


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uWindows.uForms.uMainForm.Menu
Public   Class  MenuManager
Private  gCollection  As   New  MenusCollection

Private  gMenuStrip  As  MenuStrip

Public   ReadOnly   Property  MenuStrip()  As  MenuStrip
Return  gMenuStrip
End   Get
End Property

Sub   New ()
=   New  MenuStrip
End Sub

Sub   New ( ByVal  menuStrip  As  MenuStrip)
=  menuStrip
End Sub

Public   Sub  Clear()
Me .gCollection.Clear()
End Sub

Public   Sub  UpdateTo( ByVal  treeView  As  TreeView,  ByVal  memberName  As   String )
Me .gCollection.ExportTo(treeView, memberName)
End Sub

Public   Sub  UpdateTo( ByRef  table  As  DataTable)
Me .gCollection.ExportTo(table)
End Sub

Public   Sub  ReadFile( ByVal  file  As   String )
Me .gCollection.ReadFormFile(file)
End Sub

Public   Sub  ReadLicenseFile( ByVal  file  As   String ByVal  password  As   String )

End Sub

Public   Sub  SaveFile( ByVal  file  As   String )
Me .gCollection.SaveToFile(file)
End Sub

Public   Sub  SaveLicenseFile( ByVal  file  As   String ByVal  password  As   String )

End Sub

Public   Sub  GetDefault()
Me .gCollection.ImportFromResource()
End Sub

Public   Sub  RefleshBy( ByVal  treeView  As  TreeView)
Me .gCollection.ImportFrom(treeView)
End Sub

Public   Sub  RefleshBy( ByVal  table  As  DataTable)
Me .gCollection.ImportFrom(table)
End Sub

Private   Sub  UpdateMenuStrip()
Me .gMenuStrip)
End Sub

Private   Sub  UpdateCollection()
Me .gCollection.ImportFrom(gMenuStrip)
End Sub

Public   Function  SetMainFormMenuStrip( ByVal  mainForm  As  Form)  As  MenuStrip
Dim  mMenuStrip  As  MenuStrip  =   Nothing
For   Each  ctr  As  Control  In  mainForm.Controls
If   TypeOf  ctr  Is  MenuStrip  Then
=   CType (ctr, MenuStrip)
Exit   For
End   If

If  mMenuStrip  Is   Nothing   Then
=   Me .gMenuStrip
Me .gMenuStrip)
Me .gMenuStrip  =  mMenuStrip
Me .UpdateCollection()
End   If

Return  mMenuStrip
End Function

Public   Function  FindMenuItem( ByVal  shortName  As   String As  MenuItem
Return   Me .gCollection.gCollection.Find( " Name " , shortName)
End Function

Public   Function  FindToolStripItem( ByVal  shortName  As   String As  ToolStripItem
Dim  mMenuItem  As  MenuItem  =  FindMenuItem(shortName)
If  mMenuItem  Is   Nothing   Then   Return   Nothing

Return  ToolStripItemInformation.FindItem(MenuFunction.GetFullName(shortName, mMenuItem.ToolStripType),  Me .gMenuStrip)
End Function

Public   Function  FindToolStripItem1( ByVal  fullName  As   String As  ToolStripItem
Return  ToolStripItemInformation.FindItem(fullName,  Me .gMenuStrip)
End Function

Public   Function  InsertBefore( ByVal  beforeShortName  As   String ByVal  item  As  ToolStripItem)  As  ToolStripItem
Dim  mToolStripItem  As  ToolStripItem  =  ToolStripItemInformation.InsertBefore(FindToolStripItem(beforeShortName), item)

Me .UpdateCollection()

Return  mToolStripItem
End Function

Public   Function  AppendAfter( ByVal  afterShortName  As   String ByVal  item  As  ToolStripItem)  As  ToolStripItem
Dim  mToolStripItem  As  ToolStripItem  =  ToolStripItemInformation.AppendAfter(FindToolStripItem(afterShortName), item)

Me .UpdateCollection()

Return  mToolStripItem
End Function

Public   Sub  RemoveToolStripItem( ByVal  shortName  As   String )

Me .UpdateCollection()
End Sub

Public   Sub  AddClickHandler( ByVal  shortName  As   String ByVal  action  As  EventHandler)

            RemoveClickHandler(shortName, action)
            ToolStripItemInformation.AddClickHandler(FindToolStripItem(shortName), action)

End Sub

Public   Sub  RemoveClickHandler( ByVal  shortName  As   String ByVal  action  As  EventHandler)
            ToolStripItemInformation.RemoveClickHandler(FindToolStripItem(shortName), action)
End Sub

Public   Sub  AddActionHandler( ByVal  shortName  As   String ByVal  EventName  As   String ByVal  instanceMethodName  As   String ByVal  instance  As   Object )
Dim  item  As  ToolStripItem  =  FindToolStripItem(shortName)
If  item  Is   Nothing   Then   Exit Sub

            RemoveActionHandler(shortName, EventName, instanceMethodName, instance)
            ToolStripItemInformation.AddActionHandler(item, EventName, instanceMethodName, instance)
End Sub

Public   Sub  RemoveActionHandler( ByVal  shortName  As   String ByVal  EventName  As   String ByVal  instanceMethodName  As   String ByVal  instance  As   Object )
Dim  item  As  ToolStripItem  =  FindToolStripItem(shortName)
If  item  Is   Nothing   Then   Exit Sub

            ToolStripItemInformation.RemoveActionHandler(item, EventName, instanceMethodName, instance)
End Sub

Public   Sub  AddDefaultClickHandler()
With   Me .gCollection.gCollection.GetEnumerator
While  .MoveNext
With   CType (.Current, MenuItem)
If  ( Not   String .IsNullOrEmpty(.EventAction))  AndAlso  .EventAction  =   " Default "   Then
" Click " String .Format( " On{0}Click " , .Name),  Me .gMenuStrip.FindForm)
End   If
End   With
End   While
End   With
End Sub

Public   Sub  RemoveDefaultClickHandler()
With   Me .gCollection.gCollection.GetEnumerator
While  .MoveNext
With   CType (.Current, MenuItem)
If  ( Not   String .IsNullOrEmpty(.EventAction))  AndAlso  .EventAction  =   " Default "   Then
" Click " String .Format( " On{0}Click " , .Name),  Me .gMenuStrip.FindForm)
End   If
End   With
End   While
End   With
End Sub

Public   Function  AddParentToolStripMenuItem( ByVal  shortName  As   String ByVal  text  As   String As  ToolStripMenuItem
Dim  tmp  As  ToolStripMenuItem  =  MenuItem.CreateToolStripMenuItem(shortName, text,  Nothing )
Me .gMenuStrip, tmp)

Me .UpdateCollection()

Return  tmp
End Function

Public   Function  AddParentToolStripMenuItem( ByVal  item  As  MenuItem)  As  ToolStripMenuItem
Return  AddParentToolStripMenuItem(item.Name, item.Text)
End Function

Public   Function  AddToolStripMenuItem( ByVal  parentShortName  As   String ByVal  shortName  As   String ByVal  text  As   String ByVal  tooltipText  As   String As  ToolStripMenuItem
Dim  tmp  As  ToolStripMenuItem  =  MenuItem.CreateToolStripMenuItem(shortName, text, tooltipText)

Me .FindToolStripItem(parentShortName), tmp)

Me .UpdateCollection()

Return  tmp
End Function

Public   Function  AddToolStripMenuItem( ByVal  parentShortName  As   String ByVal  item  As  MenuItem)  As  ToolStripMenuItem
Return  AddToolStripMenuItem(parentShortName, item.Name, item.Text, item.ToolTipText)
End Function

Public   Function  InsertToolStripMenuItemBefore( ByVal  beforeShortName  As   String ByVal  shortName  As   String ByVal  text  As   String ByVal  tooltipText  As   String As  ToolStripMenuItem
Return   CType (InsertBefore(beforeShortName, MenuItem.CreateToolStripMenuItem(shortName, text, tooltipText)), ToolStripMenuItem)
End Function

Public   Function  InsertToolStripMenuItemBefore( ByVal  beforeShortName  As   String ByVal  item  As  MenuItem)  As  ToolStripMenuItem
If  item.ToolStripType  <>  ToolStripType.ToolStripMenuItem  Then   Return   Nothing
Return  InsertToolStripMenuItemBefore(beforeShortName, item.Name, item.Text, item.ToolTipText)
End Function

Public   Function  AppendToolStripMenuItemAfter( ByVal  afterShortName  As   String ByVal  shortName  As   String ByVal  text  As   String ByVal  tooltipText  As   String ByVal  firstAddToolStripSeparator  As   Boolean As  ToolStripMenuItem
If  firstAddToolStripSeparator  Then
Me .AppendAfter(afterShortName, MenuItem.CreateToolStripSeparator( " s_ "   &  afterShortName))
=   " s_ "   &  afterShortName
End   If
Return   CType ( Me .AppendAfter(afterShortName, MenuItem.CreateToolStripMenuItem(shortName, text, tooltipText)), ToolStripMenuItem)
End Function

Public   Function  AppendToolStripMenuItemAfter( ByVal  afterShortName  As   String ByVal  item  As  MenuItem,  ByVal  firstAddToolStripSeparator  As   Boolean As  ToolStripMenuItem
If  item.ToolStripType  <>  ToolStripType.ToolStripMenuItem  Then   Return   Nothing
Return   Me .AppendToolStripMenuItemAfter(afterShortName, item.Name, item.Text, item.ToolTipText, firstAddToolStripSeparator)
End Function

Public   Shared   Function  GetDefaultMenuItem( ByVal  shortName  As   String As  MenuItem
Return  DefaultMenuItemCollection.Find( " Name " , shortName)
End Function

Private   Shared   Function  DefaultMenuItemCollection()  As  uCollection.SinceLink.SinceLinkItemCollection( Of   Integer , MenuItem)
If  gDefaultMenusCollection  Is   Nothing   Then
=   New  MenusCollection
End   If

Return  gDefaultMenusCollection.gCollection
End Function

Private   Shared  gDefaultMenusCollection  As  MenusCollection
End Class
End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uWindows.uForms.uMainForm.Menu

Friend   Class  MenusCollection
Protected   Friend  gCollection  As   New  uCollection.SinceLink.SinceLinkItemCollection( Of   Integer , MenuItem)

Public   Sub  ReadFormFile( ByVal  file  As   String )
End Sub

Public   Sub  SaveToFile( ByVal  file  As   String )
End Sub

Public   Sub  ExportTo( ByVal  menuStrip  As  MenuStrip)
If  gCollection.Count  =   0   Then   Return

            ExportToMenuStrip(gCollection.Node, menuStrip)
End Sub

Public   Sub  ExportTo( ByVal  treeView  As  TreeView,  ByVal  memberName  As   String )
If  gCollection.Count  =   0   Then   Return

" Code " True ))
End Sub

Public   Sub  ExportTo( ByRef  table  As  DataTable)
=  gCollection.ExportSinceLinkDataSet.Tables( 0 )
End Sub

Public   Sub  ImportFromResource()
End Sub

Public   Sub  ImportFrom( ByVal  menuStrip  As  MenuStrip)
If  menuStrip.Items.Count  =   0   Then   GoTo  LabelRefleshNode

Me .GetMenuStripNode(menuStrip))

End Sub

Public   Sub  ImportFrom( ByVal  table  As  DataTable)
If  table  Is   Nothing   OrElse  table.Rows.Count  =   0   Then   GoTo  LabelRefleshNode


End Sub

Public   Sub  ImportFrom( ByVal  treeView  As  TreeView)
If  treeView.Nodes.Count  =   0   Then   GoTo  LabelRefleshNode

Dim  mNode  As   New  uCollection.Node( Of  MenuItem)
0 ))

End Sub

Public   ReadOnly   Property  SinceLintTable()  As  DataTable
Return  gCollection.ExportSinceLinkDataSet.Tables( 0 )
End   Get
End Property

Public   Sub  Clear()

Dim  mNode  As   New  uCollection.Node( Of  MenuItem)( New  MenuItem())
=   " Root "

End Sub

Private   Function  GetMenuStripNode( ByVal  menuStrip  As  MenuStrip)  As  uCollection.Node( Of  MenuItem)
Dim  mNode  As   New  uCollection.Node( Of  MenuItem)( New  MenuItem)
=   " Root "

For   Each  item  As  ToolStripItem  In  menuStrip.Items
                AppendNode(mNode, item)

Return  mNode
End Function

Private   Sub  AppendNode( ByVal  node  As  LzmTW.uSystem.uCollection.Node( Of  MenuItem),  ByVal  stripItem  As  ToolStripItem)
Dim  mCurrentNode  As  uCollection.Node( Of  MenuItem)  =   Nothing

=  node.Nodes.Add(MenuItemConverter.ConvertFrom(stripItem))

If   TypeOf  stripItem  Is  ToolStripDropDownItem  Then
For   Each  item  As  ToolStripItem  In   CType (stripItem, ToolStripDropDownItem).DropDownItems
                    AppendNode(mCurrentNode, item)
End   If
End Sub

Private   Sub  ExportToMenuStrip( ByVal  node  As  uCollection.Node( Of  MenuItem),  ByVal  menuStrip  As  MenuStrip)
If  node  Is   Nothing   Then
Exit Sub
End   If

Dim  mCurrentItem  As  ToolStripItem  =   Nothing

For   Each  n  As  uCollection.Node( Of  MenuItem)  In  node.Nodes
If  n.Item  Is   Nothing   Then   Continue   For

=  uMainForm.Menu.MenuItemConverter.ConvertTo(n.Item)
                AppendToolStripItem(n, mCurrentItem)
End Sub

Private   Sub  AppendToolStripItem( ByVal  node  As  uCollection.Node( Of  MenuItem),  ByVal  parentItem  As  ToolStripItem)
If  node  Is   Nothing   Then   Exit Sub

For   Each  n  As  uCollection.Node( Of  MenuItem)  In  node.Nodes
Dim  mCurrentItem  As  ToolStripItem  =   Nothing

If  n.Item  IsNot   Nothing   Then
=  uMainForm.Menu.MenuItemConverter.ConvertTo(n.Item)

CType (parentItem, ToolStripDropDownItem).DropDownItems.Add(mCurrentItem)
End   If

If   TypeOf  mCurrentItem  Is  ToolStripDropDownItem  Then
                    AppendToolStripItem(n, mCurrentItem)
End   If
End Sub

Private   Function  DefaultMenusSinceLinkTable()  As  DataTable
Dim  mTable  As  DataTable  =  uReflection.DatasFunction.CreateTableFromType( GetType (MenuItem))
" ID " GetType ( Integer ))
" ParentID " GetType ( Integer ))

Dim  i  As   Integer   =   - 1
For   Each  line  As   String   In  SR.GetObject( " DefaultMenus " ).ToString.Split( CChar (vbCrLf))
=  line.Replace(vbLf,  Nothing )
+=   1
If  i  =   0   OrElse  line.Length  <   10   Then   Continue   For


Return  mTable
End Function

Private   Function  GetItem( ByVal  line  As   String As   Object ()
' ID0,ParentID1,ShortName2,Text3,Shortcut4,ToolStripType5,Visible6,Enabled7
             Dim  mArray()  As   String   =  line.Split( " , " c)
Dim  mResult( 11 As   Object
0 =  mArray( 5 ' ToolStripType
            mResult( 1 =  mArray( 3 ' Text
             If  mArray( 3 ).IndexOf( " ( " >   - 1   Then
2 =  mArray( 3 ).Substring( 0 , mArray( 3 ).IndexOf( " ( " ))   ' Declare
                mResult( 3 =  mArray( 3 ).Substring( 0 , mArray( 3 ).IndexOf( " ( " ))  ' ToolTipText
2 =  mArray( 3 ' Declare
                mResult( 3 =  mArray( 3 ' ToolTipText
             End   If

4 =  mArray( 4 ' ShortCut

6 =  mArray( 6 ' Visible
            mResult( 7 =  mArray( 7 ' Enabled
            mResult( 8 =   String .Empty   ' Code
            mResult( 9 =  mArray( 2 ' Name
            mResult( 10 =  mArray( 0 ' ID
            mResult( 11 =  mArray( 1 ' ParentID

5 =   String .Empty    ' ClickAction
             If   CInt (mResult( 11 ))  <>   1   Then
If   CInt (mResult( 0 ))  <>   1   Then
If  mResult( 9 ).ToString  <>   " PanelFunction "   Then
5 =   " Default "
End   If
End   If
End   If

Return  mResult
End Function

End Class

End Namespace



1 , 0 ,Root,, 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
2 , 1 ,File,文件( & F), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
3 , 2 , New ,新建( & N)..., 131150 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
4 , 2 ,Open,打开( & O)..., 131151 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
5 , 2 ,Close,关闭( & C), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
6 , 2 ,s_Close,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
7 , 2 ,Config,本地配置( & I)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
8 , 2 ,s_Config,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
9 , 2 ,Save,保存( & S), 131155 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
10 , 2 ,SaveAs,另存为( & A)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
11 , 2 ,s_SaveAs,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
12 , 2 ,PageSetup,页面设置( & U)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
13 , 2 , Print ,打印( & P)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
14 , 2 ,s_Print,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
15 , 2 , Exit ,退出( & X), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
16 , 1 ,Edit,编辑( & E), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
17 , 16 ,Find,查找( & F)..., 131142 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
18 , 16 , Replace ,替换( & E)..., 131144 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
19 , 16 , Goto ,定位( & G)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
20 , 1 ,View,视图( & V), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
21 , 20 ,PanelFunction,功能块, 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
22 , 21 ,HideDetailPanel,隐藏数据区( & D), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
23 , 21 ,HideDeclarePanel,隐藏附加区( & O), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
24 , 21 ,HideToolPanel,隐藏功能区( & F), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
25 , 21 ,s_HideToolPanel,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
26 , 21 ,PanelWindow,隐藏功能块( & P), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
27 , 20 ,s_PanelFunctio,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
28 , 20 ,Icon,图标( & N), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
29 , 20 ,List,列表( & L), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
30 , 20 ,Details,详细信息( & D), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
31 , 20 ,s_Details,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
32 , 20 ,HideToolBars,隐藏工具条, 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
33 , 20 ,HideStatusBar,隐藏状态栏, 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
34 , 1 ,Data,数据(D), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
35 , 34 ,Export,导出( & O)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
36 , 34 ,Import,导入( & I)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
37 , 34 ,s_Import,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
38 , 34 ,Backup,备份( & B)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
39 , 34 ,Restore,还原( & R)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
40 , 1 , Format ,格式( & O), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
41 , 40 ,Font,字体( & F)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
42 , 40 ,s_Font,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
43 , 40 ,Backgroup,背景( & K)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
44 , 40 ,s_Backgroup,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
45 , 40 ,Style,样式( & S)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
46 , 1 ,Tools,工具( & T), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
47 , 46 ,AddIns,插件管理( & A)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
48 , 46 ,s_AddIns,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
49 , 46 ,Options,选项( & O)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
50 , 1 ,Window,窗口( & W), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
51 , 50 ,Cascade,层    叠( & C), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
52 , 50 ,TileVertical,水平平铺( & V), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
53 , 50 ,TileHorizontal,竖直平铺( & H), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
54 , 50 ,s_TileHorizontal,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
55 , 50 ,CloseWindows,关闭所有窗口, 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
56 , 1 ,Community,交流( & C), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
57 , 56 ,Thinking,记录想法..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
58 , 56 ,Sendto,反馈..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
59 , 1 ,Help,帮助( & H), 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
60 , 59 ,How,如何使用..., 131184 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
61 , 59 ,s_How,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
62 , 59 ,Update,检查更新( & U)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
63 , 59 ,s_Update,, 0 , 1 , TRUE , TRUE
64 , 59 ,About,关于 { 0 }( & A)..., 0 , 0 , TRUE , TRUE
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


