


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection
' '' <summary>
     ' '' 树节点
     ' '' </summary>
     ' '' <remarks>LzmTW 20061111</remarks>
     < Serializable() >  _
Public   Class  Node( Of  T)

Friend  gIsRoot  As   Boolean   =   True
Friend  gParent  As  Node( Of  T)

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 当前节点的父节点
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  Parent()  As  Node( Of  T)
If   Me .IsRoot  Then
Return   Nothing
End   If
Return  gParent
End   Get
End Property

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 树的深度
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  Level()  As   Integer
If   Me .IsRoot  Then
Return   0
End   If
Return   Me .Parent.Level  +   1
End   Get
End Property

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 当前节点是否是根节点
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  IsRoot()  As   Boolean
Return  gIsRoot
End   Get
End Property

Private  gUserData  As   Object

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 获取或设置包含树节点有关数据的对象
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   Property  Tag()  As   Object
Return  gUserData
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  value  As   Object )
=  value
End   Set
End Property

Private  gItem  As  T
Public   Property  Item()  As  T
Return  gItem
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  value  As  T)
=  value
End   Set
End Property

Friend  gChildren  As  NodeCollection( Of  T)

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 获取第一个子树节点
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  FirstNode()  As  Node( Of  T)
If  gChildren.Count  =   0   Then
Return   Nothing
End   If
Return  gChildren( 0 )
End   Get
End Property

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 获取最后一个子树节点
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  LastNode()  As  Node( Of  T)
If  gChildren.Count  =   0   Then
Return   Nothing
End   If
Return  gChildren(gChildren.Count  -   1 )
End   Get
End Property

Private  gNodes  As  NodeCollection( Of  T)

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 当前节点的节点集合
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  Nodes()  As  NodeCollection( Of  T)
Return  gNodes
End   Get
End Property

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 当前节点在节点集合中的位置
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  Index()  As   Integer
Return  GetIndex()
End   Get
End Property

Private   Function  GetIndex()  As   Integer
If   Me .IsRoot  Then
Return   0
End   If

Return   Me .Parent.Nodes.IndexOf( Me )
End Function

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 获取下一个同级树节点
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  NextNode()  As  Node( Of  T)
If   Me .IsRoot  OrElse   Me .Index  +   1   >   Me .Parent.Nodes.Count  Then
Return   Nothing
End   If

Return   Me .Parent.Nodes.Item( Me .Index  +   1 )
End   Get
End Property

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 获取上一个同级树节点
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  PrevNode()  As  Node( Of  T)
If   Me .IsRoot  OrElse   Me .Index  -   1   <   0   Then
Return   Nothing
End   If

Return   Me .Parent.Nodes.Item( Me .Index  -   1 )
End   Get
End Property

Private   Sub  Initialzie()
=   New  NodeCollection( Of  T)( Me )
=   New  NodeCollection( Of  T)( Me )
=   Not  uSystem.uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.TypeHasFields( GetType (T))
End Sub

Sub   New ()
End Sub

Sub   New ( ByVal  item  As  T)
=  item

End Sub

Public   Function  GetNodeCount( ByVal  includeSubNodes  As   Boolean As   Integer
Dim  mCount  As   Integer   =  gChildren.Count
If  includeSubNodes  Then
Dim  mIndex  As   Integer   =   0
Do   While  mIndex  <  gChildren.Count
+=  gChildren(mIndex).GetNodeCount( True )
+=   1
End   If

Return  mCount
End Function

Public   Sub  Remove()
If   Me .IsRoot  Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 不能移除根节点 " )
End   If
Me .Parent.Nodes.RemoveAt( Me .Index)
End Sub

Private  gTable  As  DataTable
Private  gByProperty  As   Boolean

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 将当前节点树转换为表
         ' '' </summary>
         ' '' <param name="includeSubNodes">是否包括子节点的T对象</param>
         Public   Function  ConvertToDataTable( ByVal  includeSubNodes  As   Boolean As  DataTable
=  uSystem.uReflection.DatasFunction.CreateTableFromType( GetType (T))

If  gTable.Columns.Count  =   0   Then
If  gByProperty  Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 对象无属性列 " )
Throw   New  Exception( " 对象无字段列 " )
End   If
End   If

Me .ForEach( New  Action( Of  T)( AddressOf  GetDataTableDatasAction), includeSubNodes)


Return  gTable
End Function

Private   Sub  GetDataTableDatasAction( ByVal  item  As  T)
Of  T)(item, gTable)
End Sub

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 将当前节点树转换为TreeNode
         ' '' </summary>
         ' '' <param name="memberNameForTreeNodeText">TreeNode的Text值对应的T对象属性名或字段名</param>
         ' '' <param name="includeSubNodes">是否包括子节点</param>
         ' '' <remarks>TreeNode的Tag存T对象值</remarks>
         Public   Function  ConvertToTreeNode( ByVal  memberNameForTreeNodeText  As   String ByVal  includeSubNodes  As   Boolean As  Windows.Forms.TreeNode
            CheckValid(gByProperty, memberNameForTreeNodeText)

Dim  mTreeNode  As  System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode  =  ConvertToTreeNode( Me , gByProperty, memberNameForTreeNodeText, memberNameForTreeNodeText)

If  includeSubNodes  Then  AppendTreeNode(mTreeNode,  Me , gByProperty, memberNameForTreeNodeText, memberNameForTreeNodeText)

Return  mTreeNode
End Function

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 将当前节点下的节点集合转换为TreeNode集合
         ' '' </summary>
         ' '' <param name="memberNameForTreeNodeText">TreeNode的Text值对应的T对象属性名或字段名</param>
         ' '' <param name="includeSubNodes">是否包括子节点</param>
         ' '' <remarks>TreeNode的Tag存T对象值</remarks>
         Public   Function  ConvertToTreeNodes( ByVal  memberNameForTreeNodeText  As   String ByVal  includeSubNodes  As   Boolean As  Windows.Forms.TreeNode()
            CheckValid(gByProperty, memberNameForTreeNodeText)
Dim  mResult( Me .Nodes.Count  -   1 As  TreeNode

Dim  mIndex  As   Integer   =   0
For   Each  node  As  Node( Of  T)  In   Me .Nodes
=  node.ConvertToTreeNode(memberNameForTreeNodeText, includeSubNodes)
+=   1

Return  mResult
End Function

Public   Function  ConvertToTreeNode( ByVal  memberNameForTreeNodeText  As   String ByVal  memberNameForTreeNodeName  As   String ByVal  includeSubNodes  As   Boolean As  Windows.Forms.TreeNode
            CheckValid(gByProperty, memberNameForTreeNodeText)

Dim  mTreeNode  As  System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode  =  ConvertToTreeNode( Me , gByProperty, memberNameForTreeNodeText, memberNameForTreeNodeName)

If  includeSubNodes  Then  AppendTreeNode(mTreeNode,  Me , gByProperty, memberNameForTreeNodeText, memberNameForTreeNodeName)

Return  mTreeNode
End Function

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 数据存于TreeNode的Tag中,要求T具有New()构造函数
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   Sub  ImportFromTreeNodeChild( ByVal  treeNode  As  TreeNode)
Me .Nodes.Clear()

Me .gItem  =   CType (System.Activator.CreateInstance( GetType (T)), T)

For   Each  item  As  TreeNode  In  treeNode.Nodes
Me )

End Sub

Private   Shared   Sub  AppendNodeFromTreeNode( ByVal  treeNode  As  TreeNode,  ByVal  Node  As  Node( Of  T))

Dim  mCurrentNode  As  Node( Of  T)  =   Nothing

Dim  tmp  As  T  =  uReflection.DatasFunction.Copy( Of  T)(treeNode.Tag)
=  Node.Nodes.Add(tmp)

For   Each  item  As  TreeNode  In  treeNode.Nodes
                AppendNodeFromTreeNode(item, mCurrentNode)
End Sub

Private   Shared   Sub  AppendTreeNode( ByVal  treeNode  As  Windows.Forms.TreeNode,  ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T),  ByVal  byProperty  As   Boolean ByVal  memberNameForTreeNodeText  As   String ByVal  memberNameForTreeNodeName  As   String )
For   Each  n  As  Node( Of  T)  In  node.gChildren

Dim  mCurrentTreeNode  As  Windows.Forms.TreeNode  =  ConvertToTreeNode(n, byProperty, memberNameForTreeNodeText, memberNameForTreeNodeName)


                AppendTreeNode(mCurrentTreeNode, n, byProperty, memberNameForTreeNodeText, memberNameForTreeNodeName)


End Sub

Private   Shared   Function  ConvertToTreeNode( ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T),  ByVal  byProperty  As   Boolean ByVal  memberNameForTreeNodeText  As   String ByVal  memberNameForTreeNodeName  As   String As  System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
Dim  mTextValue  As   Object
Dim  mNameValue  As   Object

If  byProperty  Then
=  uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.GetPropertyResult(node.Item, memberNameForTreeNodeText,  Nothing )
=  uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.GetPropertyResult(node.Item, memberNameForTreeNodeName,  Nothing )
=  uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.GetFieldResult(node.Item, memberNameForTreeNodeText)
=  uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.GetFieldResult(node.Item, memberNameForTreeNodeName)
End   If

If  mTextValue  Is   Nothing   Then
=   " Root "
End   If

If  mNameValue  Is   Nothing   Then
=   ""
End   If

Dim  mTreeNode  As   New  System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode(mTextValue.ToString)
With  mTreeNode
=   CStr (mNameValue)
=  node.Item
End   With

Return  mTreeNode
End Function

Private   Sub  CheckValid( ByVal  byProperty  As   Boolean ByVal  nameOfTreeNodeText  As   String )
If  byProperty  Then
Dim  mPropertyInfo  As  System.Reflection.PropertyInfo  =   GetType (T).GetProperty(nameOfTreeNodeText)
If  mPropertyInfo  Is   Nothing   Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 属性名无效 " )
If   Not  mPropertyInfo.CanRead  Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 属性名不可读 " )
End   If
End   If
Dim  mFieldInfo  As  System.Reflection.FieldInfo  =   GetType (T).GetField(nameOfTreeNodeText)
If  mFieldInfo  Is   Nothing   Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 字段名无效 " )
End   If
End   If
End Sub

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 对每个节点执行指定操作
         ' '' </summary>
         ' '' <param name="action">对指定的对象执行操作的方法</param>
         ' '' <param name="includeSubNodes">是否包括子节点</param>
         Public   Sub  ForEach( ByVal  action  As  Action( Of  Node( Of  T)),  ByVal  includeSubNodes  As   Boolean )
Of  T).ForEach( Me , action, includeSubNodes)
End Sub

Public   Shared   Sub  ForEach( ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T),  ByVal  action  As  Action( Of  Node( Of  T)),  ByVal  includeSubNodes  As   Boolean )
For   Each  n  As  Node( Of  T)  In  node.gChildren

If  includeSubNodes  Then  ForEach(n, action,  True )
End Sub

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 对每个T对象执行指定操作
         ' '' </summary>
         ' '' <param name="action">对指定的对象执行操作的方法</param>
         ' '' <param name="includeSubNodes">是否包括子节点的T对象</param>
         Public   Sub  ForEach( ByVal  action  As  Action( Of  T),  ByVal  includeSubNodes  As   Boolean )
Of  T).ForEach( Me , action, includeSubNodes)
End Sub

Public   Shared   Sub  ForEach( ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T),  ByVal  action  As  Action( Of  T),  ByVal  includeSubNodes  As   Boolean )
For   Each  n  As  Node( Of  T)  In  node.gChildren

If  includeSubNodes  Then  ForEach(n, action,  True )
End Sub

Public   Function  FindFirstNode( ByVal  memberName  As   String ByVal  value  As   Object As  Node( Of  T)
Dim  mType  As  Type  =   GetType (T)

If   Not  uSystem.uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.TypeHasMember(mType, memberName)  Then
Throw   New  Exception( String .Format( " 无此成员名 :{0} " , memberName))
End   If

If  gByProperty  Then
If   Not  mType.GetProperty(memberName).CanRead  Then
Throw   New  Exception( String .Format( " 成员名不可读 :{0} " , memberName))
End   If
End   If

Dim  mResult  As  Node( Of  T)  =   Nothing
            FindFirstNode(mType, memberName, value, 
Me , mResult)

Return  mResult
End Function

Private   Sub  FindFirstNode( ByVal  t  As  Type,  ByVal  memberName  As   String ByVal  Value  As   Object ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T),  ByRef  result  As  Node( Of  T))

For   Each  n  As  Node( Of  T)  In  node.gChildren
If  gByProperty  Then
If  t.GetProperty(memberName).GetValue(n.Item,  Nothing ).Equals(Value)  Then
=  n
Exit Sub
End   If
If  t.GetField(memberName).GetValue(n.Item).Equals(Value)  Then
=  n
Exit Sub
End   If
End   If

                FindFirstNode(t, memberName, Value, n, result)
End Sub

Public   Function  Clone()  As  Node( Of  T)
Return  uSystem.uRuntime.uSerialization.SerializeHelper.Clone( Of  Node( Of  T))( Me )
End Function

End Class

End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection
' '' <summary>
     ' '' 树节点集合
     ' '' </summary>
     ' '' <remarks>LzmTW 20061111</remarks>
     < Serializable() >  _
Public   Class  NodeCollection( Of  T)
Inherits  System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection( Of  Node( Of  T))

Private  gOwner  As  Node( Of  T)

Friend   Sub   New ( ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T))
=  node
End Sub

Public   Shadows   Function  Add( ByVal  Value  As  T)  As  Node( Of  T)
Dim  mNode  As   New  Node( Of  T)(Value)


Return  mNode
End Function

Private   Shadows   Sub  Add( ByVal  item  As  Node( Of  T))
With  item
=  gOwner
=   False
End   With

MyBase .Add(item)
End Sub

Public   Shadows   Sub  RemoveAt( ByVal  index  As   Integer )
If   Not  IsValidIndex(index)  Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 索引无效 " )
End   If

Dim  mNode  As  Node( Of  T)  =   Me .Item(index)

End Sub

Public   Shadows   Sub  Remove( ByVal  index  As   Integer )
Me .RemoveAt(index)
End Sub

Private   Shadows   Function  Remove( ByVal  item  As  Node( Of  T))  As   Boolean
Return   MyBase .Remove(item)
End Function

Public   Shadows   Sub  Insert( ByVal  index  As   Integer ByVal  Value  As  T)
If   Not  IsValidIndex(index)  Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 索引无效 " )
End   If

Dim  mNode  As   New  Node( Of  T)(Value)

            Insert(index, mNode)
            gOwner.gChildren.Insert(index, mNode)
End Sub

Private   Shadows   Sub  Insert( ByVal  index  As   Integer ByVal  item  As  Node( Of  T))
With  item
=  gOwner
=   False
End   With

MyBase .Insert(index, item)
End Sub

Public   Overloads   Sub  Clear()
MyBase .Clear()
If  gOwner.gChildren.Count  >   0   Then  gOwner.gChildren.Clear()
End Sub

Private   Function  IsValidIndex( ByVal  index  As   Integer As   Boolean
If  index  >=   0   Then
Return  index  <   Me .Count
End   If

Return   False
End Function

End Class
End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection.SinceLink

' '' <summary>
     ' '' 自联表数据集合。如果加载的数据是Code,Name形式,须调用New(codeFormat)构造函数以指定codeFormat形式.
     ' '' </summary>
     ' '' <typeparam name="T_ID_DataType">自联表键类型,或是Integer或是String</typeparam>
     ' '' <typeparam name="T">自联表数据类</typeparam>
     ' '' <remarks>LzmTW 20061111</remarks>
     < Serializable() >  _
Public   Class  SinceLinkItemCollection( Of  T_ID_DataType, T  As  SinceLinkItemBase( Of  T_ID_DataType))
Inherits  System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection( Of  T)

< NonSerialized() >  _
Private  gNode  As  Node( Of  T)

Private  gCodeFormat  As   String
Private  gFileName  As   String   =  AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory  &   " {0}.{1}s.dat "

Sub   New ()
=   String .Format(gFileName, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly.ManifestModule.Name,  GetType (T).Name)
End Sub

' '' <param name="codeFormat">形如“00,000,0000”</param>
         Sub   New ( ByVal  codeFormat  As   String )
=  codeFormat
=   String .Format(gFileName, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly.ManifestModule.Name,  GetType (T).Name)
End Sub

Public   ReadOnly   Property  Node()  As  Node( Of  T)
If  gNode  Is   Nothing   Then
Me .RefleshNode()
End   If
Return  gNode
End   Get
End Property

Public   Shadows   Function  Add( ByVal  code  As   String ByVal  name  As   String As  T
Dim  mItem  As  T  =   CType (System.Activator.CreateInstance( GetType (T),  New   Object () {code, name}), T)
Me .Add(mItem)

Return  mItem
End Function

Public   Shadows   Sub  Add( ByVal  items  As  T())
For   Each  item  As  T  In  items
End Sub

Public   Shadows   Function  Add( ByVal  item  As  T)  As  T

MyBase .Add(item)

Return  item
End Function

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 转为自联表
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   Function  ExportSinceLinkDataSet()  As  DataSet

Dim  mDataSet  As   New  DataSet( " SinceLink " )
Dim  mTable  As  DataTable  =  CreateSinceLinkTable()
=   GetType (T).Name


If   Me .Node  Is   Nothing   Then   Return  mDataSet

Dim  mCurrentID  As   Integer   =   0
Dim  mParentID  As   Integer   =   0

Dim  mNode  As  Node( Of  T)  =   Me .Node

=   0

' 首行
             Dim  mFirstRow  As  DataRow  =  CreateSinceLinkRow(mTable, mNode.Item)
" ID " =   0
" ParentID " =   - 1


Me .Node, mCurrentID)


Return  mDataSet
End Function

Private   Sub  UpdateSinceLinkRow( ByVal  table  As  DataTable,  ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T),  ByRef  currentID  As   Integer )

For   Each  n  As  Node( Of  T)  In  node.gChildren
Dim  mRow  As  DataRow  =  CreateSinceLinkRow(table, n.Item)
+=   1

" ID " =  currentID
" ParentID " =  node.Tag


=  currentID
                UpdateSinceLinkRow(table, n, currentID)
End Sub

Private   Function  CreateSinceLinkRow( ByVal  table  As  DataTable,  ByVal  item  As  T)  As  DataRow
Dim  mRow  As  DataRow
=  uSystem.uReflection.DatasFunction.ItemToDataRow( Of  T)(item, table)
Return  mRow
End Function

Private   Function  CreateSinceLinkTable()  As  DataTable
Dim  tmpTable  As  DataTable  =  uSystem.uReflection.DatasFunction.CreateTableFromType( GetType (T))

With  tmpTable
=   GetType (T).Name

If  .Columns.Contains( " ID " OrElse  .Columns.Contains( " ParentID " Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 类已定义了ID或ParentID,无法生成自联表 " )
End   If

' 定义为整型
                .Columns.Add( " ParentID " GetType ( Integer ))
" ID " GetType ( Integer ))
End   With

Return  tmpTable
End Function

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 从自联表加载数据,表必须有ID,ParentID,Name字段,并且,有一项数据Name字段的值为“Root”以申明为根。
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   Sub  AppendItemsFromSinceLinkTable( ByVal  sinceLinkTable  As  DataTable)
Dim  mSinceLinkTable  As   New  SinceLinkTable( Of  T_ID_DataType, T)
With  mSinceLinkTable

=  .CodeFormat
End   With

End Sub

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 从树中加载数据
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   Sub  AppendItemsFromTree( ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T))
Dim  mSinceLinkBlankNode  As   New  SinceLinkBlankCodeNode( Of  T_ID_DataType, T)
With  mSinceLinkBlankNode

=  .CodeFormat
End   With
End Sub

Public   Sub  RefleshNode()
=  GetNode()
End Sub

Private   Function  GetNode()  As  Node( Of  T)
If   Me .Count  =   0   Then   Return   Nothing

Dim  mItem  As  T  =   CType (System.Activator.CreateInstance( GetType (T)), T)
With  mItem
=   New   String ( " 0 " c, gCodeFormat.Replace( " , " c,  "" ).Length)
=   " Root "
End   With


Dim  mNode  As   New  Node( Of  T)(mItem)

Dim  mCurrentNode  As  Node( Of  T)
' 加首级
             For   Each  item  As  T  In   Me .Items

If  item.GetLevel  =   1   Then
=  mNode.Nodes.Add(item)

' 加子级
End   If


Return  mNode
End Function

Private   Sub  AppendItem( ByRef  node  As  Node( Of  T))
Dim  mCurrentNode  As  Node( Of  T)
For   Each  item  As  T  In  GetChildItem(node.Item)
=  node.Nodes.Add(item)


End Sub

Public   Function  GetChildItem( ByVal  item  As  T)  As  System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection( Of  T)
Dim  mList  As   New  System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection( Of  T)

If  item.GetLevel  =  item.GetLevels  Then   Return  mList
For   Each  value  As  T  In   Me .Items
If  item.Code.StartsWith(value.GetParentKey)  AndAlso  value.GetParentID.Equals(item.GetID)  AndAlso  item.GetLevel  =  value.GetLevel  -   1   Then
End   If

Return  mList
End Function

Public   Function  Find( ByVal  memberName  As   String ByVal  Value  As   Object As  T

Dim  mType  As  Type  =   GetType (T)
Dim  mPropertyInfo  As  Reflection.PropertyInfo  =  mType.GetProperty(memberName)

If  mPropertyInfo  Is   Nothing   Then
Throw   New  Exception( String .Format( " 无此成员名 :{0} " , memberName))
If   Not  mPropertyInfo.CanRead  Then
Throw   New  Exception( String .Format( " 成员名不可读 :{0} " , memberName))
End   If
End   If

Dim  mResult  As  T  =   Nothing

For   Each  item  As  T  In   Me .Items
If  mPropertyInfo.GetValue(item,  Nothing ).Equals(Value)  Then
=  item
Exit   For
End   If

Return  mResult
End Function

Public   Sub  CopyFrom( ByVal  collection  As  SinceLinkItemCollection( Of  T_ID_DataType, T))
With  collection
Me .Clear()
Me .gCodeFormat  =  .gCodeFormat
Me .gFileName  =  .gFileName
For   Each  item  As  T  In  .Items
Me .Add( CType (item.Clone, T))
End   With
End Sub

#Region  "文件数据的存储和读取"

Public   Sub  Read( ByVal  file  As   String )
=  file
End Sub

Public   Sub  Save( ByVal  file  As   String )
=  file
End Sub

Public   Sub  Read()
End Sub

Public   Sub  Save()
End Sub

Private   Sub  SaveInternal()
Of  SinceLinkItemCollection( Of  T_ID_DataType, T))(gFileName, uRuntime.uSerialization.FormatType.Binary,  Me )
End Sub

Private   Sub  ReadInternal()
Dim  tmp  As  SinceLinkItemCollection( Of  T_ID_DataType, T)
=  uSystem.uRuntime.uSerialization.SerializeHelper.Load( Of  SinceLinkItemCollection( Of  T_ID_DataType, T))(gFileName, uRuntime.uSerialization.FormatType.Binary)
Me .CopyFrom(tmp)
=   Nothing
End Sub
#End Region

End Class

End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection.SinceLink
' '' <summary>
     ' '' 自联表数据类的派生类
     ' '' </summary>
     ' '' <typeparam name="T_ID_DataType">自联表键类型,或是Integer或是String</typeparam>
     ' '' <remarks>LzmTW 20061111</remarks>
     < Serializable() >  _
Public   MustInherit   Class  SinceLinkItemBase( Of  T_ID_DataType)

Private  gName  As   String
Friend  gCode  As   String

< NonSerialized() >  _
Private  gCodeInformation  As  SinceLinkCodeInformation

Sub   New ()
End Sub

Sub   New ( ByVal  code  As   String ByVal  name  As   String )
=  name
=  code
End Sub

Public   ReadOnly   Property  Code()  As   String
Return  gCode
End   Get
End Property

Public   Property  Name()  As   String
Return  gName
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  value  As   String )
=  value
End   Set
End Property

Friend   Sub  UpdateInformations( ByVal  codeFormat  As   String )
=   New  SinceLinkCodeInformation(codeFormat)
End Sub

Friend   Function  GetLevel()  As   Integer
Return  gCodeInformation.Level
End Function

Friend   Function  GetID()  As  T_ID_DataType
Return   CType (System.Convert.ChangeType(gCodeInformation.ID,  GetType (T_ID_DataType)), T_ID_DataType)
End Function

Friend   Function  GetParentID()  As  T_ID_DataType
Return   CType (System.Convert.ChangeType(gCodeInformation.ParentID,  GetType (T_ID_DataType)), T_ID_DataType)
End Function

Friend   Function  GetParentKey()  As   String
Return  gCodeInformation.ParentKey
End Function

Friend   Function  GetLevels()  As   Integer
Return  gCodeInformation.Levels
End Function

Public   Function  Clone()  As  SinceLinkItemBase( Of  T_ID_DataType)
Return  uSystem.uRuntime.uSerialization.SerializeHelper.Clone( Of  SinceLinkItemBase( Of  T_ID_DataType))( Me )
End Function

End Class

End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection.SinceLink

' '' <summary>
     ' '' 处理数据本身是自联表
     ' '' </summary>
     ' '' <typeparam name="T_ID_DataType">自联表键类型,或是Integer或是String</typeparam>
     ' '' <typeparam name="T">自联表数据类</typeparam>
     ' '' <remarks>LzmTW 20061111</remarks>
     Friend   Class  SinceLinkTable( Of  T_ID_DataType, T  As  SinceLinkItemBase( Of  T_ID_DataType))
Private  gDataTable  As  DataTable

Private  gFilterFormat  As   String
Private  gNode  As  Node( Of  T)

Private  gBlankNode  As   New  SinceLinkBlankCodeNode( Of  T_ID_DataType, T)

Public   ReadOnly   Property  Items()  As  T()
Return  gBlankNode.Items
End   Get
End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  CodeFormat()  As   String
Return  gBlankNode.CodeFormat
End   Get
End Property

Sub   New ()
If   GetType (T).GetMethod( " GetID " , Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic  Or  Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).ReturnType  Is   GetType ( String Then
=   " ParentID = '{0}' "
=   " ParentID = {0} "
End   If
End Sub

Public   Sub   Input ( ByVal  table  As  DataTable)
If   Not   Me .IsSinceLinkTable(table)  Then   Throw   New  Exception( " 表不是自联表.若是,需有ID、ParentID字段和Name字段. " )
If  table.Rows.Count  =   0   Then   Throw   New  Exception( " 无数据 " )

Me .Copy(table)

Me .CreateNode()


Me .Clear()

End Sub

Private   Function  IsSinceLinkTable( ByVal  table  As  DataTable)  As   Boolean
With  table.Columns
If  .Contains( " ID " Then
If  .Contains( " ParentID " Then
Return  .Contains( " Name " )
End   If
End   If
End   With

Return   False
End Function

Private   Sub  Copy( ByVal  table  As  DataTable)
=  table.Clone
End Sub

Private   Sub  CreateNode()

Dim  mRows()  As  DataRow  =  gDataTable.Select( " Name = 'Root' " )
If  mRows.Length  =   0   Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 首位ID数据行的Name字段须有Root值示为根 " )
If  mRows.Length  >   1   Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 只能有一项数据行的Name字段为Root值 " )
End   If
End   If

Dim  mItem  As  T  =   CType (System.Activator.CreateInstance( GetType (T)), T)
=   " Root "

=   New  Node( Of  T)(mItem)

0 ).Item( " ID " ), gNode)

End Sub

Private   Sub  AppendNode( ByVal  ParentID  As   Object ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T))
Dim  mDataView  As  DataView  =  GetDataView(ParentID)

Dim  mCount  As   Integer   =  mDataView.Count
If  mCount  =   0   Then   Exit Sub

Dim  mNode  As  Node( Of  T)  =   Nothing

For   Each  rowView  As  DataRowView  In  mDataView
=  node.Nodes.Add(CreateItem(rowView))

" ID " ), mNode)

End Sub

Private   Function  GetDataView( ByVal  ParentID  As   Object As  DataView
Return   New  DataView(gDataTable,  String .Format(gFilterFormat, ParentID),  " ID " , DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)
End Function

Private   Function  CreateItem( ByVal  rowView  As  DataRowView)  As  T
Dim  mItem  As  T
=   CType (System.Activator.CreateInstance( GetType (T)), T)

For   Each  p  As  Reflection.PropertyInfo  In   GetType (T).GetProperties
If  p.CanWrite  Then
If  rowView.DataView.Table.Columns.Contains(p.Name)  Then
Dim  obj  As   Object   =  rowView.Item(p.Name)
If  obj  Is  DBNull.Value  Then
=   Nothing
End   If

=  System.Convert.ChangeType(obj, Type.GetTypeCode(p.PropertyType))

                        p.SetValue(mItem, obj, 
Nothing )
End   If
End   If

Return  mItem
End Function

Private   Sub  Clear()


End Sub
End Class

End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection.SinceLink
' '' <summary>
     ' '' 析取Code的信息以生成树
     ' '' </summary>
     ' '' <remarks>LzmTW 20061111</remarks>
     Friend   Class  SinceLinkCodeInformation
Private  gCode  As   String
Private  gCodeFormat  As   String   =   " 00,00,00 "

' 当前层级
         Private  gLevel  As   Integer
' 层数
         Private  gLevels  As   Integer

Private  gID  As   String
Private  gParentID  As   String

' 代码的各组ID位数
         Private  gIDLengths()  As   Integer

Private  gParentKey  As   String

Sub   New ( ByVal  codeFormat  As   String )
=  codeFormat

Dim  mIDArray()  As   String   =  gCodeFormat.Split( " , " c)
ReDim  gIDLengths(mIDArray.Length  -   1 )
For  i  As   Integer   =   0   To  mIDArray.Length  -   1
=  mIDArray(i).Length

=  gIDLengths.Length
End Sub

Public   ReadOnly   Property  Level()  As   Integer
Return  gLevel
End   Get
End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  Levels()  As   Integer
Return  gLevels
End   Get
End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  ID()  As   String
Return  gID
End   Get
End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  ParentID()  As   String
Return  gParentID
End   Get
End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  ParentKey()  As   String
Return  gParentKey
End   Get
End Property

Public   Sub  SetCode( ByVal  code  As   String )
=  code
End Sub

Private   Sub  GetIDInfos()
Dim  tmpIDInfos(gLevels  -   1 As   String

Dim  mCurrentIndex  As   Integer   =   0
For  i  As   Integer   =   0   To  gLevels  -   1
=  gCode.Substring(mCurrentIndex, gIDLengths(i))
+=  gIDLengths(i)

For  i  As   Integer   =  gLevels  -   1   To   0   Step   - 1
If   Not  System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(tmpIDInfos(i),  " ^0+$ " Then
=  i  +   1
=  tmpIDInfos(i)
If  i  =   0   Then
=   New   String ( " 0 " c, gIDLengths( 0 ))
=   New   String ( " 0 " c, gIDLengths( 0 ))
=  tmpIDInfos(i  -   1 )

For  k  As   Integer   =   0   To  i  -   1
+=  tmpIDInfos(k)
End   If

Exit   For
End   If

End Sub
End Class
End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection.SinceLink

' '' <summary>
     ' '' 处理树情形的数据,转换为Code,Name形式
     ' '' </summary>
     ' '' <typeparam name="T_ID_DataType">自联表键类型,或是Integer或是String</typeparam>
     ' '' <typeparam name="T">自联表数据类</typeparam>
     ' '' <remarks>LzmTW 20061111</remarks>
     Friend   Class  SinceLinkBlankCodeNode( Of  T_ID_DataType, T  As  SinceLinkItemBase( Of  T_ID_DataType))
Private  gList  As   New  ArrayList
Private  gItems  As  T()

Private  gCodeFormat  As   String
Private  gNode  As  Node( Of  T)

Private  gLevelLengths( 0 As   Integer

Public   ReadOnly   Property  Items()  As  T()
Return  gItems
End   Get
End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  CodeFormat()  As   String
Return  gCodeFormat
End   Get
End Property

Public   Sub  SetNode( ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T))
=  node



End Sub

Private   Sub  GetlevelLengths()
Dim  mLevels  As   Integer   =   0

0 , gNode, gLevelLengths, mLevels)

Dim  tmpFormat(mLevels  -   1 As   String
For  i  As   Integer   =   0   To  mLevels  -   1
=  gLevelLengths(i).ToString.Length
=   New   String ( " 0 " c, gLevelLengths(i))

=   String .Join( " , " , tmpFormat)
End Sub

Private   Sub  GetLevelLengths( ByVal  ParentID  As   Object ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T),  ByRef  levelengths()  As   Integer ByRef  levels  As   Integer )

Dim  mCount  As   Integer   =  node.Nodes.Count
If  mCount  =   0   Then   Exit Sub

Dim  mNode  As  Node( Of  T)  =   Nothing

For   Each  mNode  In  node.gChildren
                GetLevelLengths(node.Index, mNode, levelengths, levels)

If  mNode.Level  >  node.Level  Then
If  mNode.Level  >  levels  Then
=  mNode.Level
ReDim   Preserve  levelengths(levels  -   1 )
-   1 =  mCount
-   1 =  Math.Max(mCount, levelengths(mNode.Level  -   1 ))
End   If
-   1 =  Math.Max(mCount, levelengths(mNode.Level  -   1 ))
End   If

End Sub

Private   Sub  UpdateCode()
=   ""
=   New   String ( " 0 " c, RightLength( 0 ))

ReDim  gItems(gList.Count  -   1 )
End Sub

Private   Sub  UpdateCode( ByVal  node  As  Node( Of  T))
For   Each  n  As  Node( Of  T)  In  node.Nodes
=  GetCode(n.Parent.Item.Code, n.Level, n.Index)


End Sub

Private   Function  GetCode( ByVal  parentCode  As   String ByVal  level  As   Integer ByVal  index  As   Integer As   String

Return   String .Concat(GetParentKey(parentCode, level), GetCurrentID(index, level))
End Function

Private   Function  GetParentKey( ByVal  parentCode  As   String ByVal  level  As   Integer As   String
Return  parentCode.Substring( 0 , LeftLength(level  -   1 ))
End Function

Private   Function  GetCurrentID( ByVal  index  As   Integer ByVal  level  As   Integer As   String
Return  (index  +   1 ).ToString.PadLeft(gLevelLengths(level  -   1 ),  " 0 " c).PadRight(RightLength(level  -   1 ),  " 0 " c)
End Function

Private   Function  LeftLength( ByVal  level  As   Integer As   Integer
Dim  tmp  As   Integer   =   0
For  i  As   Integer   =   0   To  level  -   1
+=  gLevelLengths(i)
Return  tmp
End Function

Private   Function  RightLength( ByVal  level  As   Integer As   Integer
Dim  tmp  As   Integer   =   0
For  i  As   Integer   =  level  To  gLevelLengths.Length  -   1
+=  gLevelLengths(i)
Return  tmp
End Function

Private   Sub  Clear()
'  gNode.Nodes.Clear()


=   Nothing
End Sub

End Class

End Namespace
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