Android sdk提供TTS的接口,可以使用现成的类,将文本转化为语音,但是,不支持中文。
import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech;
private TextToSpeech tts = null;
tts = new TextToSpeech(this,null);
tts.speak("我能说中文", TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);
public TextToSpeech (Context context, TextToSpeech.OnInitListener listener)
Since: API Level 4
The constructor for the TextToSpeech class. This will also initialize the associated TextToSpeech engine if it isn't already running.
context The context this instance is running in.
listener The TextToSpeech.OnInitListener that will be called when the TextToSpeech engine has initialized.
public int speak (String text, int queueMode, HashMap<String, String> params)
Since: API Level 4
Speaks the string using the specified queuing strategy and speech parameters.
text The string of text to be spoken.
queueMode The queuing strategy to use. QUEUE_ADD or QUEUE_FLUSH.
params The list of parameters to be used. Can be null if no parameters are given. They are specified using a (key, value) pair, where the key can be KEY_PARAM_STREAM or KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID.
• Code indicating success or failure. See ERROR and SUCCESS.
设置 -> 语音输入与输出 -> 文字转语音设置 -> 总是使用我的设置 打钩
-> 默认引擎 选择Svox Classic TTS
->引擎 选中Svox Classic TTS