Lecture 7 - Debugging

Lecture 7 - Debugging

1. Testing and Debugging

  • What is Testing and Debugging
    • Testing method:
      • Ways of trying code on examples to determine if
        running correctly
    • Debugging methods
      • Ways of fixing a program that you know does not work
        as intended
  • When should you test and debug
    • Break program into components that can be tested and debugged independently
    • Document constraints on modules:
      • Expectations on inputs, on outputs
      • Even if code does not enforce constraints, valuable for debugging to have description
    • Document assumptions behind code design
  • When are you ready to test?

    • Ensure that code will actually run
      • Remove syntax errors
      • Remove static semantic errors
      • Both of these are typically handled by Python interpreter
    • Have a set of expected results (i.e. inputoutput pairings) ready

    2. Testing suite

  • Goal:

    • Show that bugs exist
    • Would be great to prove code is bug free, but generally hard
      • Usually can’t run on all possible inputs to check
      • Formal methods sometimes help, but usually only on simpler code
  • Test Suite
    • Want to find a collection of inputs that has high likelihood of revealing bugs, yet is
      • Partition space of inputs into subsets that provide equivalent information about correctness
        • Partition divides a set into group of subsets such that
          each element of set is in exactly one subset
      • Construct test suite that contains one input from each element of partition
      • Run test suite
  • example:

    def isBigger(x, y):
     “““Assumes x and y are ints
     returns True if x is less than y
     else False”””
    • Input space   is  all pairs   of  integers    
    • Possible  partition   
    – x positive,   y   positive    
    – x negative,   y   negative    
    – x positive,   y   negative    
    – x negative,   y   positive    
    – x =   0,  y   =   0   
    – x =   0,  y   !=  0   
    – x !=  0,  y   =   0   
    • why this partition
      • Lots of other choices
        • E.g., x prime, y not; y prime, x not; both prime; both not
      • Space of inputs oRen have natural boundaries
        • Integers are positive, negative or zero
        • From this perspective, have 9 subsets
          • Split x = 0, y != 0 into x = 0, y positive and x =0, y negative
          • Same for x != 0, y = 0
  • What if no natural partition to input space
    • Random testing – probability that code is correct increases with number of trials; but should be able to use code to do better
    • Use heuristics #探索法;启发式# based on exploring paths through the specifications – black-box testing
    • Use heuristics based on exploring paths through the code – glass-box testing

3. Black-box testing

  • Test suite designed without looking at code
    • Can be done by someone other than implementer
    • Will avoid inherent biases of implementer, exposing potential bugs more easily
    • Testing designed without knowledge of implementa.on, thus can be reused even if implementa.on changed
  • Paths through a specification

    def sqrt(x, eps):
     “““Assumes x, eps floats
     x >= 0
     eps > 0
     returns res such that
     x-eps <= res*res <= x+eps”””
    • Paths through specification:  
    – x =   0   
    – x >   0   
    • But clearly not enough    
  • Paths through a specification

    • Also good to consider boundary cases:
      • For lists: empty list, singleton list, many element list
      • For numbers, very small, very large, “typical”
  • example:

    For our sqrt case,  try 
    – First four    are typical 
    • Perfect   square  
    • Irra.onal square  root    
    • Example   less    than    1   
    – Last  five    test    extremes    
    • If    bug,    might   be  code,   or  
    might   be  spec    (e.g.   don’t   
    try to  find    root    if  eps .ny)


  • Concept:

    • Use code directly to guide design of test cases
    • Glass-box test suite is path-complete if every potential path through the code is tested at least once
      • Not always possible if loop can be exercised arbitrary times, or recursion can be arbitrarily deep
    • Even path-complete suite can miss a bug, depending on choice of examples
  • example:

    def abs(x):
     “““Assumes x is an int
     returns x if x>=0 and –x otherwise”””
     if x < -1:
     return –x
     return x
    • Test  suite   of  {-2,    2}  will be path complete   
    • But will miss abs(-1) which incorrectly returns   -1  
    – Testing boundary cases and typical cases  would catch this {-2 -1, 2} 
  • Rules of thumb for glass-box testing:

    • Exercise both branches of all if statements
    • Ensure each except clause is executed
    • For each for loop, have tests where:
      • Loop is not entered
      • Body of loop executed exactly once
      • Body of loop executed more than once
    • For each while loop,
      • Same cases as for loops
      • Cases that catch all ways to exit loop
  • For recursive func,ons, test with no recursive calls, one recursive call, and more than one recursive call


  • Conducting tests
    • Start with unit testing
      • Check that each module (e.g. function) works correctly
    • Move to integration testing
      • Check that system as whole works correctly
    • Cycle between these phases
  • Test Drivers and Stubs

    • Drivers are code that
      • Set up environment needed to run code
      • Invoke code on predefined sequence of inputs
      • Save results, and
      • Report
    • Drivers simulate parts of program that use unit being tested
    • Stubs simulate parts of program used by unit being tested
      • Allow you to test units that depend on soGware not yet written
  • Good testing practice

    • Start with unit testing
    • Move to integration testing
    • After code is corrected, be sure to do regression testing:
      • Check that program s’ll passes all the tests it used to pass, i.e., that your code fix hasn’t broken something that used to work
      • -


  • The “history” of debugging

    • Often claimed that first bug was found by team at Harvard that was working on the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator
    • A set of tests on a module had failed; when staff inspected the actually machinery (in this case vacuum tubes and relays), they discovered this:

    • 这里写图片描述

  • A real bug!
    • However, the term bug dates back even earlier:
      • Hawkin’s New Catechism of Electricity, 1896

7. Runtime bugs

  • Overt vs. covert:
    • Overt has an obvious manifestation – code crashes or runs forever
    • Covert has no obvious manifestaOon – code returns a value, which may b incorrect but hard to determine
  • Persistent vs. intermittent:
    • Persistent occurs every Ome code is run
    • Intermittent only occurs some Omes, even if run on same input
  • Categories of bugs
    • Overt and persistent
      • Obvious to detect
      • Good programmers use defensive programming to try to ensure that if error is made, bug will fall into this category
    • Overt and intermiSent
      • More frustraOng, can be harder to debug, but if conditions that prompt bug can be reproduced, can be handled
    • Covert
      • Highly dangerous, as users may not realize answers are incorrect until code has been run for long period
  • Debugging skills:
    • Treat as a search problem: looking for explanation for incorrect behavior
      • Study available data – both correct test cases and incorrect
      • Form an hypothesis consistent with the data
      • Design and run a repeatable experiment with potential to refute the hypothesis
      • Keep record of experiments performed: use narrow range of hypotheses
  • Debugging as search

    • Want to narrow down space of possible sources of error
    • Design experiments that expose intermediate stages of computa8on (use print statements!), and use results to further narrow search
    • Binary search can be a powerful tool for this
  • example:

    def isPal(x):
        assert type(x) == list
        temp = x
        if temp == x:
            return True
            return False
    def silly(n):
        for i in range(n):
            result = []
            elem = raw_input('Enter element: ')
        if isPal(result):
    • Stepping through the tests
      • Suppose we run this code:
        • We try the input ‘abcba’, which succeeds
        • We try the input ‘palinnilap’, which succeeds
        • But we try the input ‘ab’, which also ‘succeeds’
      • Let’s use binary search to isolate bug(s)
      • Pick a spot about halfway through code, and devise experiment
        • Pick a spot where easy to examine intermediate values


  • More detailes in

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