Discovering the Local Time Zone: Why It's a Hard Problem Article of General Interest to the Smallta

Discovering the Local Time Zone: Why It's a Hard Problem

Article of General Interest to the Smalltalk Community by Alan Lovejoy, author of the Chronos Date/Time Library

[For information about the Chronos Date/Time Library, follow  this link ]
[For information on updating VisualWorks images with 2007 TimeZone parameters for North America, see:   VW: 2007 TimeZone settings for North America ]
[For information about updating various operating systems and other software tools with the 2007 DST rules for North America, see:  The times they are a changin' ]

Smalltalk-80 was released to the world in 1983.  I no longer remember exactly when, but well before 1990, ParcPlace systems (the company formed by Xerox to commercialize Smalltalk) introduced a Time Zone class (which had not been in the version given to Tektronix, HP, TI and Apple in 1980--which is why Squeak Smalltalk, which descends from the version Xerox gave Apple, didn't have a Time Zone class until just recently.)  It's been roughly 20 years since Smalltalk first had a Time Zone class--well before any other language that I know of had one.  And yet both VisualWorks and Squeak, the two modern descendants of Smalltalk-80, still can't configure their Time Zone objects so that the offset transition rules match those of the host operating system (although Squeak dodges the issue by having the VM report clock ticks in local time, an approach that gives the strong but deceptive illusion of "working" as long as one only ever deals with one time zone, and doesn't care about correct time computations into the past or the future.)

Why does this situation persist? Why doesn't Cincom (current ownwers of VisualWorks, which descends from the original ST-80 marketed by ParcPlace) just write a few lines of code so that when VisualWorks first starts up, it finds out what time zone it's in from the host operating environment?  Why don't the Squeak folks do likewise?  Is this a hard problem or something?

Well, yes. It is.  Here's the story, in all its sordid details:

But first, there are some key facts you need to know about "real world"  time zones:

Not everyone observes DST.  The offset for DST is usually one hour, but not always.   In the Southern Hemisphere, DST is observed during the Summer--from October until April, for example.   Although Sunday is usually the day of the week of the DST transition, such is not always the case.   The time-of-day at which DST transitions occur can be specified by law in local "wall clock" time, in local "standard time," or in Universal Time.  All countries in the EU modernly transition to and from DST on the same dates, and at the same time-of-day Universal Time (eg., 1am local time in London, 2am local time in Berlin, etc.)    Not everyone uses a fixed day of the week to schedule transitions. Some use a fixed date.   Not everyone uses the Gregorian calendar to schedule transitions-- which means that any time zone rule engine that only uses the Gregorian Calendar will require a new ruleset each year, even if the "native" rules never change Not everyone has a set schedule of offset transitions. In some countries, the legislature (or other rulemaking authority) decides de novo every year when DST transitions will occur.  There can be any number of offset transitions during the year: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. There can be offset transitions that aren't DST transitions.  For example, in 1946 Hawaii changed its standard time offset from -10.5 hours to -10 hours--and this had nothing to do with DST.    

Also, changes to "the rules" sometimes take effect mid year.  Initially, the US Congress was planning to have the new US DST rules go into effect in the Fall of 2005, with the result that the rules for 2005 would have been different both from those of 2004 and from those of 2006.  Fortunately, someone persuaded them to wait until March 2007 before having the rule change become effective (thank your preferred deity for small favors.)

Time zones are political, in every sense of the word--as recent events in Israel demonstrate.  Microsoft learned just how political time zones are after they released Windows 95 with a world time zone map by means of which users could select their local time zone.  You really should avoid making this type of mistake. Some people are very easily offended.

Although the VW TimeZone class can handle the absence of DST,  DST offset deltas that aren't whole hours,  the Southern Hemisphere case, transition days other than Sunday, and DST transitions that don't always happen at 2am, it can't handle any of the other issues listed above (in fact, few date/time libraries can.)  It can't deal with any number of offset transitions during the year other than 0 or 2.  It can't deal with "fixed date" transition rules.  It can't deal with transitions that happen on different days of the week in the same year. It can't deal with non-Gregorian rules. It can't obtain the latest rules from an external respository, nor from a remote time zone rule server (to be fair, I don't know of anyone who does that, although I'm working on it--as is IANA.)

The reality of "real world" time zones, and the limitations of the VisualWorks TimeZone class, both contribute to the problem of having VisualWorks aoutomagically adopt the host system's local time.  Why that's so should become clear as you read the remainder of this essay.

It's also important to realize that the issue isn't just getting the correct local time from the OS whenever you need it.  That's a solved problem.  The issue is correctly converting to and from local time and Universal Time for all points in time--or at least, getting the same (perhaps wrong) results as the operating system would.  

But that's just the minimum requirement.  Some applications need to be able to get the same date/time results as some other system gets, for any time zone. If that's what you need, you don't have a lot of choices. No operating system provides such functionality as part of its standard date/time library.   Chronos can do it--if you know the rulesets for all the time zones.  If the other system whose time zone behavior you need to match uses Olson time zones, then it's easy.  If the other system uses the Windows time zone rulesets, and your code is running on Windows, and both your code and the other system use the same Windows time zone for local time (and don't need to use the Windows rulesets for any other time zones,) no problem.  If you can integrate with other systems by simply always using timestamps in Universal Time (and all the players can correctly handle that,) then there's no issue. Otherwise, you'll have some work to do, but it's doable.

So, now to the problem: What's involved in having VisualWorks (and Squeak) discover and use the same zone offset transition rules used by the host operating system? There are essentially three cases that matter in the modern world, Windows, Unix and classic MacOS (since neither VW nor Squeak run on mainframes, and most of the other Smalltalk systems are either single-platform, or else just use the host operating system's date/time functions.)

Let's consider each environment in order:

Microsoft Windows

Believe it or not, you're in a better situation on Microsoft Windows than you would be on most Unix systems, or on the MacOS Classic--at least from the point of view of an application (or code library) that a) needs to handle time zone rules itself, and/or b) needs to match the time zone behavior of Windows.  But even on WIndows, there's good news and bad news.

First, the good news: Windows stores time zone rulesets in the Windows Registry.  The full list of time zone rulesets is stored under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones.  The ruleset of the current system time zone (the one that controls how Universal Time is converted to local time for display to the user) is stored under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation.  Windows provides the system function GetTimeZoneInformation() that fetches the ruleset of the system time zone from the Windows Registry, and returns it in an instance of the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION struct (see the Windows documentation.)

So on Windows, it's straighforward to discover the rules of the time zone that defines "local time" for a particular system (although the Windows rules will not be able to describe cases with more than two transitions in the same year.)  Given access to those rules, an application or code library can either create its own time zone object having the same rules, or can use the information in the WIndows ruleset (e.g., the zone offset during standard time, the zone offset during DST, or the zone name) to map to a time zone ruleset as defined in a repository of time zone rules (such as the Olson Time Zone Database.)  

In fact, both Java and Chronos use a mapping function, based on the name of the Windows time zone, that results in the key of the Olson time zone most congruent to the named Windows time zone.  Chronos can also simply construct an analogous time zone object based on the Windows rules that will perfectly emulate the behavior of the emulated Windows time zone. The rules from the Olson Time Zone Database would probably be more accurate, and are certainly easier to keep up to date--but in some cases, "perfect emulation" of operating system behavior may be preferrable to using the most accurate zone rules available.

James Robertson's OSTimeZone parcel (a "contributed" component, a.k.a. a "goodie") uses the "emulation" strategy: It creates and initializes a Core.TimeZone based on the zone rule information obtained from the Windows Registry. Chronos uses the OSTimeZone parcel's functionality to retrieve the Windows zone rules, but uses its own logic to translate those rules into a Chronos.VariableOffsetTimezone (if that's the mapping strategy then in effect,) instead of translating them into an instance of Core.TimeZone.

For Windows, the bad news is that its time zone rulesets only represent the rules for the current year.  Of course, in many cases the rules for the current year are the same as the rules for the previous year and/or the next year--and usually for some number of years since some year in the past until some (perhaps unkown) year in the future. But sometimes the current year's rules are not the same as either last year's and/or next year's, as discussed above.  

Just this past Summer (2005,) also as mentioned above, the United States Congress changed the rules that determine the dates on which Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time to most of the rest of the world) starts and ends.  The former rule (since 1987) was that DST would start on the first Sunday of April and end on the last Sunday of October. Effective in 2007, the new rules will be that DST starts on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November.  (How well will your software deal with this change? Do you have the zone transition rules embedded in your code? Do you have customers/users who will likely still be using the old rules come March 2007? Will all the software systems, components and applications in your enterprise all be using the same zone rules during 2007?)

So, if you use the native Windows date/time functions (or a VisualWorks Core.Timestamp, for that matter) to add 414 days to 2006-01-31T19:09:57-08:00  (Pacific Standard Time,) you would get an answer such as 2007-03-21T19:09:57-08:00.  Note the time zone offset is -08:00, indicating that Standard Time is in effect.  But in actual fact (unless Congress changes the rules again,) Standard Time will not be in effect on that date. Under the assumption that there are 86400 seconds in each day, even on days with DST transitions or leap seconds, the correct result is 2007-03-21T20:09:57-07:00. Note that the offset is -7 hours, and that the time-of-day clock shows 8pm--one hour later than at the starting point.

Chronos will calculate the answer as either 2007-03-21T20:09:57-07:00 or as 2007-03-21T19:09:57-07:00, depending on which method you use to do the calculation.  You have to decide what "add N days to a DateAndTime" means, and write your code accordingly.  Does it mean "a date N days later, but at  the same local time of day" (as most business/legal use cases would prefer) or "N * SecondsPerDay seconds later" (as most scientific/technical use cases would prefer)?

If "add N days to a DateAndTime" means "N * SecondsPerDay seconds later," then code either "aDateAndTime + (ScientificDuration days: N)" or "aDateAndTime addingSeconds: N * SecondsPerDay."

If "add N days to a DateAndTime" means "a date N days later, but at the same local time of day," then code any of "aDateAndTime addingDays: N", "aDateAndTime + N days" or "aDateAndTime + (CalendarDuration days: N)."

Note that Chronos gives preference to the civil/business/legal interpretation.  It's more likely to be what is intended. It's also very unlikely to be the behavior exhibited by typical time point implementations (e.g., java.util.Calendar.)  VisualWorks Timestamps (and  Chronos.Timepoints that are invariant to nominal time) happen to exhibit correct "business" behavior in this case--but only because they don't keep track of time zone offset transitions.

The fact that most date/time libraries exhibit flawed behavior (especially those that come "for free" with operating systems) is one major reason that some applications and/or code libraries will prefer to handle dates and times themselves (especially including time-zone related matters,) and not rely on the Windows system library to do date/time computations.  Another reason for such a preference would be the fact that any Unix machines that may be collaborating with code components hosted on WIndows, more often than not, will do date/time calculations using the correct offset for each point-in-time, even when the time zone rules were or will be different than those in effect for the current year.  

Distributed, collaborating components that don't agree on the time can be bad news. If an application needs to have the same date/time behavior as most Unix systems exhibit, or needs to have the same date/time behavior on all platforms on which it may be hosted (a constraint which arguably applies to both VisualWorks and Squeak, by the way,) then the native Windows date/time library just won't do.

It should be noted that one of the motivations for the Chronos Date/Time Library is to enable all dialects of Smalltalk, regardless of host operating system, to perform date/time computations both identically and correctly (or, by conscious choice, to be wrong in the same way as the host operating system.)

UNIX Variants

Don't UNIX systems use Olson time zones? And doesn't that make it easy to use the same zone rules as the host Unix system is using?

The short answer is no.  The long answer is...a long anwer, but here it is:

Firstly, not all Unix systems use Olson time zone rule files.  Generally, only those derived from BSD do so.  It should be noted, however, that it's not impossible to install the Olson Time Zone Database into a UNIX that doesn't normally use it.  The only hard part is changing the standard libraries so that they will use the Olson time zones. Even so, it's been done. But here's the question: If your code is running on a UNIX that by default doesn't use the Olson time zones, but has been modified to use them, how would you know?  

POSIX requires that a user must be able to set the TZ environment variable to a POSIX time zone rule literal, and that the system must then use the time zone ruleset defined by the rule literal to define the (bidirectional) mapping between Universal Time and the user's local time. Although POSIX allows Olson time zone keys to be used instead, it does not require that Olson time zone keys be accepted as valid time zone specifications--thanks to the Unix vendors that didn't want to incorporate the Olson code into their Unix products.) But POSIX does require that, if a POSIX time zone rule literal isn't used, then whatever information or time zone key is accepted as a valid value of the TZ environment variable must be preceded by a colon character (:).

Many Unix systems are not so strict, but some are. And then there's AIX, which perversely disallows the leading colon!

The TZ environment variable does not have to be defined. Even if it is defined, it can contain the empty string. If it's either not defined, or set to the emply string, Unix uses the global default system time zone for that user (which is where the hard part will meet up with us.)  However, let's first consider the easy case, where the TZ environment variable for the current logged in user is set to a valid POSIX rule literal (in which case, that's definitely the time zone we'll want to use to define what "local time" means as far as the current user is concerned.)

Here are some examples of POSIX zone rule literals, with their meaning in English below each example:

         -- Always Standard Time, with abbreviation MST and offset -7 hours from UT.
        -- Standard Time offset = -7 hours, Std Time Abbeviation = MST;
            DST offset = -6 hours,  DST abbreviation = MDT;
            DST transition dates/times set to system default values (usually the US rules are the defaults, but NOT NECESSARILY!)
      --  Std Time   offset = 7 hours (from UT,)  Std Time Abbeviation   = HOVT;
          DST offset = 8 hours, DST abbreviation = HOVST;
         transition to DST on the last Sunday in March at the default time-of-day (2 am);
         transtion to StandardTime on the first Sunday of October at 3:00 am local time.
Note the caveat that the default rule parameters that will be used when all optional parameters are not specified are subject to change at any time, independently on each system.  And this is the easy case. Reading the default rules, however, may not be so easy, because the default rules may be specified in a far less friendly way.  The "rule model," syntax and location of the default rule parameters vary considerably among the various Unix flavors.

AIX may or may not use the Olson time zones, depending on version.  All versions use POSIX rule literals in the TZ environment variable. Those that don't support the Olson zoneinfo database also support a small list of predefined zones, which can be identified by keys that are essentially POSIX rule literals without all the necessary parameters specfied (because the correct defaults have been defined for each zone key.) For more information on the versions that don't support Olson zoneinfo, go to IBM's AIX Information Center site, and search for /etc/environment.  The AIX versions that do support Olson zoneinfo do so using the standard pathnames and operational characteristics, as explained below.

IRIX is very similar to AIX--it even has poorly documented support for Olson time zones.

AIX and IRIX are easy, compared to HP-UX.  

HP UX uses either POSIX time zone rule literals, or else uses its own proprietary time zone database, which is stored in a single file, /usr/lib/tztab. Each HP-UX time zone is identified by a key, and its ruleset can be looked up by its key from the tztab file.

The default time zone for HP-UX, which is used whenever the user has not set the value of the TZ environment variable, is stored in the file /etc/default/tz (as the key of a time zone defined in the tztab file.)  HP-UX time zone rule sets include past, present and possibly future transition rules, just like Olson rule sets.   Although the rule syntax is different than that of the Olson source rule files, it uses the same "rule model" and so can represent all the same transition rules. But HP does not attempt to maintain a tztab database anywhere near as complete as Olson--and generally does not use the same key set or key scheme, in any case.

So,  an application or code library that a) wants to handle time zones the same way across all platforms, and b) wants to run on HP-UX, must be prepared to parse and interpret the HP-UX zone rules.  And that's not as easy as you would think.  I won't go into the details here, but those interested can check out the HP-UX rule model and rule syntax here: tztab(4).

HP-UX is a harder case, since the multi-year rulesets in the tztab file have to be parsed--and they are much harder to deal with than the POSIX rule literals.  But even so, the problem is well defined, the specs are publicly available, and both VW and Squeak have to distribute HP-UX specific VM's anyway, for other reasons.

For most other flavors of Unix (there's too many to make definitive, all-encompassing statements,) the situation can be either very easy or very hard, depending on whether or not the TZ environment variable has been defined and set to a valid time zone.  

Solaris uses Olson time zones.  On Solaris systems (and some others, but not on most Linux distributions,) there is a file /etc/timezone (or /etc/TIMEZONE) that contains the Olson key (or POSIX rule literal) of the default system time zone. BSD-derived systems that use and have an /etc/timezone file present no problems other than the ones caused by POSIX rule literals with omitted parameters.  The other key difference between Solars and other BSD-like Unix systems is the location of the default system binary tzfile--which is explained below.

So what do BSD-derived Unix systems do when the TZ environment variable has not been set to a valid value (either a POSIX zone rule literal, or an Olson time zone key)?  That's an easy question to answer: They use the default binary tz file. So, what's a binary tzfile, where is it, what's its format, and what information does it contain, you ask?

A binary tz file is a binary representation of the transition/offset/abbreviation rules for a time zone, as generated by the zic utility from the source zone rule definitions provided as part of the Olson Time Zone Database (a set of text files.) The binary representation of the time zone ruleset is substantially different from the "rule model" of the original data files--but more on that later.

As for the the location of the system default binary tzfile, that depends on which flavor of Unix you're on: On Linux and most BSD-derived systems (e.g., MacOS X,) the system default binary tz file is located at /etc/localtime. But on Solaris systems,  the system default binary tz file is located at /usr/lib/zoneinfo/localtime. 

The acutal format of the binary Olson tz files is not easy to deal with (although it's actually easier than the original source rules would be, believe it or not,) but that's not the real issue, and so we won't go there.  For those interested, the tzfile binary format is specified here: Manual Reference Pages  - TZFILE (5).

What's relevant is the information that a binary tzfile contains. Or rather, doesn't contain.  What it doesn't contain is a) the key of the Olson time zone whose ruleset it encodes, and b) the annual-date recurrence rules from which it was generated.  Of course, if there's an /etc/timezone file (or if the TZ environment variable is set to a valid value,) that's not an issue. But if such is not the case, then the situation is as folows:

The tzfile transition rules are stored as a sequence of offset/abbreviation transitions, each one scheduled at a particular time_t value from MIN(time_t) to MAX(time_t)--in other words, at timestamps each of which is a count of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. The information in the "source" from which the tzfile was compiled (where rules such as `transition from EST5 to EDT4 on the first Sunday of April' can be found) is totally lost. What remains in the binary tzfiles are very concrete rules of the form `transition from EST5 to EDT4 on 2005-04-03T02:00:00 local time.' (the actual time is specified in Universal Time, not local time--but the zone offset for that point in time is also right there in the tzfile.)

This format makes it extremely difficult, to say the least, to recreate the original annual-date recurrence rules--which are what the VisualWorks TimeZone class needs.

Of course, if the time zone implementation you use also represents its transition rules as a unique timestamp for each transition, there's no problem.  But few date/time libraries use that design.  VisualWorks doesn't. Chronos doesn't. Java doesn't. And it's a rather bad design choice in any case.  It requires that the moment of each transition be concretely specified for all years--including years in the future. There's a limit to how far in the future a binary tzfile can specify transitions. Currently, the ones generated by the zic utility can't go beyond the year 2038. And, since transitions are specified as a count of seconds since an epoch, leap seconds become an issue. In fact, there have to be two versions of the tzfile for each time zone: one whose seconds of offset include leap seconds, and one whose seconds of offset don't include leap seconds. The Chronos design avoids all such issues completely.

Fortunately, there are ways to deal with the unforgiving, overly-concrete "rule model" of the binary tzfiles:
  • It may be the case that /etc/localtime is actually a symlink to one of the tzfiles in /usr/share/zoneinfo (the location on most Unix systems--but not on all--of the tzfiles for all the Olson time zones)  If it is, then the Olson time zone key will be the pathname suffix of the file referenced by the symlink--and so the Olson zone key could be discovered using Unix library functions. But one cannot rely on this being the case.
  • It is possible to extract from the tzfile the transitions for the current year (if any.)  There couuld be any number of these.
  • Or the the next two transitions could be extracted. But they may or may not be in the same year.
  • Or the previous and next transition could be extracted. But again, they may or may not be in the same year.
  • Or two transitions could be adaptively chosen based on the current date and time, according to a configurable policy.  
Any attempt to extract transitions from a tzfile would have to deal with the possible presence of leap seconds in the data.

Chronos could use use yet another strategy  (but doesn't, currently.)  Since Chronos can deal with any number of transitions during the year, over any number of years, and can deal with transition rules that specify a particular day of the year, in addition to the more usual "Last Sunday of October" rule form, Chronos could simply read all the transitions from the tzfile and construct a functionally-identical (but rather large, perhaps) VariableOffsetTimezone instance.  But few are the date/time libraries that could do the same--(and I believe all the ones that could just use binary tzfiles as their persistent time zone format.) Neither the VisualWorks Core.TimeZone, nor the one that comes with Squeak's date/time library (which goes by the name Chronology) could do any such thing.

It should be noted, however, that David T. Lewis has implemented a (GPL licensed) TimeZone module for Squeak that uses the same time zone transition rule design as that of the Olson binary tzfiles, and in fact uses the same binary file format. If having time zone behavior identical to that of your host BSD-derived Unix system is priority number 1, then this may be a good approach.  I may do something similar for Chronos at some point--but probably as an optional add-on/extension. 

As of now, however, Chronos uses a different strategy.  Chronos' Time Zone Compiler, as part of its operation, constructs a mapping between country codes, time zone offsets, time zone abbreviations and Olson time zone keys.  Often, within a given country, there is a unique mapping from either a time zone's standard-time offset to a particular Olson time zone, or form one or both of the time zone's abbreviations to a particular Olson time zone.  And in almost all cases, when the mapping within a country is not unique, there is no modern difference between the rulesets of the several Olson time zones that might correspond to a zone offset and/or abbreviation within a particular country. So using this mapping, Chronos can make a very, very good guess as to which Olson time zone would serve as an accurate model of local time, based solely on the country code, time zone offset and abbreviation.  It's virtually certain to provide correct time for the current year.

Also very worth considering is the Travis Griggs strategy (quote):

I added a Third strategy to the OSTimeZone package. A TimeZone subclass is created to be a bridge to the OS's conversion routines. By making it a subclass of TimeZone, it remains polymorphic with other TimeZone instances. The key conversion APIs to implement are convertGMT:do: and convertToGMT:do:. It forwards these onto the various OSSystemSupport classes. To use it, you just create an instance of this OSSystemSupportTimeZone and make it the reference/default TimeZone. There's a handy use method on the class side that does this. -- Travis Griggs, from his blog post "Got Time?"

Of course, as Travis points out, his strategy only lets you "do what other applications on your desktop do, show the time relative to the timezone specified for your computer with the desktop tools, without having to do anything special," and does not provide "a rich time model," enabling you to "do time computations across time zones, etc." Even so, nothing prohibits a date/time library from having both its own native time zone objects, and also having a (type compatible) "facade" time zone object that leverages the functionality provided by the operating system using its current local time zone. This strategy is similar in some ways to having the VM clock primitive provide clock ticks in local time, but has the advantage of providing the same zone offset behavior as the operating system for all points in time in the system's local time zone, not just for the current local time.

A standard API for such a System Time Zone Facade object, that could be implemented by all Smalltalk implementations, might be a good idea.

Classic MacOS

Firstly, it should be noted that the classic Mac system clock keeps local time (as opposed to keeping Universal Time.) The MS-DOS and WIndows system clocks also keep local time. Originally, the system clocks on Unix systems always kept Universal Time, but now most of them can optionally also keep local time (so that dual-booting with operating systems that must have the system clock keep local time is not prohibited.) 

The Classic MacOS clock epoch is 1904-01-01T00:00:00 (nominal/local time.)  The MacOS X clock epoch is the same as that of Unix in the kernel (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z,) but the Mac compatibility layer makes it appear to be 1904-01-01T00:00:00 local time.

The Classic MacOS Toolbox code keeps track of the user's time zone offset during standard time, but does not have or use any rules for determining when a DST transition occurs. Instead, the user is required to select a check box that controls whether DST is deemed to be in effect.  When the user checks the box, one hour is added to the user's time zone offset.  When the user unchecks the box, one hour is subtracted from the user's time zone offset.

The Toolbox does provide locale information, such as the user's country.



So there you have it: The reason that neither VisualWorks nor Squeak can (as yet) synchronize with the host system's local time zone on all platforms is because it really is a rather hard problem.

But I happen to know that Cincom is working on a solution.  I'll be interested to see what they come up with.




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