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原创 Ubuntu中安装了g++12,仍然报错Could not find compiler set in environment variable CXX:g++-12
Ubuntu中安装了g++12,仍然报错Could not find compiler set in environment variable CXX:g++-12
2024-09-04 21:45:45 113
原创 解决Ubuntu报错:Failed to connect to github.com port 443: 拒绝连接(Connection refused)
Failed to connect to github.com port 443: 拒绝连接(Connection refused)
2024-08-19 20:53:22 466
原创 Ubuntu报错libtool is required, but wasn‘t found on this system
Ubuntu报错libtool is required, but wasn't found on this system
2024-07-08 11:38:32 217
原创 解决pycharm远程连接Ubuntu时报错:Interpreter ‘/usr/bin/python‘ doesn‘t exist on remote server
解决pycharm远程连接Ubuntu时报错:Interpreter '/usr/bin/python' doesn't exist on remote server
2024-06-10 20:58:53 274
原创 VScode连接服务器报错Permission denied,please try again解决方案
VScode连接服务器报错Permission denied,please try again解决方案
2024-06-09 18:50:41 1235
原创 Ubuntu报错 “ if given arguments: “STREQUAL“ “Release“ Unknown arguments specified”
Ubuntu报错 “ if given arguments: "STREQUAL" "Release" Unknown arguments specified”
2024-05-13 22:39:01 348
原创 2PC-Circuit-PSI运行文档
Circuit-PSI With Linear Complexity via Relaxed Batch OPPRF论文代码运行文档
2024-05-11 10:59:13 358 1
原创 OPPRF-PSI运行文档[Efficient Circuit-Based PSI with Linear Communication]
Efficient Circuit-Based PSI with Linear Communication 代码运行文档
2024-05-10 22:27:54 179 1
原创 Ubuntu彻底删除boost库,解决Failed to find boost at Need system thread问题
Ubuntu彻底删除boost库,解决Failed to find boost at Need system thread问题
2024-04-17 07:22:24 521
原创 Ubuntu报错Could NOT find Boost: missing: system thread
Ubuntu报错Could NOT find Boost: missing: system thread
2024-04-16 15:44:08 472 2
原创 Ubuntu系统内boost报错,invalid use of template-name ‘boost::asio::strand’ without an argument list
Ubuntu系统内boost报错,invalid use of template-name ‘boost::asio::strand’ without an argument list
2024-04-16 07:46:58 328
原创 Ubuntu对用户和组进行的操作
2024-04-03 22:24:38 266
原创 Ubuntu文件系统常用的命令
2024-04-03 22:07:30 844
原创 Efficient Verifiable Cloud-Assisted PSI Cardinality for Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing运行文档
Efficient Verifiable Cloud-Assisted PSI Cardinality for Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing程序运行文档
2024-03-20 09:25:26 257
原创 2023trans JEDI运行文档
JEDI: Joint and Effective Privacy Preserving Outsourced Set Intersection and Data Integration Protocols运行过程记录
2024-03-19 22:07:28 175
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