to remain consistent separately from those that do not. For example, export the emp and dept tables together in a consistent export, and then export the remainder of the database in a second pass.
  4. A "snapshot too old" error occurs when rollback space is used up, and space taken up by committed transactions is reused for new transactions. Reusing space in the rollback segment allows database integrity to be preserved with minimum space requirements, but it imposes a limit on the amount of time that a read-consistent image can be preserved.
  5. If a committed transaction has been overwritten and the information is needed for a read-consistent view of the database, then a "snapshot too old" error results.
  6. To avoid this error, you should minimize the time taken by a read-consistent export. (Do this by restricting the number of objects exported and, if possible, by reducing the database transaction rate.) Also, make the rollback segment as large as possible. Rollback segments will be deprecated in a future Oracle database release. Oracle recommends that you use automatic undo management instead.

2.4 FILE

Because Export supports multiple export files, you can specify multiple file names to be used. For example:

exp scott FILE = dat1.dmp, dat2.dmp, dat3.dmp FILESIZE=2048


Export supports writing to multiple export files, and Import can read from multiple export files. If you specify a value (byte limit) for the FILESIZE parameter, then Export will write only the number of bytes you specify to each dump file.

默认单位为byte也可以另加单位,如KB, MB, GB


Specifies the system change number (SCN) that Export will use to enable flashback. The export operation is performed with data consistent as of this specified SCN.


Enables you to specify a timestamp. Export finds the SCN that most closely matches the specified timestamp. This SCN is used to enable flashback. The export operation is performed with data consistent as of this SCN.

2.8 FULL

A full database export and import can be a good way to replicate or clean up a database. However, to avoid problems be sure to keep the following points in mind:

  1. A full export does not export triggers owned by schema SYS. You must manually re-create SYS triggers either before or after the full import. Oracle recommends that you re-create them after the import in case they define actions that would impede progress of the import.
  2. A full export also does not export the default profile. then you must manually modify the default profile in the target database after the import completes.
  3. If possible, before beginning, make a physical copy of the exported database and the database into which you intend to import. This ensures that any mistakes are reversible.
  4. Before you begin the export, it is advisable to produce a report that includes the following information:

A list of tablespaces and data files

A list of rollback segments

A count, by user, of each object type such as tables, indexes, and so on

This information lets you ensure that tablespaces have already been created and that the import was successful.

  1. Do not perform a full import on a system that has more than one database unless you are certain that all tablespaces have already been created. A full import creates any undefined tablespaces using the same data file names as the exported database. This can result in problems in the following situations:

If the data files belong to any other database, then they will become corrupted. This is especially true if the exported database is on the same system, because its data files will be reused by the database into which you are importing.

If the data files have names that conflict with existing operating system files.


Default: y. Specifies whether the Export utility exports object grants. The object grants that are exported depend on whether you use full database mode or user mode. In full database mode, all grants on a table are exported. In user mode, only those granted by the owner of the table are exported. System privilege grants are always exported.


Default: n. If OBJECT_CONSISTENT is set to y, then each object is exported in its own read-only transaction, even if it is partitioned. In contrast, if you use the CONSISTENT parameter, then there is only one read-only transaction.

2.11 QUERY

This parameter enables you to select a subset of rows from a set of tables when doing a table mode export. The value of the query parameter is a string that contains a WHERE clause for a SQL SELECT statement that will be applied to all tables (or table partitions) listed in the TABLES parameter.

If a table is missing the columns specified in the QUERY clause, then an error message will be produced, and no rows will be exported for the offending table.

exp scott TABLES=emp QUERY=\"WHERE job=\'SALESMAN\' and sal \<1600\"

Restrictions When Using the QUERY Parameter

  1. The QUERY parameter cannot be specified for full, user, or tablespace-mode exports.
  2. The QUERY parameter must be applicable to all specified tables.
  3. The QUERY parameter cannot be specified in a direct path Export (DIRECT=y)
  4. The QUERY parameter cannot be specified for tables with inner nested tables.
  5. You cannot determine from the contents of the export file whether the data is the result of a QUERY export.


Default: operating system-dependent. Specifies the length, in bytes, of the file record. The RECORDLENGTH parameter is necessary when you must transfer the export file to another operating system that uses a different default value.

If you do not define this parameter, then it defaults to your platform-dependent value for buffer size.You can set RECORDLENGTH to any value equal to or greater than your system's buffer size. (The highest value is 64 KB.) Changing the RECORDLENGTH parameter affects only the size of data that accumulates before writing to the disk. It does not affect the operating system file block size.

You can use this parameter to specify the size of the Export I/O buffer.


Default: n. The RESUMABLE parameter is used to enable and disable resumable space allocation.




This parameter is ignored unless the RESUMABLE parameter is set to y to enable resumable space allocation.


Default: 7200 seconds (2 hours) This parameter is ignored unless the RESUMABLE parameter is set to y to enable resumable space allocation.

2.16 ROWS

Default: y.Specifies whether the rows of table data are exported.




However, the precalculated optimizer statistics will not be used at export time if a table has columns with system-generated names.

The precalculated optimizer statistics are flagged as questionable at export time if:

  1. There are row errors while exporting
  2. The client character set or NCHAR character set does not match the server character set or NCHAR character set
  3. A QUERY clause is specified
  4. Only certain partitions or subpartitions are exported


Note: Specifying ROWS=n does not preclude saving the precalculated statistics in the export file. This enables you to tune plan generation for queries in a nonproduction database using statistics from a production database.


This includes all tables contained in the list of tablespaces and all tables that have a partition located in the list of tablespaces. Indexes are exported with their tables, regardless of where the index is stored.

When TABLESPACES is used in conjunction with TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=y.


Encrypted columns are not supported in transportable tablespace mode.

You cannot export transportable tablespaces and then import them into a database at a lower release level. The target database must be at the same or later release level as the source database.


Default: n.When TTS_FULL_CHECK is set to y, Export verifies that a recovery set (set of tablespaces to be recovered) has no dependencies (specifically, INpointers) on objects outside the recovery set, and the reverse.


Default: none. Specifies the maximum number of bytes in an export file on each volume of tape.

The VOLSIZE parameter has a maximum value equal to the maximum value that can be stored in 64 bits on your platform.

The VOLSIZE value can be specified as a number followed by KB (number of kilobytes). For example, VOLSIZE=2KB is the same as VOLSIZE=2048. Similarly, MB specifies megabytes (1024 * 1024) and GB specifies gigabytes (1024**3). B remains the shorthand for bytes; the number is not multiplied to get the final file size (VOLSIZE=2048B is the same as VOLSIZE=2048).


Exports in table mode do not include cluster definitions. As a result, the data is exported as unclustered tables. Thus, you can use table mode to uncluster tables.

  1. Conventional Path Export Versus Direct Path Export

Conventional path Export uses the SQL SELECT statement to extract data from tables. Data is read from disk into a buffer cache, and rows are transferred to the evaluating buffer. The data, after passing expression evaluation, is transferred to the Export client, which then writes the data into the export file.

Direct path Export is much faster than conventional path Export because data is read from disk into the buffer cache and rows are transferred directly to the Export client. The evaluating buffer (that is, the SQL command-processing layer) is bypassed. The data is already in the format that Export expects, thus avoiding unnecessary data conversion. The data is transferred to the Export client, which then writes the data into the export file.

  1. Invoking a Direct Path Export

4.1 Security Considerations for Direct Path Exports

Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) and Oracle Label Security are not enforced during direct path Exports.

The following users are exempt豁免 from Virtual Private Database and Oracle Label Security enforcement regardless of the export mode, application, or utility used to extract data from the database:

  1. The database user SYS
  2. Database users granted the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege, either directly or through a database role

This means that any user who is granted the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege is completely exempt from enforcement of VPD and Oracle Label Security. This is a powerful privilege and should be carefully managed. This privilege does not affect the enforcement of traditional object privileges such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. These privileges are enforced even if a user has been granted the EXEMPT ACCESSPOLICY privilege.

4.2 Performance Considerations for Direct Path Exports

You may be able to improve performance by increasing the value of the RECORDLENGTH parameter when you start a direct path Export. Your exact performance gain depends upon the following factors:


The types of columns in your table

Your I/O layout (The drive receiving the export file should be separate from the disk drive where the database files reside.)

The following values are generally recommended for RECORDLENGTH:

Multiples of the file system I/O block size

Multiples of DB_BLOCK_SIZE

4.3 Restrictions for Direct Path Exports

1) To start a direct path Export, you must use either the command-line method or a parameter file. You cannot start a direct path Export using the interactive method.

2) The Export parameter BUFFER applies only to conventional path Exports. For direct path Export, use the RECORDLENGTH parameter to specify the size of the buffer that Export uses for writing to the export file.

3) You cannot use direct path when exporting in tablespace mode (TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES=Y).

4) The QUERY parameter cannot be specified in a direct path Export.

5) A direct path Export can only export data when the NLS_LANG environment variable of the session invoking the export equals the database character set. If NLS_LANG is not set or if it is different than the database character set, then a warning is displayed and the export is discontinued. The default value for the NLS_LANG environment variable is AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII.

5. Network Considerations

Because the export file is in binary format, use a protocol that supports binary transfers to prevent corruption of the file when you transfer it across a network. For example, use FTP or a similar file transfer protocol to transmit the file in binary mode. Transmitting export files in character mode causes errors when the file is imported.

6. Considerations When Exporting Database Objects

6.1 Exporting Sequences

If transactions continue to access sequence numbers during an export, then sequence numbers might be skipped. The best way to ensure that sequence numbers are not skipped is to ensure that the sequences are not accessed during the export.

Sequence numbers can be skipped only when cached sequence numbers are in use. When a cache of sequence numbers has been allocated, they are available for use in the current database. The exported value is the next sequence number (after the cached values). Sequence numbers that are cached, but unused, are lost when the sequence is imported.

6.2 Exporting LONG and LOB Data Types

On export, LONG data types are fetched in sections. However, enough memory must be available to hold all of the contents of each row, including the LONG data.

LONG columns can be up to 2 gigabytes in length.

All data in a LOB column does not need to be held in memory at the same time. LOB data is loaded and unloaded in sections.

Note: Oracle also recommends that you convert existing LONG columns to LOB columns. LOB columns are subject to far fewer restrictions than LONG columns. Further, LOB functionality is enhanced in every release, whereas LONG functionality has been static for several releases.

6.3 Exporting Foreign Function Libraries

The contents of foreign function libraries are not included in the export file. Instead, only the library specification (name, location) is included in full database mode and user-mode export. You must move the library's executable files and update the library specification if the database is moved to a new location.

6.4 Exporting Offline Locally Managed Tablespaces

If the data you are exporting contains offline locally managed tablespaces, then Export will not be able to export the complete tablespace definition and will display an error message. You can still import the data; however, you must create the offline locally managed tablespaces before importing to prevent DDL commands that may reference the missing tablespaces from failing.

6.5 Exporting Directory Aliases

Directory alias definitions are included only in a full database mode export. To move a database to a new location, the database administrator must update the directory aliases to point to the new location.

Directory aliases are not included in user-mode or table-mode export. Therefore, you must ensure that the directory alias has been created on the target system before the directory alias is used.

6.6 Exporting BFILE Columns and Attributes

The export file does not hold the contents of external files referenced by BFILE columns or attributes. Instead, only the names and directory aliases for files are copied on Export and restored on Import. If you move the database to a location where the old directories cannot be used to access the included files, then the database administrator (DBA) must move the directories containing the specified files to a new location where they can be accessed.

6.7 Exporting External Tables

The contents of external tables are not included in the export file. Instead, only the table specification (name, location) is included in full database mode and user-mode export. You must manually move the external data and update the table specification if the database is moved to a new location.

6.8 Exporting Object Type Definitions

In all Export modes, the Export utility includes information about object type definitions used by the tables being exported. The information, including object name, object identifier, and object geometry, is needed to verify that the object type on the target system is consistent with the object instances contained in the export file. This ensures that the object types needed by a table are created with the same object identifier at import time.

Note, however, that in table mode, user mode, and tablespace mode, the export file does not include a full object type definition needed by a table if the user running Export does not have execute access to the object type. In this case, only enough information is written to verify that the type exists, with the same object identifier and the same geometry, on the Import target system.

The user must ensure that the proper type definitions exist on the target system, either by working with the DBA to create them, or by importing them from full database mode or user-mode exports performed by the DBA.

It is important to perform a full database mode export regularly to preserve all object type definitions. Alternatively, if object type definitions from different schemas are used, then the DBA should perform a user mode export of the appropriate set of users. For example, if table1 belonging to user scott contains a column on blake's type type1, then the DBA should perform a user mode export of both blake and scott to preserve the type definitions needed by the table.

6.9 Exporting Nested Tables

Inner nested table data is exported whenever the outer containing table is exported. Although inner nested tables can be named, they cannot be exported individually.

6.10 Exporting Advanced Queue (AQ) Tables

Queues are implemented on tables. The export and import of queues constitutes the export and import of the underlying queue tables and related dictionary tables. You can export and import queues only at queue table granularity.

When you export a queue table, both the table definition information and queue data are exported. Because the queue table data and the table definition is exported, the user is responsible for maintaining application-level data integrity when queue table data is imported.

6.11 Exporting Synonyms

You should be cautious when exporting compiled objects that reference a name used as a synonym and as another object. Exporting and importing these objects will force a recompilation that could result in changes to the object definitions.

The following example helps to illustrate this problem:


CONNECT blake/paper;



If the database in the preceding example were exported, then the reference to emp in the trigger would refer to blake's view rather than to scott's table. This would cause an error when Import tried to reestablish the t_emp trigger.

6.12 Possible Export Errors Related to Java Synonyms

If an export operation attempts to export a synonym named DBMS_JAVA when there is no corresponding DBMS_JAVA package or when Java is either not loaded or loaded incorrectly, then the export will terminate unsuccessfully. The error messages that are generated include, but are not limited to, the following: EXP-00008, ORA-00904, and ORA-29516.

If Java is enabled, then ensure that both the DBMS_JAVA synonym and DBMS_JAVA package are created and valid before rerunning the export.

If Java is not enabled, then remove Java-related objects before rerunning the export.

6.13 Support for Fine-Grained Access Control

You can export tables with fine-grained access control policies enabled. When doing so, consider the following:

  1. The user who imports from an export file containing such tables must have the appropriate privileges (specifically, the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_RLS package so that the tables' security policies can be reinstated). If a user without the correct privileges attempts to export a table with fine-grained access policies enabled, then only those rows that the exporter is privileged to read will be exported.
  2. If fine-grained access control is enabled on a SELECT statement, then conventional path Export may not export the entire table because fine-grained access may rewrite the query.
  3. Only user SYS, or a user with the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role enabled or who has been granted EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY, can perform direct path Exports on tables having fine-grained access control.
  1. Exporting From a Read-Only Database

To extract metadata from a source database, Export uses queries that contain ordering clauses (sort operations). For these queries to succeed, the user performing the export must be able to allocate sort segments. For these sort segments to be allocated in a read-only database, the user's temporary tablespace should be set to point at a temporary, locally managed tablespace.

  1. Using Export and Import to Partition a Database Migration


Partitioning a migration has the following advantages:

Time required for the migration may be reduced, because many of the subjobs can be run in parallel.

The import can start as soon as the first export subjob completes, rather than waiting for the entire export to complete.

Partitioning a migration has the following disadvantages:

The export and import processes become more complex.

Support of cross-schema references for certain types of objects may be compromised. For example, if a schema contains a table with a foreign key constraint against a table in a different schema, then you may not have the required parent records when you import the table into the dependent schema.

To perform a database migration in a partitioned manner, take the following steps:

  1. For all top-level metadata in the database, issue the following commands:


imp FILE=full FULL=y

  1. For each scheman in the database, issue the following commands:

exp OWNER=scheman FILE=scheman

imp FILE=scheman FROMUSER=scheman TOUSER=scheman IGNORE=y

All exports can be done in parallel. When the import of full.dmp completes, all remaining imports can also be done in parallel.

  1. Using Different Releases of Export and Import

Whenever you are moving data between different releases of the Oracle database, the following basic rules apply:

  1. The Import utility and the database to which data is being imported (the target database) must be the same release. For example, if you try to use the Import utility to import into a database, then you may encounter errors.
  2. The version of the Export utility must be equal to the release of either the source or target database, whichever is earlier.

For example, to create an export file for an import into a later release database, use a version of the Export utility that equals the source database. Conversely, to create an export file for an import into an earlier release database, use a version of the Export utility that equals the release of the target database.

In general, you can use the Export utility from any Oracle8 release to export from an Oracle9i server and create an Oracle8 export file.

9.1 Restrictions When Using Different Releases of Export and Import

The following restrictions apply when you are using different releases of Export and Import:

  1. Export dump files can be read only by the Import utility because they are stored in a special binary format.
  2. Any export dump file can be imported into a later release of the Oracle database.
  3. The Import utility cannot read export dump files created by the Export utility of a later maintenance release. For example, a release 9.2 export dump file cannot be imported by a release 9.0.1 Import utility.
  4. Whenever a lower version of the Export utility runs with a later release of the Oracle database, categories of database objects that did not exist in the earlier release are excluded from the export.
  5. Export files generated by Oracle9i Export, either direct path or conventional path, are incompatible with earlier releases of Import and can be imported only with Oracle9i Import. When backward compatibility is an issue, use the earlier release or version of the Export utility against the Oracle9i database.

Table 24-5 covers moving data only between the original Export and Import utilities. For Oracle Database 10g release 1 (10.1) or later, Oracle recommends the Data Pump Export and Import utilities in most cases because these utilities provide greatly enhanced performance compared to the original Export and Import utilities.

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