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原创 August,31 (R)

August,31 1. Will you please do me a favor and ask whether he is available at the moment? 你能不能帮个忙,问他现在能不能见我? 2. He is expecting you. 他正在等你。 3. I am too tired to work on I am afraid, maybe I need a

2009-08-31 22:51:00 552

原创 August, 27(R)

August, 271.       I know a pretty good restaurant nearby. 我知道附近有一个很好的饭店。2.       What are you busy with? Haven’t seen you for a long time?你最近在忙什么?好久没有看到你了。3.       It’s quite hard for me, but I

2009-08-27 21:43:00 451

原创 August, 26(R)

August, 26 1.I am calling to make sure whether you can come to attend a meeting tomorrow morning? 我打电话是想确定一下您每天能参加我们的会吗?2. Is 10 o’clock convenient for you? Yes, let’s make it 10. 您10点方便吗?方便就10点

2009-08-26 22:01:00 584

原创 August, 25(R)

August, 25 1. Is it convenient for you to come to Sunshine restaurant at 6?六点在阳光饭店见面方便吗? 2. What shall I bring with me? Nothing, just make sure that we will see you at 6. 我需要带什么吗?什么也不用,只要保证六点到就可以了

2009-08-25 21:31:00 560

原创 August, 24(R)

August, 241.       Would it be appropriate if I ask you a personal question? Yes, please go ahead.我问你一个私人问题可以吗? 好的。2.       I haven’t gone steady with anybody, what for? 我现在还没有和任何人恋爱,你为什么问这个?3

2009-08-24 21:53:00 573

原创 August,21(R)

August,21We can witness the fast development of computer science. 我们见证了计算机的飞速发展。The computers are no longer new to Chinese families, let alone us students. 计算机对于中国家庭来说已经不再陌生,更不用说学生了。More and m

2009-08-21 23:40:00 496

原创 August,20(R)

August,20I am awfully sorry for what I have done. 我对我做得事情感到万分抱歉。What have you done on earth? 你到底怎么了?It’s no big deal, just forget it. 没有什么大不了的,没有关系。Just tell me you will forgive me otherwise

2009-08-20 22:22:00 829

原创 August, 19(R)

August, 191.I am terribly sorry for what I have done. It doesn’t matter really. 我对我所做的事情感到万分歉意。 真的没有关系。2. I have made several pages of the book torn up. What should I do? 我把书的几页撕坏了,我该怎么办?3. Plea

2009-08-19 22:20:00 543

原创 August, 18(R)

 August, 181.       Are you following me? I am sorry, would you please repeat the last part?你明白我的话吗?对不起,请您重复一下最后一部分。2.       为听话者进一步解说,澄清所叙述内容的说法,可以说are you following me? Is it clear? Does it

2009-08-18 21:52:00 558

原创 August,16(R)

August,161.You look upset, what is bothering you? 你看起来不高兴,什么事情让你烦心了?2.I quarreled with my mom, I should not have talked back to her, but I just can’t help it.我和我妈妈吵架了,我不不该和她吵嘴的,但是我就是忍不住。3. I w

2009-08-16 22:46:00 533

原创 August, 12(R)

August, 121.       Can you tell me how long I can keep the book?这本书我可以借多久?2.       You are supposed to return it in two months. 你得两个月内还。3.       Can you give me any suggestions since I can not

2009-08-12 21:26:00 485

原创 August, 10(R)

August, 101.       I’d rather you did not tell me about it. 我宁愿你没有把这件事情告诉我。2.       I was wondering if I could possibly hand in the papers tomorrow? 我想知道我可不可以明天交这份文件?3.       You see I am afraid

2009-08-10 22:53:00 412

原创 August, 06(R)

August, 061.       What do you think of the offer? 我们提出的报价怎么样?2.       Can you make it a little cheaper? 您就不能再降低价格了吗?3.       I am afraid we are offering the lowest possible price. 恐怕我们所报价格已经是最低

2009-08-06 22:51:00 443

原创 August, 05(R)

August, 051.       I was wondering if you could join us in a picnic this Saturday. I wish I could, but I have to work overtime this weekend.你这个周末能不能参加我们的晚餐。 我很想去,但是我要加班。2. I am here on behalf of

2009-08-05 22:33:00 463

原创 August, 04(R)

August, 041.       The summer vacation is just around the corner, how will you spend the long holiday?暑假马上就到了,你准备怎么过这个暑假呢?2.       Wish you a pleasant trip. Thanks. Hope you enjoy the holiday to

2009-08-04 22:28:00 477

原创 August, 03(R)

August, 031.       the hustle and bustle 拥挤喧嚣2.       No doubt it’s an place to study. 毫无疑问,这里是理想的学习地方。3.       What do you mean by…?你这是什么意思?I don’t even know what you mean by school colors. 我甚至

2009-08-03 22:52:00 546

原创 August,2(R)

August,2The new dress looks wonderful on you, and your shoes match your dress perfectly. It’s very kind of you to say so.这套裙子很好看,鞋子和裙子也很配。 谢谢。Young man, just go on working hard, you are quite pr

2009-08-02 14:21:00 462

原创 August,1(R)

August,1I was wondering if you could join us. I would like to.你愿意参加我么的活动吗?我很愿意。Could you please spare me several minutes? 我能占用你几分钟吗?The tables near the window are all occupied. 窗户旁边的桌子都坐

2009-08-01 10:27:00 457





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