Given a singly linked list L: L0→L1→…→Ln-1→Ln,
reorder it to: L0→Ln→L1→Ln-1→L2→Ln-2→…
You must do this in-place without altering the nodes' values.
For example,
Given {1,2,3,4}, reorder it to {1,4,2,3}.
public void reorderList(ListNode head) {
if(head==null || head.next==null || head.next.next==null)
ListNode fast=head, slow=head, second;
while(fast!=null && fast.next!=null){
fast = fast.next.next;
slow = slow.next;
second = slow.next;
slow.next = null;
ListNode pre=null, next;
while(second != null){
next = second.next;
second.next = pre;
pre = second;
second = next;
fast = head;
next = pre;
pre = pre.next;
next.next = fast.next;
fast.next = next;
fast = fast.next.next;
public void reorderList1(ListNode head) {
HashMap<Integer, ListNode> nodeMap = new HashMap<>();
int len = 0;
ListNode p = head;
while (p != null) {
nodeMap.put(len++, p);
p = p.next;
int i = 0;
int j = len - 1;
for (; i < j - 1; ++i, --j) {
ListNode tmp = nodeMap.get(i).next;
nodeMap.get(i).next = nodeMap.get(j);
nodeMap.get(j).next = tmp;
nodeMap.get(j - 1).next = null;