
Lesson 1


1 关键句型练习

A I (1) got (2) very angry (3) . 

I (1) could not hear (2) the actors (3) . 

I (1) turned round (2) . 

I (1) looked at (2) the man and the woman (3) angrily (4) . 

They (1) did not pay (2) any attention (3) . 

In the end (6), I (1) could not bear (2) it (3). 

I (1) turned round (2) again (6) . 

zI (1) can't hear (2) a word (3)! { 

I (1) said (2) angrily (4) . 

zIt (1) is (2) none of your business (3) , { 

the young man (1) said (2) rudely (4) . 

zThis (1) is (2) a private conversation (3)!{ 

B 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday. 

2 I listened to the news carefully.  3 The man played the piano well. 

4 The children played games quietly in their room yesterday. 

5 He opened the door quietly. 

6 He left immediately. 

7 He planted a tree in the corner of the garden. 

8 He read the letter quickly in his office before lunch. 

9 I borrowed a book from the library this morning. 

10 The cook spoilt the soup. 

11 We stay at home on Sundays. 

12 There are a lot of people at the bus stop. 

13 The little boy ate greedily an apple in the kitchen this morning. 

14 She draws beautifully. 

15 I like music very much. 

16 They built a new school in our village last year. 

17 The match ended at four o'clock. 

18 She received a letter from her brother last week. 


1 b  2 c  3 b  4 d  5 c  6 a 

7 d  8 b  9 a  10 c  11 c  12 c


Lesson 2


1 What a wonderful garden(this is) ! 

2 What a surprise( this is) ! 

3 What a lot of trouble he is causing! 

4 What wonderful actors (they are) !  5 What a hard-working woman (she is) ! 

6 What a tall building (it is) ! 

7 What a terrible film (it is) ! 

8 What a clever boy you are! 

9 What a pretty girl (she is) ! 

10 What a strange guy (he is) ! 


1 c  2 d  3 c  4 c  5 a  6 b 

7 b  8 a  9 d  10 c  11d  12  b


Lesson 3


A went (1.1)Õvisited (1.2) Õsat(1.2) Õtaught(1.2)ÕlentÕread(1.3) Õdid not

understandÕthought (1.4)Õpassed (1.5) Õdid not send(1.5) ÕmadeÕgo up (1.6) Õ

bought (1.7) Õspent(1.7) Õdid not write(1.8)C ...Roy died last year…left me…spent a lot

of money…bought one or two…never went to the cinema…stayed at home…listened to

music…often lent CDs…they kept them…lost many CDs…


1 He paid some money to the shopkeeper. 

2 He handed the prize to me.  3 The waiter brought the man a bottle of beer. 

4 He sold me all his books. 

5 The shop assistant found me some curtain material. 

6 He did a big favour for me. 

7 She showed her new hat to her husband. 

8 She promised the finder a reward. 

9 He gave some advice to his son. 

10 His uncle left some money to/ for him. 

11 He is teaching us English. 

12 I bought you this bunch of flowers. 

13 Bring me that book please. 

14 He offered a cigarette to me. 

15 Read the first paragraph to me. 

16 I've ordered you some soup. 

17 I owe a lot of money to him. 

18 Pass your father the mustard. 


1c  2a  3c  4a  5d  6b 

7c  8c  9b  10a  11b  12b


Lesson 4

1 关键句型答案

A 1 I have just had breakfast. 

2 He has been in prison for six months. 

3 The police have not caught the thief yet. 

4 You have (already) asked that question three times (already). 

5 Have you ever been to Switzerland? 

6 I have never been to Switzerland. 

7 He is a wonderful runner. He has broken two records so far . 

8 I haven't seen George lately . 

C 1 He has just left the house . 

2 He has just had breakfast . 

3 She has just written a letter . 

4 My sister has just turned on the radio . 

5 My mother has just made the bed . 

6 She has just bought a new hat. 

D 1 He hasn't washed the dishes yet . 

2 She hasn't made the beds yet . 

3 He hasn't combed his hair yet . 

4 She hasn't swept the carpet yet . 

5 We haven't read A MacbethByet . 

E 1 Have you seen the new play at AThe GlobeByet ? 

2 Have you taken your holidays yet ? 

3 Have you read this book yet ? 

4 Have you done your homework yet ? 

5 Have you finished your work yet ? 

2 难点练习答案

1 received 2 received 3 took 4 taken 5 take 


1d  2b  3a  4b  5b  6a 

7c  8b  9c  10a  11c  12c


Lesson 5


A What happened: carried (1.4 ) ; covered (1. 5 ) 

What has happened: has just bought (1.1) ; has just bought (11.3-4);has sent(1.6);has


C 1 What did you buy 8 ? 

2 he has never lent 8 

3 Have you burnt 8 ? 

4 He fought 8 

5 They have already left . 

6 When did you lose 8 ? 

7 Did you listen 8 ? 

8 We have just won 8 


A 1 On the way 

2 in the way 

3 By the way 

4 in this/a way 

5 in the way 

B 1 There is a spare wheel in the back of the car. 

2 I always go on excursions in my spare time.  3 ýHave you any old clothes to spare? þhe asked. 

4 The guest slept in our spare room. 

5 ýSpare me!þbegged the prisoner. 


1c  2a  3d  4b  5c  6d 

7a  8b  9c  10b  11a  12d


Lesson 6


A Some meat, a desk, some tobacco, a tin of beans, a comb, acity, a/ some cloth,

some oil, a bottle of beer, a day, a word, a student, some sugar, some rain, an orange, a/

some rubber 

D (sample answers) 

1 I found an old coin in the garden. 

2 I put some sugar in my tea. 

3 I cut some wood for a/ the fire. 

4 I bought a newspaper yesterday. 

5 I made some coffee. 

6 I like the curtains in this room. 

2 难点练习答案

A 1 out 2 over 3 off 4 at 

B 1 knocked him out 

2 knock off  3 knocked 20% off the price 


1 d  2 a  3 c  4 d  5 d  6 a 

7 d  8 a  9 b  10 a  11d  12 a




A detectives were waiting(1.1); They were expecting(1.2); 

detectives were waiting(1.5); others were waiting(1.6);two detectives were keeping


B 1 When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main

building while others were waiting on the airfield. 

2 When two of the detectives opened the parcel, two others were keeping guard at the


C (sample answers) 

1 I was getting into my bath when you telephoned me. 

2 I was reading Hamlet when you saw me in the library this morning. 

3 I was saying that you must see the new film when you interruped me.  D 1 was leavingKarrived 2 worked/ was workingKwas sitting/ sat3 was walkingKmet 

4 was readingKheard 

5 was preparingKset/ was setting 

6 droppedKspoke 


1 He gave all his books away. 

2 She woke the children up early this morning. 

4 They cut the king's head off. 

5 Put your hat and coat on. 

7 Help me to lift this table up. 

8 Take your shoes off and put your slippers on. 

11 They have pulled the old building down.12 Make your mind up. 

14 She threw all those old newspapers away.  


1 b  2 c  3 c  4 d  5 a  6 c 

7 d  8 a  9 c  10 b  11a  12 b


Lesson 8


A 1 Mary's handwriting is worse than Jane's. 

2 Caroline's handwriting is worse than Mary's and Jane's. 

3 Caroline's dress is/ was more expensive than Jane's. 

4 Mary's dress is/ was more expensive than Jane's and Caroline's. 

B óhas the most beautiful garden in our townó[The Nicest Garden Competition\ó

garden is larger than Joe'sóworks harder than Joe and grows more flowers and

vegetablesógarden is more interestingófor the worst garden in the town! 

D 1 in 2 of 3 of 4 in 


A 1 believes 2 was 3 tries  B Sentences 2, 3 and 5 


1 d  2 b  3 b  4 a  5 c  6 c 

7 b  8 b  9 a  10 d  11b  12 b


Lesson 9


A 1 We went to the Town Hall on Wednesday evening/ New Year's Eve.

2 The clock would strike twelve in twenty minutes time.

3 The clock stopped at five to twelve.

B 1 in 2 On 3 during/ in 4 in 5 at

6 on…in 7 in 8 at…in 9 until

C (sample answers)

1 The match will begin at 3 o'clock.

2 They bought their house in 1980.

3 The shop is closed from one till two.

4 The children went to school in the morning.

5 He'll finish school in two years' time.

6 Let's go for a walk in the evening.

7 He went to church on Sunday.


A 1 No, I haven't any/ have no money.

2 No, I didn't go anywhere/ went nowhere in the holidays.

3 No, I didn't buy anything/ bought nothing this morning.

4 No, there wasn't anybody/ was nobody present when the accident happened.

B He has no hobbies. He goes nowhere. He sees nobody. He is interested in

nothing----except food!


1 b  2 b  3 d  4 a  5 a  6 b

7 b  8 d  9 b  10 b  11 d  12 c


Lesson 10 


A 1 Our old musical instrument is called a clavichord. 

2 It was made in Germany. 

3 It is kept in the living room. 

4 It was bought many years ago. 

5 It was damaged recently. 

6 Two of the strings were broken. 

7 My father was shocked. 

8 We aren't allowed to touch it. 

9 The clavichord is being repaired. 


A 1 of 2 in 3 from 

B 1 He borrowed a record of mine. 

2 She showed me a picture of John's.  3 It was an idea of hers. 

4 A letter of yours was found on my desk. 

5 Some friends of theirs came to see me. 


1 a  2 d  3 d  4 c  5 b  6 c 

7 a  8 c  9 a  10 c  11 c  12 a


Lesson 11 


A a he is now working (1.2) 

b he gets (1.3); he always borrows (1.3); never pays it back (1.4) 

c came inmworked (11.2-2); Tony saw (1.4); came and sat (1.4); I asked him (1.6); he

gave me (1.7); Tony said (1.8) 

d He has never borrowed (1.5); I have never borrowed (1.7) 

e I was having (1.1); he was eating (1.6) 

C 1 getsmgot 

2 have not had 

3 was writingmtalked/ were talking 

4 am typing 

5 passed/ were passing 

D The Taj Mahal was builtmafter he became/ had become ruler, his wifemdied. The

Taj Mahal was built in her honour. Experts were called inmThe Taj Mahal, which was

begun in 1632 and (was) completed in 1654, cost a fortunemit has been visited bym 


A 1 The officer ordered the men to fire at the enemy. 

2 He wants his wife to wear this dress. 

3 She wants us to explain it. 

4 I cannot allow him to enter the room. 

B (sample sentences) 

1 He asked me to help him. 

2 We preferred her to stay at home. 

3 He taught me to speak English. 

4 My mother wished me to collect the laundry. 

5 Do you want her to visit you? 

1 salary  2 lentmsalary/ wages  3 borrowed  4 wages  5 wages 


1 b  2 b  3 b  4 a  5 b  6 c 

7 c  8 a  9 c  10 c  11b  12 d 


Lesson 12 

1.关键句型练习答案A will sail (1.1); shall meet (1.2); will be (1.3); will set out (11.4-5); shall have(1.5); shall

see (1.5); shall say (1.6);will be (1.6); will take part (1.7) 

C I shall go to the theatre Reg and I shall see the first 

performance the producer will give a short speech. He will speak to The play will be

very people will enjoy it very much. 


1 He is not back yet. He will be back in ten minutes. 

2 A new play is on at the Globe Theatre. 

3 When the concert was over, We went home. 

4 They will set out/ off very early tomorrow morning. (Here be off is also possible.) 

5 You can't take the exam yet. You are not up to it. 

6 He will be away from home for two months. 

7 She swam across the English Channel and set up a new world record. 


1 c  2 c  3 a  4 d  5 d  6 a 

7 d  8 a  9 c  10 d  11 a  12 a 


Lesson 13 


A will be arriving (1.2); will be coming (1.3); will be meeting (1.4); will be singing (1.5);

will be staying (1.6); will be trying (1.8) 

C 1 I'll be ironing the clothes. 

2 The train will be arriving in a few minutes. 

3 We'll be seeing you in the morning. 

4 We'll be watching the match. 

5 He'll be correcting exercise books. 


1 It's George's. 

2 It's Jean's. 

3 It's that woman's. 

4 I like Keats' poetry best. 

5 They're the children's. 

6 They're the soldiers'. 

7 I'll leave in six hours time.  8 There was a hundred pounds' worth of damage. 


1 b  2 d  3 b  4 c  5 a  6 b 

7 b  8 c  9 a  10 a  11a  12 d


Lesson 14


A 1 I drove on to the next town after I had left a small village.

2 I said good morning to him in French as soon as he had got into the car. 

3 I had nearly reached the town, when the young man said:

BDo you speak English?

C 1 After she had written the letter, she went to the post office. 

2 After he had had dinner, he went to the cinema. 

3 When I had fastened my seat belt, the plane took off. 

4 We did not disturb him until he had finished work. 

5 As soon as he had left the room, I turned on the radio. 

6 He had been very ill before he died. 

D 1 regretted  2 had begun/ began  3 arrived 


1 Except for  2 both of  3 Apart from 

4 askedlask for  5 neither oflasked 


1 b  2 c  3 a  4 c  5 d  6 b 

7 c  8 b  9 c  10 b  11 b  12 b


Lesson 15 


A 1a The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. 

bcMr. Harmsworth will see you. d 

2 a Mr. Harmsworth said that business was very bad. 

b cBusiness is very bad.d 

3 a Mr. Harmsworth told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. 

b cThe firm cannot afford to pay such large salaries. d 

B 1 told would come/would be coming 

2 said(had) cut 

3 told had never played 

4 did he sayhad done/would do 

5 did he tell(had) bought/would buy 

6 saidcould not 

7 said(had) worked 

8 toldwrote/writes/had never written 

9 did you saywere/had been 

10 saidwould wait 


1 study  2 office  3 nervous  4 afford  5 irritable 


1d  2b  3c  4b  5c  6d 

7a  8d  9c  10c  11c  12b


Lesson 16 


A The word if has been used four times. 

C 1 rains 2 will never pass 3 is 4will get 5 enjoys 6 is D$if I listen to the radio$If I do

something wrong, don't shout at me. If the house is untidy, don't blame me. If you want me

to do something, don't forget to say.please/. If I am playing a nice game, don't send me

to bed. If I ask for something$If it is cold don't put the cat out$ 


1 pay attention  2 remind  3 are knocking  4 look after  5 Remember me 


1a  2a  3d  4a  5b  6a 

7d  8a  9d  10d  11d  12a


Lesson 17 


A She must be(1.1); Jennifer will have to take(1.3); she must appear(1.4); she had to

wear(11.5-6); it must be terrible(11.7-8) 

C 1 You must/will have to see a doctor. 

2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise? 

3 She said we must/had to/would have to stay here. 

4 I must/have to have some help. 

8 I've had to go out last night. 


A 1 in the position of  2 because  3 At the time when 

B 1 grow  2 suit  3 costume  4 dress 


1d  2b  3b  4d  5c  6c 

7b  8a  9a  10c  11a  12d


Lesson 18


A 1 I looked for my bag after I had had lunch at a village pub. 

2 I had left my bag on a chair beside the door. 

3 The landlord asked me:5Did you have a good meal?6 

4 I answered:5I can't pay the bill because I haven't got my bag.6 

5 The dog had taken the bag into the garden. 

C Sentences 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 


A 1 back  2 away  3 in  4 in 

B 1 Besides  2  beside 


1b  2d  3b  4d  5b  6c 

7d  8c  9a  10c  11c  12b   


Lesson 19   


1 I have not seen­ 

2 There aren't­ 

3 He does not­you are­ 

4 She didn't tell­she hadn't­ 

5 I shan't stay­ 

6 He won't do­he's told 

7 When will I­ 

8 What have you­You have broken­ 

9 He is­He has just come­ 

10 I can't understand­he has not­ 

11 You must not believe­ 

12 I was not­You were not­ 

13 That man has been­  14 They had not seen­ 


1a  2d  3c  4c  5d  6b 

7c  8b  9c  10a  11c  12c


Lesson 20 


A Fishing(1.1); catching(11.1-2); catching(1. 3); having spent(1.5); fishing(1.6);

fishingˆ sitting(1.8); doing (1.9)  C 1 he went out of the restaurant without paying the bill. 

2 She bought a pair of boots instead of getting a pair of shoes. 

3 She was afraid of spending the night alone. 

4 After hearing/having heard the news, she fainted. 

5 Think carefully before answering my question. 

6 On seeing the plane coming towards me, I dashed for cover. 


1realized  2It'sˆunderstandˆits  3exciting  4interesting  5exciting  6interested 


1b  2c  3b  4b  5c  6b 

7c  8a  9c  10c  11d  12a



Lesson 21   


A …passing planes can be heard(1.2); The airport was built (1.2); it could not be used

then(1. 3); a hundred people must have been driven away(11.4-5); this house will be

knocked down by a passing plane(11.6-7); I have been offered a large sum of money(1.7) 

C 1 A message will be sent immediately. 

2 All these goods must be sold. 

3 I told you the parcel would be received in time. 

4 The letter has to be delivered by hand. 

5 Your letter must have been lost In the post. 


A (sample answers)  The dog drove the sheep out of the field. 

The police drove the crowds back. 

I drove my car into the garage. 

B1 home  2 houses  3 house  4 home 


1c  2d  3c  4d  5a  6c 

7b  8b  9a  10d  11c  12c


Lesson 22 


1from 2on 3in 4on 5from 6from 7of 8on 9from 10in 11on…in 12of 13in 14on 15of  16of 17from 18of…on 19on 20of…of 21of 22of/from 23of 24from 25in 26on 27 on 28from 29on 30in 31from 32on 33on 34on 35in 36from 37on 38on 39in 40of  41on 42on 43of 44in 45in 46in 47from 48of 49of 50of 51on 52of 53from 54in 


1d  2b  3d  4d  5b  6d 

7a  8 c  9d  10 a  11b  12 b


Lesson 23   


C 1 wrote  2 had finished  3 breaks  4 shall/will go 

D 1 told…would  2 told…had lost  3 said…did not like 


1 It  2 There  3 There  4 there  5 It 

6 It  7 There  8 it  9 there  10 it 


1a  2a  3a  4c  5c  6a 

7d  8d  9b  10b  11a  12d  


Lesson 24 


A 1 received           2 on the                     3 On the 

4 believes              5 of                           6 salary 

7 lend                    8 asked for                 9 Apart from  10 an irritable         11 are                        12 pay attention to 

13 Remember        14 suit                       15 grow up 

16 beside               17 It's…exciting         18 understand 

19 home                20 There is 

B 1 What a wonderful garden(this is)! 

2 What a lot of trouble he is causing! 

3 What a tall building (it is)! 

4 What a clever girl you are! 

C 1 He handed the prize to me. 

2 The waiter brought the man a bottle of beer. 

3 I've ordered you some soup. 

4 Bring me that book please! 

5 She promised the finder a reward. 

D 1 haven't any/have no money. 

2 I didn't go anywhere/went nowhere in the holidays. 

3 There wasn't anybody/was nobody present when the accident happened. 

E 1 It's George's. 

2 It's that woman's. 

3 I like Keats' poetry best. 

4 They're the children's. 

5 They're the soldiers'. 

F 1 off  2 back  3 up  4 over  5 on  6 away 

G 1 I put my hat on. 

2 I took my coat off. 

3 He put the fire out. 

4 They cut the king's head off.  2.多项选择题答案 

1b  2a  3a  4c  5a  6a 

7 c  8 c  9 c  10 b  11a   12 b


Lesson 25   


A and(1.1); so(1.2); not only…but…as well(11.2-3);and(1.5);but(1.5);neither…

nor(1.6);but(1.7);and (1.8);and(1.8);and(1.9);but(1.10) 

C 1 I knocked at the door but he did not open it. 

2 Both he and I went on holiday. 

3 He must be either mad or very wise. 


1 Both my sister and I went shopping. 

2 We not only got very tired but very hungry as well. 

3 It was three o'clock and we could not get lunch so we had a cup of tea. 


1c  2b  3b  4a  5b  6c 

7 d  8 b  9 a  10 a  11d  12 a


Lesson 26   


A These things always happen: I paint (1.1); people pretend that they understand

(11.1-2);they…tell(1.2);We like (1.4);we like (1.5); I think (1.5); children…

appreciate (11.5-6);They notice(1.7);she…tells(1.7);Do you like (1.11) 

(Note: Although the question Do you like it? <1.11> is asked at a particular moment,

the meaning of like cannot be restricted to this moment.) 

These things are happening now: What are you doing (1.10);I'm hanging (1.11) 

B believe…are joking…don't know…know…believe…forget…looked…are you trying…

believe…think…do you live…don't know 


‘Look!’she said,‘isn't that man drunk?’ 

‘I think we should cross the road,’answered her husband. 

‘It's too late now,’she replied.  ‘Eh, you two. Look where you're going,’called the drunk.‘Can't you walk in a

straight line?’ 


1a  2d  3c  4b  5c  6d 

7d  8a  9b  10d  11b  12d


Lesson 27 


A put up(1.1); was done…cooked (1.2);smelled (1.3);told…sang(1.4);began

(1.5);felt(1.5);put out…crept(11.5-6);slept(1.7);woke up(1.8);began shouting(1.8);

was(1.8);leapt out(1.9);hurried(1.9);found(1.10);wound(1.10);flowed(1.10) 

2.难点练习答案  1 put their toys away                   2 put you up 

3 put my shoes on                       4 put down 

5 putting out                               6 put up 

7 put off                                     8 put up with 


1d  2c  3d  4d  5d  6b 

7a  8d  9d  10c  11c  12c


Lesson 28   


A has just bought(1.2);has had(1.3);has parked(1.4);has not been able(1.5);has

put up(1.6);have not had(1.7);has put(1.8);have ever seen(1.9);has been turned



2 who/that  3 whose  4 which  6 that/which 


1c  2d  3b  4b  5c  6d 

7b  8d  9c  10d  11b  12a


Lesson 29   


A What happened:flew(1.6);landed(1.8);landed(1.9);wanted(1.10);did not take


What has happened:has bought(1.1); has begun(1.1);has flown(11.7-8);has just



1 bring  2 fetch  3 refused  4 deny  5 Very 


1b  2c  3c  4b  5d  6b 

7a  8b  9b  10b  11c  12b


Lesson 30    


C 1 Yes, I took some (photographs). No, I didn't take any (photographs). 

2 Yes, I bought some (bread). No, I didn't buy any (bread). 

3 Yes, I saw some (people). No, I didn't see any (people). 

D 1 Refrigerators are necessary in hot countries. 

2 Which river is the longest, the Nile, the Amazon, or the Mississippi? 

3 Heyerdahl crossed the Pacific on a raft. 

4 Why is Britain sometimes called the United Kingdom? 

5 We sailed up the Red Sea and then went through the Suez Canal. 


1a  2a  3d  4a  5b  6c 

7c  8c  9d  10a  11d  12d


Lesson 31   


A What was happening: was telling (1.1);was still smiling (1.10) 

What happened: retired(1.2);saved(1.5);bought(1.6);had(1.7);employed(1.9);

smiled when he remembered (1.9);opened…came in…wanted(11.10-11)  What used to happen: used to work(1.3);used to work(11.4-5);used to make(1.7) 

C …worked/was working…sat/was sitting…was looking…were passing…stopped…

got…were/had been…used to come/came…used to go/went…were…quarrelled…had

never seen/saw…got/was getting…called…hurried 


1 experienced  2jobs  3job  4save 


1d  2b  3a  4c  5a  6a 

7d  8a  9b  10c  11a  12c


Lesson 32 


A People are not so honest as they once were(1.1); The temptation…is greater than

ever before(11.1-2); there werefewer people…than usual (11.4-5); it was easier…to watch

her (11.5-6); one of the most expensive dresses (11.7-8); wrapped it… as quickly as possible (11.8-9) 


One day…a postcard…an excursion…one thing…a fax… a form… a fax of one word…


1 c  2 c  3 c  4 b  5 b  6 c 

7 a  8 d  9 a  10 d  11 b  12 c


Lesson 33   


A 1 The girl set out from the coast. 

2 She jumped into the sea. 

3 She swam to the shore. 

B 1 to  2 from/out of  3 (up) to  4 for/ from 

5 from…to/ to…from  6 at  7 to  8 from 

C ( sample answers) 

1 A bird flew into the room. 

2 The parachutist jumped from the aeroplane. 

3 The child pointed at the fat lady.  4 Put the milk in the refrigerator. 


1 the other day  2 passed  3 next  4 past 


1 d  2 b  3 d  4 a  5 c  6 b 

7 b  8 c  9c  10 c  11a  12 c 


Lesson 34   


A 1 Dan Robinson has been worried all the week.  2 Dan was asked to call at the local police station. 

3 Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police. 

4 Dan was told at the station that his bicycle had been found. 

5 Dan's bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. 

6 The bicycle is being sent to Dan's home. 

7 Dan was surprised and amused when he heard the news. 

8 Dan was amused because he never expected the bicycle tobe found. 

9 The bicycle was stolen twenty years ago. 


1 on  2 off  3 out  4 at 


1 d  2 a  3 b  4 c  5 a  6 d 

7 c  8 b  9 c  10 b  11 c  12 a 


Lesson 35 


A used to drive (1.1) ; became (1.2); has not regretted (1.2); is finding (1.2) ; was

driving (1.3); saw…rush out…run (1.4); was carrying (1.5) ; acted…drove (1.6); got…

dropped (1.7); were trying to get (1.8); drove(1.8); was moving a way(1.9); stopped…

telephoned (1.9); was badly damaged…to recognize (1.10); stopped(1.10); were arrested


C 1 mean… Do you understand 

2 used to smoke…does not smoke 

3 was completed 

4 have not seen 

5 dropped…was crossing 


1 so  2 such a  3 so  4 such  5 so  6 such a 7 such an  8 such a 


1 a  2 d  3 a  4 d  5 d  6 a 

7 d  8 a  9 b  10 a  11d  12 d 


Lesson 36 


A What will happen: will set out (1.5); will have(1.9); will not eat (1.9) 

What is going to happen: is going to swim (1.1); is going to set out(1.2)  What will be happening: will be watching(1.7); will be waiting(11.9-10) 

C 1 We are going to leave at six o'clock. 

2 I am going to pay these bills tomorrow. 

3 Are you going to write to him? 

4 She is not going to look for a new job. 

5 When are you going to buy a new car? 


1 firm  2 watched  3 look at  4 solid/firm  5 firm  


1 a  2d  3d  4c  5d  6c 

7 c  8 b  9a  10 d  11 c  12c 


Lesson 37 


A What will happen: will be held(1.1); will be held(1.5);will be called(1.6) 

What will be happening: will be visiting (1.2); will be building(1.3); will also be building

(1.4); will be watching (1.9)  What will have happened: will have completed(1.7); will have finished (1.8) 


1 holding… looking forward to  2 look out  3 look… up 

4 is holding  5 look… up  6 held… looking forward to 


1c  2b  3b  4b  5b  6d 

7 a  8 c  9 d  10 b  11b  12 a 


Lesson 38 


A What happened: returned(1.2); bought( 1.4); went(1.4); began(1.5); rained(1.6); go

(1.7); acted(1.8); was…could bear(1.9); sold…left(1.9); ended(1.10) 

What had happened: had lived (1.1); had often dreamed (1.2); had planned(1.3); had

no sooner returned(1.4); had never lived (1.8); had hardly had(1.9); had had (1.10); had

thought (1.10) 


A 1 I had no sooner left the house than it began to rain. 

2 We had no sooner hung the picture on the wall than it fell down. 

B 1 continuously  2 continually  3 country 


1 b  2c  3a  4a  5c  6b 

7 d  8 d  9 b  10 a  11d  12 d 


Lesson 39 


1 d  2 a  3 c  4 d  5 d  6 a 

7 b  8 a  9 c  10 c  11 a  12 b


Lesson 40 


1 were                    2 tries              3 will burn  4 would have to       5 lost               6 do not apologize 

7 were                    8 won             9 would not be 

10 could 


1 made… do  2 does… makes 

3 doing…making  4 made…did 


1 c  2 c  3 b  4 c  5 a  6 a 

7 c  8 b  9 b  10 b  11b  12 d


Lesson 41   


C 1 mustn't  2 mustn't  3 needn't  4 needn't  5 mustn't 


1 remarked  2 noticed  3 remarks  4 notice 


1 a  2 a  3 c  4 d  5 c  6 b 

7 b  8 a  9 d  10 a  11 c  12 b


Lesson 42 


A 1 had had a long walk(1.1)         2 have a rest(1.2) 

3 to have a look(1.4)                4 had our first glimpse(1.6) 

B 1 had a ride                              2 was having a look 

3 had a wash                           4 had a swim 

5 had a fight                            6 have had a quarrel 

7 had another try                      8 having a rest 

9 have a smoke                        10 have a good sleep 


1 pick it up  2 pick up  3 pick out  4 pick up 


1 d  2 d  3 d  4 b  5 b  6 c 

7 d  8 d  9 a  10 c  11d  12 a


Lesson 43 


A were able to take(1.3); could…get over(1.6); was then able to rise(1.8); would be

able to reach(1.9); was able to fly (1.10) 


1 at last  2 at home  3 at once  4 at the moment  5 at times6 was at a loss  7 At first  3.多项选择题答案 

1 b  2b  3 a  4 a  5 d  6 d 

7 a  8 c  9 c  10 d  11 a  12 c


Lesson 44 


A tried to steal(1.4); started running(1.5); continued to run (1.7); needs mending(1.10)  B 1 to see           2 working                     3 ironing 

4 to leave           5 to argue/ arguing         6 to come 

7 seeing             8 knocking                    9 waiting 

10 to rain/ raining                                   11 working 

12 taking 


1(sample sentences) 

In the last minutes of the race, Jim caught up with the leader and passed him. 2 The

farmer shouted at the children and they ran away.3.多项选择题答案 

1 c  2 b  3 c  4 c  5 c  6 b 

7 d  8 a  9 b  10 a  11 b  12 d


Lesson 45 


A had been lost(11.1-2); must have been found(11.3-4); was not returned(1.4); had

been wrapped(1.6); was sent (1.9); was paid back(1.10) 

C 1 A meal has been prepared for you. 

2 The book will be translated into English. 

3 A telegram must be sent to him. 

4 The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived. 

5 The cat was given some milk to drink. 


1 back  2 robbed… stole  3 back  4 stole  5 robbed 


1 b  2 d  3 a  4 b  5 b  6 d 

7 c  8 b  9 c  10 b  11 d  12 b 


Lesson 46 


A arrived at Sydney(1.1); could account for the fact (1.3);occurred to one(1.4); was

astonished at what(1.5); was so surprised at being(11.6-7); had been confined to the

wooden box(1.9); pay £ 3,500 for the cost(1.10) 

B 1 with              2 to…for             3 with       4 for 

5 to                 6 at 7 to               8 to 

9 for               10 to…at             11 at         12 with 

13 with           14 to…for           15 for       16 for  17 with           18 for                  19 at         20 with 

21 to               22 with              23 at         24 to 

25 with…to     26 to…with         27 for       28 to…to 

29 for             30 to                   31 for       32 to 

33 to…with     34 for                  35 to         36 to 

37 at               38 at                   39 with     40 for 


1 a  2 c  3 d  4 d  5 a  6 c 

7 b  8 c  9 a  10 d  11 c  12 a


Lesson 47 


C 1 will have finished  2 broke  3 were  4 could 

D 1 mustn't  2 needn't 

E 1 I asked George what those people were looking at. 

2 George answered that he did not know. He thought a new road was being built and

that it would be finished soon. 

3 I told George that all those people were silly because they were looking into an empty hole. 

4 George said that some people enjoy/ enjoyed watching others work. 

5 Half an hour passed. George told me to hurry up as we had been there for half an

hour. He added that there was nothing to see in an empty hole. 

6 I answered that I didn't want to go yet because it was very interesting. 


1 d  2 a  3 b  4 a  5 d  6 a 

7 a  8 d  9 d  10 c  11 a  12 c


Lesson 48 


A 1 which              2 denied                3 fetched 

4 too                 5 jobs                   6 One…a…who 

7 past                8 next                 9 watching 

10 continually     11 remarked          12 robbed 

B (sample sentences) 

I'm sorry to cause you such trouble. 

Have you ever seen such beautiful pictures before? It's such a nice day that we can't

stay indoors! 

I'm feeling so tired that I shall have to stop work.  C 1 He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office. 

2 The plane had no sooner taken off than it returned to the airport. 

D 1 made  2 do  3 make  4 do  5 Do  6 make 7 made8 does 

E 1 out  2 up  3 up  4 up…away  5 up  6 out 7 back  8 up with  9 up with 

F (sample sentences) 

If you don't stop that noise at once, you'll have to go to bed. I'm at a loss to know what

to do. 

It's stopped raining at last! 

He's very busy and can't accept any more work at present. I'll be at home tonight. 


1c  2b  3c  4b  5a  6c 

7b  8 b  9 d  10 a  11b  12 c


Lesson 49    

1.关键句型练习答案  A to buy(1.2) ;which(1.3); Because(11.3-4); but(1.5); and(1.7); until(1.8); Although(1.8);

When(1.9);that(1.10); and(1.10); After(1.11) 


1 d  2 a  3b  4a  5b  6c 

7 c  8 a  9 c  10 c  11a  12 a


Lesson 50 


A love travelling(1.1); don't like losing(1.1); don't know where it is(1.5); This is as far as

we go (1.10) 

B ‘Let's eat here,’I said to my wife. 

‘I(would) prefer to have a drink first,’she answered. 

‘That's a good idea,’I said. I picked up the menu.‘I don't understand a thing.’I

said.‘It's all in Spanish.’ 

‘It doesn't matter,’said my wife. 

‘What does that word mean?’I asked. 

‘I don't know,’she answered. 

We called the waiter and pointed to the word on the menu.‘Two,’I said, holding up

two fingers. 

After some time, my wife said suddenly,‘Look! He's bringing us two boiled eggs!’ 


a/ b 1 miss  2 loose  3 expect  4 lose  5 waited 

c 1 It takes me an hour to get to my office. 

2 It took me fifteen hours to reach Tokyo. 

3 It took him six months to write the book. 


1 b  2 d  3a  4c  5c  6a 

7 a  8 d  9 b  10 b  11 c  12 d


Lesson 51 


A got(1.1); decided(1.2);began(1.2); wrote out(1.3); included(1.4); paid(1.5); rang

(1.6);was not surprised (1.6); led(1.7); hid(1.7); asked(1.9); smiled(1.9); put(1.9);explained

(1.10); had to reward(1.10); showed(1.10) 


1 rose  2 lying  3 laid  4 rose  5 beats  6 win  3.多项选择题答案 

1 b  2c  3d  4d  5d  6a 

7 d  8 c  9 a  10 d  11 d  12 b


Lesson 52 


A What has happened: We have just moved(1.1);This has not been easy(1.3); I have…

put(11.4-5); I have ever seen(1.9) 

What has been happening: I have been working(1.1);I have been trying(1.2) 

C have explained…have understood…Have you been listening…has been working/

has worked…has been earning/ has earned…has she earned…have not been listening 


1 carefully  2 hard  3 hard  4 late  5 nearly  6 fast  7 high 


1 b  2c  3c  4a  5b  6d 

7 c  8 b  9a  10 c  11b  12 d


Lesson 53 


A What happened: began(1.2);examined(1.4);were not able to find(1.5);did not start

(1.6);discovered(1.7); noticed (1.8);was wound(1.8);was able to solve(1.9);dropped (1.10);

wound(1.11); it did so(1.11); sent(1.11); started(1.11)  What has happened: have put out(1.1) 

What has been happening: have been trying to find(1.2) 

C Jack looked at his watch for the twentieth time. Suddenly Jill arrived. 

‘I've been waiting for over an hour,’he said angrily.‘You never come on time.’ 

‘Oh, is that so?’Jill answered.‘Were you here at  2.30?’Jack went red.‘Well,’

he said,‘I go here five minutes late myself, but you weren't here.’ 

‘I came here at exactly  2.30,’Jill said,‘and I waited for five minutes, but you didn't


‘What have you been doing since then?’Jack asked.‘I've just been to the

hairdresser's,’Jill answered brightly. 


a Look: you threw the potato-peeler away by mistake. 

The shepherd threw some food to his dogs. 

The teacher threw some chalk at a boy who wasn't listening. 

b I'm quite certain these are my glasses. 

The children are very quiet. What's going on? 

c The cause of unemployment is complicated. 

Can you explain the reason for changing our arrangements? 

He reasoned that we would have to comply, even if we didn't wish to. 

d Please don't drop that vase! 

It fell from my hands and broke. 


1c  2d  3a  4c  5c  6c 

7d  8c  9d  10 a  11c  12 c


Lesson 54 


1d  2b  3d  4b  5d  6b 

7 a  8 d  9 c  10 b  11 d  12 d


Lesson 55 


A What happened: came true(1.1);was used(1.4);went (1.7);showed(1.9);dug

(1.9);found(1.10); searched…did not find(11.10-11) 

What was happening: was examining(1.8) 

What used to/would happen: used to hide(1.5);would often bury…and then(they

would) fail(11.5-6) 


a 1 used to  2 used to  3 uses  4 used to  5 am used to  6 am used to 

b 1 gold  2 golden 


1 a  2a  3b  4d  5a  6a 

7 c  8 a  9 b  10 d  11 a  12b


Lesson 56 


A One of the most handsome cars(1.3); The most unusual car (1.4); the oldest car

(1.5); more time under their cars than in them (11.7-8); much faster than any of…(1.9);but

no less exciting (than modern car races) (1.11) 


a They have some very handsome antique furniture. 

Switzerland is a very beautiful country. 

She was a very pretty baby, but she's quite plain now. 

They make a very good-looking couple. 

b Can you reach the top of that cupboard? 

They arrived at the station just in time. 

c Are you taking part in the new play? 

The meeting took place in Paris last week. 


1 c  2 a  3 c  4 c  5 a  6 c 

7 a  8 b  9 b  10 c  11 c  12 c


Lesson 57 


1 Don't let him bully you.  2 Why don't you make. him apologize for his behaviour? 

3 No one can make me believe he's telling the truth. 

4 Will your parents let you come to the theatre with us?  

5 Let's go for a drive in the country. 


1 a  2 b  3 b  4 b  5 b  6 d 

7 c  8 d  9 c  10 b  11 d  12 a


Lesson 58   


A Frinley is said to possess(1.1); It is said that if…(1.5)  2.难点练习答案 

1 picked  2 gain  3 earns  4 grown  


1b  2 d  3 a  4 a  5 c  6 b 

7 d  8 c  9 a  10 d  11 b  12 d 


Lesson 59 


A b opens (1.9); comes (1.9); waits…shuts (11.9-10);sits…barks…lets…lets (1.10);

begins (1.10) 

c wanted (1.2); opened (1.3); complained (1.3); spent (1.4); became (1. 5); noticed

(1.6); removed (1.11);got (1.11) 

d has developed (1.8); have not seen (1.11) 

e was going out (1.6); was barking (1.7) 

C 1 He is said to be/It is said that he is very rich. 

2 There is said to be/It is said that there is a hold-up on the roads. 

3 I was given a pen./A pen was given to me. 

4 She was given a prize./A prize was given to her. 

5 We were promised a new office./A new office was promised to us. 

(Note: In numbers 3-5, the second alternative is grammatically correct but rarely used.)


1 He left early so as not to see me. 

2 The secretary asked me into the office so that the manager might speak to me. 

3 I ran to the station so as not to be late. 

4 He worked hard in order to learn English.  5 He has not sent me his address so that I will/shall not be able to write to him. 

6 I went to see him to find out what had happened. 


1 d  2 b  3 d  4 d  5 d  6 a 

7 b  8 a  9 d  10 a  11a  12 b


Lesson 60 


A is coming (1.  4); will be arriving (1.  4); The moment you leave…will get (11.5-6); will

rush (11.6-7); will speak (1.7); will lead (1.7); will be here (1.10) 

C is setting out/will set out; will send; receive; receive; will try; locate; will fire; will carry;

will pour; will be sent 


1 Our school dining room            2 ghost story 

3 birthday present                       4 the village inn 

5 The party leader                       6 the front door key  7 Christmas card                        8 garden gate 


1 b  2 a  3 c  4 b  5 c  6 b 

7 a  8 b  9 a  10 c  11 a  12 d


Lesson 61 


1 cost  2 price  3 value  4 cost  5 value  6 priced  7 cost 


1 b  2 a  3 c  4 c  5 a  6 d 

7 c  8 a  9 b  10 b  11 d  12 d


Lesson 62 


A What had happened: had covered (1.  3); had…been put out (11.7-8); had already

taken not (11.10-11); had begun(1.12) 

What had been happening: had been fighting (1. 1); had been planting (11.9-10); had

been growing (1.11) 

C (had) discovered…appeared; had taken part…died; happened… claimed… had

died; had been searching… was/had been found 


1 checked  2 soil  3 checked  4 great 


1 a  2 d  3 d  4 c  5 d  6 c 

7 c  8 b  9 d  10 a  11 d  12 b 


Lesson 63 


A 1‘I want to go home,’Jenny told him. 

2‘Did you enjoy the speech, Jenny?’Jeremy asked. 

3‘No,’ she said. 

4‘Why didn't you enjoy it?’Jeremy asked. 

5‘I don't like to see so many people laughing at you,’she told him. 

C 1 He told me to keep quiet. 

2 He suggested that I should send him a fax. 

3 He told me not to worry about it. 

4 He insisted that I should ask him about it. 

D 1 I wonder if he can wait a few minutes longer. 

2 I wonder when he will arrive.  3 I wonder if he has passed his examination. 

4 I wonder where he is. 

5 I wonder why she didn't telephone. 

6 I wonder when we shall see him again. 

7 I wonder if she caught the wrong bus. 

8 I wonder if you could spare me a moment. 


1 d  2 b  3 a  4 a  5 b  6 d  

7 d  8 a  9 c  10 d  11 c  12 a


Lesson 64 


A Three sentences: 1.5,Type 2; 

1.9, Type 2; 

1.10,Type 3  C 1 would have been able  2 could have come  3 would not have made  

4 were  5 is 


1 up  2 back  3 up 


1 c  2 c  3 c  4 c  5 b  6 b 

7 c  8 c  9 a  10 b  11b  12 b 


Lesson 65 


C 1 should (or ought to) come 

2 had to do 

3 should (or ought to) have come  

4 should (or ought to) have asked  

5 had to explain 

2.难点练习答案  1 accepted…off  2 dress up…down  


1 a  2d  3b  4b  5c  6a 

7 a  8 d  9 c  10 c  11b  12 d 


Lesson 66 


A had the plane packaged, (had the plane) moved, have the plane restored, have only

three of them rebuilt 

B 1 The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to


2 A group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. 

3 The group will need to have only three of the engines rebuilt. 

C 1 He is having a new house built. 

2 She will have a new dress made. 

3 I did not have the house decorated. 

4 They had the washing machine repaired. 

5 We must have this dangerous tree cut down. 

6 We have to have this new television set installed. 


1 has  2 were  3 Have  4 is  3.多项选择题答案 

1c  2b  3a  4a  5d  6a 

7 a  8b  9a  10b  11b  12 a 


Lesson 67 


C 1 He did not manage to get into town this morning.  

2 They did not manage to find the boy who had run away.  

3 He did not manage to find a new job. 

4 I did not manage to translate the passage into English. 

5 They did not manage to swim to the other side of the river. 


1 tell  2 said/would say  3 say…tell  4 tell  5 told  6 say  


1d  2a  3d  4d  5d  6d 

7 b  8 b  9 a  10 d  11d  12 d


Lesson 68 


C (sample sentences) 

1 It's no use trying to reason with him. 

2 Let's go swimming. 

3 Forgive my interrupting you. 

4 Do you deny having taken/taking the money?  

5 He came rushing towards me. 

6 I'm busy writing letters. 

7 I always enjoy going to the cinema.  

8 Would you mind closing the door, please?  

2.多项选择题答案  1b  2b  3c  4d  5b  6b 

7b  8c  9c  10 c  11a  12a


Lesson 69 


A was being tested(1.1);had been asked(11.1-2);After having been instructed (11.2-3);

must have been pleased(1.5);could be heard(1.9); were both thrown forward(1.10) 


1 enjoy…practising  2 amused  3 advised…licence 

4 entertain  5 entertained  6 amused 


1a  2b  3c  4b  5b  6c 

7 d  8 a  9 a  10 b  11c  12 d


Lesson 70 


A unaware of(1.2); busy with(1.3); sensitive to(1.5); sure of(1.7); close to(1.8);

sorry for(1.10) 

B 1 of                  2 in…at                 3 in…for 

4 to…about          5 with…on             6 at…with 

7 to…for              8 in                       9 to…to 

10 of                   11 on                     12 for 

13 from               14 at…of               15 on…about/of 

16 for…with        17 at                      18 of 

19 to…to             20 with                  21 to 

22 of                   23 of                     24 to 

25 for 


1d  2b  3c  4c  5d  6b 

7c  8a  9c  10d  11d  12c 


Lesson 71 


C 1 shall have been working 

2 have finished 

D 1 had to go 

2 should/ought to buy  3 should/ ought to have telephoned 


1 shop assistant  2 hung  3 hanged  


1b  2d  3b  4b  5c  6c 

7d  8b  9b  10c  11b  12a  


Lesson 72 


A 1 miss           2 expecting     3 raise             4 lying 

5 beats         6 quite            7 am used to    8 pick 

9 price          10 cost           11 value           12 checked 

13 accept      14 dress up     15 practise       16 amused 

17 hung        18 late            19 hard           20 nearly  B 1 I told him about it in order to help you. 

2 I opened the door quietly so as not to disturb him.  

3 He left the letter on the table in order that I might/should see it. 

C 1 up  2 down  3 out  4 up  5 off 

D 1 say…told  2 tell  3 say  4 said  5 telling 


1a  2c  3a  4d  5b  6a 

7c  8c  9d  10b  11a  12d 


Lesson 73 


A who(1.1); or (1.2); as far as (1.3); who(1.4); while (1.4); and(1.5); When(1.6); as(1.8);

and(1.9); and (1.9); as(1.10); but(1.10); and(1.11); wno(1.12) 

C 1 The climbers not only reached the top of the mountain, but(they)spent the night

there as well. 

2 When a fire broke out in a cinema, several hundred people tried to leave the building

and a number of them were injured. 

3 James Sullivan, whose book on the Antarctic was published recently, will give a

lecture at the local library next week.  4 Although the police searched everywhere, neither the missing boy nor his dog could

be found. 

5 In spite of the fact that fares have increased, the railway company is still losing

money because the employees have demanded higher wages. 

6 He gave me such a fright that I knocked the teapot over. 

7 After making sure that the alarm clock worked, I set it so that it would ring at six


8 I hid the Christmas presents under the desk quickly so that my young daughter would

not see them when she entered the room 

9 Refusing the offer, I explained that I had already been offered a job by another


10 He fought the wolves off for three hours before help arrived. 


1 c  2a  3d  4a  5c  6d 

7a  8d  9a  10a  11d  12b  


Lesson 74 


B 1 are now investigating              2 travels 

3 resembles                             4 delivers 

5 looks                                   6 loves 

7 is coming                             8 do you prefer 

C (sample sentences)  1 This box is empty, but that one contains old papers.  

2 What does‘No Campming’mean? 

3 I don't believe a word he says! 

4 I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean.  

5 They want (to buy) a new house. 

6 Don't hurry. It doesn't matter if we're late. 


a 1 over  2 into  3 through  4 off  5 on…with  6 on with 

b 1 No Smoking(in this compartment) 

2 No Parking 

3 No Waiting on this side of the street today 


1 b  2 d  3 c  4 c  5 d  6 c 

7 a  8 c  9 b  10 c  11 a  12 b  


Lesson 75 


A flew (1.1); crashed (1.2); was killed (1.2); grew dark  (1.5); turned (1.6); put(1.6);

could find (1.7); got (1.8); kept(1.8); could(1.8); tried to get(1.9); heard (1.9); wondered

(1.10); could send (1.10); had(1.10); stamped out(1.11); saw(1.11); sent(1.11); arrived


(Note: Other past tenses <e.g. lay,[1.4]; knew[1.5];was [1.12]>are descriptive, i.e. they

do not indicate something that happened.) 


1 grew/got/turned  2 fell  3 grew  4 turn/go  5come/become 

6 grew 7 growing/getting…growing/get ting  8 got/grown 

9 fell  10 come 


1c  2a  3b  4d  5b  6a 

7b  8b  9d  10d  11c  12c  


Lesson 76 


A What has happened: has been grown(1.3);has begun(1.6); have just finished(1.7);

has won(1.13) 

What has been happening: have been expecting(1.5); has been working(11.8-9);has

been helping(1.10) 


1 among        2 usual             3 manager         4 headmaster  5 usual          6 director         7 between         8 usually 


1d  2b  3d  4a  5a  6b 

7b  8a  9c  10b  11d  12d  


Lesson 77 


A What happened: died(1.1); died(1.5); lasted(1.6); proved to be(1.7); covered(1.8);

moved(1.8); sent (1.9); found(1.9); did not show(1.9); was normally placed (1.10); died

(1.11); feared(1.11); cut(1.12); survived (1.12) 

What has happened: has just had(11.1-2); have not yet decided(1.10) 

What has been happening: have been trying(1.4) 

C 1 for                  2 ago           3 since 

4 since              5 for           6 ago…since 

7 since              8 ago           9 since 

10 for 


1 complexion  2 leather  3 skin  4 candle  5 B.C. 


1a  2c  3a  4b  5c  6d  7d  8d  9a  10a  11b  12a 


Lesson 78 


B 1 I'm making some coffee. Do you want some/any?  

2 Exports have increased this year. 

3 My dog is afraid of thunder and lightning. 

4 The boy was sent to a school for the deaf.  

5 Tax laws help the rich. 

6 I spent the evening listening to some music. 

7 Crime does not pay. 

8 Would you like an apple or an orange? 

9 Are you an artist or a musician? 

10 Do you take sugar in your tea? 


1 away from  2 off  3 up  4 on  5 out  6 up with  7 in  


1a  2c  3b  4b  5c  6a 

7c  8b  9a  10b  11c  12a  


Lesson 79


Lesson 80 


A the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century (1.1); one of the biggest

buildings of all time (11.4-5), The most wonderful piece of machinery on show (11.8-9);

travelling was not as easy as it is today (1.9); one of the most famous buildings in the world



1 on duty              2 on second thoughts        3 on purpose 

4 on foot               5 on the whole                  6 on any account 

7 On the average 


1c  2b  3d  4a  5d  6c 

7a  8d  9c  10c  11d  12b


Lesson 81 


1 saluted  2 clear  3 cloth  4 clothes  5 greeted 


1d  2a  3a  4d  5b  6b 

7d  8c  9b  10d  11b  12d


Lesson 82 


1 wash up  2 laugh at  3 washed  4 laughed  5 wash 


1a  2b  3a  4d  5c  6c 

7d  8a  9a  10c  11b  12d


Lesson 83   


1 He refused to help us and I lost my temper with him. 

2 They were very rude but I managed to keep my temper. 

3 He isn't usually in such a good temper on a Monday morning! 

4 Don't ask him for a rise now. He's in a very bad temper today. 

5 She's just won a prize in the lottery, so she's in a very good mood. 

6 He's just lost a lot of money, so he's in a very bad mood. 

7 Let's go out. I'm in the mood for a celebration!  2.多项选择题答案 

1b  2a  3c  4c  5a  6b 

7c  8b  9c  10d  11a  12b


Lesson 84   


A What will happen: will last (1.2) ; will continue until…is reached (11.3-4) ; will last

(1.5); are going to offer (1.6);will relieve (1.7); will have to pass (1.10); are going to take

(1.10); are going to find (11.10-11); will drive (1.12) 


1 He thought it safe to cross the road. 

2 He finds it unnecessary to practise for long. 

3 You'll find it hard to find a job. 

4 She thinks it important to speak clearly. 

5 I thought it unwise for him to wait so long. 

6 I considered it a good thing that she gave up smoking. 


1c  2c  3a  4b  5d  6c 

7c  8c  9d  10a  11c  12d


Lesson 85   


1 This car is too expensive to buy. This car is too expensive for me to buy. 

2 This car is cheap enough to buy. This car is cheap enough for me to buy. 

3 The tea is too hot to drink. The tea is too hot for me to drink. 

4 This piece of music is too difficult to play. This piece of music is too difficult for me to


5 This piece is easy enough to play. This piece is easy enough for me to play. 


1d  2d  3b  4a  5b  6a 

7b  8d  9b  10b  11d  12c


Lesson 86 


A What happened: tried (1.1); came away (1.2); waved (1.2); were thrown (11.4-5);

continued to move (1.6); noticed (1.7); came straight towards (11.8-9); roared past (1.9);

swam on (1.10); knew (1.10); completed (1.11);dropped (1.13); began to drift (1.13) 

What had happened: had hardly had (1.4); had struck (1.5); had just begun (11.6-7);

had passed (1.10); had just had (1.11); had slowed down (1.12); had nearly all been used

up (1.12) 

What had been happening: had been water skiing (1.4) 


1 fairly…enough  2 fairly  3 enough  4 enough  5 enough 


1b  2c  3a  4b  5b  6b 

7d  8c  9a  10b  11b  12c


Lesson 87   


A The man said that he was travelling on the eight o'clock train to London at the time

the murder was committed. The inspector asked him if he always caught such an early

train. The man said that he did because he had to be at work at ten o'clock, and that his

employer would confirm that he was there on time. The inspector then asked him if a later

train would get him to work on time. The man supposed that it would, but said that he never

caught a later train. The inspector asked at what time he had arrived at the station. The

man said that he had arrived at the station at ten to eight. He added that he had bought a

paper and waited for the train. When the inspector asked him if he had noticed anything unusual, the man said he hadn't. The inspector suggested that he was not telling the

truth and that he did not catch the eight o'clock train, but (caught) the eight twenty-five,

which would still get him to work on time. The inspector pointed out that on the morning of

the murder, the eight o'clock train did not run at all, as it had broken down at Ferngreen

station and had been taken off the line. 


1c  2d  3c  4d  5a  6c 

7c  8a  9d  10a  11a  12d


Lesson 88   


A The word if is contained in four sentences. 

C 1 would not have been injured  2 had been  3 will find 

4 had given  5 is forbidden 


1 into  2 out of  3 in  4 over  5 after 


1c  2b  3b  4c  5c  6a 

7b  8b  9c  10c  11c  12b


Lesson 89   


C 1 must not  2 need not 

D 1 had to go  2 should have gone  3 should begin 


A 1 queue  2 single 

B (sample sentences) 

1 It was so funny that I still laugh whenever I think about it! 

2 It's funny (that) he hasn't replied to your letter. 


1a  2a  3d  4a  5d  6d 

7a  8d  9b  10d  11d  12b 


Lesson 90   


B 1 They have had special cages made to protect the divers from these monsters. 

2 The oil companies have had the rigs repaired frequently. 

3 The divers often have to work in total darkness. 

4 He has had a book published. 

5 We have to protect fish stocks. 

6 We have not had the letter sent to his new address. 

7‘I will have the package sent to you,’she promised. 

8 Do you have to go so soon? 

9 Are you going to have this suit cleaned? 

10 When will you have this loose handle fixed? 

11 I have to take this cap in to have new brakes fitted. 

12 How long is it since you had to see a doctor? 

13 The doctor told me I had to get more exercise. 


1 is  2 is  3 are  4 Is  5 have 


1b  2c  3c  4c  5a  6b 

7c  8b  9a  10d  11d  12d


Lesson 91    


A was able to explain (1.3); can be a great danger (1.5);managed to circle (1.7); could

make out (1.8); could not arrest (1.11) 

C 1 Can / Could  2 could / was (soon) able to  3 were able to  4 can 


1 out  2 out  3 for  4 up  5 up for 


1 d  2b  3c  4b  5c  6d 

7b  8b  9c  10 b  11c  12b


Lesson 92 


B (sample sentences) 

1 I am accustomed to working late at night. 

2 Fancy seeing you here! 

3 I always avoid going to expensive restaurants. 

4 He accused me of telling lies. 


1 He likes classical music and so do I. 

2 He has had breakfast and so have I. 

3 He doesn't like classical music and neither do I. 

4 She will buy a new dress and so will I. 

5 He hasn't had any breakfast and neither have I. 

6 They ran quickly and so did we. 

7 She won't buy a new dress and neither will I. 

8 You are late and so am I. 

9 They didn't run quickly and neither did we. 

10 He could speak French and so could I. 

11 He could not speak French and neither could I. 


1 b  2c  3d  4c  5b  6a 

7b  8b  9a  10d  11c  12a


Lesson 93   


A was presented (1.2); was designed (1.4); took (1.4); was made of (1.5); supported by

(1.5); had been… constructed (1.6); could be transported (1.7); had to be found (11.7-8);

had to be built (1.8); was (1.8); was(1.9); had been erected(1.9); was taken to pieces(1.10);

sent(1.10); had been put…was…presented(1.10); has been (1.12); have passed through



1 'exported… 'imported  (Note: the direct contrast between EXported and IMported in this sentence makes it

necessary to stress the prefixes of these verbs. Normally, of course, the stress would be:


2 'records… 'exports 

3 pro'tested…'increase 

4 in'sulted…'accent 

5 con'duct 

6 contest…'record 


1c  2d  3b  4a  5c  6c 

7c  8d  9c  10b  11d  12b


Lesson 94   


1 of                     2 of…to                       3 to…from 

4 on…on              5 from…with               6 to…of 

7 with…on           8 with…to                    9 to…with 

10 at…on             11 of…for                    12 in / with 

13 in                    14 to…in…with            15 of…to 

16 of                   17 for                          18 of…to 

19 for…for          20 on…in                     21 of…about  22 to                    23 for/ about…at/by      24 in 

25 of…of             26 to…of                     27 for 

28 to                    29 on                           30 on…of 

31 to                    32 to/with…of              33 to…to 

34 from…of         35 in…on 


1a  2b  3c  4b  5a  6d 

7a  8c  9d  10a  11b  12c


Lesson 95   


A When she asked what had happened and how his clothes had got into such a mess,

the Ambassador answered drily that a fire extinguisher had been responsible. He then told

her that university students had set the Embassy on fire that morning. His wife was most

surprised and asked him where he had been at the time. The Ambassador answered that

he had been in his office as usual. When the fire broke out in the basement, he had gone

down to investigate and a man called Horst had aimed a fire extinguisher at him. Horst

thought the Ambassador was on fire. The Ambassador said that he must definitely get the

fellow posted. His wife suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband's hat and asked him how

he could explain it. The Ambassador said that someone had fired a shot through his office

window. The shot was accurate, but fortunately he had not been wearing his hat at the

time. If he had, he would not have been able to get home for lunch. 

B have just received…said…has broken…were demonstrating / demonstrated…

broke…set…were protesting…has recently been imposed / was recently imposed…said…

has been seriously affected… is said… was bravely defended…kept…announced…would

be taken 


1d  2a  3b  4a  5d  6c 

7d  8c  9a  10c  11d  12c


Lesson 96    


A 1 usual             2 among          3 manager           4 clothes 

5 greets          6 clean             7 washing            8 temper 

9 too              10 fairly           11 enough            12 single 

13 queue 

B 1 in                 2 out of                 3 up               4 over 

5 away from       6 for 7 in               8 out 

9 down               10 after                  11 into            12 over 

13 out                14 up 


1 d  2c  3c  4b  5a  6d 

7c  8d  9a  10b  11c  12b






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