C++11 time_point

一 chrono库
  • C++ 标准库chrono中有三个比较重要的概念,它们分别是:
  • 本文主要对 time_point 概念进行讨论。
二 time_point
  1. 类模板 std::chrono::time_point 表示时间中的一个点。它被实现成如同存储一个 Duration 类型的自 Clock 的epoch开始的时间间隔值。

    Class template std::chrono::time_point represents a point in time. It is implemented as if it stores a value of type Duration indicating the time interval from the start of the Clock’s epoch.

  2. 定义于头文件 < chrono >

    template<class Clock, class Duration = typename Clock::duration> 
    class time_point; (C++11)
三 成员类型
  • clock Clock, 用于计量时间点的时钟类型
  • duration Duration ,用于计量从时钟epoch起的时间间隔类型
  • rep Rep ,与duration ::rep相同含义,表示计次类型
  • period Period ,与duration ::period 相同含义,表示时间单位(计次周期)类型
四 Demo辅助函数
  • 下面Demo用到的辅助函数如下:
    using namespace std;
    using Clock = chrono::high_resolution_clock;
    using TimePoint = chrono::time_point<Clock>;
    void print_ms(const TimePoint& point) {
      using Ms = chrono::milliseconds;
      const Clock::duration since_epoch = point.time_since_epoch();
      cout << chrono::duration_cast<Ms>(since_epoch).count() << " ms\n";
    template <typename TP>
    string to_string(const TP& time_point) {
      return to_string(time_point.time_since_epoch().count());
五 成员函数
1 构造函数
  • 定义

    time_point(); (C++11)(C++14)(1)
    constexpr time_point(); (C++14)(1)
    explicit time_point( const duration& d ); (C++11)(C++14)(2)
    constexpr explicit time_point( const duration& d ); (C++14)(2)
    template< class Duration2 >
    time_point( const time_point<Clock,Duration2>& t ); (C++11)(C++14)(3)
    template< class Duration2 >
    constexpr time_point( const time_point<Clock,Duration2>& t );(C++14)(3)
  • 解释

    • (1) 默认构造,时间点为Clock的epoch
    • (2) 构造的时间点为Clock的epoch + 时间间隔d
    • (3) 用于隐式转换
  • 例子

    const TimePoint default_value = TimePoint();  // (1)
    const Clock::duration duration_4_seconds = chrono::seconds(4);
    const TimePoint time_point_4_seconds(duration_4_seconds);  // (2)
    const TimePoint time_point_now = Clock::now();  // (3)
  • 结果

    0 ms
    4000 ms
    587455781 ms
2 time_since_epoch
  • 返回时间点到Clock epoch之间的时间间隔。

  • 定义

    duration time_since_epoch() const; (since C++11)(until C++14)
    constexpr duration time_since_epoch() const; (since C++14)
  • Demo

    const auto p0 = chrono::time_point<chrono::system_clock>{};
    const auto p1 = chrono::system_clock::now();
    const auto p2 = p1 - chrono::hours(24);
    time_t epoch_time = chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(p0);
    cout << "epoch: " << ctime(&epoch_time);
    time_t today_time = chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(p1);
    cout << "today: " << ctime(&today_time);
    cout << "hours since epoch: "
         << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::hours>(p1.time_since_epoch()).count()
         << endl;
    cout << "yesterday, hours since epoch: "
         << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::hours>(p2.time_since_epoch()).count()
         << endl;
  • 结果

    epoch: Thu Jan  1 08:00:00 1970
    today: Wed Sep 30 14:33:23 2020
    hours since epoch: 444846
    yesterday, hours since epoch: 444822
3 operator+= operator-=
  • 将时间点加减指定的时间间隔。
  • 定义
    time_point& operator+=( const duration& d );(until C++17)(1)
    constexpr time_point& operator+=( const duration& d );(since C++17)(1)
    time_point& operator-=( const duration& d );(until C++17)(2)
    constexpr time_point& operator-=( const duration& d );(since C++17)(2)
  • Demo
    const Clock::duration duration_4_seconds = chrono::seconds(4);
    TimePoint time_point_4_seconds(duration_4_seconds);
    time_point_4_seconds += duration_4_seconds;
  • 结果
    8000 ms
3 min max [static]
  • 返回特殊时间点值
  • Demo
  • 结果
    -9223372036854 ms
    9223372036854 ms
4 operator++ ++(int) – --(int) (C++20)
六 非成员函数
1 算术运算
  • operator+ operator-
  • 定义
    template <class C, class D1, class R2, class P2>
    time_point<C, typename common_type<D1, duration<R2, P2>>::type>
    operator+(const time_point<C, D1>& pt, const duration<R2, P2>& d);
    (since C++ 11)(until C++ 14)(1)
    template <class C, class D1, class R2, class P2>
    constexpr time_point<C, common_type_t<D1, duration<R2, P2>>> 
    operator+(const time_point<C, D1>& pt, const duration<R2, P2>& d);
    (since C++ 14)(1)
    template <class R1, class P1, class C, class D2>
    time_point<C, typename common_type<duration<R1, P1>, D2>::type>
    operator+(const duration<R1, P1>& d, const time_point<C, D2>& pt);
    (since C++ 11)(until C++ 14)(2)
    template <class R1, class P1, class C, class D2>
    constexpr time_point<C, common_type_t<duration<R1, P1>, D2>> 
    operator+(const duration<R1, P1>& d, const time_point<C, D2>& pt);
    (since C++ 14)(2)
    template <class C, class D1, class R2, class P2>
    time_point<C, typename common_type<D1, duration<R2, P2>>::type>
    operator-(const time_point<C, D1>& pt, const duration<R2, P2>& d);
    (since C++ 11)(until C++ 14)(3)
    template <class C, class D1, class R2, class P2>
    constexpr time_point<C, common_type_t<D1, duration<R2, P2>>> 
    operator-(const time_point<C, D1>& pt, const duration<R2, P2>& d);
    (since C++ 14)(3)
    template <class C, class D1, class D2>
    typename common_type<D1, D2>::type operator-(
    const time_point<C, D1>& pt_lhs, const time_point<C, D2>& pt_rhs);
    (since C++ 11)(until C++ 14)(4)
    template <class C, class D1, class D2>
    constexpr common_type_t<D1, D2> operator-(
    const time_point<C, D1>& pt_lhs, const time_point<C, D2>& pt_rhs);
    (since C++ 14)(4)
  • Demo
    const Clock::duration duration_4_seconds = chrono::seconds(4);
    TimePoint time_point_4_seconds(duration_4_seconds);
    time_point_4_seconds = time_point_4_seconds + duration_4_seconds;
    time_point_4_seconds = time_point_4_seconds - duration_4_seconds;
    const Clock::duration milliseconds = chrono::milliseconds(10);
    time_point_4_seconds = time_point_4_seconds - milliseconds;
  • 结果
    8000 ms
    4000 ms
    3990 ms
  • 注意
    • 前提是Clock相同
    • 实际是Duration的转换运算
2 关系运算
  • operator==,!=,<,<=,>,>=,<=>
3 time_point_cast
  • 显式转换
  • 定义
    template <class ToDuration, class Clock, class Duration>
    time_point<Clock, ToDuration> time_point_cast(
              const time_point<Clock, Duration> &t);(since C++11)(until C++14)
    template <class ToDuration, class Clock, class Duration>
    constexpr time_point<Clock, ToDuration> time_point_cast(
              const time_point<Clock, Duration> &t);(since C++14)
  • 说明
    • Clock相同,实际是Duration的转换运算

      Converts a std::chrono::time_point from one duration to another.

  • Demo
    const Clock::duration duration_4_seconds = chrono::seconds(4);
    TimePoint time_point_4_seconds(duration_4_seconds);
  • 结果
    4000 ms
4 floor ceil round
  • floor向下取整;ceil向上取整;round就近取整,偶数优先;
  • Demo
    using namespace literals::chrono_literals;
    using Sec = chrono::seconds;
    cout << "Time point\t"
    cout << "(ms)\t\t"
    for (const auto value_ms : {5432ms, 5678ms}) {
      chrono::time_point<chrono::system_clock, chrono::milliseconds>
      cout << to_string(time_point_ms) << "\t\t"
           << to_string(chrono::time_point_cast<Sec>(time_point_ms))
           << "\t" << to_string(chrono::floor<Sec>(time_point_ms))
           << "\t" << to_string(chrono::round<Sec>(time_point_ms))
           << "\t" << to_string(chrono::ceil<Sec>(time_point_ms))
           << "\n";
  • 结果
    Time point      Cast    Floor   Round   Ceil
    (ms)            (s)     (s)     (s)     (s)
    5432            5       5       5       6
    5678            5       5       6       6
七 辅助类
std::common_type< std::chrono::time_point >
  • std::common_type 特化)
  • Demo
    cout << typeid(common_type<chrono::time_point<Clock, chrono::seconds>,
            chrono::time_point<Clock, chrono::milliseconds>>::type).name() 
         << endl;
  • 结果
    class std::chrono::time_point<struct std::chrono::steady_clock,
    class std::chrono::duration<__int64,struct std::ratio<1,1000> > >
八 参考




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