15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

1) HTML5 Game Engine

Construct 2 is a leading high quality HTML5 game engine. Tens of thousands of HTML5 game developers are choosing Construct 2 to make HTML5 games.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

2) Clanfx

clanfx is a 2D, tile-based Javascript game engine developed using Javascript and CSS. It currently works in Firefox, Epiphany and Opera browsers. Features include many animated sprites, spell effects, buildings, tiles/textures and basic game AI.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

3) Crafty js

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

4) CSS Game Engine

This is a free game engine developed for programming browser based games.  It uses the Javascript language and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to dress up the page.  They run pretty reliably together.  Use this engine to create your own game.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

5) Effect Games

Effect Games provides a suite of developer tools for creating and publishing web-based video games. The software is free, and includes an asset manager, level editor, sprite manager, environment editor, and publishing tools.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

6) Entity js

Entity is an awsome all new javascript game engine. It focuses on flexibility, reusability and robustness. To make this happen Entity utilizies the, entity-component design where all logic is implemented in components and entities are created from adding or removing components.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

7) Flash js

FlashJS was born at the crossroad of HTML / CSS and beautiful Flash objective model that is known by many interactive developers and fits great for game development. This library allows to develop HTML5 games and applications in the way that is similar to ordinary AS3 development.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

8 ) Game Query js

gameQuery is a jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes. It’s still in an early stage of development and may change a lot in future versions.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

9) Gamma js

Gamma is a new Javascript library which can be used to create 2.5D platform games for a web browser using the power of HTML, JavaScript, CSS and WebGL.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

10) Geom

Geom is a JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop HTML5 Games in no time. Games created with Geom require no browser plugins or any software installations and work with old browsers that support only the Javascript.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

11) Impact js

Impact is a JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop stunning HTML5 Games for desktop and mobile browsers.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

12) Isogenic Engine

The Isogenic Engine is a modern web-based game engine that allows you to rapidly develop your next single or multiplayer game for the web. Isogenic does not require any browser plugins which means players can run your game without Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight, straight from their web browser.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

13) Jaws js

Jaws is a 2D game lib powered by HTML5. It started out only doing canvas but is now also supporting ordinary DOM based sprites through the same API.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

14) GMP

GMP is great for making sprite-based, 2-D games, and it can easily power most retro-style arcade game designs. It is also well suited to making puzzles such as sudoku or gogopop.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

15) Ingenio JS

ingenioJS is a JavaScript / HTML5 game engine. Its structure allows independent rendering methods, such as WebGL, Canvas or DOM Elements.

15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎

随着html5 相关技术的兴起,因其跨平台的特性,和标准的日益完善。html5相关技术越来越多的被应用到前沿app的开发中,尤其是html5游戏的开发。 Laro 是一个基于html5 canvas的用于平面2d或者2.5d游戏制作的轻量级游戏引擎。 因为当前canvas作为画布形态的dom元素,并提供了大量关于矢量图以及texture绘制的api,但是由于其本身提供的api太过于底层,在类似游戏这一类交互性,逻辑性较为复杂的app时。需要开发者编写大量底层的api来实现本身的业务逻辑。 Laro出现的目的是为了简化使用canvas制作游戏时的api调用。同时提供了一套“有限状态机”的开发模式,这种模式在对于游戏这一类的典型的“事件驱动”的模型的开发上。能够很好的做到模块间的低耦合,利于开发者梳理整个开发逻辑。 Laro 游戏引擎目前已经完成了游戏开发中所需要的模块和api的封装,并有一些实际的Demo和TestCase供使用者参考。而且随后会结合这个引擎整理出一套用于html5游戏开发的可视化编辑工具。 旨在帮助开发者更快更容易的搭建一款小游戏为目的。 目前已经开源到github (https://github.com/AlloyTeam/Laro) 我们团队希望通过Laro的不断完善,能够帮助更多的html5游戏开发者以更快的速度,更优的质量完成 html5游戏 产业化的开发。 Version Log 0.1 - 基础模块搭建 0.2 - 融入jcanvas,配合鼠标事件处理 0.3 - 加强状态机模块 查看以下demo最好使用chrome  : ) http://hongru.github.com/proj/laro/examples/emberwind/ http://hongru.github.com/proj/laro/examples/typeshot/index.html http://hongru.github.com/proj/laro/examples/jxhome/ http://heroes.github.com/world-of-heroes/development/




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