GPU编程与 CG语言 中文版
本书旨在引导初级GPU 学习者步入GPU 编程的大堂,并普及一些在国内资
料中较少见到的GPU 算法,例如光照渲染中的bank BRDF,以及体绘制中的光
线投射(ray-casting)算法。在GPU 编程方面有一定基础的同学,可以将本书的
The Cg Tutorial The Definitive Guide to Programmable Real-Time Graphics
Cg is the key to unlocking the power of a new generation of programmable graphics hardware. This book is the definitive introduction to Cg, and will be essential for anyone programming high-quality real-time graphics. The Cg Tutorial will teach you to use Cg to create effects never before available for real-time applications." --Larry Gritz, Author of Advanced RenderMan (Morgan Kaufmann, 2000) "An important and timely book: Pixel-level procedural textures--animated clouds, fire, water, the whole bag of procedural tricks--finally go from the movie screen to the desktop. Access to computation of this power through a C-like language will usher in an exciting new era for the graphics community." --Ken Perlin, Professor, New York University Cg (C for graphics) is a complete programming environment for the fast creation of special effects and real-time cinematic quality experiences on multiple platforms. By providing a new level of abstraction, Cg lets developers more directly target OpenGL(R), DirectX(R), Windows(R), Linux, Mac OS X(R), and console platforms, such as the Xbox(t), without having to program directly to the graphics hardware assembly language. Cg was developed by NVIDIA(R) Corporation in close collaboration with Microsoft(R) Corporation, and is compatible with both the OpenGL API and Microsoft's HLSL for DirectX 9.0. The Cg Tutorial explains how to implement both basic and advanced techniques for today's programmable GPU architectures. Major topics covered include: *3D transformations * Per-vertex and per-pixel lighting * Skinning and key-frame interpolation * Environment mapping * Bump mapping * Fog * Performance optimization * Projective texturing * Cartoon shading * Compositing The accompanying CD-ROM includes the tools needed to run the sample programs in the book.
数据库系统概论(第四版) PPT
NGUI Tutorials
本人 还没有读完这本书 不过我觉得这本书对于刚刚开始接触nodejs的童鞋很有帮助 ps:作为一个初学者
作为公认的游戏编程经典入门和指导书籍。 这个文档是其源码文件。电子书籍可以百度。