


3.Node Architecture

3.1 模拟信号数字信号转换

A vibration sensor outputs an analog signal with a peak-to-peak voltage of 5V at a frequency of 100 Hz.

(a) What should be the minimum sampling frequency, so that no information is lost during the digitization process?

(b) Suppose a resolution of 0.025V is required to detect an interesting event. What should be the resolution of the ADC in terms of bits to convert the analog signal to a digital signal?
Q = E p p 2 m Q=\frac{E_{pp}}{2^{m}} Q=2mEpp
其中, Q Q Q是分辨率, E p p E_{pp} Epp是波峰到波谷之间的差,m是表示这个模拟量需要多少bit。
2 m = 5 − ( − 5 ) 0.025 = 400 2^{m}=\frac{5-(-5)}{0.025}=400 2m=0.0255(5)=400

3.5 微控制器广泛应用的原因

While they are not the most energy-efficient solutions, microcontrollers are the predominant processors in wireless sensor networks. Explain some of the reasons.

答:Microcontrollers offer greater programming flexibility compared with the other types of smallscale processors; hence, they are useful for many applications.

3.6 无线传感器网络节点不使用冯诺依曼结构的原因

Explain the reason why using the Von Neumann architecture is not efficient for a wireles ssensor node.

答:In the Von Neumann architecture, there is a single memory space for data as well as program code and a single bus interfaces the memory unit with the processor. This means each data and instruction transfer requires a separate cycle, as a result of which computation is slow in lowscale processing subsystems.
因此WSN采用Super-Harvard (SHARC) 超-哈佛结构,其中,IO流与数据存储器件之间使用DMA机制,不需要处理器控制实现数据直接存取,加快了处理速度。

3.7 为什么不用并行总线

Why are parallel busses not desirable in a wireless sensor node?

答:Parallel busses require large space. This is difficult to accommodate in small sensor nodes.

3.12 FPGA与ASIC异同

Explain the basic similarities and differences between a FPGA and an ASIC.

Difference between ASICs and FPGAs mainly depends on costs, tool availability, performance and design flexibility. Table 3.1 summarized some of their differences.

3.13 超-哈佛结构的特点

Explain some of the distinct features of the SuperHarvard
(a) It provides an internal instruction cache to store frequently needed instructions.(指令cache存储常用指令)
(b) Program memory can be used to store data.
(c) Direct data streaming from an external hardware into the data memory through an I/O controller is possible.(使用DMA)

4.Operating System

4.6 调度方式比较

Compare the following scheduling mechanisms:
(a) FIFO scheduling
(b) sorted queue
(c) round-robin

(a) FIFO scheduling
In a FIFO scheduling mechanism a task is processed based on the first-in-first-out principle.

(b) Sorted queue
In a sorted queue scheduling mechanism, tasks in a queue are first sorted according to a set criterion, for example, based on their length.

(c) Roundrobin
In roundrobin schedulingmechanism, timemultiplexing is used to divide time fairly among competing tasks. The execution time is divided into several slots and each task is executed in a slot. When the slot is due, the task is set on hold and the next task is executed. This way, all tasks progress together towards their completion.

4.7 中断与中断句柄

What are interrupts and interrupt handlers?

答:An interrupt is an asynchronous signal (event) and is generated by a hardware or software componentwhich requires immediate handling.When the processing subsystemreceives an interrupt event, it transfer control to an interrupt handler, also called an interrupt service routine (ISR). An interrupt handler is a callback subroutine which is called by the operating system when an interrupt event is received. Interrupt handlers should register for the interrupt types they are interested in.

4.8 为什么大多数WSN的操作系统都自定义内核

Why do most operating systems in wireless sensor networks define a kernel?

答:A monolithic kernel with a small finger print enables dynamicmodule update and dynamic

4.12 解释配置组件与模块的区别

Explain the difference between configuration components and modules in TinyOS.

答:A configuration component describes how different modules are interconnected to build
an executable service or application, whereas a module is an implementation of an


4.15 基于事件与基于线程的操作系统之间的不同,并讨论并在WSN上下文中讨论二者的优点与缺点

Explain the difference between eventbased and threadbased operating systems. Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches in the context of wireless
sensor networks.

In eventbased programming:
interaction between processes is based on events and event handlers. Tasks are executed to completion, unless they are interrupted by events. This way concurrency is supported and execution is efficient. Since only one task is executed at a time, longduration tasks may block shortduration
tasks, but this problem can be overcome by using a sorted queue scheduling.

In multithreaded programming:
multiple threads run concurrently. Threads can be suspended ensuring nonblocking operation. However, thread management introduces resource overhead on the operating system.

基于事件的并发处理机制更加高效,正在运行的事件只能能被其他事件打断。虽然可能会出现饥饿现象,但可通过sorted queue调度算法避免。

4.18 TinyOS中的基本概念

Explain the following concepts in TinyOS:
(a) commands
(b) tasks
(c) events

(a) Commands:
Commands are nonblocking
requests for service.
(b) Tasks:
Tasks are monolithic processes that should be executed to completion
(c) Events:
An event is an occurrence of interest outside of a process and prompts the process to act (or handle the event).

6.Medium Access Control

6.2 基于冲突和冲突避免的MAC子层协议优劣

What are the advantages and disadvantages of contentionfree and contentionbased medium access strategies?
Can you think of scenarios where one would be preferable over the other?

medium access strategies avoid collisions by ensuring that when one device transmits, all other devices that could interferewith the reception of the transmitted data remain silent. Avoiding collisions can have positive impacts on communication latency and throughput. Most contentionfree approaches are based on schedules, indicating exactly when a node can transmit or must listen. This also facilitate power management strategies, e.g. using such a schedule, a device knows exactly when it can power down its radio.
On the other hand, contentionbased mediumaccess
strategies do not avoid collisions, but
instead provide mechanisms to recover from collisions. An advantage of such a strategy is that a device does not have to wait (and delay), but instead can transmit immediately. In networks with lowtraffic loads, this approachmay result in lower latencies.A contentionbased strategy may also be easier to implement, since no schedules are required. Besides the potential collisions (which may lead to increased latency and reduced throughput), it may bemore difficult to implement duty cycle techniques in a network using a contentionbased MAC protocol.

access strategies may be preferable in networks with light traffic loads and unpre

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