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    <!-- staticHeader(静态标头) -->
    <header id="staticHeader">staticHeader(静态标头)</header>
    <!-- 独特的倒计时容器uniqueCountdownContainer -->
    <div id="uniqueCountdownContainer">独特的倒计时容器uniqueCountdownContainer</div>
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    <div id="GenshinRoleTableContainer">
           <!-- 修改数据器修改内容区域 -->
           <dialog id="addReadFolderArea"></dialog>
            <!-- 原神版本角色数据列表 -->
            <table id="GenshinRoleTable"> </table>
            <!-- 已有角色列表 -->
            <table id="haveGenshinRole"> </table>
            <!-- 重点培养角色列表 -->
            <table id="cultivateGenshinRole"> </table>
      <!-- 页脚 -->
        <script>document.write('2024/9/02 20:00:00');</script>
        <a href="https://blog.csdn.net/lulei5153" target="_blank">作者:与妖为邻</a>
            document.write((d = new Date(), `${d.getFullYear()}-${('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)}-${('0' + d.getDate()).slice(-2)} 星期${'日一二三四五六'[d.getDay()]} ${('0' + d.getHours()).slice(-2)}:${('0' + d.getMinutes()).slice(-2)}:${('0' + d.getSeconds()).slice(-2)}`));

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<!-- 独特的倒计时容器uniqueCountdownContainer -->
<!-- <script src="file:///D:/data/原神/js/uniqueCountdownContainer.js"></script> -->
<!-- 原神角色列表数据genshin4_8_data -->
<!-- <script src="file:///D:/data/原神/js/genshin5_0_data.js"></script> -->
<!-- 原神角色列表功能GenshinRoleTableContainer -->
<!-- <script src="file:///D:/data/原神/js/GenshinRoleTableContainer.js"></script> -->
<!-- 修改数据器addReadFolderArea -->
<!-- <script src="file:///D:/data/原神/js/addReadFolderArea.js"></script> -->
    // 数组数据
    const cultivateGenshinRole134 = [
        "钟离", "班尼特", "夜兰", "宵宫",
        "雷电将军", "枫原万叶", "行秋", "瑶瑶",
        "纳西妲", "久岐忍", "班尼特", "枫原万叶",
        "流浪者", "流浪者",
    const cultivateGenshinRole152 = [
        "钟离", "班尼特", "夜兰", "流浪者",
        "雷电将军", "枫原万叶", "行秋", "瑶瑶", "夏洛蒂", "香菱",
        // 添加新角色
    /*培养数据* 结束*/
    /* 原神攻略收藏*/
    const introductionLinks = [
            name: '原神wiki角色攻略',
            url: 'https://bbs.mihoyo.com/ys/strategy/channel/map/37/39?bbs_presentation_style=no_header&hide_nav=true&from=COLLECTION_BG'
            name: '提瓦特大地图',
            url: 'https://act.mihoyo.com/ys/app/interactive-map/index.html?bbs_presentation_style=no_header&lang=zh-cn&utm_source=bbs&utm_medium=mys&utm_campaign=pcicon&_markerFps=24#/map/2?shown_types=NaN,-1084,508,2&center=2008.50,-1084.00&zoom=-3.00'
            name: '原神wiki武器攻略',
            url: 'https://bbs.mihoyo.com/ys/strategy/channel/map/37/38?bbs_presentation_style=no_header&hide_nav=true&from=COLLECTION_BG'
            name: '原神wiki活动攻略',
            url: 'https://bbs.mihoyo.com/ys/strategy/channel/map/37/40?bbs_presentation_style=no_header&hide_nav=true&from=COLLECTION_BG'
            name: '夏洛蒂培养攻略',
            url: 'https://www.miyoushe.com/ys/article/45239036'
            name: '夏洛蒂机养成',
            url: 'https://www.miyoushe.com/ys/article/45238643'
            name: '瑶瑶培养攻略',
            url: 'https://www.miyoushe.com/ys/article/34411972'
            name: '久岐忍培养图鉴',
            url: 'https://www.miyoushe.com/ys/article/24456852'
    /* 原神攻略收藏 结束*/
    /* 134获得角色数据*/
    const haveGenshinRole134 = [
            element: "火", // 元素类型
            role: [
                { name: "迪卢克", level: 90, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "宵宫", level: 90, constellation: 1, talent: "满", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "迪希雅", level: 90, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "托马", level: 20, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "烟绯", level: 80, constellation: 6, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "香菱", level: 90, constellation: 3, talent: "1/7/12", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "班尼特", level: 90, constellation: 5, talent: "满", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "安柏", level: 40, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "辛焱", level: 1, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "嘉明", level: 20, constellation: 4, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "夏沃蕾", level: 80, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                // { name: "夏沃蕾", level: 0, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
            element: "水", // 元素类型
            role: [
                { name: "珊瑚宫心海", level: 90, constellation: 0, talent: "7/10/8", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "夜兰", level: 90, constellation: 2, talent: "10/10/10", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "芙宁娜", level: 90, constellation: 1, talent: "9/10/10", Strategy: "攻略" },
                // { name: "那维莱特", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "芭芭拉", level: 60, constellation: 3, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "行秋", level: 90, constellation: 6, talent: "6/11/12", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "坎蒂丝", level: 19, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
            element: "风", // 元素类型
            role: [
                { name: "琴", level: 60, constellation: 3, talent: "1/1/4", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "枫原万叶", level: 90, constellation: 1, talent: "满", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "流浪者", level: 90, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "珐露珊", level: 90, constellation: 5, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "砂糖", level: 90, constellation: 5, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "鹿野院平藏", level: 20, constellation: 5, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "琳妮特", level: 20, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "早柚", level: 80, constellation: 6, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
            element: "雷", // 元素类型
            role: [
                { name: "刻晴", level: 90, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "雷电将军", level: 90, constellation: 3, talent: "满", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "菲谢尔", level: 90, constellation: 3, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "北斗", level: 20, constellation: 6, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "丽莎", level: 60, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "雷泽", level: 50, constellation: 2, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                // { name: "赛索斯", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "多莉", level: 20, constellation: 4, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "久岐忍", level: 90, constellation: 4, talent: "1/13/9", Strategy: "元素战技,精通" },
                { name: "九条裟罗", level: 90, constellation: 6, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
            element: "草", // 元素类型
            role: [
                { name: "纳西妲", level: 90, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "提纳里", level: 70, constellation: 2, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "绮良良", level: 40, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "卡维", level: 20, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "瑶瑶", level: 90, constellation: 6, talent: "6/12/10", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "柯莱", level: 20, constellation: 6, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                // { name: "旅行者 (草)", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" }
            element: "冰", // 元素类型
            role: [
                { name: "七七", level: 90, constellation: 3, talent: "9/10/12", Strategy: "攻略" },
                // { name: "优菈", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "菲米尼", level: 20, constellation: 5, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "米卡", level: 20, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "莱依拉", level: 40, constellation: 4, talent: "1/4/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "罗莎莉亚", level: 20, constellation: 6, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "迪奥娜", level: 90, constellation: 6, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "重云", level: 20, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "凯亚", level: 60, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "夏洛蒂", level: 50, constellation: 4, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
            element: "岩", // 元素类型
            role: [
                { name: "钟离", level: 90, constellation: 0, talent: "9/10/10", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "云堇", level: 40, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "五郎", level: 20, constellation: 3, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "凝光", level: 70, constellation: 6, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "诺艾尔", level: 80, constellation: 6, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "旅行者 (岩)", level: 80, constellation: 6, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" }
    /* 134获得角色数据 结束*/
    /* 152获得角色数据*/
    const haveGenshinRole152 = [
            element: "火", // 元素类型152
            role: [
                // { name: "迪卢克", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                // { name: "宵宫", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "迪希雅", level: 20, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "托马", level: 20, constellation: 2, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "烟绯", level: 7, constellation: 5, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "香菱", level: 90, constellation: 6, talent: "2/7/11", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "班尼特", level: 90, constellation: 5, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "安柏", level: 31, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "辛焱", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "嘉明", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "夏沃蕾", level: 40, constellation: 4, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
            element: "水", // 元素类型152
            role: [
                { name: "莫娜", level: 90, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                // { name: "珊瑚宫心海", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "夜兰", level: 90, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "芙宁娜", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                // { name: "那维莱特", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "芭芭拉", level: 90, constellation: 3, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "行秋", level: 20, constellation: 4, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
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            element: "风", // 元素类型152
            role: [
                { name: "琴", level: 70, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "枫原万叶", level: 90, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "流浪者", level: 90, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "珐露珊", level: 90, constellation: 2, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
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                // { name: "鹿野院平藏", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },90
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                { name: "早柚", level: 40, constellation: 3, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
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                { name: "雷电将军", level: 90, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
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            role: [
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                { name: "提纳里", level: 39, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
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                // { name: "优菈", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
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                { name: "米卡", level: 60, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "莱依拉", level: 70, constellation: 2, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "罗莎莉亚", level: 49, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                // { name: "迪奥娜", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "重云", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "凯亚", level: 60, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
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            element: "岩", // 元素类型
            role: [
                { name: "钟离", level: 90, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "云堇", level: 20, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "五郎", level: 1, constellation: 1, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "凝光", level: 40, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "诺艾尔", level: 34, constellation: 4, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
                { name: "卡齐娜", level: 1, constellation: 0, talent: "1/1/1", Strategy: "攻略" },
    /* 152获得角色数据 结束*/
    /* 原神4.8版本角色数据*/
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                { star: "4", name: "迪奥娜", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/diona/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "4", name: "重云", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/chongyun/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "4", name: "凯亚", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/kaeya/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "4", name: "夏洛蒂", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/charlotte/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "5", name: "旅行者 (冰)", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/traveler_geo/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140" }
            element: "岩", // 元素类型
            elementImage: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/elements/Geo.png?strip=all&quality=75&w=48", // 元素图标
            role: [
                { star: "5", name: "千织", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/chiori/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "5", name: "娜维娅", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/navia/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "5", name: "荒泷一斗", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/arataki_itto/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "5", name: "阿贝多", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/albedo/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "5", name: "钟离", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/zhongli/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "4", name: "云堇", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/yun_jin/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "4", name: "五郎", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/gorou/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "4", name: "凝光", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/ningguang/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "4", name: "诺艾尔", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/noelle/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
                { star: "4", name: "卡齐娜", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/kachina/image.png?strip=all&amp;quality=100&amp;w=140", },
                { star: "5", name: "旅行者 (岩)", image: "https://i2.wp.com/genshinbuilds.aipurrjects.com/genshin/characters/traveler_geo/image.png?strip=all&quality=100&w=140", },
    /* 原神4.8版本角色数据 结束*/
    /* 原神元素颜色*/
    const elementColors = {
        "火": "#FF9933",
        "水": "#3399FF",
        "风": "#66c6ac",
        "雷": "#CC66FF",
        "草": "#66CC66",
        "冰": "#99CCFF",
        "岩": "#FFCC33",
        "安全": "#67c23a",
        "警告": "#e6a23c",
        "危险": "#f56c6c",
        "消息": "#909399"
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        <figcaption class="my_name1">与妖为邻</figcaption>
        <figcaption class="my_name2">与妖为邻</figcaption>
        <a href="file:///D:/web/html%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5/%E5%A4%87%E5%BF%98%E5%BD%95.html" title="首页" target="_blank">
            <img class="ying" src="file:///D:/img/ying.png" alt="与妖为邻">
     <button type="button" id="readFolder" onclick="addReadFolder.show()">修改数据器</button>
 <button id="globalSwitchButton">切换数据总览</button>
    <time datetime="2024-07-10" title="2024-07-10" class="dateTime" id="dateTime">2024-07-10</time>
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    /* 现在时间 极端的例子,仅供娱乐*/
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     * @returns 无返回值
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    * @returns 无返回值
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    // 全屏功能与关闭 结束
    /*头部staticHeader 结束
    /* 独特的倒计时容器uniqueCountdownContainer 开始 */
    /* 原神元素颜色数据
    const elementColors = {
        "火": "#FF9933",
        "水": "#3399FF",
        "风": "#66c6ac",
        "雷": "#CC66FF",
        "草": "#66CC66",
        "冰": "#99CCFF",
        "岩": "#FFCC33"
    let colorIndex = 0; // 初始化颜色索引
    function getRandomColor() {
        const elements = Object.keys(elementColors); // 获取所有元素名称(原神元素颜色数据)
        colorIndex = (colorIndex + 1) % elements.length; // 递增索引,并在达到数组长度时重置为0
        return elementColors[elements[colorIndex]]; // 返回该元素对应的颜色
     * 更新倒计时
     * @param elementId 倒计时元素ID
     * @param targetDate 目标日期
    function updateCountdown(elementId, targetDate) {
        const countdownElement = document.getElementById(elementId);
        const update = () => {
            const now = new Date();
            const total = targetDate - now;
            const absTotal = Math.abs(total);
            const seconds = Math.floor((absTotal / 1000) % 60);
            const minutes = Math.floor((absTotal / 1000 / 60) % 60);
            const hours = Math.floor((absTotal / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24);
            const days = Math.floor(absTotal / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
            const timeStr = `${days}天${padZero(hours)}:${padZero(minutes)}:${padZero(seconds)}`;
            countdownElement.textContent = total <= 0 ? `-${timeStr}` : timeStr;
        const padZero = num => num < 10 ? `0${num}` : num;
        setInterval(update, 1000);
    document.getElementById('uniqueCountdownContainer').innerHTML = `
    <!-- 默认的倒计时DefaultCountdown -->
      <div id="DefaultCountdown" style="cursor: move;"></div>
      <button id="operativeFunction" class="operativeFunction" style=" color:#e6a23c;">操作</button>
      <div class="uniqueCountdowns-Button">
                 <!--动态倒计时区 -->
            <div id="uniqueCountdowns"></div>
            <!-- 按钮区 -->  
            <button class="uniqueAddButton" onclick="showAddCountdownDialog()" style="display: none; color: #67c23a;">添加</button>
            <button class="uniqueEditButton " onclick="editSelectedCountdown()" style="display: none;color: #e6a23c;">改</button>
            <button class="uniqueDeleteButton " onclick="deleteSelectedCountdown()" style="display: none;color: red;">删</button>  
      <dialog id="uniqueAddCountdownDialog">
                  <button id="uniqueCancelAdd" type="submit">取消添加</button>
                  <input type="text" id="uniquePromptInput" placeholder="提示信息">
                  <input type="datetime-local" id="uniqueDatetimeInput">
                  <button id="uniqueSaveButton" onclick="saveCountdown()">保存</button>
    // 为“操作”按钮添加点击事件监听器
    document.getElementById('operativeFunction').addEventListener('click', function () {
        const button = this;
        const addButton = document.querySelector('.uniqueAddButton');
        const editButton = document.querySelector('.uniqueEditButton');
        const deleteButton = document.querySelector('.uniqueDeleteButton');
        const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.uniqueCountdownCheckbox');
        const finishButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.finishButton');
        if (button.textContent === '操作') {
            button.textContent = '取消操作';
            addButton.style.display = 'inline-block';
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            finishButtons.forEach(finishButton => finishButton.style.display = 'none');
    function showAddCountdownDialog() {
    function saveCountdown() {
        const promptInput = document.getElementById('uniquePromptInput').value.trim();
        const datetimeInput = document.getElementById('uniqueDatetimeInput').value;
        if (promptInput && datetimeInput) {
            // 将用户输入的日期时间格式转换为202408111731格式
            const formattedDatetime = datetimeInput.replace(/-/g, '').replace(/T/g, '').replace(/:/g, '');
            const countdownDiv = document.getElementById('uniqueCountdowns');
            const timestamp = Date.now();
            const checkboxId = `uniqueCheckbox_${timestamp}`; // 生成唯一的 checkbox id
            const countdownElement = document.createElement('div');
            countdownElement.style.backgroundColor = getRandomColor(); // 设置随机背景颜色
            countdownElement.style.backdropFilter = 'blur(10px)'; // 毛玻璃效果
            countdownElement.innerHTML = `<input type="checkbox" class="uniqueCountdownCheckbox" id="${checkboxId}" value="${timestamp}"><label for="${checkboxId}"><strong>${promptInput}</strong>:<span id="uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}"></span></label><button class="finishButton">完成</button>`;
            updateCountdown(`uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}`, new Date(datetimeInput.slice(0, 4), datetimeInput.slice(4, 6) - 1, datetimeInput.slice(6, 8), datetimeInput.slice(8, 10), datetimeInput.slice(10, 12)));
            // 存储倒计时信息到 localStorage
            localStorage.setItem(`uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}`, JSON.stringify({
                prompt: promptInput,
                datetime: formattedDatetime,
                finished: false // 初始状态为未完成
            // 添加“完成”按钮的点击事件监听器
            const finishButton = countdownElement.querySelector('.finishButton');
            finishButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
                const isFinished = countdownElement.classList.toggle('FinishTask');
                finishButton.textContent = isFinished ? '取消' : '完成';
                // 更新 localStorage 中的状态
                const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}`));
                data.finished = isFinished;
                localStorage.setItem(`uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}`, JSON.stringify(data));
        } else {
    // 页面加载时从 localStorage 中恢复倒计时
    window.onload = function () {
        const countdowns = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
            const key = localStorage.key(i);
            if (key.startsWith('uniqueCountdown_')) {
                const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));
                const timestamp = key.split('_')[1];
                countdowns.push({ timestamp, data });
        countdowns.sort((a, b) => a.timestamp - b.timestamp); // 按时间戳排序
        countdowns.forEach(({ timestamp, data }, index) => {
            const countdownDiv = document.getElementById('uniqueCountdowns');
            const checkboxId = `uniqueCheckbox_${timestamp}`; // 生成唯一的 checkbox id
            const countdownElement = document.createElement('div');
            countdownElement.style.backgroundColor = getRandomColor(); // 设置随机背景颜色
            countdownElement.style.backdropFilter = 'blur(10px)'; // 毛玻璃效果
            if (index === 0) {
                countdownElement.style.borderTopLeftRadius = '5px';
                countdownElement.style.borderTopRightRadius = '5px';
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                countdownElement.style.borderBottomLeftRadius = '5px';
                countdownElement.style.borderBottomRightRadius = '5px';
            countdownElement.innerHTML = `<input type="checkbox" class="uniqueCountdownCheckbox" id="${checkboxId}" value="${timestamp}"><label for="${checkboxId}"><strong>${data.prompt}</strong>:<span id="uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}"></span></label><button class="finishButton">${data.finished ? '取消' : '完成'}</button>`;
            updateCountdown(`uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}`, new Date(data.datetime.slice(0, 4), data.datetime.slice(4, 6) - 1, data.datetime.slice(6, 8), data.datetime.slice(8, 10), data.datetime.slice(10, 12)));
            // 根据 localStorage 中的状态设置类名
            if (data.finished) {
            // 添加“完成”按钮的点击事件监听器
            const finishButton = countdownElement.querySelector('.finishButton');
            finishButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
                const isFinished = countdownElement.classList.toggle('FinishTask');
                finishButton.textContent = isFinished ? '取消' : '完成';
                // 更新 localStorage 中的状态
                data.finished = isFinished;
                localStorage.setItem(`uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}`, JSON.stringify(data));
        // 添加默认倒计时
        const defaultCountdowns = [
        { prompt: "国庆节", datetime: "202410010000" },
        { prompt: "星尘兑换纠缠之缘时间", datetime: "202410010400" },
        { prompt: "幻想真境剧诗重置时间", datetime: "202410010400" },
        { prompt: "渊月螺旋重置时间", datetime: "202409160400" },
        { prompt: "限时祈愿", datetime: "202409171759" }
        const defaultCountdownDiv = document.getElementById('DefaultCountdown');
        defaultCountdowns.forEach(({ prompt, datetime }, index) => {
            const countdownElement = document.createElement('div');
            countdownElement.style.backgroundColor = getRandomColor(); // 设置随机背景颜色
            countdownElement.style.backdropFilter = 'blur(10px)'; // 毛玻璃效果
            countdownElement.innerHTML = `<strong>${prompt}</strong>:<span id="defaultCountdown_${index}"></span><button class="finishButton">完成</button>`;
            updateCountdown(`defaultCountdown_${index}`, new Date(datetime.slice(0, 4), datetime.slice(4, 6) - 1, datetime.slice(6, 8), datetime.slice(8, 10), datetime.slice(10, 12)));
            // 从 localStorage 中恢复默认倒计时的状态
            const defaultData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`defaultCountdown_${index}`));
            if (defaultData && defaultData.finished) {
                countdownElement.querySelector('.finishButton').textContent = '取消';
            // 添加“完成”按钮的点击事件监听器
            const finishButton = countdownElement.querySelector('.finishButton');
            finishButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
                const isFinished = countdownElement.classList.toggle('FinishTask');
                finishButton.textContent = isFinished ? '取消' : '完成';
                // 更新 localStorage 中的状态
                const defaultData = {
                    prompt: prompt,
                    datetime: datetime,
                    finished: isFinished
                localStorage.setItem(`defaultCountdown_${index}`, JSON.stringify(defaultData));
        // 应用最后一个倒计时的样式
    function editSelectedCountdown() {
        const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.uniqueCountdownCheckbox:checked');
        if (checkboxes.length === 0) return;
        checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => {
            const timestamp = checkbox.value;
            const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}`));
            if (data) { // 检查数据是否存在
                const newPrompt = prompt('请输入新的提示信息', data.prompt);
                const newDatetime = prompt('目标日期(YYYYMMDDHHMM,例如:202410010400)', data.datetime);
                if (newPrompt && newDatetime) {
                    // 删除旧的复选框
                    // 添加新的复选框并更新倒计时
                    localStorage.setItem(`uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}`, JSON.stringify({
                        prompt: newPrompt,
                        datetime: newDatetime
                    const countdownDiv = document.getElementById('uniqueCountdowns');
                    const checkboxId = `uniqueCheckbox_${timestamp}`; // 生成唯一的 checkbox id
                    const countdownElement = document.createElement('div');
                    countdownElement.style.backgroundColor = getRandomColor(); // 设置随机背景颜色
                    countdownElement.style.backdropFilter = 'blur(10px)'; // 毛玻璃效果
                    countdownElement.innerHTML = `<input type="checkbox" class="uniqueCountdownCheckbox" id="${checkboxId}" value="${timestamp}"><label for="${checkboxId}"><strong>${newPrompt}</strong>: <span id="uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}"></span></label>`;
                    updateCountdown(`uniqueCountdown_${timestamp}`, new Date(newDatetime.slice(0, 4), newDatetime.slice(4, 6) - 1, newDatetime.slice(6, 8), newDatetime.slice(8, 10), newDatetime.slice(10, 12)));
            } else {
                console.error(`Countdown data for timestamp ${timestamp} not found in localStorage.`);
        // 重置复选框状态
        checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => {
            checkbox.checked = false;
        // 手动触发change事件以恢复最初状态
        document.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
     * 删除选中的倒计时
     * @returns 无返回值
    function deleteSelectedCountdown() {
        const confirmDelete = confirm("确定要删除选中的倒计时吗?");
        if (confirmDelete) {
            const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.uniqueCountdownCheckbox:checked');
            checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => {
                const timestamp = checkbox.value;
            // 重置所有复选框状态
            document.querySelectorAll('.uniqueCountdownCheckbox').forEach(checkbox => {
                checkbox.checked = false;
            // 隐藏编辑和删除按钮,显示添加按钮
            document.querySelector('.uniqueEditButton').style.display = 'none';
            document.querySelector('.uniqueDeleteButton').style.display = 'none';
            // document.querySelector('.uniqueAddButton').style.display = 'inline-block';
            // 手动触发change事件以恢复最初状态
            document.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
            // 重新检查并应用样式
     * 应用最后一个倒计时的样式
    function applyLastCountdownStyle() {
        const countdownDiv = document.getElementById('uniqueCountdowns');
        const countdownElements = countdownDiv.querySelectorAll('div');
        if (countdownElements.length > 0) {
            const lastElement = countdownElements[countdownElements.length - 1];
            lastElement.style.borderBottomLeftRadius = '5px';
            lastElement.style.borderBottomRightRadius = '5px';
    // 监听复选框状态变化
    document.addEventListener('change', function (event) {
        const editButton = document.querySelector('.uniqueEditButton');
        const deleteButton = document.querySelector('.uniqueDeleteButton');
        const addCountdownButton = document.querySelector('.uniqueAddButton');
        const checkedCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.uniqueCountdownCheckbox:checked');
        // 简化条件判断和样式设置
        const isChecked = checkedCheckboxes.length > 0;
        editButton.style.display = isChecked ? 'inline-block' : 'none';
        deleteButton.style.display = isChecked ? 'inline-block' : 'none';
        // addCountdownButton.style.display = isChecked ? 'none' : 'inline-block';
        // 获取#uniqueCountdownContainer元素
        const countdownContainer = document.querySelector('#uniqueCountdownContainer');
        if (isChecked) {
            // 修改样式
            countdownContainer.style.backgroundColor = '#e63c3c';
            countdownContainer.querySelectorAll('label').forEach(label => {
                label.style.backgroundColor = '#e63c3c';
            countdownContainer.querySelectorAll('strong').forEach(strong => {
                strong.style.color = '#ffffff';
                strong.style.textShadow = '2px 2px 2px #000000';
            countdownContainer.querySelectorAll('span').forEach(span => {
                span.style.color = '#000000';
                span.style.textShadow = '1px 1px 1px #fffefe';
            countdownContainer.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
                checkbox.style.display = 'inline-block';
            if (index === countdowns.length - 1) {
                countdownElement.style.borderBottomLeftRadius = '5px';
                countdownElement.style.borderBottomRightRadius = '5px';
        } else {
            // 恢复默认样式(如果需要)
            countdownContainer.style.backgroundColor = '';
            countdownContainer.querySelectorAll('label').forEach(label => {
                label.style.backgroundColor = '';
            countdownContainer.querySelectorAll('strong').forEach(strong => {
                strong.style.color = '';
                strong.style.textShadow = '';
            countdownContainer.querySelectorAll('span').forEach(span => {
                span.style.color = '';
                span.style.textShadow = '';
            countdownContainer.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
                checkbox.style.display = '';
    // 拖动倒计时容器 
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
        let isDragging = false;
        let offset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
        const container = document.getElementById('uniqueCountdownContainer');
        const dragElement = document.getElementById('DefaultCountdown');
        dragElement.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
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            offset.x = container.offsetLeft - e.clientX;
            offset.y = container.offsetTop - e.clientY;
        document.addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
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            if (isDragging) {
                container.style.left = e.clientX + offset.x + 'px';
                container.style.top = e.clientY + offset.y + 'px';
    /* 独特的倒计时容器uniqueCountdownContainer 结束 
    /* 所有表格的“切换数据”按钮都会被触发*/
    document.getElementById('globalSwitchButton').addEventListener('click', function () {
        const switchButtons = document.querySelectorAll('#GenshinRoleTable #switchButton, #haveGenshinRole #switchButton, #cultivateGenshinRole #switchButton, #pairingGenshinRole #switchButton');
        switchButtons.forEach(button => button.click());
    /* 所有表格的“切换数据”按钮都会被触发 结束*/
    /* 原神版本角色数据函数*/
    function renderGenshinRoleTable(GenshinRole, haveGenshinRole134, haveGenshinRole152, elementColors) {
        let currentData = haveGenshinRole134;
        function getElementColor(e) { return elementColors[e]; }
        function getElementImage(e) { return GenshinRole.find(el => el.element === e)?.elementImage || ""; }
        function getCharacterImage(r) { return GenshinRole.find(el => el.role.some(role => role.name === r))?.role.find(role => role.name === r)?.image || ""; }
        function isCharacterOwned(c, d) { return d.some(el => el.role.some(role => role.name === c)); }
        function renderTable() {
            const table = document.getElementById("GenshinRoleTable");
            table.innerHTML = `
                <a href="https://genshin-builds.com/cn/characters" target="_blank">数据来源:(genshin-builds.com)</a>
                <button id='switchButton'>切换数据</button>
                <th colspan="2">元素</th>
                <th colspan="2">角色</th>
                <th>${currentData === haveGenshinRole134 ? "134角色" : "152角色"}</th>
            let row = 1, lastElement = null;
            GenshinRole.forEach(el => {
                el.role.forEach((char, idx) => {
                    const newRow = table.insertRow();
                    newRow.insertCell().textContent = row++;
                    if (el.element !== lastElement) {
                        const cell = newRow.insertCell();
                        cell.rowSpan = el.role.length;
                        const img = document.createElement('img');
                        img.src = getElementImage(el.element);
                        img.style.width = '24px';
                        img.onerror = () => cell.textContent = el.element;
                        img.title = el.element;
                        lastElement = el.element;
                    newRow.insertCell().textContent = idx + 1;
                    const charImgCell = newRow.insertCell();
                    const charImg = document.createElement('img');
                    charImg.src = getCharacterImage(char.name);
                    charImg.style.width = '48px';
                    charImg.style.transition = 'transform 0.25s';
                    charImg.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => charImg.style.transform = 'scale(3)');
                    charImg.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => charImg.style.transform = 'scale(1)');
                    const roleCell = newRow.insertCell();
                    roleCell.textContent = char.name;
                    roleCell.style.color = char.star === "5" ? "#ac7647" : "#846baa";
                    const btnCell = newRow.insertCell();
                    const isOwned = isCharacterOwned(char.name, currentData);
                    const btn = document.createElement('button');
                    btn.textContent = isOwned ? '' : '没有';
                    btn.className = isOwned ? 'checkButton' : '';
                    newRow.style.backgroundColor = getElementColor(el.element);
            // 重新获取按钮并添加事件监听器
            document.getElementById('switchButton').removeEventListener('click', switchData); // 移除旧的事件监听器
            document.getElementById('switchButton').addEventListener('click', switchData); // 添加新的事件监听器
        function switchData() {
            currentData = currentData === haveGenshinRole134 ? haveGenshinRole152 : haveGenshinRole134;
    // 调用原神版本角色数据函数
    renderGenshinRoleTable(GenshinRole, haveGenshinRole134, haveGenshinRole152, elementColors);
    /* 原神版本角色数据函数 结束*/
    function initializeGenshinRoleTable(tableId, captionText, isAddButton, haveGenshinRole134, haveGenshinRole152, elementColors, GenshinRole, introductionLinks, cultivateGenshinRole134, cultivateGenshinRole152) {
        let currentHaveGenshinRoleData = haveGenshinRole134;
        let isSorted = false;
        function getElementColor(element) {
            return elementColors[element];
        function initializeTable(table, captionText, isAddButton = false) {
            table.innerHTML = `
                <th style="width:70px;">天赋</th>
            if (isAddButton) {
        function addSortButton(table) {
            const sortButton = createButton('sortButton', '品质排序', () => {
                isSorted = !isSorted;
                sortTable(table, isSorted);
            table.querySelector('caption b').insertAdjacentElement('afterend', sortButton);
        function addSwitchButton(table) {
            const switchButton = createButton('switchButton', '切换数据', () => {
                currentHaveGenshinRoleData = currentHaveGenshinRoleData === haveGenshinRole134 ? haveGenshinRole152 : haveGenshinRole134;
            table.querySelector('caption b').insertAdjacentElement('afterend', switchButton);
        function hideStars(table) {
            table.querySelectorAll('.hidden-star').forEach(th => th.style.display = 'none');
        function createButton(id, text, onClick) {
            const button = document.createElement('button');
            button.id = id;
            button.innerHTML = text;
            button.addEventListener('click', onClick);
            return button;
        function renderTable(table) {
            initializeTable(table, currentHaveGenshinRoleData === haveGenshinRole134 ? "134获得角色数据" : "152获得角色数据", true);
            let row = 1;
            currentHaveGenshinRoleData.forEach(elementData => {
                elementData.role.forEach(character => {
                    addCharacterRow(table, character, elementData.element, row++);
        function getStar(roleName, element) {
            const elementData = GenshinRole.find(e => e.element === element);
            if (elementData) {
                const role = elementData.role.find(r => r.name === roleName);
                return role ? role.star : "";
            return "";
        function addCharacterRow(table, character, element, rowNumber) {
            const newRow = table.insertRow();
            newRow.insertCell().textContent = rowNumber;
            const roleCell = newRow.insertCell();
            roleCell.textContent = character.name;
            const star = getStar(character.name, element);
            roleCell.style.color = star === "5" ? "#ac7647" : "#846baa";
            const starCell = newRow.insertCell();
            starCell.textContent = star;
            starCell.style.display = 'none';
            newRow.insertCell().innerHTML = `<span>${character.level}</span>`;
            newRow.insertCell().innerHTML = `<span>${character.constellation}</span>`;
            newRow.insertCell().innerHTML = `<span>${character.talent}</span>`;
            newRow.style.backgroundColor = getElementColor(element);
            // 检查是否需要添加 cultivateButton
            const cultivateRoles = currentHaveGenshinRoleData === haveGenshinRole134 ? cultivateGenshinRole134 : cultivateGenshinRole152;
            if (cultivateRoles.includes(character.name)) {
                const cultivateButton = document.createElement('button');
                cultivateButton.className = 'cultivate';
        function sortTable(table, isSorted) {
            const rows = Array.from(table.rows).slice(1);
            rows.sort((a, b) => {
                const starA = a.cells[2].textContent;
                const starB = b.cells[2].textContent;
                const constellationA = parseInt(a.cells[4].textContent, 10);
                const constellationB = parseInt(b.cells[4].textContent, 10);
                if (isSorted) {
                    if (starA === "5" && starB !== "5") return -1;
                    if (starA !== "5" && starB === "5") return 1;
                    return constellationB - constellationA;
                } else {
                    const indexA = parseInt(a.cells[0].textContent, 10);
                    const indexB = parseInt(b.cells[0].textContent, 10);
                    return indexA - indexB;
            while (table.rows.length > 1) {
            rows.forEach(row => {
                const star = row.cells[2].textContent;
                const constellation = parseInt(row.cells[4].textContent, 10);
                const element = row.cells[1].textContent;
                if (isSorted && (star === "5" || constellation === 6)) {
                    row.cells[1].style.backgroundColor = star === "5" ? "#ac7647" : "#846baa";
                    row.cells[2].style.backgroundColor = star === "5" ? "#ac7647" : "#846baa";
                    row.cells[3].style.backgroundColor = star === "5" ? "#ac7647" : "#846baa";
                    row.cells[4].style.backgroundColor = star === "5" ? "#ac7647" : "#846baa";
                    row.cells[5].style.backgroundColor = star === "5" ? "#ac7647" : "#846baa";
                } else {
                    row.cells[1].style.backgroundColor = elementColors[element] || '';
                    row.cells[2].style.backgroundColor = elementColors[element] || '';
                    row.cells[3].style.backgroundColor = elementColors[element] || '';
                    row.cells[4].style.backgroundColor = elementColors[element] || '';
                    row.cells[5].style.backgroundColor = elementColors[element] || '';
        const table = document.getElementById(tableId);
        "haveGenshinRole", // tableId
        "134获得角色数据", // captionText
        true, // isAddButton
        haveGenshinRole134, // haveGenshinRole134
        haveGenshinRole152, // haveGenshinRole152
        elementColors, // elementColors
        GenshinRole, // GenshinRole
        introductionLinks, // introductionLinks
        cultivateGenshinRole134, // cultivateGenshinRole134
        cultivateGenshinRole152 // cultivateGenshinRole152
    /*已有角色数据列表 结束*/
    function initializeAndRenderTable() {
        let addedCharacters = []; // 用于存储已经添加的角色
        function getElementColor(element) {
            return elementColors[element];
        let isSorted = false;
        let currentCultivateGenshinRoleData = cultivateGenshinRole134;
        function initializeTable(table, captionText, isAddButton = false) {
            table.innerHTML = `
                    <th style="width:100px;">角色</th>
                    <th style="width:70px;">天赋</th>
                    <th style="width:235px;">攻略</th>
                    <th style="width:225px;">localStorage备注</th>
            if (isAddButton) {
                const switchButton = document.createElement('button');
                switchButton.id = 'switchButton';
                switchButton.innerHTML = '切换数据';
                table.querySelector('caption b').insertAdjacentElement('afterend', switchButton);
                switchButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
                    currentCultivateGenshinRoleData = currentCultivateGenshinRoleData === cultivateGenshinRole134 ? cultivateGenshinRole152 : cultivateGenshinRole134;
            createPopup(table, captionText);
        function createPopup(table, captionText) {
            const popup = document.createElement('div');
            popup.style.display = 'none';
            popup.style.position = 'fixed';
            popup.style.top = '50%';
            popup.style.left = '50%';
            popup.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';
            popup.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
            popup.style.border = '1px solid black';
            popup.style.padding = '20px';
            popup.style.zIndex = '1000';
            const closeButton = document.createElement('button');
            closeButton.innerHTML = '关闭';
            closeButton.onclick = () => popup.style.display = 'none';
            introductionLinks.forEach(link => {
                const a = document.createElement('a');
                a.href = link.url;
                a.target = '_blank';
                a.innerHTML = link.name;
                a.style.display = 'block';
                a.style.margin = '10px 0';
            if (captionText === "134重点培养的角色" || captionText === "152重点培养的角色") {
                const IntroductionGenshinButton = document.createElement('button');
                IntroductionGenshinButton.type = 'button';
                IntroductionGenshinButton.id = 'IntroductionGenshin';
                IntroductionGenshinButton.innerHTML = '原神攻略';
                IntroductionGenshinButton.onclick = () => popup.style.display = 'block';
                table.querySelector('caption b').insertAdjacentElement('afterend', IntroductionGenshinButton);
        function getStar(roleName, element) {
            const elementData = GenshinRole.find(e => e.element === element); // 使用 GenshinRole 数组
            if (elementData) {
                const role = elementData.role.find(r => r.name === roleName);
                return role ? role.star : "";
            return "";
        let isPopupVisible = false;  // 全局标志变量,用于跟踪当前是否有弹窗显示
        function addCharacterRow(table, characterName, element, rowNumber, isCultivateList) {
            let characterData = null;
            let haveGenshinRoleData = currentCultivateGenshinRoleData === cultivateGenshinRole134 ? haveGenshinRole134 : haveGenshinRole152;
            // 查找角色数据
            for (const elementData of haveGenshinRoleData) {
                const role = elementData.role.find(r => r.name === characterName);
                if (role) {
                    characterData = role;
            if (!characterData) {
                console.error(`角色 ${characterName} 未找到数据`);
            const newRow = table.insertRow();
            newRow.insertCell().textContent = rowNumber;
            newRow.insertCell().textContent = (rowNumber - 1) % 4 + 1;
            const roleCell = newRow.insertCell();
            roleCell.textContent = characterData.name;
            const star = getStar(characterData.name, element);
            roleCell.style.color = star === "5" ? "#ac7647" : "#846baa";
            // 检查角色是否重复
            const isDuplicate = Array.from(table.rows).some(row => row.cells[2].textContent === characterName && row !== newRow);
            if (isDuplicate) {
                const duplicateSpan = document.createElement('sup');
                duplicateSpan.style.fontSize = '0.1em'; // 调整字体大小以适应上标效果
                duplicateSpan.textContent = '(复用)';
            const starCell = newRow.insertCell();
            starCell.textContent = star;
            starCell.style.display = 'none';
            newRow.insertCell().innerHTML = `<span >${characterData.level}</span>`;
            newRow.insertCell().innerHTML = `<span >${characterData.constellation}</span>`;
            newRow.insertCell().innerHTML = `<span >${characterData.talent}</span>`;
            const StrategyCell = newRow.insertCell();
            StrategyCell.innerHTML = `<span >${characterData.Strategy}</span>`;
            const hasIntroductionLinks = introductionLinks.some(link => link.name.includes(characterData.name));
            if (hasIntroductionLinks) {
                const strategyButton = document.createElement('button');
                strategyButton.textContent = '攻略';
                strategyButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => showIntroductionLinks(characterData.name, event));
            const noteCell = newRow.insertCell();
            const notePrefix = currentCultivateGenshinRoleData === cultivateGenshinRole134 ? 'note_134_' : 'note_152_';
            const storedNote = localStorage.getItem(`${notePrefix}${characterData.name}`);
            noteCell.innerHTML = `<span>${storedNote || '备注'}</span>`;
            noteCell.addEventListener('click', () => {
                const newNote = prompt("请输入新的备注:", storedNote || '');
                if (newNote !== null) {
                    localStorage.setItem(`${notePrefix}${characterData.name}`, newNote);
                    noteCell.innerHTML = `<span>${newNote}</span>`;
            newRow.style.backgroundColor = getElementColor(element);
            if (table.id === "cultivateGenshinRole" && rowNumber % 4 === 0) {
                newRow.style.borderBottom = '5px solid #ff0000';
        function renderTable() {
            const cultivateGenshinRoleTable = document.getElementById("cultivateGenshinRole");
            initializeTable(cultivateGenshinRoleTable, currentCultivateGenshinRoleData === cultivateGenshinRole134 ? "134重点培养的角色" : "152重点培养的角色", true);
            addedCharacters = []; // 清空已添加角色列表
            let row = 1;
            currentCultivateGenshinRoleData.forEach((characterName) => {
                const elementData = GenshinRole.find(e => e.role.some(r => r.name === characterName));
                if (elementData) {
                    addCharacterRow(cultivateGenshinRoleTable, characterName, elementData.element, row++);
        function showIntroductionLinks(roleName, event) {
            if (isPopupVisible) return;  // 如果已经有弹窗显示,则直接返回,不再创建新的弹窗
            const filteredLinks = introductionLinks.filter(link => link.name.includes(roleName));
            if (filteredLinks.length > 0) {
                const popup = createIntroductionPopup(filteredLinks, event);
                isPopupVisible = true;  // 设置标志变量为 true,表示有弹窗显示
                // 设置定时器,5秒后自动关闭弹窗
                setTimeout(() => {
                    isPopupVisible = false;  // 弹窗关闭后,重置标志变量
                }, 5000);
        function createIntroductionPopup(links, event) {
            const popup = document.createElement('div');
            popup.style.display = 'block';
            popup.style.position = 'fixed';
            popup.style.top = `${event.clientY + 10}px`;
            popup.style.left = `${event.clientX + 10}px`;
            popup.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
            popup.style.border = '1px solid black';
            popup.style.padding = '20px';
            popup.style.zIndex = '1000';
            // 动态生成链接列表
            links.forEach(link => {
                const a = document.createElement('a');
                a.href = link.url;
                a.target = '_blank';
                a.innerHTML = link.name;
                a.style.display = 'block';
                a.style.margin = '10px 0';
            return popup;
        function createCloseButton(popup) {
            const closeButton = document.createElement('button');
            let seconds = 4;
            closeButton.textContent = `5秒关闭`;  // 立即设置文本
            const countdownInterval = setInterval(() => {
                if (seconds > 0) {
                    closeButton.textContent = `${seconds}秒关闭`;
                } else {
                    clearInterval(countdownInterval);  // 清除定时器
                    isPopupVisible = false;  // 点击关闭按钮时,重置标志变量
            }, 1000);
            closeButton.onclick = () => {
                clearInterval(countdownInterval);  // 清除定时器
                isPopupVisible = false;  // 点击关闭按钮时,重置标志变量
    /*重点培养角色列表函数 结束 
function initializeFileEditor() {
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    <div id="addReadFolder">
        <form id="buttonContainer">
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            <button type="button" id="fileSave">保存</button>
            <button type="submit"  class="cancel-button">关闭</button>                
        <div id="fileContent" contenteditable="true" name="textarea1"></div>
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                                await readDirectory(entry, li);
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                            // 使用 highlight.js 高亮显示代码
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                            if (confirm(`确定删除 ${entry.name}?`)) {
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                                fileContent.innerHTML = '';
            await readDirectory(directoryHandle, fileTree);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error('操作失败:', error);
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    document.addEventListener('keydown', async (event) => {
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                console.error('保存失败:', error);
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    document.getElementById('fileSave').addEventListener('click', async () => {
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            console.error('保存失败:', error);
// 初始化文件编辑器
/*修改数据器 结束*/
<!-- 修改数据器引入 highlight.js 的 JavaScript 文件 -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/11.5.1/highlight.min.js"></script>

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