计算机系统要素 从零开始构建现代计算机

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计算机系统要素 从零开始构建现代计算机
The Elements of Computing Systems
Building a Modern Computer from First Principles

前言 Preface

What I hear, I forget; What I see, I remember; What I do, I understand. 耳听为虚;眼见为实;实践出真知。不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之,见之不若知之,知之不若行之,学至于行之而止矣。——孔子

介绍:Hello, World Below

The true voyage of discovery consists not of going to new places, but of having a new pair of eyes. 真正的发现之旅不在于去新的地方,而在于拥有一双新的眼睛。——Marcel Proust,作家

第1章 布尔逻辑 Boolean Logic

Such simple things, and we make of them something so complex if defeats us, almost. 一些简单的事情,我们往往把它们搞得很复杂以至于几乎使我们失败。——John Ashbery,美国诗人

第2章 布尔运算 Boolean Arithmetic

Counting is the religion of this generation, its hope and salvation. 计算是这一代的信仰、希望和救赎。——Gertrude Stein,美国作家

第3章 时序逻辑 Sequential Logic

It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backward.记忆如此悲怜,只能回溯过去。——Lewis Carroll,英国作家

第4章 机器语言 Machine Languge

Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. 让每件事情尽可能简单,而又不简单过度。——阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦

第5章 计算机体系结构 Computer Architecture

Form ever follows function. 形式永远跟随功能。——Louis Sullivan,现代主义建筑师

Form IS function. 形式就是功能。——Ludwig Miesvander Rohe,现代主义建筑师

第6章 汇编编译器 Assembler

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. 名称有什么关系呢?玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。——莎士比亚,罗密欧与朱丽叶

第7章 虚拟机I:堆栈运算 Virtual Machine I: Stack Arithmetic

Programmers are creators of universes of which they alone are responsible. Universes of virtually unlimited complexity can be created in the form of computer programs. 程序员对其所创造的宇宙全权负责,因他们系这些宇宙的创造者。以计算机程序的形式,可创造出几乎无限复杂的宇宙。——Joseph Weizenbaum,Computer Power and Human Reason 计算机能力与人类理性

第8章 虚拟机II:程序控制 Virtual Machine II: Program Control

If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough. 若一切看上去都还在掌控之中,那就说明你还跑得不够快。——Mario Audretti,赛车冠军

第9章 高级语言 High-Level Language

High thoughts need a high language. 至高的思想需要至高的语言。——Aristophanes,古希腊剧作家

第10章 编译器I:语法分析 Compiler I: Syntax Analysis

Neither can embellishments of language be found without arrangement and expression of thoughts, nor can thoughts be made to shine without the light of language. 既未组织思想又未表达思想,语言便黯淡无光;没有语言之光芒照耀,思想便无法闪光。——Cicero,罗马作家、政治家、演说家

第11章 编译器II:代码生成 Compiler II: Code Generation

The syntactic component of a grammer must specify, for each sentence, a deep structure that determines its semantic interpretation. 语法规范的语法成分必须为每个句子制定具有明确语义解释的深层结构。——Noam Chomsky,语言学家

第12章 操作系统 Operating System

Civilization progresses by extending the number of operations that we can perform without thinking about them. 对于不用经过特意思考就能执行的操作,其数量的增长推动文明进步。——Alfred North Whitehead,数学家,Introduction to Mathematics

第13章 后记:发掘更多乐趣 Postscript: More Fun to Go

We Shall not cease from exploration, and at the end we will arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time. 永远不应停止探索的脚步,直到最后,再次抵达起点,我们才刚刚开始了解脚下的路。——T.S.Eliot,诗人

附录A 硬件描述语言 Hardware Description Language

Intelligence is the faculty of making artificial objects, especially tools to make tools. 智慧即制造人造物,特别是制造“制造工具的工具”,的能力。——Henry Bergson,哲学家

附录B 测试脚本语言 Test Scripting Language

Mistakes are the portals of discovery. 错误是发现探索的温床。——James Joyce,小说家

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In the early days of computer science, the interactions of hardware, software, compilers, and operating system were simple enough to allow students to see an overall picture of how computers worked. With the increasing complexity of computer technology and the resulting specialization of knowledge, such clarity is often lost. Unlike other texts that cover only one aspect of the field, The Elements of Computing Systems gives students an integrated and rigorous picture of applied computer science, as its comes to play in the construction of a simple yet powerful computer system. Indeed, the best way to understand how computers work is to build one from scratch, and this textbook leads students through twelve chapters and projects that gradually build a basic hardware platform and a modern software hierarchy from the ground up. In the process, the students gain hands-on knowledge of hardware architecture, operating systems, programming languages, compilers, data structures, algorithms, and software engineering. Using this constructive approach, the book exposes a significant body of computer science knowledge and demonstrates how theoretical and applied techniques taught in other courses fit into the overall picture. Designed to support one- or two-semester courses, the book is based on an abstraction-implementation paradigm; each chapter presents a key hardware or software abstraction, a proposed implementation that makes it concrete, and an actual project. The emerging computer system can be built by following the chapters, although this is only one option, since the projects are self-contained and can be done or skipped in any order. All the computer science knowledge necessary for completing the projects is embedded in the book, the only pre-requisite being a programming experience. The book's web site provides all tools and materials necessary to build all the hardware and software systems described in the text, including two hundred test programs for the twelve projects. The projects and systems can be modified to meet various teaching needs, and all the supplied software is open-source.
### 回答1: 《计算机系统要素:从零开始构建现代计算机》PDF是一本非常好的计算机科学教科书,适合初学者和进阶学习者。 这本书分为13章,涉及到了计算机系统的各个方面,例如计算机的历史、数字逻辑、处理器架构、存储器系统、操作系统、网络和通信等。 这本书的一个优点是它从低层次开始,逐步深入地介绍了计算机系统。例如,它开始讲解布尔代数和逻辑门,并且构建了一个简单的门电路,用于说明计算机处理器的基本工作原理。然后,它讨论了计算机的指令集体系结构和CPU设计,并详细介绍了存储器系统的工作原理。 此外,这本书还包含了大量的实验和项目,帮助读者理解和应用所学知识。例如,有一个项目涉及到使用计算机的单片机和LED,来构建一个简单的红绿灯控制器。 总的来说,这本书是一本非常优秀且全面的计算机科学教科书,适合任何对计算机系统有兴趣的人。无论是初学者还是专业人士,它都是一本值得一读的书籍。 ### 回答2: 《计算机系统要素:从零开始构建现代计算机》pdf是一本经典的计算机科学教材,它详细地介绍了计算机系统的基本构成部分和工作原理,以及如何从零开始构建现代计算机。 这本书从简单的数字逻辑开始讲起,介绍了计算机的基本组成部分,包括寄存器、存储器、控制器、输入输出设备等。在此基础上,书中详细介绍了计算机的工作原理,包括指令执行、CPU的工作模式、存储器层次结构等方面。 同时,书中也介绍了计算机的编程语言和汇编语言,讲解了如何编写简单的程序,并且详细地介绍了操作系统的基本知识和原理。 此外,书中还介绍了计算机网络的基本知识和原理,包括网络协议、数据传输等方面。读者可以通过这本书深入了解计算机网络的基本工作原理和技术。 总之,这本书为计算机科学学习者提供了一个全面深入的入门指南,可以帮助读者了解计算机系统的基本构成部分和工作原理,并且通过实践构建现代计算机




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