
Demonstration guide

Demonstration can be classified into 2 types of demonstration. Type A is the demonstration for product selling and Type B is the demonstration in seminar event. The technique used in Type A & B is different but the most important is to deliver the product knowledge and capability to our target customers.


Demonstration guide

Demonstration can be classified into 2 types of demonstration. Type A is the demonstration for product selling and Type B is the demonstration in seminar event. The technique used in Type A & B is different but the most important is to deliver the product knowledge and capability to our target customers.


Hint on Type A demonstration

I. Steps on organizing a demonstration section :

I.1 Role playing for each presented staffs in the demonstration
I.2 Technique on recording during demonstration
1.1 演示现场人员的角色扮演
1.2 记录整体演示的技巧

II. Steps on preparing a demonstration section :-

II.1 Identify customer needs
II.2 Set customer’s expectation
II.3 Identify the critical function and feature that customer is interested
II.4 Prepare checklist for the function and feature for the demonstration
II.5 Trial run the demonstration program and data used
II.6 Know clearly what you should do and what you SHOULD NOT DO.

2.1 识别客户需求
2.2 设定客户的期望值
2.3 识别客户感兴趣的主要功能及特征
2.4 准备演示的功能及特征的检查清单
2.5 试运行演示需用的程序及数据
2.6 明确自己哪些要做,哪些不要做

III. Steps on running a demonstration section :

III.1 Identify the audience role in customer’s company
III.2 General discussion with customer staffs on their expectation
III.3 Start demonstration according to the checklist
3.1 识别客户公司的听众角色
3.2 与客户人员关于他们的期望展开讨论
3.3 根据项目清单开始演示

IV. Steps on closing a demonstration section :
IV.1 Technique on handling Q&A section
IV.2 Section closing technique
3.1 处理问答部分的技巧
3.2 章节结束的技巧

I. Steps on organizing a demonstration section

I.1 Role playing for each presented staffs in the demonstration

There should have at least two staffs during each demonstration. One of them be the demonstrator (application consultant) and the other will be the account officer (sales representative). Demonstration is not just the show of the demonstrator. It is the cooperative result between demonstrator and the account officer. Account officer always be the supporter of the demonstrator. Before demonstration event, Account officer should be the key or project leader to arrange the demonstration. During demonstration, Demonstrator will be the key or project leader to conduct the demonstration. Demonstrator and Project leader should support each other in different stages.

Before Demonstration :-

Project leader should identify the goal of the demonstration? What customer would like to see? Who will attend the demonstration? Which is the critical concern from the customer? What is the customer’s business nature? Any similar installation is installed in past? Why the customer needs to have a demonstration? The expected result achieve after the demonstration? Why it is a good time to have a demonstration? What is the time arrangement during the demonstration section? What kind of dataset does the customer required?

Demonstrator should prepare a checklist on the information provided from the Project leader. Think and plan the demonstration sequence and to well arrange what need to be showed to customer. For an example, if audience only covers production operation staffs, start the demonstration with Sales Order Control is a very bad arrangement.

During Demonstration :-

Demonstrator is the key during the demonstration section. Demonstrator should work according to the planned demonstration checklist. Handle the time spend for each function, features or topics is very important. Customer’s question may interrupt the smoothness of demonstration. Just answer question that related to present demonstration topic. Any other question should be forwarded to the correspondence topic to answer. Project leader should help demonstrator drop down the question and remind demonstrator to answer in the correspondence topic. Remember, time spent on each topic should according to the checklist.

Project leader should help demonstrator to record down all the question being asked by the customer. Project leader also needs to check whether the question to be answered directly and whether customer happy on the answer provided. Project leader should remind demonstrator to clarify answer when customer feel not comfortable on demonstrator’s answer.

I.2 Technique on recording during demonstration

During demonstration, Project Leader should write a lot of notes for reviewing purposes. Notes should include who have been attended the demonstration? What is their position and responsible area in customer’s company? What is the response during the demonstration? What question they have asked? Do they satisfy the answer to their question? Does the demonstrator work according to the demonstration checklist? Any missed presentation issue happened?

II. Steps on preparing a demonstration section

II.1 Identify customer needs

It is a very important and crucial event for a successful demonstration. Project Leader should identify clearly what is the customer’s expectation? What the customer would like to know and to see? Which portion is the most important and critical during demonstration? What problem the customer is facing at present? How to solve customer’s problem? Project Leader should gather those information before a demonstration to be arranged.
2.1 识别客户需求

II.2 Set customer’s expectation

After gathering customer’s needs, Project Leader should discuss with Demonstrator on each findings and to review what solution should be proposed to the customer. Project Leader should communicate with customer on the possible solution to be offered and provide a brief on the demonstration procedure. An agenda is recommended to be prepared for both Demonstrator and Customer.
2.2 设定客户的期望

II.3 Identify the critical function and feature that customer is interested

Demonstrator should guesses which functions and features are critical to the customer’s environment. Project Leader should check with customer on the critical function requirement and prepare a checklist as the critical requirement list.
2.3 识别客户感兴趣的关键功能和特征

II.4 Prepare a checklist for the function and feature for the demonstration

Demonstrator should prepare a checklist for those function and feature that will be demonstrated during the demonstration. Expected time for the presentation on each checklist tasks should be estimated.
2.4 准备演示的功能和特征的项目清单

II.5 Trial run the demonstration program and data used

Demonstrator should make sure the demonstration according to the checklist should be smooth and perfect. Dataset should be set for demonstration including data entry, enquiry, view, reporting as well as analyzer function.
2.5 试运行演示的程序和准备好的数据

II.6 Know clearly what you should do and what you SHOULD NOT DO

Demonstrator should familiar your demonstration machine. Demonstrator should know clearly which function may have problem and prevent on drilling into them. Uncertain function or not tested function NEVER be executed during the demonstration. [If bug happened during demonstration, NEVER try to solve the problem and suspend the demonstration. Go directly to the next task and try not to explain too much on the problem you are facing except the problem is so critical and find by the customer.

III. Steps on running a demonstration section

III.1 Identify the audience role in customer’s company

Starting a demonstration by knowing who are the audience. Demonstration should be done on showing of your capability. Knowing the role playing of each audience before your demonstration is very important. As GMS II or GMS cover various of area in an organization, demonstration section is difficult to demonstrate all the function and feature. Hence, address on the interest of audience is so essential. Therefore, knowing the audience’s role will help demonstrator to know their concerns.
3. 演示部分的步骤
3.1 识别客户公司的听众角色
知晓了谁是听众后开始演示,演示将是展示自己能力的时候,在演示之前知道每个听众的角色扮演是非常重要的,作为GMS II 或者 GMS覆盖了组织的各个领域,演示部分很难去演示所有的功能和特征。然而知晓听众的角色将帮助演示者知道什么是他们关心的。

III.2 General discussion with customer staffs on their expectation

Since the Project Leader already set the customer’s expectation during the demonstration preparation stage, but situation may be changed during the demonstration section. Therefore, demonstrator should clearly setup the customer expectation before starting the product demonstration.
3.2 就客户的期望与他们展开讨论

III.3 Start demonstration according to the checklist

Demonstration should be started only on the demonstration checklist is completed and fixed. Demonstrator should deliver the picture of the checklist to the customer and get their comment before starting the demonstration. The checklist also treats as the agenda for the product demonstration. In addition, the checklist will be the picture or overview of the product solution to the customer. Hence, this step is very important and essential for the whole demonstration.
3.3 根据项目清单开始演示

IV. Steps on closing a demonstration section

IV.1 Technique on handling Q&A section

Demonstrator should start an Q&A section right after the demonstration section. Customer is welcome to ask any question about the product that has been demonstrated. Demonstrator should answer each question straightly with confidence. Project Leader should write down the question and analysis immediately that whether demonstrator can provide a satisfy answer to the customer. If Project leader find that customer does not satisfy with demonstrator’s answer, try to help the demonstrator to know the question (if possible) by questioning against on behalf of the customer.
4.1 掌握问答的技巧

Q&A section almost be the critical time for the customer to evaluate whether our people and our product can be used. Demonstrator and Project leader should present their confidence on answering customer’s question. The tone of speaking should be direct, short and confidence. In addition, informative look also be established during this section. Furthermore, the cooperation between demonstrator and project leader on answering question also be important as they will be a team in front of customer.

IV.2 Section closing technique

Don’t left too much outstanding question from customer aspect. In addition, if any negative comment from the customer, try to correct them before closing the section. Furthermore, try to fix any misleading or misunderstanding observation before closing. Remember that you may not have another chance to do a product presentation or demonstration to your customer. Hence, NEVER leave any uncertainty in your customer mindset.

4.2 阶段结束技巧





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