public class QtFastStart { public static boolean sDEBUG = false; private static void safeClose(Closeable closeable) { if (closeable != null) { try { closeable.close(); } catch (IOException e) { printe(e, "Failed to close file: "); } } } /* package */ static long uint32ToLong(int int32) { return int32 & 0x00000000ffffffffL; } /** * Ensures passed uint32 value in long can be represented as Java int. */ /* package */ static int uint32ToInt(int uint32) throws UnsupportedFileException { if (uint32 < 0) { throw new UnsupportedFileException("uint32 value is too large"); } return uint32; } /** * Ensures passed uint32 value in long can be represented as Java int. */ /* package */ static int uint32ToInt(long uint32) throws UnsupportedFileException { if (uint32 > Integer.MAX_VALUE || uint32 < 0) { throw new UnsupportedFileException("uint32 value is too large"); } return (int) uint32; } /** * Ensures passed uint64 value can be represented as Java long. */ /* package */ static long uint64ToLong(long uint64) throws UnsupportedFileException { if (uint64 < 0) throw new UnsupportedFileException("uint64 value is too large"); return uint64; } private static int fourCcToInt(byte[] byteArray) { return ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArray).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).getInt(); } private static void printf(String format, Object... args) { if (sDEBUG) System.err.println("QtFastStart: " + String.format(format, args)); } private static void printe(Throwable e, String format, Object... args) { printf(format, args); if (sDEBUG) e.printStackTrace(); } private static boolean readAndFill(FileChannel infile, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { buffer.clear(); int size = infile.read(buffer); buffer.flip(); return size == buffer.capacity(); } private static boolean readAndFill(FileChannel infile, ByteBuffer buffer, long position) throws IOException { buffer.clear(); int size = infile.read(buffer, position); buffer.flip(); return size == buffer.capacity(); } /* top level atoms */ private static final int FREE_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'f', 'r', 'e', 'e'}); private static final int JUNK_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'j', 'u', 'n', 'k'}); private static final int MDAT_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'m', 'd', 'a', 't'}); private static final int MOOV_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'m', 'o', 'o', 'v'}); private static final int PNOT_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'p', 'n', 'o', 't'}); private static final int SKIP_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'s', 'k', 'i', 'p'}); private static final int WIDE_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'w', 'i', 'd', 'e'}); private static final int PICT_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'P', 'I', 'C', 'T'}); private static final int FTYP_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'f', 't', 'y', 'p'}); private static final int UUID_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'u', 'u', 'i', 'd'}); private static final int CMOV_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'c', 'm', 'o', 'v'}); private static final int STCO_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'s', 't', 'c', 'o'}); private static final int CO64_ATOM = fourCcToInt(new byte[]{'c', 'o', '6', '4'}); private static final int ATOM_PREAMBLE_SIZE = 8; /** * @param in Input file. * @param out Output file. * @return false if input file is already fast start. * @throws IOException */ public static boolean fastStart(String in, String out) throws IOException, MalformedFileException, UnsupportedFileException { boolean ret = false; FileInputStream inStream = null; FileOutputStream outStream = null; FileChannel infile = null; FileChannel outfile= null; try { inStream = new FileInputStream(in); infile = inStream.getChannel(); outStream = new FileOutputStream(out); outfile = outStream.getChannel(); return ret = fastStartImpl(infile, outfile); } finally { if (!ret) { infile.transferTo(0, infile.size(), outfile);//当转换不成功时(正常是因文件小),直接copy. // out.delete(); }else{ // in.delete(); } safeClose(inStream); safeClose(outStream); } } private static boolean fastStartImpl(FileChannel infile, FileChannel outfile) throws IOException, MalformedFileException, UnsupportedFileException { ByteBuffer atomBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(ATOM_PREAMBLE_SIZE).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); int atomType = 0; long atomSize = 0; // uint64_t long lastOffset; ByteBuffer moovAtom; ByteBuffer ftypAtom = null; // uint64_t, but assuming it is in int32 range. It is reasonable as int max is around 2GB. Such large moov is unlikely, yet unallocatable :). int moovAtomSize; long startOffset = 0; System.out.println("QtFastStart------"+"开始"); // traverse through the atoms in the file to make sure that 'moov' is at the end while (readAndFill(infile, atomBytes)) { atomSize = uint32ToLong(atomBytes.getInt()); // uint32 atomType = atomBytes.getInt(); // representing uint32_t in signed int // keep ftyp atom if (atomType == FTYP_ATOM) { int ftypAtomSize = uint32ToInt(atomSize); // XXX: assume in range of int32_t ftypAtom = ByteBuffer.allocate(ftypAtomSize).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); atomBytes.rewind(); ftypAtom.put(atomBytes); if (infile.read(ftypAtom) < ftypAtomSize - ATOM_PREAMBLE_SIZE) break; ftypAtom.flip(); startOffset = infile.position(); // after ftyp atom System.out.println("QtFastStart---FTYP_ATOM---atomType:"+atomType); System.out.println("QtFastStart---FTYP_ATOM---atomType:"+String.valueOf(infile.position())); } else { // System.out.println("QtFastStart------atomType:"+atomType); if (atomSize == 1) { /* 64-bit special case */ atomBytes.clear(); if (!readAndFill(infile, atomBytes)) break; atomSize = uint64ToLong(atomBytes.getLong()); // XXX: assume in range of int64_t infile.position(infile.position() + atomSize - ATOM_PREAMBLE_SIZE * 2); // seek System.out.println("QtFastStart--atomSize == 1----atomType:"+atomType); } else { infile.position(infile.position() + atomSize - ATOM_PREAMBLE_SIZE); // seek System.out.println("QtFastStart--else----atomType:"+atomType); System.out.println("QtFastStart--else----atomType:"+String.valueOf(infile.position() + atomSize - ATOM_PREAMBLE_SIZE)); } } if (sDEBUG) printf("%c%c%c%c %10d %d", (atomType >> 24) & 255, (atomType >> 16) & 255, (atomType >> 8) & 255, (atomType >> 0) & 255, infile.position() - atomSize, atomSize); if ((atomType != FREE_ATOM) && (atomType != JUNK_ATOM) && (atomType != MDAT_ATOM) && (atomType != MOOV_ATOM) && (atomType != PNOT_ATOM) && (atomType != SKIP_ATOM) && (atomType != WIDE_ATOM) && (atomType != PICT_ATOM) && (atomType != UUID_ATOM) && (atomType != FTYP_ATOM)) { printf("encountered non-QT top-level atom (is this a QuickTime file?)"); break; } /* The atom header is 8 (or 16 bytes), if the atom size (which * includes these 8 or 16 bytes) is less than that, we won't be * able to continue scanning sensibly after this atom, so break. */ if (atomSize < 8) break; } System.out.println("QtFastStart------"+"第一循环结束atomType:"+atomType); if (atomType != MOOV_ATOM) { printf("last atom in file was not a moov atom"); return false; } // moov atom was, in fact, the last atom in the chunk; load the whole moov atom // atomSize is uint64, but for moov uint32 should be stored. // XXX: assuming moov atomSize <= max vaue of int32 moovAtomSize = uint32ToInt(atomSize); lastOffset = infile.size() - moovAtomSize; // NOTE: assuming no extra data after moov, as qt-faststart.c moovAtom = ByteBuffer.allocate(moovAtomSize).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); if (!readAndFill(infile, moovAtom, lastOffset)) { throw new MalformedFileException("failed to read moov atom"); } // this utility does not support compressed atoms yet, so disqualify files with compressed QT atoms if (moovAtom.getInt(12) == CMOV_ATOM) { throw new UnsupportedFileException("this utility does not support compressed moov atoms yet"); } // crawl through the moov chunk in search of stco or co64 atoms while (moovAtom.remaining() >= 8) { int atomHead = moovAtom.position(); atomType = moovAtom.getInt(atomHead + 4); // representing uint32_t in signed int if (!(atomType == STCO_ATOM || atomType == CO64_ATOM)) { moovAtom.position(moovAtom.position() + 1); continue; } atomSize = uint32ToLong(moovAtom.getInt(atomHead)); // uint32 if (atomSize > moovAtom.remaining()) { throw new MalformedFileException("bad atom size"); } moovAtom.position(atomHead + 12); // skip size (4 bytes), type (4 bytes), version (1 byte) and flags (3 bytes) if (moovAtom.remaining() < 4) { throw new MalformedFileException("malformed atom"); } // uint32_t, but assuming moovAtomSize is in int32 range, so this will be in int32 range int offsetCount = uint32ToInt(moovAtom.getInt()); if (atomType == STCO_ATOM) { printf("patching stco atom..."); if (moovAtom.remaining() < offsetCount * 4) { throw new MalformedFileException("bad atom size/element count"); } for (int i = 0; i < offsetCount; i++) { int currentOffset = moovAtom.getInt(moovAtom.position()); int newOffset = currentOffset + moovAtomSize; // calculate uint32 in int, bitwise addition // current 0xffffffff => new 0x00000000 (actual >= 0x0000000100000000L) if (currentOffset < 0 && newOffset >= 0) { throw new UnsupportedFileException("This is bug in original qt-faststart.c: " + "stco atom should be extended to co64 atom as new offset value overflows uint32, " + "but is not implemented."); } moovAtom.putInt(newOffset); } } else if (atomType == CO64_ATOM) { printf("patching co64 atom..."); if (moovAtom.remaining() < offsetCount * 8) { throw new MalformedFileException("bad atom size/element count"); } for (int i = 0; i < offsetCount; i++) { long currentOffset = moovAtom.getLong(moovAtom.position()); moovAtom.putLong(currentOffset + moovAtomSize); // calculate uint64 in long, bitwise addition } } } infile.position(startOffset); // seek after ftyp atom if (ftypAtom != null) { // dump the same ftyp atom printf("writing ftyp atom..."); ftypAtom.rewind(); outfile.write(ftypAtom); } // dump the new moov atom printf("writing moov atom..."); moovAtom.rewind(); outfile.write(moovAtom); // copy the remainder of the infile, from offset 0 -> (lastOffset - startOffset) - 1 printf("copying rest of file..."); infile.transferTo(startOffset, lastOffset - startOffset, outfile); System.out.println("QtFastStart------"+"处理完成"); return true; } public static class QtFastStartException extends Exception { private QtFastStartException(String detailMessage) { super(detailMessage); } } public static class MalformedFileException extends QtFastStartException { private MalformedFileException(String detailMessage) { super(detailMessage); } } public static class UnsupportedFileException extends QtFastStartException { private UnsupportedFileException(String detailMessage) { super(detailMessage); } } }
boolean success = QtFastStart.fastStart(OriginalPath, Path);只需要在调用的类中导入下面的包即可实现
import net.ypresto.qtfaststart.QtFastStart;)