LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection + SimpleFilter



Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection
Partial   Class  SimpleFilter( Of  T)

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  collection  As  ICollection,  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
            Find(collection.GetEnumerator, propertyNameOfArray, locate, operate, searchValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerable  As  IEnumerable,  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
            Find(enumerable.GetEnumerator, propertyNameOfArray, locate, operate, searchValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  items  As  T(),  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
            Find(items.GetEnumerator, propertyNameOfArray, locate, operate, searchValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerator  As  IEnumerator,  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
Dim  baseTypeObject  As   Object
With  enumerator
While  .MoveNext

=   Me .GetArrayPropertyValue(.Current, propertyNameOfArray, locate)

If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid(baseTypeObject, operate, searchValue)  Then
CType (.Current, T))
End   If

End   While
End   With
Catch  ex  As  Exception

End   Try
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  collection  As  ICollection,  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
            Find(collection.GetEnumerator, propertyNameOfArray, locate, operate, aValue, bValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerable  As  IEnumerable,  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
            Find(enumerable.GetEnumerator, propertyNameOfArray, locate, operate, aValue, bValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  items  As  T(),  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
            Find(items.GetEnumerator, propertyNameOfArray, locate, operate, aValue, bValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerator  As  IEnumerator,  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
Dim  baseTypeObject  As   Object
With  enumerator
While  .MoveNext

=   Me .GetArrayPropertyValue(.Current, propertyNameOfArray, locate)

If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid(baseTypeObject, operate, aValue, bValue)  Then
CType (.Current, T))
End   If
End   While
End   With
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  collection  As  ICollection,  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
            Find(collection.GetEnumerator, propertyNameOfArray, locate, operate, values)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerable  As  IEnumerable,  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
            Find(enumerable.GetEnumerator, propertyNameOfArray, locate, operate, values)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  items  As  T(),  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
            Find(items.GetEnumerator, propertyNameOfArray, locate, operate, values)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerator  As  IEnumerator,  ByVal  propertyNameOfArray  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
Dim  baseTypeObject  As   Object

With  enumerator
While  .MoveNext

=   Me .GetArrayPropertyValue(.Current, propertyNameOfArray, locate)

If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid(baseTypeObject, operate, values)  Then
CType (.Current, T))
End   If
End   While
End   With
End Sub

End Class

End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection
Partial   Class  SimpleFilter( Of  T)

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  collection  As  ICollection,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
            Find(collection.GetEnumerator, MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, searchValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerable  As  IEnumerable,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
            Find(enumerable.GetEnumerator, MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, searchValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  items  As  T(),  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
            Find(items.GetEnumerator, MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, searchValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerator  As  IEnumerator,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
Dim  baseTypeObject  As   Object
With  enumerator
While  .MoveNext

=  uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.GetMemberValue(.Current, MemberNameNeedBaseType)

If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid(baseTypeObject, operate, searchValue)  Then
CType (.Current, T))
End   If

End   While
End   With
Catch  ex  As  Exception

End   Try
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  collection  As  ICollection,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
            Find(collection.GetEnumerator, MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, aValue, bValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerable  As  IEnumerable,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
            Find(enumerable.GetEnumerator, MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, aValue, bValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  items  As  T(),  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
            Find(items.GetEnumerator, MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, aValue, bValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerator  As  IEnumerator,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
Dim  baseTypeObject  As   Object
With  enumerator
While  .MoveNext

=  uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.GetMemberValue(.Current, MemberNameNeedBaseType)

If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid(baseTypeObject, operate, aValue, bValue)  Then
CType (.Current, T))
End   If
End   While
End   With
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  collection  As  ICollection,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
            Find(collection.GetEnumerator, MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, values)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerable  As  IEnumerable,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
            Find(enumerable.GetEnumerator, MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, values)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  items  As  T(),  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
            Find(items.GetEnumerator, MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, values)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerator  As  IEnumerator,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
Dim  baseTypeObject  As   Object

With  enumerator
While  .MoveNext

=  uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.GetMemberValue(.Current, MemberNameNeedBaseType)

If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid(baseTypeObject, operate, values)  Then
CType (.Current, T))
End   If
End   While
End   With
End Sub

End Class

End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection
Partial   Class  SimpleFilter( Of  T)

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  node  As  T,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
Dim  baseTypeObject  As   Object

=  uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.GetMemberValue(node, MemberNameNeedBaseType)

If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid(baseTypeObject, operate, searchValue)  Then
End   If

Dim  mNodeChild  As   Object   =   Me .GetNodeChild(node)
If  mNodeChild  Is   Nothing   Then   Exit   Try

Dim  mEnumerator  As  IEnumerator
=   CType (mNodeChild, Collections.IEnumerable).GetEnumerator

With  mEnumerator
While  .MoveNext
CType (.Current, T), MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, searchValue)
End   While
End   With
Catch  ex  As  Exception

End   Try
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  node  As  T,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )

Dim  baseTypeObject  As   Object

=  uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.GetMemberValue(node, MemberNameNeedBaseType)

If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid(baseTypeObject, operate, aValue, bValue)  Then
End   If

Dim  mNodeChild  As   Object   =   Me .GetNodeChild(node)
If  mNodeChild  Is   Nothing   Then   Exit   Try

Dim  mEnumerator  As  IEnumerator
=   CType (mNodeChild, Collections.IEnumerable).GetEnumerator

With  mEnumerator
While  .MoveNext
CType (.Current, T), MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, aValue, bValue)
End   While
End   With
Catch  ex  As  Exception
End   Try
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  node  As  T,  ByVal  MemberNameNeedBaseType  As   String ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
Dim  baseTypeObject  As   Object

=  uReflection.MemberInfoFunction.GetMemberValue(node, MemberNameNeedBaseType)

If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid(baseTypeObject, operate, values)  Then
End   If

Dim  mNodeChild  As   Object   =   Me .GetNodeChild(node)
If  mNodeChild  Is   Nothing   Then   Exit   Try

Dim  mEnumerator  As  IEnumerator
=   CType (mNodeChild, Collections.IEnumerable).GetEnumerator

With  mEnumerator
While  .MoveNext
CType (.Current, T), MemberNameNeedBaseType, operate, values)
End   While
End   With
Catch  ex  As  Exception
End   Try
End Sub

End Class

End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection
Partial   Class  SimpleFilter( Of  T)

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  collection  As  ICollection,  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
            Find(collection.GetEnumerator, operate, searchValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerable  As  IEnumerable,  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
            Find(enumerable.GetEnumerator, operate, searchValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  items  As  T(),  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
            Find(items.GetEnumerator, operate, searchValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerator  As  IEnumerator,  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  searchValue  As   Object )
With  enumerator
While  .MoveNext
If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid( Of  T)( CType (.Current, T), operate, searchValue)  Then
CType (.Current, T))
End   If
End   While
End   With
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  collection  As  ICollection,  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
            Find(collection.GetEnumerator, operate, aValue, bValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerable  As  IEnumerable,  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
            Find(enumerable.GetEnumerator, operate, aValue, bValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  items  As  T(),  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
            Find(items.GetEnumerator, operate, aValue, bValue)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerator  As  IEnumerator,  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal  aValue  As   Object ByVal  bValue  As   Object )
With  enumerator
While  .MoveNext
If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid( Of  T)( CType (.Current, T), operate, aValue, bValue)  Then
CType (.Current, T))
End   If
End   While
End   With
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  collection  As  ICollection,  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
            Find(collection.GetEnumerator, operate, values)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerable  As  IEnumerable,  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
            Find(enumerable.GetEnumerator, operate, values)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  items  As  T(),  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
            Find(items.GetEnumerator, operate, values)
End Sub

Public   Sub  Find( ByVal  enumerator  As  IEnumerator,  ByVal  operate  As  CompareOperate,  ByVal   ParamArray  values()  As   Object )
With  enumerator
While  .MoveNext
If  BaseTypeCompare.IsValid( Of  T)( CType (.Current, T), operate, values)  Then
CType (.Current, T))
End   If
End   While
End   With
End Sub

End Class

End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection
Public   Class  SimpleFilter( Of  T)
Private  gResult( - 1 As  T

Public   Sub  Clear()
ReDim  gResult( - 1 )
End Sub

Public   ReadOnly   Property  Result()  As  T()
Return  gResult
End   Get
End Property

Private   Sub  InternalAddItem( ByVal  item  As  T)
SyncLock  LzmTW.uRuntimeHelper.InternalSyncObject
Of  T)(gResult, item)
End   SyncLock
End Sub

Private   Function  GetArrayPropertyValue( ByVal  item  As   Object ByVal  ArrayPropertyName  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object As   Object
Dim  mResult  As   Object   =   Nothing

Dim  t  As  Type  =  item.GetType
Dim  locateType  As  Type  =  locate.GetType
Dim  m  As  Reflection.MemberInfo()
Dim  p  As  Reflection.PropertyInfo

=  t.GetMember(ArrayPropertyName)
If  m.Length  >   1   Then
=  t.GetProperty(ArrayPropertyName,  New  Type() {locateType})
=  p.GetValue(item,  New   Object () {locate})
=  t.GetProperty(ArrayPropertyName)
=   CType (p.GetValue(item,  Nothing ),  Object ())( CType (locate,  Integer ))
End   If

Return  mResult
End Function

Private   Function  GetArrayFieldValue( ByVal  item  As   Object ByVal  ArrayPropertyName  As   String ByVal  locate  As   Object As   Object
Dim  mResult  As   Object   =   Nothing

Dim  t  As  Type  =  item.GetType
Dim  locateType  As  Type  =  locate.GetType
Dim  f  As  Reflection.FieldInfo

=  t.GetField(ArrayPropertyName)
If  locate.GetType.IsValueType  Then
=   CType (f.GetValue(item),  Object ())( CType (locate,  Integer ))

End   If

Return  mResult
End Function

Private   Function  GetNodeChild( ByVal  item  As  T)  As   Object
Dim  mResult  As   Object   =   Nothing

Dim  mService  As   New  uReflection.GetSameTypeCollectionFromType
GetType (T))

' 暂只简单考虑
             If  mService.Result.Length  >   0   Then
Dim  p  As  Reflection.PropertyInfo  =   CType (mService.Result( 0 ), Reflection.PropertyInfo)
=  p.GetValue(item,  Nothing )
Catch  ex  As  Exception
End   Try
GetType (T),  True )

If  mService.Result.Length  >   0   Then
Dim  p  As  Reflection.PropertyInfo  =   CType (mService.Result( 0 ), Reflection.PropertyInfo)
=  p.GetValue(item,  Nothing )
Catch  ex  As  Exception
End   Try
End   If

End   If

Return  mResult
End Function

Public   Sub  ForEach( ByVal  action  As  Action( Of  T))
Of  T)( Me .Result, action)
End Sub
End Class

End Namespace

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