C++ 高性能计算之多线程简单基础入门教程

C/C++ 高性能计算之多线程简单基础入门教程

不管什么东西,都是尽可能地用新不用旧,所以,文章涉及的库和工具,都是基于 C++11 标准的。

前面有相关的博文已经介绍过 MPI,OpenMP 等相关的并行技术,以及 hadoop 生态圈相关的一些知识。今天给大家介绍一下 C/C++(下面统称为 C)中的利用多线程并行或者说并发进行计算的一个简单基础入门教程。

我这篇教程适合的人群为那些没接触过 C 的多线程编程,想要入门的同学,以及那些有程序基础,单纯的想要给自己的程序譬如循环部分,加加速,想要拷贝一份模板进行修改的人。



假设你现在写了一段 C 代码,大概长成下面这样。

using namespace std;
void fun(para_ref,para)
	for (int j = 0; j < task_size; j++) {

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	return 0;


你哇的一下突然发现,你调用的这个函数里面有个 for 循环,这个 for 循环的每一次 j,似乎有没什么关系,各算各的,你也知道自己的电脑有四个核心,总不能浪费资源吧,你开始谋划并行的策略。你老板说不能用 OpenMp 的编译选项,MPI 的编程门槛有很高,然后你想到了似乎在哪里听到过的多线程。

一个最容易想到的就是把 for 循环给均分拆成几个部分,每个线程执行 for 中的一个部分。怎么做呢?非常简单,对于这种无需异步的需求,你像下面这样写就 OK 了。

#include <thread>//使用 c++11 标准的多线程库 thread
#define THREAD_NUM 4//定义多线程的个数
using namespace std;

void fun(para_ref, para, int index_begin, int task_num)
	for (int j = index_begin; j < index_begin + task_num; j++)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	thread threads[THREAD_NUM];//定义4个线程
	int task_num = (int)(task_size / THREAD_NUM);//计算每个线程负责的任务数
	for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM - 1; i++)
		threads[i] = thread(fun, ref(para_ref), para, i*task_num, task_num);//每个线程开始做各自的任务
	//因为 task_size 可能不能被平均分成 4 分,最后一份要特别处理
	threads[THREAD_NUM - 1] = thread(func, ref(para_ref), para, (THREAD_NUM - 1)*task_num, int(task_num + (task_size% THREAD_NUM)));
	for (auto& it : threads)
	return 0;


代码中有较为详尽的解释,仔细看一遍,就知道 C++ 多线程是怎么用了。你可以把它当成也给模板,拷贝到自己的代码中,随便改改就能用了。简单解释一下

threads[i] = thread(fun, ref(para_ref), para, i*task_num, task_num);

这里的 thread 表示开始多线程的调用,其中 fun 是你每个线程要调用的回调函数,回调函数要求必须是静态函数,或者说是全局函数,如果你写在 C++ 的某个 Class 里面,可能需要处理的问题就比较多了,因为静态成员函数只能类的静态成员,牵一发而动全身。

fun 后面紧跟的是 fun 的输入参数,这个没什么好说的,需要注意的是,如果 fun 的输入参数有引用的类型的(C++ 中用 & 符号标识),那么多线程调用就要用 ref 关键字说清楚。如上所示。

任务池的方式实现并行的负载均衡(无需等待的 mutex 互斥锁设计)

上面提到的方法是利用循环变量的均匀划分来实现任务的划分,有个问题在于,这样划分真的是负载均衡的吗?有没有可能三个线程秒算完了,一个线程在还在一直算?这样是不是没有拉满 CPU,并不能达到最大性能?

举例来说,循环前 1/4 的占了 99% 的时间,那么这种多线程的任务分配方式就不尽合理。有人提出除 4 取余,余数相同的用同一个线程来做的方法,能做到负载均衡吗?也是看情况而定,假如刚好某个循环变量点的计算占了大部分时间,那么,4 个线程几乎同时算完的概率就很低。



假设有甲乙丙丁四个工人去图书馆拿书,书都是按 1、2、3、4、5……这种顺序编好号并分区放好按号来取的。那么,这时候最好需要在图书馆入口处放一本本子,来登记工人们取的书的编号,以免不知道取没取,就搞乱了。登记的思路是,比如甲乙丙丁各自拿了1、2、3、4四本书并登记好出去了,乙手脚麻利,很快回来,然后翻看一下本子,发现1、2、3、4都被取走了,这时候我取 5 吧,做了登记,就去图书馆领书了……以此类推。这时候,如果甲乙丙干完一个任务,同时回到了图书馆做登记,就一个本子啊,为了多干点活多挣点钱,他们就会开始抢这个本子,一会儿,他们就打起来了,这样就出问题了……怎么办,一个解决的方法,就是让他们排队登记,谁先踏入图书馆的门,就排前面,正在登记的人的本子“锁起来”,不让后面的人碰他,直到他写完,把锁打开。这个锁在 C++ 中有很多类型,比如说互斥锁(mutex),所谓的互斥,就是我在用,排斥你,你在用,就排斥我。学过数据库的就很清楚。

用互斥锁的思路是可以实现的。但是,新问题来了,让工人们排队等,岂不是白白浪费时间,本来一天可以拿 100 本书,现在排队浪费了时间,一天只能拿 90 本书,血亏啊。一般,对于 C++ 程序,如果对性能有很高的要求的话,多线程加锁血崩。那怎么办呢?别急,我有一个好办法。

就是把所有的任务编号全部写到本子上,工人取走一个任务,划掉一个任务。比如说你干完一个任务 5 回到图书馆了,然后看本子上的任务 6 被划掉了,接着看任务 7 也被划掉了,直到任务 8,还没被划掉,那么你就可以认领并划掉任务 8。这里的划掉这个动作,也可以用加锁来实现。这为什么能解决问题呢?譬如说两个工人同时回到了图书馆,然后,甲看到乙正在划任务 10(被上锁了),他不需要等你划完,他可以接着往下找,找到一个没被划掉的,然后取划掉它。这个过程,就不需要等待。不争,才是最好的状态,对于人生来说,又何尝不是如此。



using namespace std;
void run_dfs()
	for (int i = 0; i < task_num; ++i)
int main()

你希望对 run_dfs 里面的 for 循环进行任务池式的并行。那么,你就可以这样子写:

using namespace std;
vector<mutex> mtx(task_num);
void dfs_thread(int thread_id)
	int i = thread_id;
	while (i<task_num)
		if (mtx[i].try_lock())



void run_dfs()
	thread threads[4];
	for (int thread_id = 0; thread_id < 4; thread_id++)
		threads[thread_id] = thread(dfs_thread, thread_id);
	for (auto& it : threads)

int main()

是不是很简洁?用了锁,却不需要等待。当然,这里的 while if 也是可以改成 for 的。解释一下,这个模板里面没有什么新的东西。一个是声明了一个互斥锁向量 mtx,用来记录某任务是否被上锁(即是否被工人划掉了)。这里只有用到一个方法就是互斥锁的try_lock(),上锁成功返回 true,上锁失败返回 false,如果变量地址已经被锁住了,就会上锁失败,这个判断操作是很省时间的。

如果你的任务开始时有序的,做完任务之后还要求是有序的,即原来是按 1、2 、3……拍的任务,工人做好作品之后,需要按原来的顺序排好,那么在程序中就需要想办法记录每个工人认领了哪些任务号,或者说,每个任务依次是被那个任务认领的。


  • 多线程只要不写同一个内存地址,是不会引起冲突的,比如说四个线程分别写数组 int a[4]的四个位置。
  • 如果你问我你的程序计算结果相互依赖,依赖关系还很复杂,要怎么设计程序才能最大化 CPU 利用,同步的 wait 和异步的 feature ,了解一下。
  • 线程跑完 join 和 detach 怎么理解?顾名思义呗。join 就像一条河流,走到了某个地方,在等待其他河流的加入,如果其他河流不加入(即没运行到这个位置),傲娇的河流就不往前流了。 detach 就是分离,单飞啦,不等你们,就像曹云金离开了郭德纲, detach 了,即使主线程德云社倒闭了,我照样无休止地飞奔下去,一直到东海。


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <numeric>
#include <string.h>
#include <thread>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>//用于进程的监听
#include <ctime> //要包含的头文件
#define TEST
#define FEATURE_NUM 1000
#define THREAD_NUM 4
#define TRAIN_DATA_NUM 8000
#define TEST_DATA_NUM 20000
using namespace std;

double features[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM];
double features_test[TEST_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM];
const int MAXS = 8 * (FEATURE_NUM + 1)*TRAIN_DATA_NUM;
char buf[MAXS];
char buf_test[MAXS_TEST];

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	void loadTrainData2(string trainFile, double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], int(&labels)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM]);
	void loadTrainData(string trainFile, double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], int(&labels)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM]);
	void initParam(double wtInitV, double(*wtSet)[FEATURE_NUM]);
	void train(double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], int(&labels)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM], double(&wtSet)[FEATURE_NUM],
	           double stepSize0, double rho, double c, double epsilon);
	void loadTestData2(string testFile, double(&features)[TEST_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM]);
	void loadTestData(string testFile, double(&features)[TEST_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM]);
	void predict(double(&features_test)[TEST_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], double(&wtSet)[FEATURE_NUM], string predictOutFile);
	void loadAnswerData(string awFile, int(&awVec)[TEST_DATA_NUM]);

#ifdef TEST
	double ts = clock();
	/* 	string trainFile = "./data/train_data.txt";
		string testFile = "./data/test_data2.txt";
		string predictFile = "./projects/student/result.txt";
		string answerFile = "./projects/student/answer2.txt"; */

	string trainFile = "/data/train_data.txt";
	string testFile = "/data/test_data2.txt";
	string predictFile = "/projects/student/result.txt";
	string answerFile = "/projects/student/answer2.txt";

	//创建共享变量和内存块,创建了 ID 为WT_SET的共享内存块,用来放权重
	int shm;
	double* wtSet_p;
	double wtSet[FEATURE_NUM];
	shm = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, FEATURE_NUM*sizeof(double), IPC_CREAT | 0644);
	if (shm < 0)
		return 1;

	pid_t pid;
	pid = fork();
	if (pid == -1)
	else if (pid == 0)  //子进程用来读训练数据和训练
//		cout << "I'm parent, pid =  " << getpid() << endl;
		const double stepSize0 = 0.5;//初始步长
		const double wtInitV = 0;//初始权重
		const int maxIterTimes = 9;//最大迭代步数,不一定用到
		double rho = 0.5;
		double c = 0.01;
		double epsilon = 0.01;
		cout << "loading train data ..." << endl;
#ifdef TEST
		double ts11 = clock();
		int labels[TRAIN_DATA_NUM];
		loadTrainData2(trainFile, features, labels);
		//	cout << "size of train data:" << (*trainDataSet_p).size() << endl;
		//	cout << "label of train data:" << (*trainDataSet_p)[10].label << endl;
		//	cout << "feature of train data:" << (*trainDataSet_p)[10].features[10] << endl;
#ifdef TEST
		double te11 = clock();
		cout << "loading train data time is " << (double)(te11 - ts11) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
		cout << "training ..." << endl;
#ifdef TEST
		double ts12 = clock();
		initParam(wtInitV, &wtSet);//初始化参数
		train(features, labels, wtSet, stepSize0, rho, c, epsilon);
#ifdef TEST
		double te12 = clock();
		cout << "train time is " << (double)(te12 - ts12) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
		wtSet_p = (double*)shmat(shm, NULL, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < FEATURE_NUM; i++)
			*(wtSet_p + i) = wtSet[i];
			/* 			cout << wtSet[i]<<endl;
			getchar(); */
		shmdt(wtSet_p);//lost connect

#ifdef TEST
		double tes = clock();
		cout << "son process total time is******************** " << (double)(tes - ts) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;

	else if (pid > 0)  //父进程用来读取测试数据
//		cout << "I'm child, pid =  " << getpid() << endl;
		cout << "loading test data ..." << endl;
#ifdef TEST
		double ts21 = clock();
		loadTestData2(testFile, features_test);//载入测试数据
#ifdef TEST
		double te21 = clock();
		cout << "loading test data time is " << (double)(te21 - ts21) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
		cout << "predicting ..." << endl;

		wtSet_p = (double*)shmat(shm, NULL, 0);
		/* 		if(int(wtSet_p) == -1){
		return -1;
		} */
#ifdef TEST
		double tswait = clock();
		int status;
		//等待子进程 训练结束
		for (int i = 0; i < FEATURE_NUM; i++)
			wtSet[i] = *(wtSet_p + i);//写入数据
			/* 			cout << wtSet[i]<<endl;
			getchar(); */
#ifdef TEST
		double tewait = clock();
		cout << "waiting time is " << (double)(tewait - tswait) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;

#ifdef TEST
		double ts22 = clock();
		predict(features_test, wtSet, predictFile);
#ifdef TEST
		double te22 = clock();
		cout << "predicting time is " << (double)(te22 - ts22) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
#ifdef TEST
		int answerVec[TEST_DATA_NUM];
		cout << "calculating accuracy ..." << endl;
		//	cout << "loading answer data ..." << endl;
		loadAnswerData(answerFile, answerVec);//载入标准答案
		//	cout << "after loading answer data ..." << endl;
		int predictVec[TEST_DATA_NUM];
		//	cout << "loading predict data ..." << endl;
		loadAnswerData(predictFile, predictVec);
		int answerVec_size = sizeof(answerVec) / sizeof(int);
		//	std::cout << predictVec.size() << "   " << answerVec.size() << endl;
		int correctCount = 0;
		//	cout << "begin calculating accuracy ..." << endl;
		for (int j = 0; j < TEST_DATA_NUM; j++)
			if (j < answerVec_size)
				if (answerVec[j] == predictVec[j])
				cout << "answer size less than the real predicted value" << endl;
		double accurate = ((double)correctCount) / TEST_DATA_NUM;
		//cout << "(double)correctCount: " << (double)correctCount << endl;
		//cout << "(*answerVec_p).size(): " << answerVec.size() << endl;
		cout << "the prediction accuracy is ******************** " << accurate << endl;
		double tep = clock();
		cout << "parent process total time is ******************** " << (double)(tep - ts) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;


	return 0;


inline double Dot(double(&x)[FEATURE_NUM], double(&y)[FEATURE_NUM])
	double temp = 0;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < FEATURE_NUM; i++)
		temp = temp + x[i] * y[i];
	return temp;

void initParam(double wtInitV, double(*wtSet)[FEATURE_NUM])
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < FEATURE_NUM; i++)
		(*wtSet)[i] = wtInitV;

void loadTrainData(string trainFile, double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], int(&labels)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM])
#ifdef TEST
	double ts111 = clock();
	FILE *fp;
	//int tick_end = TRAIN_DATA_NUM*(FEATURE_NUM + 1);
	fp = fopen(trainFile.c_str(), "r");
	if (fp == NULL)
		printf("file error\n");
	fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
	int len = ftell(fp);//自动判断 fread 要读入的量
	const int maxS = len;//先读个 60 M
	char* buf = new char[maxS];
	len = fread(buf, 1, maxS, fp);//因为ftell回车算的是两个字符,所以这里要重置一下len
#ifdef TEST
	double te111 = clock();
	cout << "fread train data time is " << (double)(te111 - ts111) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
	double ts112 = clock();
	for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++)
		if (buf[i] == '\n')
			buf[i] = ',';
	const char * split = ",";
	char *p = strtok(buf, split);
	double temp;
	int row_ind = 0;
	int col_ind = 0;
	int tick = 0;
	//double ftf;
	while (p != NULL&&row_ind < TRAIN_DATA_NUM)
		tick = tick + 1;
		sscanf(p, "%lf", &temp);
		if (tick % (FEATURE_NUM + 1) == 0)
			labels[row_ind] = int(temp);
			row_ind = row_ind + 1;
			col_ind = 0;
			p = strtok(NULL, split);

		features[row_ind][col_ind] = temp;
		col_ind = col_ind + 1;
		p = strtok(NULL, split);

#ifdef TEST
	double te112 = clock();
	cout << "split train data time is " << (double)(te112 - ts112) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;

//char* buf = new char[MAXS];
void loadTrainData2(string trainFile, double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], int(&labels)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM])
#ifdef TEST
	double ts111 = clock();
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen(trainFile.c_str(), "rb");
	int len = fread(buf, 1, MAXS, fp);
#ifdef TEST
	double te111 = clock();
	cout << "fread train data time is " << (double)(te111 - ts111) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
	double ts112 = clock();
	buf[len] = '\0';
	double position = 1.0;
	int symbol = 0;
	int point = 0;
	int i, col, row = 0;
	double line[FEATURE_NUM + 2] = { 0 };
	i = 0;
	for (char *p = buf; *p && p - buf < len; p++)
		if (row >= TRAIN_DATA_NUM)

		if (*p == ',')
			if (symbol == 1)
				line[i] = -line[i];
			point = 0;
			position = 1.0;
			symbol = 0;
			line[i] = 0.0;
		else if (*p == '\n')
			if (symbol == 1)
				line[i] = -line[i];
			int ftf = (int)line[FEATURE_NUM];
			for (col = 0; col < FEATURE_NUM; col++)
				features[row][col] = line[col];
			labels[row] = ftf;
			row = row + 1;
			i = 0;
			point = 0;
			position = 1.0;
			symbol = 0;
			line[i] = 0.0;
		else if (*p == '.')
			point = 1;
		else if (*p == '-')
			symbol = 1;
			if (point == 0)
				line[i] = line[i] * 10 + *p - '0';
				position = position*0.1;
				line[i] += position*(*p - '0');


#ifdef TEST
	double te112 = clock();
	cout << "split train data time is " << (double)(te112 - ts112) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;

void wxbVecCalc(double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], double(&w)[FEATURE_NUM], double wxbVec[TRAIN_DATA_NUM])
	//just matrix multiplication
	double temp;
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < TRAIN_DATA_NUM; i++)
		temp = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < FEATURE_NUM; j++)
			temp = temp + features[i][j] * w[j];
		wxbVec[i] = temp;


void wxbVecCalc_test(double(&features)[TEST_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], double(&w)[FEATURE_NUM], double wxbVec[TEST_DATA_NUM])
	//just matrix multiplication
	double temp;
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < TEST_DATA_NUM; i++)
		temp = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < FEATURE_NUM; j++)
			temp = temp + features[i][j] * w[j];
		wxbVec[i] = temp;

inline double sigmoidCalc(const double wxb)
	double expv = exp(-1 * wxb);
	double expvInv = 1 / (1 + expv);
	return expvInv;

void sigmoidVecCalc(double(&wxbVec)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM], double(&sigmoidVec)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM])

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < TRAIN_DATA_NUM; i++)
		sigmoidVec[i] = sigmoidCalc(wxbVec[i]);

void sigmoidVecCalc_test(double(&wxbVec)[TEST_DATA_NUM], double(&sigmoidVec)[TEST_DATA_NUM])

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < TEST_DATA_NUM; i++)
		sigmoidVec[i] = sigmoidCalc(wxbVec[i]);

void wrxbmVecCalc(double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], double(&labSigmoidVec)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM], double wrxbmVec[TRAIN_DATA_NUM])
	//just reverse matrix multiplication
	double temp=0.0L;
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < FEATURE_NUM; i++)
		temp = 0.0;
		for (j = 0; j < TRAIN_DATA_NUM; j++)
			temp = temp + features[j][i] * labSigmoidVec[j];


		wrxbmVec[i] = temp/TRAIN_DATA_NUM;


void gradientVec(double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], int(&labels)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM], double(&sigmoidVec)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM], double(&gVec)[FEATURE_NUM])
	double labSigmoidVec[TRAIN_DATA_NUM];
	for (int j = 0; j < TRAIN_DATA_NUM; j++)
		labSigmoidVec[j] = double(labels[j])-sigmoidVec[j];
	wrxbmVecCalc(features, labSigmoidVec, gVec);

double gradientSlope(double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], int(&labels)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM], int index, double(&sigmoidVec)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM])
	//can still be modified
	double gsV = 0.0L;
	int i;
	double sigv, label;
	for (i = 0; i < TRAIN_DATA_NUM; i++)
		sigv = sigmoidVec[i];
		label = labels[i];
		gsV += (label - sigv) * (features[i][index]);

	// cout<<gsV<<endl;
	// getchar();
	gsV = gsV / TRAIN_DATA_NUM;
	return gsV;

double lossCal(double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], int(&labels)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM], double(&w)[FEATURE_NUM])
	double lossV = 0.0L;
	int i;
	double wxbVec[TRAIN_DATA_NUM];
	double sigmoidVec[TRAIN_DATA_NUM];
	wxbVecCalc(features, w, wxbVec);
	sigmoidVecCalc(wxbVec, sigmoidVec);

	for (i = 0; i < TRAIN_DATA_NUM; i++)
		lossV -= labels[i] * log(sigmoidVec[i]);
		lossV -= (1 - labels[i]) * log(1 - sigmoidVec[i]);
	return lossV;

void train(double(&features)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], int(&labels)[TRAIN_DATA_NUM], double(&wtSet)[FEATURE_NUM],
           double stepSize0, double rho, double c, double epsilon)
	double dfk0_norm = 0;
	double dfk1_norm = 0;
	double beta;
	double stepSize;
	double f1, f2;
	int i, j;

	double p[FEATURE_NUM];
	double dfk0[FEATURE_NUM];
	double dfk1[FEATURE_NUM];
	double sigmoidVec[TRAIN_DATA_NUM];
	double wTry[FEATURE_NUM];
	double wxbVec[TRAIN_DATA_NUM];

	//计算 Sigmoid(Aw)
	wxbVecCalc(features, wtSet, wxbVec);
	sigmoidVecCalc(wxbVec, sigmoidVec);
	//cout << "debug 1" << sigmoidVec[10] << endl;

	//计算 p 和 grad f的norm
	gradientVec(features, labels, sigmoidVec, dfk0);
	dfk0_norm = Dot(dfk0, dfk0);
	for (i = 0; i < FEATURE_NUM; i++)
		p[i] = dfk0[i];
	//cout << "debug 2" << p[10] << "dfk0_norm" << dfk0_norm << endl;

#ifdef TEST
	int iter_num = 0;

	//for (i = 0; i < maxIterTimes; i++) {
	while (dfk0_norm > epsilon)
#ifdef TEST
		iter_num = iter_num + 1;

		//	cout << "dfk0_norm:"<<dfk0_norm << endl;

		stepSize = stepSize0;


		double lossV = 0.0L;
		for (i = 0; i < TRAIN_DATA_NUM; i++)
			lossV -= labels[i] * log(sigmoidVec[i]);
			lossV -= (1 - labels[i]) * log(1 - sigmoidVec[i]);
		lossV /= TRAIN_DATA_NUM;
		f2 = lossV - c*stepSize*Dot(dfk0, p);

		//		while (true)
		for (;;)
			//		cout << "stepsize%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:" << stepSize << endl;
			//	cout<<"stepsize:"<<stepSize<<endl;
			//计算 w+alpha*p_k
			//	cout<<"stepsize:"<<stepSize<<endl;
			for (j = 0; j < FEATURE_NUM; j++)
				wTry[j] = wtSet[j] + stepSize * p[j];
			//		cout << "debug 3" << wTry[10] << endl;

			//	cout << "debug LL" << wtSet[10] << " " << stepSize << " " << p[10] << endl;

			f1 = lossCal(features, labels, wTry);

			//		cout << "f1:"<<f1<<endl<<"f2:"<< f2 << endl;

			//cout<<"debug L"<<lossCal()<<" "<<c<<" "<< stepSize<<" " <<dfk0[10]<<" "<<p[10]<<endl;

			//		cout << "debug 4" << "f1:" << f1 << "f2:" << f2 << endl;
			if (f1 <= f2 || stepSize < 0.001)
			stepSize = rho*stepSize;
			//		cout << "stepSize" << stepSize << endl;

		//stepSize = rho*stepSize0;

		for (j = 0; j < FEATURE_NUM; j++)
			wtSet[j] += stepSize * p[j];
		//cout << "debug 5" << .wtSet[10] << endl;

		//更新 beta 和 p
		//计算 Sigmoid(Aw)
		wxbVecCalc(features, wtSet, wxbVec);
		sigmoidVecCalc(wxbVec, sigmoidVec);
		//	cout<<"param.wtSet"<<param.wtSet[3]<<endl;
		gradientVec(features, labels, sigmoidVec, dfk1);
		dfk1_norm = Dot(dfk1, dfk1);

		//		cout << "debug 6:" << endl << sigmoidVec[10] << dfk1[10] << dfk1_norm << endl;

		//	cout<<"dfk1_norm"<<dfk1_norm<<endl;

		//算 beta
		beta = dfk1_norm / dfk0_norm;
		//cout << beta << endl;
		//	cout << "debug 7:" << beta << endl;

		//	cout<<"p"<<p[10]<<endl;
		//更新一下 p
		for (j = 0; j < FEATURE_NUM; j++)
			p[j] = dfk1[j] + beta*p[j];
		//		cout << "debug 8:" << p[10] << endl;
		dfk0_norm = dfk1_norm;
		for (i = 0; i < FEATURE_NUM; i++)
			dfk0[i] = dfk1[i];
		//	cout << "dfk1_norm:"<<dfk1_norm << endl;

#ifdef TEST
	cout << "train total iter num: " << iter_num << endl;
	cout << "dfk0_norm: " << dfk0_norm << endl;

void loadAnswerData(string awFile, int(&awVec)[TEST_DATA_NUM])
	//	vector<int> awVec;
	int k = 0;
	ifstream infile(awFile.c_str());
	if (!infile)
		cout << "打开答案文件失败" << endl;

	while (infile)
		string line;
		int aw;
		getline(infile, line);
		if (line.size() > 0 && k <= TEST_DATA_NUM)
			stringstream sin(line);
			sin >> aw;
			awVec[k] = aw;
			k = k + 1;


void loadTestData(string testFile, double(&features)[TEST_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM])
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen(testFile.c_str(), "r");
	if (fp == NULL)
		printf("file error\n");
	fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
	int len = ftell(fp);//自动判断 fread 要读入的量
	const int maxS = len;//先读个 60 M
	char* buf = new char[maxS];
	len = fread(buf, 1, maxS, fp);//因为ftell回车算的是两个字符,所以这里要重置一下len
	for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++)
		if (buf[i] == '\n')
			buf[i] = ',';
	const char * split = ",";
	char *p = strtok(buf, split);
	double temp;
	int row_ind = 0;
	int col_ind = 0;
	int tick = 0;

	//int ftf;
	//double ftf;
	while (p != NULL&&row_ind < TEST_DATA_NUM)
		tick = tick + 1;
		sscanf(p, "%lf", &temp);
		features[row_ind][col_ind] = temp;
		col_ind = col_ind + 1;
		if (tick % (FEATURE_NUM) == 0)
			row_ind = row_ind + 1;
			col_ind = 0;
		p = strtok(NULL, split);


void loadTestData2(string testFile, double(&features)[TEST_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM])
#ifdef TEST
	double ts111 = clock();
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen(testFile.c_str(), "rb");
	int len = fread(buf_test, 1, MAXS_TEST, fp);
#ifdef TEST
	double te111 = clock();
	cout << "fread test data time is " << (double)(te111 - ts111) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
	double ts112 = clock();
	buf_test[len] = '\0';
	double position = 1.0;
	int symbol = 0;
	int point = 0;
	int i, col, row = 0;
	double line[FEATURE_NUM + 1] = { 0.0 };
	i = 0;
	for (char *p = buf_test; *p && p - buf_test < len; p++)
		if (row >= TEST_DATA_NUM)
		if (*p == ',')
			if (symbol == 1)
				line[i] = -line[i];
			point = 0;
			position = 1.0;
			symbol = 0;
			line[i] = 0.0;
		else if (*p == '\n')
			if (symbol == 1)
				line[i] = -line[i];
			for (col = 0; col < FEATURE_NUM; col++)
				features[row][col] = line[col];
			row = row + 1;
			i = 0;
			point = 0;
			position = 1.0;
			symbol = 0;
			line[i] = 0.0;
		else if (*p == '.')
			point = 1;
		else if (*p == '-')
			symbol = 1;
			if (point == 0)
				line[i] = line[i] * 10 + *p - '0';
				position = position*0.1;
				line[i] += position*(*p - '0');

#ifdef TEST
	double te112 = clock();
	cout << "split test data time is " << (double)(te112 - ts112) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;

int storePredict(int(&predict)[TEST_DATA_NUM], string predictOutFile)
	string line;
	int i;

	ofstream fout(predictOutFile.c_str());
	if (!fout.is_open())
		cout << "打开预测结果文件失败" << endl;
	for (i = 0; i < TEST_DATA_NUM; i++)
		fout << predict[i] << endl;
	return 0;

void predict(double(&features_test)[TEST_DATA_NUM][FEATURE_NUM], double(&wtSet)[FEATURE_NUM], string predictOutFile)
	double sigVal;
	int predictVal;
	int predictVec[TEST_DATA_NUM];
	double predictTrueThresh = 0.5;
	double wxbVec[TEST_DATA_NUM];
	double sVec[TEST_DATA_NUM];
	wxbVecCalc_test(features_test, wtSet, wxbVec);
	sigmoidVecCalc_test(wxbVec, sVec);
	for (int j = 0; j < TEST_DATA_NUM; j++)
		sigVal = sVec[j];
		predictVal = sigVal >= predictTrueThresh ? 1 : 0;
		predictVec[j] = predictVal;

	storePredict(predictVec, predictOutFile);


#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include <chrono>
#include <string.h>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
typedef vector<vector<int>> Graph;
const int maxRecN = 280000;

const int maxCycleN = 3000000;
const int MAXS_R = maxCycleN * 80;
char a[MAXS_R];
char L3[MAXS_R];
char L4[MAXS_R];
char L5[MAXS_R];
char L6[MAXS_R];
char L7[MAXS_R];

int ID[maxRecN][2];
const int MAXS = maxRecN * 30;
char buf[MAXS];
int readTestData(string testDataPath, Graph &gTestData, vector<int> &idxMap, \
	Graph &pathL2SmHead, \
	Graph &pathL2SmTail)
	int i = 0, commaN = 0;
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen(testDataPath.c_str(), "rb");
	int len = fread(buf, 1, MAXS, fp);
	buf[len] = '\0';
	ID[0][0] = 0;
	ID[0][1] = 0;
	set<int> vertexSet;
	unordered_map<int, int> idxMapRev;
	for (char *p = buf; *p&&p - buf < len; p++)
		if (*p == '\n')
			ID[i][0] = 0;
			ID[i][1] = 0;
			commaN = 0;
		else if (*p == ',')

		else if (commaN < 2)
			ID[i][commaN] = ID[i][commaN] * 10 + *p - '0';
	int index = 0;
	for (auto &it : vertexSet)
		idxMapRev.insert(make_pair(it, index));
	int from, to;
	gTestData.resize(index, vector<int>());
	pathL2SmHead.resize(index, vector<int>());
	pathL2SmTail.resize(index, vector<int>());
	for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
		from = idxMapRev[ID[j][0]];
		to = idxMapRev[ID[j][1]];
		if (from != to)//no loop,some off line data have loop
			if (from < to)

	for (auto &it : gTestData)
		sort(it.begin(), it.end());//sort for arranged output result
	for (auto &it : pathL2SmHead)
		sort(it.begin(), it.end());//sort for arranged output result
	for (auto &it : pathL2SmTail)
		sort(it.begin(), it.end());//sort for arranged output result
	return i;

int getDigits(int v) {
	if (v < 10) return 1;
	if (v < 100) return 2;
	if (v < 1000) return 3;
	if (v < 1000000000000) {    // 10^12
		if (v < 100000000) {    // 10^7
			if (v < 1000000) {  // 10^6
				if (v < 10000) return 4;
				return 5 + (v >= 100000); // 10^5
			return 7 + (v >= 10000000); // 10^7
		if (v < 10000000000) {  // 10^10
			return 9 + (v >= 1000000000); // 10^9
		return 11 + (v >= 100000000000); // 10^11
	return 12 + getDigits(v / 1000000000000); // 10^12
int intToAscii(int value, char* dst) {
	static const char digits[] = {
		"8081828384858687888990919293949596979899" };

	const int length = getDigits(value);
	int next = length - 1;

	while (value >= 100) {
		const int i = (value % 100) * 2;
		value /= 100;
		dst[next - 1] = digits[i];
		dst[next] = digits[i + 1];
		next -= 2;
	// Handle last 1-2 digits
	if (value < 10) {
		dst[next] = '0' + int(value);
	else {
		int i = int(value) * 2;
		dst[next - 1] = digits[i];
		dst[next] = digits[i + 1];
	return length;

void arr2Ascii3(array<int, 3> &arr, char* &p, vector<int> &idxMap)
	int tmp;
	int dig;
	dig = intToAscii(idxMap[arr[0]], p);
	p += dig;
	for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
		*p++ = ',';
		dig = intToAscii(idxMap[arr[i]], p);
		p += dig;
	*p++ = '\n';
void arr2Ascii4(array<int, 4> &arr, char* &p, vector<int> &idxMap)
	int tmp;
	int dig;
	dig = intToAscii(idxMap[arr[0]], p);
	p += dig;
	for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
		*p++ = ',';
		dig = intToAscii(idxMap[arr[i]], p);
		p += dig;
	*p++ = '\n';
void arr2Ascii5(array<int, 5> &arr, char* &p, vector<int> &idxMap)
	int tmp;
	int dig;
	dig = intToAscii(idxMap[arr[0]], p);
	p += dig;
	for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
		*p++ = ',';
		dig = intToAscii(idxMap[arr[i]], p);
		p += dig;
	*p++ = '\n';
void arr2Ascii6(array<int, 6> &arr, char* &p, vector<int> &idxMap)
	int tmp;
	int dig;
	dig = intToAscii(idxMap[arr[0]], p);
	p += dig;
	for (int i = 1; i < 6; ++i)
		*p++ = ',';
		dig = intToAscii(idxMap[arr[i]], p);
		p += dig;
	*p++ = '\n';
void arr2Ascii7(array<int, 7> &arr, char* &p, vector<int> &idxMap)
	int tmp;
	int dig;
	dig = intToAscii(idxMap[arr[0]], p);
	p += dig;
	for (int i = 1; i < 7; ++i)
		*p++ = ',';
		dig = intToAscii(idxMap[arr[i]], p);
		p += dig;
	*p++ = '\n';
void writeResultData(string resultDataPath, char* &p3, char* &p4, char* &p5, char* p6, char* p7, int cycleCount)
	int sizeL3 = p3 - L3;
	int sizeL4 = p4 - L4;
	int sizeL5 = p5 - L5;
	int sizeL6 = p6 - L6;
	int sizeL7 = p7 - L7;
	int totalSize = sizeL3 + sizeL4 + sizeL5 + sizeL6 + sizeL7;
	memcpy(p3, L4, sizeL4);
	p3 += sizeL4;
	memcpy(p3, L5, sizeL5);
	p3 += sizeL5;
	memcpy(p3, L6, sizeL6);
	p3 += sizeL6;
	memcpy(p3, L7, sizeL7);
#ifdef TEST
	auto t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
	//string L3Path = "./L3.txt";
	FILE *pL3 = fopen(resultDataPath.c_str(), "w+");
	fprintf(pL3, "%d\n", cycleCount);
	//fprintf(pL3, "%s", L3);
	fwrite(L3, 1, totalSize, pL3);
#ifdef TEST
	auto t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
	cout << "fwrite time: " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1).count() << " s" << endl;

void L3whole(Graph &gTestData, int &vtxNum, array<int, 2> arrL2, vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; h++)
		for (auto &h0 : gTestData[h])
			for (auto &t0 : gTestData[h0])
				if (h != t0)
					arrL2[0] = h0;
					arrL2[1] = t0;





void L3head(Graph &pathL2SmHead, Graph &gTestData, int &vtxNum, array<int, 2> arrL2, vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3SmHead)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; h++)
		for (auto &h0 : pathL2SmHead[h])
			for (auto &t0 : gTestData[h0])
				if (h < t0)
					arrL2[0] = h0;
					arrL2[1] = t0;




void L3tail(Graph &gTestData, Graph &pathL2SmTail, int &vtxNum, array<int, 2> arrL2, vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3SmTail)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; h++)
		for (auto &h0 : gTestData[h])
			for (auto &t0 : pathL2SmTail[h0])
				if (t0 < h)
					arrL2[0] = h0;
					arrL2[1] = t0;





void L3tailIdx(Graph &gTestData, Graph &pathL2SmTail, int &vtxNum, array<int, 2> arrL2, vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3SmTailIdx)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; h++)
		for (auto &h0 : gTestData[h])
			for (auto &t0 : pathL2SmTail[h0])
				if (t0 < h)
					arrL2[0] = h;
					arrL2[1] = h0;






void L4head(vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3SmHead, Graph &gTestData, int &vtxNum, array<int, 3> arrL3, vector<vector<array<int, 3>>> &pathL4SmHead)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; ++h)
		for (auto &it : pathL3SmHead[h])
			//int h0 = it[0];
			//int h1 = it[1];
			for (auto &ite : gTestData[it[1]])
				int t0 = ite;
				if (h < t0&&it[0] != t0)//no self loop
					arrL3[0] = it[0];
					arrL3[1] = it[1];
					arrL3[2] = t0;





void L4tailIdx(Graph &gTestData, vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3SmTail, int &vtxNum, array<int, 3> arrL3, vector<vector<array<int, 3>>> &pathL4SmTailIdx)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; ++h)
		for (auto &it : gTestData[h])
			//int h0 = it;
			for (auto &ite : pathL3SmTail[it])
				//t0 = ite[0];
				//t1 = ite[1];
				if (h != ite[0] && ite[1] < h)//no self loop and last one is smallest
					arrL3[0] = h;
					arrL3[1] = it;
					arrL3[2] = ite[0];





void L3cycle(Graph &pathL2SmHead, vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3SmTailIdx, int &vtxNum, array<int, 3> arrL3, char* &p3, vector<int> &idxMap, int &cycleCount)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; ++h)
		for (auto &it : pathL2SmHead[h])
			//h0 = it;
			for (auto &ite : pathL3SmTailIdx[h])
				//t0 = ite[0];
				//t1 = ite[1];
				if (it == ite[0])//no self loop
					arrL3[0] = h;
					arrL3[1] = it;
					arrL3[2] = ite[1];
					arr2Ascii3(arrL3, p3, idxMap);




void L5tailIdx(vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3, vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3SmTail, int &vtxNum, array<int, 4> arrL4, vector<vector<array<int, 4>>> &pathL5SmTailIdx)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; ++h)
		for (auto &it : pathL3[h])
			int h0 = it[0];
			int h1 = it[1];
			for (auto &ite : pathL3SmTail[h1])
				//t0 = ite[0];
				//t1 = ite[1];
				if (ite[1] < h&&ite[1] < h0&&h != ite[0] && h0 != ite[0])//small tail and no self loop
					arrL4[0] = h;
					arrL4[1] = h0;
					arrL4[2] = h1;
					arrL4[3] = ite[0];





void L4cycle(vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3SmHead, vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3SmTailIdx, int &vtxNum, array<int, 4> arrL4, char* &p4, vector<int> &idxMap, int &cycleCount)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; ++h)
		for (auto &it : pathL3SmHead[h])
			int h0 = it[0];
			int h1 = it[1];
			for (auto &ite : pathL3SmTailIdx[h])
				//t0 = ite[0];
				//t1 = ite[1];

				if (ite[0] == h1&&h0 != ite[1])//small tail and no self loop
					arrL4[0] = h;
					arrL4[1] = h0;
					arrL4[2] = h1;
					arrL4[3] = ite[1];
					arr2Ascii4(arrL4, p4, idxMap);




void L5cycle(vector<vector<array<int, 3>>> &pathL4SmHead, vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> &pathL3SmTailIdx, int &vtxNum, array<int, 5> arrL5, char* &p5, vector<int> &idxMap, int &cycleCount)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; ++h)
		for (auto &it : pathL4SmHead[h])
			int h0 = it[0];
			int h1 = it[1];
			int h2 = it[2];
			for (auto &ite : pathL3SmTailIdx[h])
				//	t0 = ite[0];
				//	t1 = ite[1];
				if (h2 == ite[0] && h0 != ite[1] && h1 != ite[1])//cycle and no self loop
					arrL5[0] = h;
					arrL5[1] = h0;
					arrL5[2] = h1;
					arrL5[3] = h2;
					arrL5[4] = ite[1];
					arr2Ascii5(arrL5, p5, idxMap);




void L6cycle(vector<vector<array<int, 3>>> &pathL4SmHead, vector<vector<array<int, 3>>> &pathL4SmTailIdx, int &vtxNum, array<int, 6> arrL6, char* &p6, vector<int> &idxMap, int &cycleCount)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; ++h)
		for (auto &it : pathL4SmHead[h])
			int h0 = it[0];
			int h1 = it[1];
			int h2 = it[2];
			for (auto &ite : pathL4SmTailIdx[h])
				//	t0 = ite[0];
				//	t1 = ite[1];
				//	t2 = ite[2];
				if (h2 == ite[0] && h0 != ite[1] && h0 != ite[2] && h1 != ite[1] && h1 != ite[2])
					arrL6[0] = h;
					arrL6[1] = h0;
					arrL6[2] = h1;
					arrL6[3] = h2;
					arrL6[4] = ite[1];
					arrL6[5] = ite[2];
					arr2Ascii6(arrL6, p6, idxMap);




void L7cycle(vector<vector<array<int, 3>>> &pathL4SmHead, vector<vector<array<int, 4>>> &pathL5SmTailIdx, int &vtxNum, array<int, 7> arrL7, char* &p7, vector<int> &idxMap, int &cycleCount)

	for (int h = 0; h < vtxNum; ++h)
		for (auto &it : pathL4SmHead[h])
			int h0 = it[0];
			int h1 = it[1];
			int h2 = it[2];
			for (auto &ite : pathL5SmTailIdx[h])
				//t0 = ite[0];
				//	t1 = ite[1];
				//t2 = ite[2];
				//	t3 = ite[3];
				if (!(h2^ite[0])\
					&&h0 != ite[1] && h1 != ite[1]\
					&&h0 != ite[2] && h1 != ite[2]\
					&&h0 != ite[3] && h1 != ite[3]\
					arrL7[0] = h;
					arrL7[1] = h0;
					arrL7[2] = h1;
					arrL7[3] = h2;
					arrL7[4] = ite[1];
					arrL7[5] = ite[2];
					arrL7[6] = ite[3];
					arr2Ascii7(arrL7, p7, idxMap);




int main()
#ifdef TEST
	auto s1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
	string testDataPath = "/data/test_data.txt";
	string resultDataPath = "/projects/student/result.txt";
#ifdef TEST
	testDataPath = "./data/1004812/test_data.txt";
	resultDataPath = "./data/myresult.txt";
	char* p3 = L3;
	char* p4 = L4;
	char* p5 = L5;
	char* p6 = L6;
	char* p7 = L7;
	int cycleCount = 0;
	int cycleCount3 = 0;
	int cycleCount4 = 0;
	int cycleCount5 = 0;
	int cycleCount6 = 0;
	int cycleCount7 = 0;
	Graph gTestData, pathL2SmHead, pathL2SmTail;
	vector<int> idxMap;
	int edgeNum = readTestData(testDataPath, gTestData, idxMap, pathL2SmHead, pathL2SmTail);
	int vtxNum = idxMap.size();
	vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> pathL3(vtxNum);
	vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> pathL3SmHead(vtxNum);
	vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> pathL3SmTail(vtxNum);
	vector<vector<array<int, 2>>> pathL3SmTailIdx(vtxNum);
	vector<vector<array<int, 3>>> pathL4(vtxNum);
	vector<vector<array<int, 3>>> pathL4SmHead(vtxNum);
	vector<vector<array<int, 3>>> pathL4SmTailIdx(vtxNum);
	vector<vector<array<int, 4>>> pathL5(vtxNum);
	vector<vector<array<int, 4>>> pathL5SmTailIdx(vtxNum);
	array<int, 2> arrL2;
	array<int, 3> arrL3;
	array<int, 4> arrL4;
	array<int, 5> arrL5;
	array<int, 6> arrL6;
	array<int, 7> arrL7;
	thread threads[4];
	//L3whole(gTestData, vtxNum, arrL2, pathL3);
	threads[0] = thread(L3whole, ref(gTestData), ref(vtxNum),(arrL2),ref(pathL3));	
	//L3head(pathL2SmHead, gTestData, vtxNum, arrL2, pathL3SmHead);
	threads[1] = thread(L3head, ref(pathL2SmHead), ref(gTestData),ref(vtxNum),(arrL2),ref(pathL3SmHead));
	//L3tailIdx(gTestData, pathL2SmTail, vtxNum, arrL2, pathL3SmTailIdx);
	threads[2] = thread(L3tailIdx, ref(gTestData), ref(pathL2SmTail),ref(vtxNum),(arrL2),ref(pathL3SmTailIdx));
	//L3tail(gTestData, pathL2SmTail, vtxNum, arrL2, pathL3SmTail);
	threads[3] = thread(L3tail, ref(gTestData), ref(pathL2SmTail),ref(vtxNum),(arrL2),ref(pathL3SmTail));
	for (auto& it : threads) {
	thread threads2[5];
	//L4head(pathL3SmHead, gTestData, vtxNum, arrL3, pathL4SmHead);
	threads2[0] = thread(L4head, ref(pathL3SmHead), ref(gTestData),ref(vtxNum),(arrL3),ref(pathL4SmHead));	
	//L4tailIdx(gTestData, pathL3SmTail, vtxNum, arrL3, pathL4SmTailIdx);
	threads2[1] = thread(L4tailIdx, ref(gTestData), ref(pathL3SmTail),ref(vtxNum),(arrL3),ref(pathL4SmTailIdx));	
	//L3cycle(pathL2SmHead, pathL3SmTailIdx, vtxNum, arrL3, p3, idxMap, cycleCount);
	threads2[2] = thread(L3cycle, ref(pathL2SmHead), ref(pathL3SmTailIdx),ref(vtxNum),(arrL3),ref(p3),ref(idxMap),ref(cycleCount3));	
	//L5tailIdx(pathL3, pathL3SmTail, vtxNum, arrL4, pathL5SmTailIdx);
	threads2[3] = thread(L5tailIdx, ref(pathL3), ref(pathL3SmTail),ref(vtxNum),(arrL4),ref(pathL5SmTailIdx));	
	//L4cycle(pathL3SmHead, pathL3SmTailIdx, vtxNum, arrL4, p4, idxMap, cycleCount);
	threads2[4] = thread(L4cycle, ref(pathL3SmHead), ref(pathL3SmTailIdx),ref(vtxNum),(arrL4),ref(p4),ref(idxMap),ref(cycleCount4));
	for (auto& it : threads2) {
	thread threads3[3];
	//L5cycle(pathL4SmHead, pathL3SmTailIdx, vtxNum, arrL5, p5, idxMap, cycleCount);
	threads3[0] = thread(L5cycle, ref(pathL4SmHead), ref(pathL3SmTailIdx),ref(vtxNum),(arrL5),ref(p5),ref(idxMap),ref(cycleCount5));
	//L6cycle(pathL4SmHead, pathL4SmTailIdx, vtxNum, arrL6, p6, idxMap, cycleCount);
	threads3[1] = thread(L6cycle, ref(pathL4SmHead), ref(pathL4SmTailIdx),ref(vtxNum),(arrL6),ref(p6),ref(idxMap),ref(cycleCount6));
	//L7cycle(pathL4SmHead, pathL5SmTailIdx, vtxNum, arrL7, p7, idxMap, cycleCount);
	threads3[2] = thread(L7cycle, ref(pathL4SmHead), ref(pathL5SmTailIdx),ref(vtxNum),(arrL7),ref(p7),ref(idxMap),ref(cycleCount7));
	for (auto& it : threads3) {
	cycleCount = cycleCount3+cycleCount4+cycleCount5+cycleCount6+cycleCount7;
	writeResultData(resultDataPath, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, cycleCount);
#ifdef TEST
	cout << "cycle count: " << cycleCount << endl;
	return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
//#define TEST
#define is_digit(c) (c >= '0')
using namespace std;

const int MAX_REC = 2000000;
const int MAX_CYCLE_COUNT = 20000000;

const int MAX_ID_COUNT = 500000;//maximum:MAX_REC<<2
const int MAX_DEG = 300;//maximum:MAX_ID_COUNT-1
const int MAX_TEST_DATA_SIZE = MAX_REC * 33;//maximum: MAX_REC * 33
const int MAX_CYCLE3_CHAR_SIZE = MAX_CYCLE_COUNT*0.25 * 33;//maximum: MAX_CYCLE_COUNT * 33
const int MAX_CYCLE4_CHAR_SIZE = MAX_CYCLE_COUNT*0.25 * 44;//maximum: MAX_CYCLE_COUNT * 44
const int MAX_CYCLE5_CHAR_SIZE = MAX_CYCLE_COUNT*0.5 * 55;//maximum: MAX_CYCLE_COUNT * 55
const int MAX_CYCLE6_CHAR_SIZE = MAX_CYCLE_COUNT*0.8 * 66;//maximum: MAX_CYCLE_COUNT * 66
const int MAX_CYCLE7_CHAR_SIZE = MAX_CYCLE_COUNT*0.8 * 77;//maximum: MAX_CYCLE_COUNT * 77
const int MAX_CYCLE_CHAR_SIZE = MAX_CYCLE_COUNT * 77;//maximum: MAX_CYCLE_COUNT * 77

struct Origin_Id{
	int id;
	char* pos;
	int len;
	Origin_Id() :id(), pos(), len(){};
	Origin_Id(int id_, char* pos_, int len_) :id(id_), pos(pos_), len(len_)

string test_data_path = "/data/test_data.txt";
string result_data_path = "/projects/student/result.txt";
//char file_ptr[MAX_TEST_DATA_SIZE];
//int Rec[MAX_REC][3];
//Origin_Id id_set[MAX_REC];
Origin_Id* id_set;
int rec_count = 0;
int id_count = 0;
void read_raw_data()
	char* file_ptr = new char[MAX_TEST_DATA_SIZE];
	id_set = new Origin_Id[MAX_REC * 2];
	Rec = new int[MAX_REC][3];
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen(test_data_path.c_str(), "rb");
	int data_sz = fread(file_ptr, 1, MAX_TEST_DATA_SIZE, fp);
	char* buf_end = file_ptr + data_sz;
	char* buf = file_ptr;
	int comma_count = 0;
	int cur_num = 0;
	int id_len = 0;
	char* id_pos = buf;
	int comma_num = 0;
	while (buf < buf_end)
		switch (*buf)
		case '\n'://reset counter
					  Rec[rec_count][0] = 0;
					  Rec[rec_count][1] = 0;
					  Rec[rec_count][2] = 0;
					  comma_count = 0;
					  cur_num = 0;
					  id_len = 0;
					  id_pos = buf + 1;

		case ',':
					Origin_Id id_tmp(cur_num, id_pos, id_len);
					id_set[id_count++] = id_tmp;
					cur_num = 0;
					id_len = 0;
					id_pos = buf + 1;

				   if (is_digit(*buf))
					   cur_num = cur_num * 10 + *buf - '0';
					   Rec[rec_count][comma_count] = cur_num;

bool id_cmp(Origin_Id a, Origin_Id b)
	return a.id<b.id;
bool id_unq(Origin_Id a, Origin_Id b)
	return a.id == b.id;
int id_num;
void id_map(unordered_map<int, int> &id_map_rev)
	//unordered_map<int, int> id_map_rev;
	sort(id_set, id_set + id_count, id_cmp);
	id_num = unique(id_set, id_set + id_count, id_unq) - id_set;//now id_set is id_map
	for (int i = 0; i < id_num; ++i)
		id_map_rev.insert({ id_set[i].id, i });

struct Edge{
	int id;
	int money;
	Edge() :id(), money(){};
	Edge(int id_, int money_) :id(id_), money(money_){};
vector<vector<Edge>> Graph(MAX_ID_COUNT);
vector<vector<Edge>> ReGraph(MAX_ID_COUNT);

//Edge Graph[MAX_ID_COUNT][MAX_DEG]; 
//Edge ReGraph[MAX_ID_COUNT][MAX_DEG];
int deg_G[MAX_ID_COUNT];
int deg_RG[MAX_ID_COUNT];
bool id_cmp_edge(Edge a, Edge b)
	return a.id<b.id;
void buid_graph()
	unordered_map<int, int> id_map_rev;
	int id_from;
	int id_to;
	int money;
	for (int i = 0; i < rec_count; i++)
		id_from = id_map_rev[Rec[i][0]];
		id_to = id_map_rev[Rec[i][1]];
		if (id_from == id_to) continue;
		money = Rec[i][2];
		Edge edge_tmp(id_to, money);
/* 		if (money > 715827882)
			edge_tmp.money3 = 2147483647;
		if (money > 429496729)
			edge_tmp.money5 = 2147483647;
		} */
		edge_tmp.id = id_from;

	for (int i = 0; i<id_num; i++)
		sort(Graph[i].begin(), Graph[i].begin() + deg_G[i], id_cmp_edge);
		//sort(ReGraph[i].begin(), ReGraph[i].begin() + deg_RG[i], id_cmp_edge);

inline bool judgeMoneyRe(double money_3,long long int money5,int money)
	return (money_3<=money)&&(money<=money5);
inline int mtp3(int momey)
	int money3;
		money3 = momey*3;
		money3 = 2147483647;
return money3;

inline int mtp5(int momey)
	int money5;
		money5 = momey*5;
		money5 = 2147483647;
return money5;

bool DFSInv(int &minCur, \
	bool(&toMinCurL1)[MAX_ID_COUNT], \
	bool(&toMinCurL2)[MAX_ID_COUNT], \
	bool(&toMinCurL3)[MAX_ID_COUNT], \
	int money[3];
	double money_3[3];
	long int money5[3];
	bool flg = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < deg_RG[minCur]; ++i)
		int it = ReGraph[minCur][i].id;
		int money0 = ReGraph[minCur][i].money;
		money[0] = money0;
		money_3[0] = money0/3.0;
		money5[0] = mtp5(money0);
		if (minCur < it)
			toMinCurL1[it] = true;
			toMinCurL1Idx[it] = i;
			for (int j = 0; j < deg_RG[it]; ++j)
				int ite = ReGraph[it][j].id;
				int money1 = ReGraph[it][j].money;			
				if (minCur < ite&&judgeMoneyRe(money_3[0],money5[0],money1))
					flg = true;
					toMinCurL2[ite] = true;
					money[1] = money1;
					money_3[1] = money1/3.0;
					money5[1] = mtp5(money1);
					for (int k = 0; k < deg_RG[ite]; ++k)
						int iter = ReGraph[ite][k].id;
						int money2 = ReGraph[ite][k].money;			
						if (minCur < iter&&iter != it&&judgeMoneyRe(money_3[1],money5[1],money2))
							toMinCurL3[iter] = true;

	return flg;

bool judgeMoneyCycle(int(&stk_mny)[7], int num)
	int money3;
	int money5;
	for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; ++i)
			money3 = stk_mny[i]*3;
			money3 = 2147483647;
		if(stk_mny[i + 1]<=429496729)
			money5 = stk_mny[i+1]*5;
			money5 = 2147483647;
		if (money3<stk_mny[i + 1] || stk_mny[i]>money5)
			return false;
			money3 = stk_mny[num-1]*3;
			money3 = 2147483647;
			money5 = stk_mny[0]*5;
			money5 = 2147483647;

	if (money3<stk_mny[0] || stk_mny[num - 1]>money5)
		return false;
	return true;


void piece_memcpy(char *dest,char *src, const int n) {
  switch(n) {
    case 33 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 32 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 31 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 30 : *dest++ = *src++;

    case 29 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 28 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 27 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 26 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 25 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 24 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 23 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 22 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 21 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 20 : *dest++ = *src++;

    case 19 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 18 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 17 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 16 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 15 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 14 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 13 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 12 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 11 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 10 : *dest++ = *src++;

    case 9 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 8 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 7 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 6 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 5 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 4 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 3 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 2 : *dest++ = *src++;
    case 1 : *dest++ = *src++; break;

inline int idToAscii(int value, char* dst) {
	int len = id_set[value].len;
	memcpy(dst, id_set[value].pos, len);
	return len;
char* L[5];
char* pL[5];

void arr2Ascii(int(&arr)[7], int num)
	char* &p = pL[num - 3];
	int dig;
	dig = idToAscii(arr[0], p);
	p += dig;
	for (int i = 1; i < num; ++i)
		*p++ = ',';
		dig = idToAscii(arr[i], p);
		p += dig;
	*p++ = '\n';

char* pT[4][5];
char* T[4][5];
int cycle_counts[4];
char* task_cycle_pos[20000][10];
void arr2AsciiThread(int(&arr)[7], int num, int &thread_id, int &task_id)
	int cycle_type = num - 3;
	char* &p = pT[thread_id][cycle_type];
	int dig;
	dig = idToAscii(arr[0], p);
	p += dig;
	for (int i = 1; i < num; ++i)
		*p++ = ',';
		dig = idToAscii(arr[i], p);
		p += dig;
	*p++ = '\n';
	task_cycle_pos[task_id][cycle_type + 5] = p;

inline void pushMoney(int (&money)[6],double (&money_p2)[6],int (&money3)[6],int money_tmp, int layer)
	money[layer] = money_tmp;
	money_p2[layer] = 0.2*money_tmp;
	money3[layer] = mtp3(money_tmp);

inline bool judgeMoney(double money_p2,int money3, int money)
	return (money_p2<=money&&money<=money3);

void DFS(const int minCur, \
	int(&stk)[7], int(&stk_mny)[7], bool(&onStack)[MAX_ID_COUNT], bool(&toMinCurL1)[MAX_ID_COUNT], \
	bool(&toMinCurL2)[MAX_ID_COUNT], \
	bool(&toMinCurL3)[MAX_ID_COUNT], \
	int(&toMinCurL1Idx)[MAX_ID_COUNT], int &thread_id, int &task_id,\
	int (&money)[6],double (&money_p2)[6],int (&money3)[6])

	stk[0] = minCur;
	int s1 = minCur;
	onStack[s1] = true;
	int money_tmp;
	double moneyO_3;
	int moneyO5;
	for (int i2 = 0; i2 < deg_G[s1]; i2++)
		auto s2 = Graph[s1][i2].id;
		if (s2 <= minCur) continue;
		stk[1] = s2;
		onStack[s2] = true;
		money_tmp = Graph[s1][i2].money;
		pushMoney(money,money_p2,money3, money_tmp, 0);
		moneyO_3 = money_tmp/3.0;
		moneyO5 = mtp5(money_tmp);		
		for (int i3 = 0; i3 < deg_G[s2]; i3++)

			auto s3 = Graph[s2][i3].id;
			money_tmp = Graph[s2][i3].money;
			if (s3 <= minCur || onStack[s3] || !judgeMoney(money_p2[0],money3[0],money_tmp)) continue;
			pushMoney(money,money_p2,money3, money_tmp, 1);
			//pushMoney(stk_mny, s2, i3, 1);
			stk[2] = s3;
			onStack[s3] = true;
			if (toMinCurL1[s3])
				//pushMoneyLast(stk_mny, minCur, toMinCurL1Idx[s3], 2);
				money_tmp = ReGraph[minCur][toMinCurL1Idx[s3]].money;
				//if (judgeMoneyCycle(stk_mny, 3))
				if (judgeMoney(money_p2[1],money3[1],money_tmp)&&judgeMoney(moneyO_3,moneyO5,money_tmp))
					arr2AsciiThread(stk, 3, thread_id, task_id);
			for (int i4 = 0; i4 < deg_G[s3]; i4++)
				auto s4 = Graph[s3][i4].id;
				money_tmp = Graph[s3][i4].money;
				if (onStack[s4] || s4 <= minCur||!judgeMoney(money_p2[1],money3[1],money_tmp)) continue;
				stk[3] = s4;
				onStack[s4] = true;
				//pushMoney(stk_mny, s3, i4, 2);
				pushMoney(money,money_p2,money3, money_tmp, 2);
				if (toMinCurL1[s4])
					money_tmp = ReGraph[minCur][toMinCurL1Idx[s4]].money;
					//pushMoneyLast(stk_mny, minCur, toMinCurL1Idx[s4], 3);
					//if (judgeMoneyCycle(stk_mny, 4))
					if (judgeMoney(money_p2[2],money3[2],money_tmp)&&judgeMoney(moneyO_3,moneyO5,money_tmp))
						arr2AsciiThread(stk, 4, thread_id, task_id);
				for (int i5 = 0; i5 < deg_G[s4]; i5++)
					auto s5 = Graph[s4][i5].id;
					money_tmp = Graph[s4][i5].money;
					if (minCur >= s5 || onStack[s5] || !judgeMoney(money_p2[2],money3[2],money_tmp)||!toMinCurL3[s5] && !toMinCurL2[s5] && !toMinCurL1[s5]) continue;
					stk[4] = s5;
					pushMoney(money,money_p2,money3, money_tmp, 3);			
					if (toMinCurL1[s5])
						//stk[4] = s5;
						//pushMoney(stk_mny, s4, i5, 3);
						//pushMoneyLast(stk_mny, minCur, toMinCurL1Idx[s5], 4);	
						money_tmp = ReGraph[minCur][toMinCurL1Idx[s5]].money;
						if (judgeMoney(money_p2[3],money3[3],money_tmp)&&judgeMoney(moneyO_3,moneyO5,money_tmp))
							arr2AsciiThread(stk, 5, thread_id, task_id);
					if (toMinCurL2[s5])
						//stk[4] = s5;
						//pushMoney(stk_mny, s4, i5, 3);
						//pushMoney(money,money_p2,money3, money_tmp, 3);
						for (int i6 = 0; i6 < deg_G[s5]; i6++)
							auto s6 = Graph[s5][i6].id;
							money_tmp = Graph[s5][i6].money;
							if (minCur<s6&&!onStack[s6] && toMinCurL1[s6]&&judgeMoney(money_p2[3],money3[3],money_tmp))
								stk[5] = s6;
								//money_tmp = Graph[s5][i6].money;
								//pushMoney(stk_mny, s5, i6, 4);
								//pushMoneyLast(stk_mny, minCur, toMinCurL1Idx[s6], 5);
								pushMoney(money,money_p2,money3, money_tmp, 4);
								money_tmp = ReGraph[minCur][toMinCurL1Idx[s6]].money;
								if (judgeMoney(money_p2[4],money3[4],money_tmp)&&judgeMoney(moneyO_3,moneyO5,money_tmp))
									arr2AsciiThread(stk, 6, thread_id, task_id);
					if (toMinCurL3[s5])
						//stk[4] = s5;
						onStack[s5] = true;
						//pushMoney(stk_mny, s4, i5, 3);
						for (int i6 = 0; i6 < deg_G[s5]; i6++)
							auto s6 = Graph[s5][i6].id;
							money_tmp = Graph[s5][i6].money;
							if (toMinCurL2[s6] && !onStack[s6] && minCur <= s6&&judgeMoney(money_p2[3],money3[3],money_tmp))
								stk[5] = s6;
								//pushMoney(stk_mny, s5, i6, 4);
								pushMoney(money,money_p2,money3, money_tmp, 4);
								for (int i7 = 0; i7 < deg_G[s6]; i7++)
									auto s7 = Graph[s6][i7].id;
									money_tmp = Graph[s6][i7].money;
									if (minCur<s7&&toMinCurL1[s7] && !onStack[s7]&&judgeMoney(money_p2[4],money3[4],money_tmp))
										stk[6] = s7;
										pushMoney(money,money_p2,money3, money_tmp, 5);
										//pushMoney(stk_mny, s6, i7, 5);
										//pushMoneyLast(stk_mny, minCur, toMinCurL1Idx[s7], 6);
										money_tmp = ReGraph[minCur][toMinCurL1Idx[s7]].money;
										//if (judgeMoneyCycle(stk_mny, 7))
										if (judgeMoney(money_p2[5],money3[5],money_tmp)&&judgeMoney(moneyO_3,moneyO5,money_tmp))
											arr2AsciiThread(stk, 7, thread_id, task_id);

						onStack[s5] = false;

				onStack[s4] = false;
			onStack[s3] = false;

		onStack[s2] = false;
	onStack[minCur] = false;

void do_task(int cur_task_id, int(&stk)[7], int(&stk_mny)[7], bool(&onStack)[MAX_ID_COUNT], \
	bool(&toMinCurL1)[MAX_ID_COUNT], bool(&toMinCurL2)[MAX_ID_COUNT], bool(&toMinCurL3)[MAX_ID_COUNT], \
	int(&toMinCurL1Idx)[MAX_ID_COUNT], vector<int> &task_set, int &thread_id, int &task_id,\
	int (&money)[6],double (&money_p2)[6],int (&money3)[6])
	int from = task_set[cur_task_id];
	int to = task_set[cur_task_id + 1];
	for (int minCur = from; minCur < to; ++minCur)
		memset(toMinCurL1, false, id_num*sizeof(bool));
		memset(toMinCurL2, false, id_num*sizeof(bool));
		memset(toMinCurL3, false, id_num*sizeof(bool));
		bool flg = DFSInv(minCur, toMinCurL1, toMinCurL2, toMinCurL3, toMinCurL1Idx);
		if (flg == true)
			DFS(minCur, stk, stk_mny, onStack, toMinCurL1, toMinCurL2, toMinCurL3, toMinCurL1Idx, thread_id, task_id,money,money_p2,money3);

vector<mutex> mtx(20000);
void dfs_thread(int thread_id, vector<int> &task_set)
	bool onStack[MAX_ID_COUNT] = { false };
	int stk[7];
	int stk_mny[7];
	bool toMinCurL1[MAX_ID_COUNT] = { false };
	bool toMinCurL2[MAX_ID_COUNT] = { false };
	bool toMinCurL3[MAX_ID_COUNT] = { false };
	int toMinCurL1Idx[MAX_ID_COUNT];
	int cur_task_id = 0;
	char* ptr_from_cur[5] = { pT[thread_id][0], pT[thread_id][1], pT[thread_id][2],pT[thread_id][3],pT[thread_id][4] };
	int money[6];
	double money_p2[6];
	int money3[6];

			memcpy(task_cycle_pos[cur_task_id], ptr_from_cur, sizeof(char*)* 5);
			memcpy(task_cycle_pos[cur_task_id]+5, ptr_from_cur, sizeof(char*)* 5);
			do_task(cur_task_id, stk, stk_mny, onStack, toMinCurL1, toMinCurL2, toMinCurL3, toMinCurL1Idx, task_set,thread_id,cur_task_id,\
			memcpy(ptr_from_cur, task_cycle_pos[cur_task_id]+5, sizeof(char*)* 5);

int task_num;
void run_dfs()
	vector<int> task_set;
	task_num = id_num / 100+1;
	for (int i = 0; i < task_num; i++)
		task_set.push_back(i * 100);
	thread threads[4];
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		threads[i] = thread(dfs_thread, i, ref(task_set));
	for (auto& it : threads) {

int getDigits(int v) {
	if (v < 10) return 1;
	if (v < 100) return 2;
	if (v < 1000) return 3;
	if (v < 1000000000000) {    // 10^12
		if (v < 100000000) {    // 10^7
			if (v < 1000000) {  // 10^6
				if (v < 10000) return 4;
				return 5 + (v >= 100000); // 10^5
			return 7 + (v >= 10000000); // 10^7
		if (v < 10000000000) {  // 10^10
			return 9 + (v >= 1000000000); // 10^9c
		return 11 + (v >= 100000000000); // 10^11
	return 12 + getDigits(v / 1000000000000); // 10^12
int intToAscii(int value, char* dst) {
	static const char digits[] = {
		"8081828384858687888990919293949596979899" };

	const int length = getDigits(value);
	int next = length - 1;

	while (value >= 100) {
		const int i = (value % 100) * 2;
		value /= 100;
		dst[next - 1] = digits[i];
		dst[next] = digits[i + 1];
		next -= 2;
	// Handle last 1-2 digits
	if (value < 10) {
		dst[next] = '0' + int(value);
	else {
		int i = int(value) * 2;
		dst[next - 1] = digits[i];
		dst[next] = digits[i + 1];
	return length;
char *LAll;
int cycleCount = 0;
void write_th(int th_id,int (&task_sz)[5],void *(&dst_ptr))
	int from = task_sz[th_id];
	int size = task_sz[th_id+1]-from;
	// cout<<endl<<th_id<<" "<<from<<" "<<size<<endl;
	// cout<<(char*)dst_ptr+size-(char*)dst_ptr<<endl;
void write_result()
	char* pAll = LAll;
	int dig = intToAscii(cycleCount, pAll);
	int sz;
	pAll += dig;
	*pAll++ = '\n';
	for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
	for (int i = 0; i < task_num; i++)
		auto pos_ptr = task_cycle_pos[i];
			sz = pos_ptr[j + 5] - pos_ptr[j];
			memcpy(pAll, (pos_ptr[j]), sz);
			pAll += sz;
	int total = pAll - LAll;
	int task_sz = total/4;
	int task_set[5] = {0,task_sz,2*task_sz,3*task_sz,total+1};
	int fd = open(result_data_path.c_str(),O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0666);
	// for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
	// {
		// cout<<task_set[i]<<endl;
	// }
	void *dst_ptr=mmap(NULL,total,PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ,MAP_SHARED,fd,0);
	thread threads[4];
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		threads[i] = thread(write_th, i, ref(task_set),ref(dst_ptr));
	for (auto& it : threads) {

int main()
#ifdef TEST
	test_data_path = "./data/std/test_data.txt";
	result_data_path = "./data/myresult.txt";
	auto s1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
	// int a = 3;
	// double b = 3.3;
	// bool flg = (a>b);
	// cout << flg  <<endl;
#ifdef TEST
	auto s2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
	cout << "read data time: " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(s2 - s1).count() << " s" << endl;
#ifdef TEST
	auto s3 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
	cout << "build graph time: " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(s3 - s2).count() << " s" << endl;
	// L[0] = new char[MAX_CYCLE3_CHAR_SIZE / 10];
	// L[1] = new char[MAX_CYCLE4_CHAR_SIZE / 100];
	// L[2] = new char[MAX_CYCLE5_CHAR_SIZE / 100];
	// L[3] = new char[MAX_CYCLE6_CHAR_SIZE / 100];
	// L[4] = new char[MAX_CYCLE7_CHAR_SIZE / 100];
	for (int i = 0; i<5; ++i)
		pL[i] = L[i];
	LAll = new char[MAX_CYCLE_CHAR_SIZE];

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		T[i][0] = new char[MAX_CYCLE3_CHAR_SIZE];
		pT[i][0] = T[i][0];
		T[i][1] = new char[MAX_CYCLE4_CHAR_SIZE];
		pT[i][1] = T[i][1];
		T[i][2] = new char[MAX_CYCLE5_CHAR_SIZE];
		pT[i][2] = T[i][2];
		T[i][3] = new char[MAX_CYCLE6_CHAR_SIZE];
		pT[i][3] = T[i][3];
		T[i][4] = new char[MAX_CYCLE7_CHAR_SIZE];
		pT[i][4] = T[i][4];
#ifdef TEST
	auto s4 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
	cout << "dfs time: " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(s4 - s3).count() << " s" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		cycleCount += cycle_counts[i];
#ifdef TEST
	auto s5 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
	cout << "write result time: " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(s5 - s4).count() << " s" << endl;
#ifdef TEST
	cout << id_num << endl;
	cout << cycleCount << endl;




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