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原创 VBS/ PowerShell 自动更新SQL SEVER Management Studio Query 模板

2019-08-15 更新添加一个用powershell 实现。 更改SQL Server Management Studio 18.0的query 模板## Script1.ps1# C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\SqlWorkbenchProjectItem...

2015-08-12 15:51:11 886

原创 SQL SERVER 2008R2 CLR 正则表达式替换

--DECLARE @vSP_Definition NVARCHAR(max)=--'sdfs/******************************************************************************** THIS STORED PROC IS TEMPORAY UNTIL A BETTER SOLUTION IS DEVELOPED TO

2014-04-16 21:14:36 2552 2

原创 SSRS Reporting Service 报表参数和数据集信息抽取

DECLARE @RetVal TABLE ( REPORT_PATH VARCHAR(500), DATASETNAME VARCHAR(200) );WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2008/01/reportdefinition')--E

2013-12-18 19:53:59 1344 2

原创 在Adobe Reader中统计PDF中的文字数

方法一--全文复制,再粘贴到Word中,用word的字数统计来实现。方法二-使用Adobe Reader插件abracadabraCompteur 2.4。插件下载地址:http://www.abracadabrapdf.net/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=718微软操作系统下的安装方法:解压缩下载下来的zip包。查看其中的说明文件。如果你

2013-05-08 13:17:16 18948 4

转载 数据仓库概念一览 (Data Warehousing ToolKit)[转]

转自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_476a546c0100rufm.html 感谢该博主的分享浅析冰山查询――iceberg query在数据仓库领域有一个概念叫Iceberg query,中文一般翻译为“冰山查询”。冰山查询在一个属性或属性集上计算一个聚集函数,以找出大于某个指定阈值的聚集值。以销售数据为例,你想产生这样的一个顾客-商品对的列表,这些

2013-01-23 22:37:29 1095

原创 How to Create an Report Style

Basing on the report template, I create an  report Style. The report style was stored in a XML file. So I can just copy the original Style to generate the report style. You can see the report style OR

2012-07-06 11:22:16 647

原创 How to find Mister/Miss right

So many fishes in the sea, but I can not see the right one.Maybe it helpsIn SQL ServerSELECT TOP 1 * FROM GIRLS WHERE SHE IS MY LOVEIn DB2SELECT * FROM GIRLS WHERE SHE IS MY LOVE F

2012-05-31 22:43:38 636

原创 我不是来拆台的之《[复旦大四老人经验贴]给大学生们的ipad应用推荐:如果你想用ipad做点正事儿(高效篇)》

日志标题很难起啊,就且将就吧。今天在人人上游荡,看到一篇帖子[复旦大四老人经验贴]给大学生们的ipad应用推荐:如果你想用ipad做点正事儿(高效篇)>,通读一遍,果然是篇好文章啊,果断分享,回头慢慢尝试。搜索了第一个就感到压力了,第一个软件就得收费9.99美金。后面查了几个都得收费,20万个应用中难道就没有相似功能,却便宜或者免费得应用吗? 应该有的吧……那就找找看吧,能不能逐个击破。其

2012-05-26 17:56:21 2719

原创 SSRS2008-Reporting Service Tips

----要点击两次查看报表按钮才能开始运行报表。这个问题主要是参数的默认值是时间日期的动态表达式,如date这个参数的默认值是today(). 解决方法可以使吧date这个参数设置成hidden不可见的。或者把date这个参数的默认值设置为空。 当使用参数的默认值为动态的时候,就得注意参数间的依赖性和独立性。http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/

2012-04-13 11:25:12 1507

翻译 Google Maps in QlikView

在看了一篇Google Map 和 QlikView10 整合的文章,决定自己实践一下熟悉一下这个流程。由于原文是西班牙语,所以没有逐句翻译,只是明白大体流程后,将我自己做的流程写下来,流程如下: 1. 打开QlikView 10(下载地址) 通过 File->Edit Script将以下代码贴到原有代码的下方。点击File—>Reload,加载数据。Js代码

2012-03-23 12:58:06 1698

原创 使用 vmware-vdiskmanager增加虚拟机中的磁盘空间

准备在虚拟机上的Windows 7 的系统上安装一个SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer version, 安装过程中发现虚拟机原先设置的20G空间不够用了。原先在虚拟机VM 6.5 上安装windows 7系统时采用的是单文件存储的形式,所以20G的空间就渐渐不够用了。 这时候只好请教一下Google老师了。一番搜索后发现可以使用Vmware 自带的vmware-vd

2012-03-23 12:56:00 1351

转载 Ten Common SQL Server Reporting Services Challenges and Solutions(转)

08 October 2009by Ryan DuclosIn every business there are several different groups of report users, from chief executives, to bus

2011-09-27 14:35:55 489

原创 VBS脚本控制软件网络代理启用与否--IE,Firefox,有道词典

由于在公司访问外网需要使用代理设置,而回家之后就又要取消代理设置。每天都得来回的设置IE Firefox 有道词典……有点烦了。于是乎,想写个脚本自启动时控制一下,首先就得找到软件的代理设置是保存在哪儿的?找到后才能修改。。。IE代理启用控制: H

2011-09-11 14:15:41 1633

原创 VBS脚本控制软件网络代理启用与否--IE,Firefox,有道词典

由于在公司访问外网需要使用代理设置,而回家之后就又要取消代理设置。每天都得来回的设置IE Firefox 有道词典……有点烦了。于是乎,想写个脚本自启动时控制一下,首先就得找到软件的代理设置是保存在哪儿的?找到后才能修改。。。IE代理启用控制: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet ...

2011-09-11 14:14:26 299

原创 使用 vmware-vdiskmanager增加虚拟机中的磁盘空间

准备在虚拟机上的Windows 7 的系统上安装一个SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer version, 安装过程中发现虚拟机原先设置的20G空间不够用了。原先在虚拟机VM 6.5 上安装windows 7系统时采用的是单文件存储的形式,所以20G的空间就渐渐不够用了。 这时候只好请教一下Google老师了。一番搜索后发现可以使用Vmware 自带的vmware-vd...

2011-08-14 13:52:31 584

Google Maps in QlikView

在看了一篇Google Map 和 QlikView10 整合的文章,决定自己实践一下熟悉一下这个流程。由于原文是西班牙语,所以没有逐句翻译,只是明白大体流程后,将我自己做的流程写下来,流程如下: 1. 打开QlikView 10(下载地址) 通过 File->Edit Script将以下代码贴到原有代码的下方。点击File—>Reload,加载数据。SET Decimal...

2011-07-23 16:22:31 242

原创 导入已存在的tomcat project的工程文件后,在浏览器中不能浏览。报404错误

最近发现导入已存在的tomcat project的工程文件后,在浏览器中不能浏览。报404错误解决办法如下:1.导入工程后,进入Eclipse菜单的Window--->preference--->Tomcat--->Tomcat Manager App--->点击按钮add user to tomcat-user.xml--->点击ok,退出preference.2.然后选中你导入的工程上右键选中

2009-12-02 23:05:00 829

原创 主页被改为www.n220.com www.129yy.cn

 一次下载了个软件,一运行就不见了,后来 发现ie主页被改为www.n220.com ,是从www.129yy.cn转过去的,使用了很多的方法都没有解决,就不管了一段时间。今天又上网查了一下,发现有人解决方法不一样就学习了一下。方法:使用软件--冰刃查看ssdt会发现有两个红色‘异常’(不同人电脑上的异常可能不一样)NTQueryValueKey----BKHook.sysNT

2009-05-28 23:42:00 69072

原创 3dmax9.0反复激活注册 maxscript错误

本人遇到两次这种情况,两次重装都发生反复注册的情况。按照如下方法成功安装了。如有错漏之处还请原谅!在不卸载文件的情况下:在文件夹选项下,选择显示隐藏文件然后将C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Local Settings/Temp/~RT66.tmp中的rteregconfdata.js和rtthinpackage.js删除,还有可能要将C盘中

2009-02-18 13:29:00 5234 1

原创 help!!! 希望网友们能推荐几本有益于打好程序编写基础的书 谢谢

2009-02-17 20:06:00 399

High Performance SQL Server The Go Faster Book PDF

High Performance SQL Server The Go Faster Book PDF 英文 文字版


不一样的技术创新 完整版






JIRA 4 Essentials

JIRA 4 Essentials Track bugs, issues, and manage your software development projects with JIRA Patrick Li PDF ---- What this book covers ---- Chapter 1, Getting Started with JIRA, serves as starting point of the book and aims to guide you to set up a local copy of JIRA application that will be used throughout the book. By the end of the chapter, you should have a running JIRA application. Chapter 2, Project Management, covers how to set up projects and project-related administration tasks in JIRA. The concept of schemes will also be introduced, as it is the core concept in JIRA administration. Chapter 3, Issue Management, covers everything related to issue creation and operations that can be performed on an issue (excluding workflow transitions). Furthermore, this chapter will gently touch on various aspects of issues, as they are the focal point of JIRA. This chapter will also serve as an opportunity to show and allow you to set up dummy data that will be used by the sample project. Chapter 4, Field Management, covers how JIRA collects data through the use of fields and how to expand on this ability through the use of custom fields. The chapter will then continue on with various behaviors that can be configured for fields. Chapter 5, Screen Management, builds on top of the preceding chapter and explores the concept of screens and how users can create and manage their own screens. This chapter will tie in all the previous chapters to show the power behind JIRA's screen design capabilities. Chapter 6, Workflow and Business Process, explores the most powerful feature offered by JIRA, workflows. The concept of issue life cycle will be introduced and various aspects of workflows explained. This chapter will also explore the relationship between workflows and other various JIRA aspects previously covered, such as screens. The concept of JIRA extensions will also be briefly touched in the sample project, using some popular free extensions. Chapter 7, E-mail and Notification, focuses on how to get automatic e-mail notifications from JIRA and explores the different settings that can be applied. This is a very important and powerful feature of JIRA and also a critical part of the example project for this book. This chapter will also tie in the workflow chapter and explain in detail how JIRA manages its notification mechanism. Chapter 8, Securing your JIRA, focuses on the different security control features offered by JIRA. As this topic affects all aspects of JIRA, all previous topics will be touched on, explaining how security can be applied to each. Chapter 9, Searching, Reporting, and Analysis, will focuses on how data captured in JIRA can be retrieved to provide various types of reporting features. Chapter 10, General Administration, covers other administration features offered by JIRA. These features often do not form the backbone of a JIRA installation but can be very useful when used properly.


Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Recipes for Designing Expert Reports

Description: Learn to design more effective and sophisticated business reports While most users of SQL Server Reporting Services are now comfortable designing and building simple reports, business today demands increasingly complex reporting. In this book, top Reporting Services design experts have contributed step-by-step recipes for creating various types of reports. Written by well-known SQL Server Reporting Services experts, this book gives you the tools to meet your clients' needs Coverage includes: - Business Reporting Paradigms - Basic Report Design Concepts - Using Report Builder. - Report Design Essentials - Tabular and Matrix Reports - Expressions and Custom Code - Formatting Report Data - Columnar and Grouped Reports - Bi Dashboards and Elements - Synchronizing Groups, Charts, and Sparklines - Chart and Gauge Reports - Creating a Personal Report Card - Creating a Multi-Series Multi-Y Axis Chart - Interactive Reporting - Integrated Reporting Applications - Offline Reporting Using The Report Viewer Control - Creating a Calendar Report - Creating Mailing Labels - Barcodes - Excel Worksheet Naming and Page Naming - External Image Sources - Language Localization - Creating a Checkbox List To Show Existing Records - Using a Checkbox List To Select and Deselect Records - Using The Map Wizard - Filtering and Parameterization - Multiple Criterion Report Filtering - Using Multi-Value Parameters with a Stored Procedure - Using Multi-Value Parameters with a Subscription Report - Creating Custom Sorting Reports - Filtering User-Specific Report Data - Custom and Dynamic Data Sources - Using a Web Service As a Data Source - Reporting On Sharepoint List Data - Dynamics Ax Report Wizard - and More! The SQL Server Reporting Services Cookbook brings together great report designs that have been field-tested by the experts


Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2008 Integration Services unleashed

Microsoft? SQL Server? 2008 Integration Services unleashed SAMS 文字版 Contents at a Glance Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx Part I Getting Started 1 What Is Integration Services and Why Do I Need It?................3 2 Setting Up Integration Services ...................9 3 What’s New in Integration Services 2008 ......................21 4 Migrating to Integration Services 2008 ...............27 Part II Integration Services Basics 5 The Business Intelligence Development Studio ..................41 6 The Building Blocks of Integration Services...................89 7 Grouping Control Flow with Containers............99 8 Building a Package—Quick Start ..................119 Part III Control Flow Services 9 The Venerable Variable .......................137 10 Using Expressions ..........................151 11 The Stock Tasks and Connection Managers......................169 12 Using the Script Task ..........................259 13 Using the Data Profiling Task ..................279 14 Logging and the Stock Log Providers ................295 15 Looping and Foreach Enumerators ...................313 Part IV Management Services 16 SQL Server Management Studio ...................337 17 Using Source Control..........................351 18 Securing Packages...........................361 Part V The Data Flow Task 19 Introducing the Data Flow Task ...................377 20 The Stock Data Flow Components ...............385 21 Using the Script Component...................445 22 Advanced Data Flow Transformations ..............463 23 Data Flow Task Internals and Tuning................499 Part VI Solving Common Challenges 24 Configuring and Deploying Solutions ..............525 25 Common Challenges ..........................557 Part VII Advanced Package Concepts and Patterns 26 Troubleshooting Packages........................575 27 Building Advanced Packages ...................589 Part VIII Programming Integration Services 28 Building Custom Tasks .......................607 29 Building Custom Data Flow Components ...................665 Index . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . 705



Reporting service for dummies 带书签 非扫描 英文版


Oracle scott用户 测试数据 SQL

Oracle scott 用户下的4个表(emp bonus dept salgrade)的建表的SQL语句以及相关的测试数据,提供4个版本Access2007, Access2003, SQL Server2008,Oracle 另外还有一个Summit2是用在Oracle下的有关Sporting Goods business scenario的测试数据的SQL


Business Objects XI Release 2 For Dummies

Business Objects XI Release 2 For Dummies


javascript日历控件 兼容ie firefox opera

javascript日历控件 兼容ie firefox opera,很容易放入自己得网页中。简单易用





sql server2000 jdbc driver

sql server2000 jdbc driver



①可以实现下列几条命令 LOGIN 用户登陆 DIR 列文件目录 CREATE 创建文件 DELETE 删除文件 OPEN 打开文件 CLOSE 关闭文件 READ 读文件 WRITE 写文件 MODIFY 修改文件内容 ②列目录时要列出文件名,物理地址,保护码和文件长度。 ③源文件可以进行读写保护。



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CADManagerControl.rar ----autocad



Java手机游戏实例手册 源代码及素材

《Java手机游戏实例手册》 源代码及素材 源代码主要是几个手机游戏 射击 坦克大战 看到很多朋友反映没有素材,所以请下载的朋友注意一下,素材存在与各个章节的各个代码工程的classes文件夹下面。 如 \J2ME\第十一章\MMRpg\verified\classes 你们也可以通过下载后解压然后在文件夹中搜索图片找到图片素材。


tcp/ip java篇 小高知宏著

tcp/ip实际应用解析 tcp/ip 案例+基本概念 网络与计算机知识技能的结合



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