


http://www.tuicool.com/articles/iMvYvy(RESTEasy + File download example)
(RESTEasy + File download example)

JAX-RS 2.0 is a framework designed to help you write RESTful applications both on the client and server side. Below tutorials are build using RESTEasy framework.

Get more JAX-RS tutorials on Jersey and Dropwizard pages.

Hello world application

RESTEasy + JBOSS 7 Hello world application

Learn about most basic configuration needed to build a RESTful web application in JBOSS AS7.

RESTEasy + Tomcat Hello world application

Learn about minimum configuration needed to build a RESTful web application using Tomcat server.

REST clients

RESTful client using java.net package

Build restful client for consuming the restful apis using java.net package.

RESTEasy client example

Build restful client for consuming the restful apis using inbuilt jax-rs capabilities.

Apache HttpClient example

Build restful client for consuming the restful apis using apache http client framework.

Ajax/ JavaScript client Example

Learn to build resteasy ajax client

JAX-RS 2.0 client API example

JAX-RS 2.0 has brought lots of improvement over previous version. One of major improvement is client API which was completely missing in JAX-RS 1.0. Learn to use in this tutorial.

XML/JSON support

RESTEasy + JAXB xml example

Learn to marshal model objects in xml documents using JAXB and send them to client as server response

RESTEasy + Jettison json example

Learn to marshal model objects in json documents using Jettison and send them to client as server response

RESTEasy + Jackson JSON example

Learn to marshal model objects in json documents using Jackson and send them to client as server response

File Download/Upload

RESTEasy + File download example

This example shows the configuration and code needed to download various file formats using RESTful API

RESTEasy + File Upload + HttpClient pure java client example

Upload the file to server using pure java client

RESTEasy + File Upload + HTML form example

Upload the file to server using html form submission

Annotations usage and examples

JAX-RS @Path Regex based URI matching

Example of API path matching using @Path annotation. Some regular expression examples are also included.

Hateoas Implementation

RESTful web services HATEOAS example

Learn making RESTful web services with HATEOAS links enabled

JAX-RS Security

Basic authentication and authorization example using PreProcessorInterceptor

Implement security using PreProcessorInterceptor.

JAX-RS 2.0 RESTEasy 3.0.2.Final security example using ContainerRequestFilter

PreProcessorInterceptor and PostProcessorInterceptor are deprecated now. So from now on, use ContainerRequestFilter and ContainerReponseFilter. Learn to use them in this tutorial.

REST Security Guide

Knowledge of securing RESTful Web Services is as much important as to write them. It’s very important to write secure APIs to protect the business. But before starting to secure RESTful APIs, let’s understand what are our options as developers? What will be good fit for our usecase?

Request Validation

Custom html form validation using ajax

Build ajax powered html form validation functionality for your web page

Hibernate validator provider demo

Integrate hibernate bean validation capability to your RESTEasy APIs

Various Integrations

RESTful web services using Spring 3 mvc

Learn how to write RESTful web services using Spring 3 framework

Logging Support

RESTEasy + Log4j example

Demo configuration to add log4j logging support in RESTEasy application

RESTEasy + SLF4jexample

Demo configuration to add slf4j logging support in RESTEasy application

Best practices

Share context data using ResteasyProviderFactory

ResteasyProviderFacory can be proved very handy when you want to share some data in various layers of application without passing them as method parameters

Exception handling using custom exception mapper

Build custom exception mappers to handle application specific handling of various exceptions

Enable gzip compression content encoding

JAX-RS Resteasy has automatic GZIP decompression support. Learn to use it.

JAX-RS RESTEasy Cache control with ETag example

ETags or entity tags are useful HTTP headers which can help in building a super fast application by minimizing the server load on system. ETag is set to the response to the client so a client can use various control request headers such as If-Match and If-None-Match for conditional requests. javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder#tag() and javax.ws.rs.core.EntityTag are useful classes to work on ETags.

Resources for RESTful Web services





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