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原创 Summary: overloaded constructors and overloaded operators in C++ program

Abstract: It is confused that how should a C++ programmer overload constructors and operators when he begins to design a class correctly. And, the traditional rule that the overloaded copy constructor...

2019-05-18 22:44:06 170

原创 Different Data model of different Database: structuring the data with different levels of granularit

The relation among logical related data is very special with comparing to other style of relation. It can be described by data structure.  In internet and big data time, the data structure of a data...

2018-09-17 19:46:05 232

原创 Thinking abstractly and expressing concretely

Thinking abstractly and expressing concretely -Thinking pattern of AI( obtain abstract and logic)Abstract: For thousands of years, human develop and work with deep abstract thinking to obtain perfect ...

2018-04-14 19:35:09 410

原创 Thinking tool and pattern

Thinking tool and pattern-Thinking pattern of AI( obtain abstract and logic)Abstract: For thousands of years, human develop and work with deep abstract thinking to obtain perfect concepts and logic, t...

2018-04-12 22:24:16 269

原创 Human thinking tool and pattern

Thinking tool and pattern-Thinking pattern of AI(abstract and logic)Human live in a specific and concrete world, so human enjoy the specific and concrete information, such as picture, voice and action...

2018-04-11 16:21:30 178

原创 Rethinking about the critical thinking

Sometimes, people communicate for objective information not for subjective information. Sometimes, subjective even emotional information is more important than the objective. However, not everyone cou...

2018-04-05 22:46:21 288

原创 The run-time service of operating system

The story of the interleaved action between the applications and OS kernel is a template of event-driving acting. To the OS, everything is a event.  Naturally, the operating system is designed as a su...

2018-04-05 22:44:49 154

原创 Learning STL: walking from micro to macro

In STL, the data container and algorithms are separated from each other for more inner cohesion without any considering and involving with each other. However, this separation leads a problem that is ...

2018-04-05 22:43:35 110

原创 The underlying mechanism of C++ polymorphism

The most hard working in using a computer language is understanding the underlying mechanism of the tricky syntax and semantics and facilities. For example, in C++ programming practice, you must know ...

2018-04-05 22:40:14 197

原创 Design pattern--the nature of Chinese language characters creating

Design pattern -- the nature Chinese language characters creating--rethinking about thecomprehensivemeaning of design patternAbstract: It is confirmed and verified that there is the design pa...

2018-01-09 13:10:43 292

原创 魔法币问题

#include #include #include #include using namespace std;void magic_money(int money){ unsigned int local, even_odd; if(money%2==1) { local = (money-1)/2; even_odd = 1; }

2017-12-02 10:55:41 239

原创 How to refine C++ in a general way?

How to refine C++ in a general way?Abstracting brings general concepts and forms extracted from individual substance. In short, human gets only formal aspects of individuals.At one hand, abs

2017-12-02 10:45:23 260

原创 Reusing Code in C++: inheriting and template

Reusing Code in C++: inheriting and templateThe worldview of Object-oriented means a lot, including taking an object-oriented perspective to observe things and solve problems. OOP means that creat

2017-11-28 23:22:02 204

原创 C++: A computer language but used to express relationship of concepts!

C++: A computer language but used to express relationship of concepts!Human has the capability of analyzing and abstracting. Abstracting is the process to produce the general concepts, like clas

2017-11-28 23:16:38 194 1

原创 Finding relation and pattern--Influence of Mathematics: formal inferring with concepts

Finding relation and patternInfluence of Mathematics: formal inferring with conceptsConsciousness and matter are both objects which are to be discovered. As a formal language, Mathematics brou

2017-11-28 23:14:01 219

原创 Summary on Structured Data and their algorithms with OOL perspective

Summary on Structured Data and their algorithms with OOL perspectiveMathematics, to be said a method, is more complicated than OOP. Mathematics objects are full of abstract properties, and these

2017-11-28 23:11:43 196

原创 Finding Invisible Pattern

莱布尼茨的逻辑原理和他的整个哲学可被归约为两点: “所有的我们的观念(概念)都是由非常小数目的简单观念复合而成,它们形成了人类思维的字母。复杂的观念来自这些简单的观念,是由它们通过模拟算术运算的统一的和对称的组合。”Finding Invisible PatternNote: In the short life of human, discovering is more diffi

2017-11-28 23:08:40 141

原创 Building application Interleaved way

Building application Interleaved wayAs a programmer, who believes that what can be executed is the reality, develops application base on the Linux operating system, you must know that an applica

2017-10-20 12:38:27 198

原创 Initialization and assignment in C++

Whatever, the c++ compiler has supplied for a concrete object(an instance of some user-defined type), is going to be defaulted in terms of the nature of the type. Default constructor, default copy con

2017-10-20 12:25:56 237

原创 C/C++ key concepts (1)

C++ 中的类指针(引用)和类对象—一般到特殊,抽象到具体的联系由于继承机制的影响,C++ 子类可以重写父类的成员函数,包括虚函数和非虚函数。C++中的父类指针可以指向子类的对象,子类指针也可以指向父类对象。在具体的上下文中,指针类型和被指针指向的类型都会影响甚至决定函数的绑定。对被重写的虚函数而言,无论指针的类型是什么,其指向的对象类型决定了其要绑定的函数—和指针类型无关;但对于被重写的

2017-10-20 12:23:42 172

原创 C/C++ key concepts

C语言中函数和全局变量之间的关系C程序设计中,强调函数必须是全局的函数,即强调全局观;为了实现函数最大程度的重复使用,程序员不能使数据与函数强耦合,如果是强耦合就必须放在一个文件中,用static和extern修饰,也就是整个程序对数据的划分靠的是数据在文件中的分布以及static 和 extern 关键字的应用。这样的策略可以实现部分数据与函数的强耦合。这样也为C++的实现提供了依据,即将强

2017-10-20 12:16:25 268





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