Is Everything a Number? --A Description of the Analytical Introduction to Mathematical Analysis (I)


At that time we had dreams, about words, about love, about travelling across the world. --North Island, “Visitors from Poland”.


0. Abstract:


2 Body

2.1 Why do we analyse?

2.2 Mathematical analyses

2.3 Analysis of Mathematical Analysis




0. Abstract:

This paper is an introductory overview of the mathematical analysis part of general mathematics, mainly from the point of view of the history of mathematics, relevant to nature and real life production. It also focuses on the classic question ‘Is everything a number?’ A classical question of ‘Is everything a number?’ is discussed, and some opinions are given.
Keywords: mathematical analysis; introduction; MATLAB R2023b
Citation: HI Engie. Is Everything a Number? -- A Description of the Analytical Introduction to Mathematical Analysis (I) [EB/OL]. (2024-05-28) [xxxx-xx-xx]. http://xxx.


Mathematics is the mother of science, which can be verified by the fact that arbitrary scientific problems are often ultimately reduced to mathematical problems. In the history of mathematics, mathematical analysis is a chapter with a long history, which is an important part of the foundation of mathematics. It is also closely related to us in productive life, such as the numbers that we come into contact with every day - and this, importantly - is the analysis of mathematical analysis, the ‘Is everything a number?’ the starting point. Obviously, this is certain, and the easiest thing to think of is the current big models of artificial intelligence consisting of many parameters, such as the Chat GPT, which was popular in 2023 and is still popular today. this paper will focus on the use of argumentative essays or even diatribe-like tones to lay out.

2 Body

2.1 Why do we analyse?

Modern science is generally about identifying problems, analysing them and solving them, and the ‘analysis’ here is very similar to the ‘analysis’ of mathematical analysis. Science is often very good at discovering objective things that can be observed and measured, but how to solve them, or what to do next, is often the job of mathematics. In addition, analyses can also influence observations and measurements, or new subjective realisations act on the process.

2.2 Mathematical analyses

Here, the main focus is on the discussion ‘Is everything counted?’ to start with. We know that the Pythagorean school of mathematics in ancient Greece made the assertion that ‘everything is number’, and we also know that it was the scholars of this school who discovered non-metric numbers, which was the first mathematical crisis. It is not inconceivable today that the most essential spirit of civilisation was aroused when those people exclaimed that the whole universe is ‘number’.
It is because of the role of numbers that science came to the modern world empirically, and engineering grew wildly with the vitality of numbers, and mathematical analysis is one of the explanations of the birthplace of numbers in general mathematics.

2.3 Analysis of Mathematical Analysis

Mathematical analysis began with the transition from the constants of elementary mathematics to the variables of higher mathematics, with the refinement of the theory of real numbers by Wirktzla and others, which was actually a long and somewhat belated endeavour. The equation of a variable is a function, which is of course only an inaccurate elicitation; a series is a discrete special function, and an equation can be thought of as a point on a function or some other geometric scale, etc. The variable of variables, then, is the most famous in the history of modern civilisation, the 17th century mainstream, the work of genius - calculus, which is often a key to engineering techniques, and before that, the continuity of the function, the limit is very important, the idea of calculus originated in Archimedes, was born in the hands of Newton and Leibniz, and matured in the Euler by the Cauchy and others studied the theory of limits to further consolidate its roots, and it can be seen that three of the four major mathematicians were involved in this process. It should be noted that calculus consists of a pair of inverse operations, differentiation and integration, as demonstrated by the Newton-Leibniz formula. For differentiation, there is also a differential quotient, most commonly known as the derivative. The above section becomes more complex in form when the function goes from unitary to multivariate and the domain of definition goes from real to complex, among which, for example, differential equations are a classical method in operations research developed in the 20th century, and the related theories are organised in a book.


This paper gives a natural description of the content of the paper topic.


Acknowledgement time: 46:46.138



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