【ios学习】Building an iOS application


1 Introduction

Swift has taken the Apple developer world by storm since its announcement at WWDC 2014. With Swift being such a new language, there are no real experts yet, and design patterns are still being discovered and written about as people learn what it excels at.

All this doesn’t even come close to stopping us from playing with it to build something real, though. You’re a programmer and you don’t let something being new stop you from having fun creating real things.

2 What You Need

We’re going to be building an iOS app in Swift throughout this series, but to do so, you’ll need three things:

3 Getting Started

Figure 1.3.1 - Choose Master Detail Application

Once you’ve got Xcode installed and everything set up, launch Xcode and create a new project (Cmd+Shift+N), and in the template selector, make sure “iOS → Application” is selected, and choose the “Master-Detail Application” template.

This template will give us a great starting point with a Storyboard already set up with most of what you need, and a controller for both the Master (list) controller and the Detail controller.

The reason you’re going to use this template is that you’re going to create the “Hello World” of more complete iOS applications, the task list app.

Once you’ve selected the “Master-Detail Application” template, click “Next” to continue to the next part of the project set up.

Figure 1.3.2 - Project options

On the next screen in the project set up wizard, it’s going to ask you to fill out a few options.

Start by giving your app a name by filling out the “Product Name” field. I’ve called my application “TaskMe”, but feel free to give it whatever name you like.

Next make sure your “Organization Name” is filled out correctly, then in the “Organization Identifier” field, use a reverse domain name notation to use in the identifier. For example I could use “com.airpair”.

The “Organization Identifier” will help create your “Bundle Identifier”, which is used to give your application a unique name for Apple and it’s devices.

For the “Language” drop down, ensure you have “Swift” and not “Objective-C” selected. This will make most of the code Xcode generates for us be created as Swift files and not Objective-C files.

Lastly, for the “Devices” drop down, select “iPhone”, and make sure “Use Core Data” is not checked. Core Data is great to learn about, but we’re just taking a look at the core parts of creating an iOS application in this series.

##4 Learning By Example

Before you jump into writing our custom code, lets take a look at what you can learn from the Swift code that was already generated for you by Xcode when you selected the “Master-Detail Application” template.

This application is already a working application though, so make sure you build and run (Cmd+R) the application first to see what it does already.

Figure 1.4.1 - List screen in your new application

Figure 1.4.2 - Detail screen in your new application

When you play with it, you’ll see that you start off in on a list screen with a “+” and “Edit” button in the navigation bar. Tapping on “+” will add a row to the list containing the date/time the row was added. Tapping on that row will show a details screen with the date/time in the middle of the screen, and on the list screen, you can delete rows by either swiping on them and pressing delete, or entering edit mode and deleting them in there.

Moving on though, lets start looking through the code that Xcode has generated for us.

###4.1 AppDelegate.swift

The entry point to our application is going to be our AppDelegate.swift file, so lets start exploring the code in there first.

Ignoring the comments at the top of the file, the first line of code you come across is import UIKit. This line is going to give you access to all the bits and pieces available in UIKit within this file. If you’ve done Objective-C development in the past, this will be very familiar to you, but instead of importing header files for a class or framework, we’re importing the module. This will be done in almost every file in an iOS application, either for UIKit, or for simpler files, Foundation.

The next line of code is the odd looking @UIApplicationMain. In Swift there is no main file like there is in many other languages, instead, for iOS applications, you tell Xcode which file you want to be the main file by adding this attribute to a Swift class. You will likely never move this from the location Xcode puts it, but it’s good to know exactly what that odd looking line of code is doing.

Now you have our class definition for our AppDelegate. You can see it inherits from UIResponder, and the UIApplicationDelegate protocol. Coming from Objective-C, this syntax is a large improvement on the way it was being done.

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

Looking through the implementation of this AppDelegate class, you will probably notice there isn’t much going on in here. You’ve got a window variable, and a bunch of empty, or mostly empty functions.

The only function that actually has executable code within it is the application:didFinishingLaunchingWithOptions: function, but that is simply returning true.

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
  // Override point for customization after application launch.
  return true

What is happening, and why this application still works, is there is some magic going on behind the scenes. In the settings for your project, the Main.storyboard file has been set to be the launching point for you application, which will set up the window and controllers when the application is launching.

The only other code worth mentioning in this file is the variable definition for window.

var window: UIWindow?

This is going to create a variable property on the AppDelegate with an optionalUIWindow as its type, which is expressed as UIWindow?, note the question mark on the end.

If you haven’t yet learnt about optionals, the basic idea is that these are the only types that can either contain something, or be nil, but I highly suggest you read about them because they’re used a lot when working with the Cocoa Touch frameworks.

An important thing to note though about optionals, is their use in parameter types. You’ll notice a exclamation mark on the end of some types in Swift. This is called an “implicitly unwrapped optional”.

@IBOutlet weak var detailDescriptionLabel: UILabel!

The difference between an implicitly unwrapped optional and a normal optional, is that if you try to use an implicitly unwrapped optional when it has no value, it will cause a runtime error, just as if you were to try and unwrap and use a normal optional when it has no value. This is why this kind of optional is only used in places where it is extremely unlikely there will be no value, and if there were no value, it would be a serious error anyway, so it’s better to fail fast and crash.

You might also notice that the second parameter of application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: has two names. The first being didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, which acts as the public name for when the function is called. The second name, launchOptions, acts as the name for the constant while it’s used within the scope of the function.

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {

4.2 MasterViewController.swift

Opening up the MasterViewController.swift file, you can see that there is a lot more going on in here. You’ve seen the import in the AppDelegate.swift file, and you have probably worked out that the MasterViewController class inherits from UITableViewController, I’m not going to go over every bit of code, but instead look at the interesting parts that Swift makes improvements on when compared to how it would usually be done in Objective-C.

Taking a quick look over the code, there is likely one thing that stands out quickly, which is the use of the keyword override before almost every function.

override func awakeFromNib() {
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

Because the majority of these functions are already defined in MasterViewController’s superclass, or somewhere in the ancestry chain, you need to explicitly tell the compiler that you are sure that you want to override and/or extend the existing functionality of the ancestor functions. This is to reduce errors where you might accidentally use a function name that has already been used, and then subsequently break everything.

The first part of your MasterViewController class is the objects variable property definition, which is being initialized with an empty NSMutableArray().

var objects = NSMutableArray()

I’m honestly a little surprised the generated code doesn’t use more of Swift’s built in types, but this may change in future releases of Xcode.

When the view has finished being loaded for your controller, the viewDidLoad method is going to be called. This function starts out by calling the superclass’s method, which is done with almost all functions like this one as you’ll see soon.

It follows up the superclass call by setting up the left and right bar button items. The interesting parts to note here is the use of a constant for addButton, which is suggested for all things like this that won’t change after being created, and the other part is the initialization of the UIBarButtonItem.

UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .Add, target: self, action: "insertNewObject:")

Instead of the verbose syntax that Objective-C uses, where you call alloc and then initWithWhatever:, that is all removed and you just use these named arguments in the initializer.

Also note the nicer way you tell it which type of UIBarButtonSystemItem you want to use. Instead of saying UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd, you can instead use .Add because the rest of UIBarButtonSystemItem.Add will be inferred using Swift’s brilliant type inference.

Looking at the insertNewObject: function, we can see an interesting type of AnyObjectfor it’s sender parameter.

func insertNewObject(sender: AnyObject) {

We don’t do anything with it in this function, so lets take a look at the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: function where it does have an impact on us.

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
  let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as UITableViewCell

  let object = objects[indexPath.row] as NSDate
  cell.textLabel?.text = object.description
  return cell

On the first line of the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: function, we call dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath: on the table view. The return type of this method is AnyObject.

Because any kind of class could be returned from this function call, you need to type cast it using the as UITableViewCell that you see on the end of the line. You’ll later change this to be our custom cell class of TaskCell that you’ll create later.

This is common place when working with Cocoa Touch frameworks, because of the need for compatibility with the old Objective-C style where the return type was id, which meant a pointer to any object. Keep in mind that pointers are avoided in Swift whenever possible, which is why solutions like this were created to make your code much safer.

The last interesting part I’ll mention is the syntax for mark comments which help split up and allow you to jump through files.

// MARK: - Table View

By using this syntax for a comment, you can split up a file making it easier to jump through it, and for readers to understand what a set of functions in the file are related to.

###4.3 DetailViewController.swift

You have one more file to look at, which is your DetailViewController. This file is much smaller than the one for MasterViewController, but it still has several great examples of what Swift does to help us write better code.

Starting off we have our @IBOutlet attribute for the detailDescriptionLabel variable. Just as it was in Objective-C header files, this @IBOutlet variable attribute lets Interface Builder know about this property on our DetailViewController.

@IBOutlet weak var detailDescriptionLabel: UILabel!

You’ll also notice that this variable is defined to be weak because you don’t actually want out DetailViewController to be the owner of this view.

Next you have an interesting looking variable property definition. This property has some extra code attached to it to actually define behaviour of a property right next to it’s definition.

var detailItem: AnyObject? {
  didSet {
    // Update the view.

You have an optional AnyObject? type, but the interesting part is the didSet block of code.

Properties can have blocks of code that execute as callbacks to certain events. The amazing part about this though is that instead of defining a special setter that does this, you can have a much more clear definition of why that code is there.

This code now clearly states that after the detailItem has been set, at any point from now into the future, configureView should be called because something pertaining to the view has changed. Having these callbacks is a huge leap in the expressive nature of code for iOS applications.

Now I told you earlier that you should read up on optionals, because they’re used very regularly when developing iOS applications, and here is another one of those occasions where they’re used.

func configureView() {
  // Update the user interface for the detail item.
  if let detail: AnyObject = self.detailItem {
    if let label = self.detailDescriptionLabel {
      label.text = detail.description

Here optional binding is being used in an if statement, which means that if the right hand side of the assignment expression has a value, it will be assigned to the left hand side of the expression for the duration of the if’s body. On the other hand, if the right hand side of the expression has no value, the body of the if statement will simply be ignored and passed over. This is kind of like checking for nil in Objective-C, but much safer and more expressive.

##5 Coming Up Next

In this part of the tutorial series on building iOS applications with Swift, you didn’t get to actually write any code. You did do something more important though, which was look at how Swift effects the way you work with the Cocoa Touch classes and APIs, because without this, you would begin to fight against Swift as you attempt to write applications like you always have.

The things you’ve learnt about are all designed to make application development safer, without ruining how expressive Swift is as a language.

You can see that Apple has deeply considered the integration with it’s existing frameworks, not missing even the smallest of details.

With this foundation out of the way now though, you can start building out you application over the next few parts of this tutorial series about building iOS applications with Apple’s amazing new programming language, Swift. Be sure to check out part 2 here!






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