weak .arc不需要释放
have dilemma about Memory releasing IBOutlet object.Do anyone please suggest what to do when we create IBOutlet object without property, need to release it?? if need to release... why we are releasing it
The answer is YES.
The runtime connects the objects to IBOutlet
using [setValue:ForKey:]
. This function will find the private instance variables, retain the target and set it to the instance variable. Please visit here iOS Developer Library to know more.
I highly recommend you to read the article because many iOS framework accesses properties by Key-Value compliance ([setValue:ForKey:]
or [valueForKey:]
), instead of directly calling getters/setters/instance variables.
Answer is YES...
i was confused about that too, but try this:
open a xib file
onen assistant editor window and get the .h file code near your XIB IB file
chose an object in IB file (an object with no reference to any var)
ctrl click on it and chose: "new reference outlet" button
drag the line to your .h code file in the @interface{ } section
give a name to your new var ("aaa")
(note that no property "aaa" is created)
now Xcode has done all the magic for you, and...
in .m file you can find, in dealloc method:
- (void) dealloc {
[aaa release];
[super dealloc];
so... if apple release it, it seems that the default IBOutlet vars loaded via XIB file are retained...
2.属性的话 self.xxx=nil