equate with/feed on/equip with等动词词组

本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day1 Week 2”


equate with 等同于

  • If you equate one thing with another,or if you say that one thing equates with another,you believe that they are strongly connected.

equip with 装备;配备

  • If you equip person or thing with something you give them the tools or equipment that are needed.

escape from 逃走

  • If you escape from a place,you succeed in getting away from it.

exclude from 排除

  • If you exclude someone from a place or activity,you prevent them from entering it or taking part in it.

excuse for 原谅

  • If you excuse someone for something wrong that they have done,you forgive them for it.

excuse from 免除…的责任

  • If someone is excused from a duty or responsibility,they are told that they do not have to carry it our.

expect to 预料

  • If you expect something to happen,you believe that it will happen.

experiment with/on 做实验

  • If you experiment with something or experiment on it.you do a scientific test on it in order to discover what happends to it in particular conditions.

fall behind (with) 落后于;拖后

  • If you fall behind,you do not make progress or move forward as other people
  • If you fall behind with something or let it fall behind,you do not do it or produce it when you should,according to an agreement or schedule.

fall down 跌倒

  • To fall down means the same as to fall

feed up with 厌倦

  • If you are fed up with something,you are unhappy,bored ,or tired of it,especially when you have been experiencing it for a long time.

feed on 以…为食,因…而强壮

  • If a person or animal feeds on something,they rely on it as food.
  • If one thing feeds on another,it becomes stronger as a result of the other thing’s existence.

feel about 对…表示看法

  • If you talk about how you feel about something,you talk about your opinion,attitude,or reaction to it.

feel like 想要

  • If you feel like doing something or having something,you want to do it or have it because you are in the right mood for it and think you would enjoy it.

fight for 奋斗,争取

  • If you fight for something,you try in a determined way to get it or achieve it.

fight with 打架;吵架

  • If one person fights with another,the two people hit or kick each other because they want to hurt each other.
  • If one person fights with another,they have an angey disagreement or quarrel.

figure out 想出,弄明白

  • If you figure out a solution to a problem or the reason for something,you succeed in solving it or understanding it.

fill in 填平;填写;涂满

  • To fill in means the same as to fill.
  • If you fill in form or other document requesting information,you write information in the spaces on it.
  • If you fill in a shape,you cover the area inside the lines with colour or shapes so that none of the background is showing.
  • If you fill in for someone,you do the work or task that they normally do because they are unable to do it.

fill out 填写

  • If yo u fill out a form or other document requesting information,you write information in the spaces on it.

find out 弄清;识破

  • If you find something **out,**you learn something that you did not already know,especially by making a deliberate effort to do so.
  • If you find someone out,you discover that they have doing something dishonest.



feed on以…为食,因…而强壮
fight for奋斗,争取
feel like想要
exclude from排除
fill in填平;填写;涂满
feel about对…表示看法
excuse for原谅
fall down跌倒
excuse from免除…的责任
equate with等同于
figure out想出,弄明白
find out弄清;识破
equip with装备;配备
fight with打架;吵架
feed up with厌倦
expriment with/on做实验
fill out填写
escape from逃走
expect to预料
fall behind(with)落后于;拖后



  1. Follow your common sense and see what you can ___.
  2. I’m breaking my neck at two jobs so I don’t ___ in my bills.
  3. If you want to ___ him,you may have the worst of it.
  4. How was it possible to ___ from the third floor without being hurt?
  5. SilkWorms are known to ___ the leaves of mulberry.
  6. We have decided to __ him __ or religious community.
  7. How do you ____ money worship that is found everywhere?
  8. I ___ going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.
  9. Yo-Yo Ma has gone on to ___ widely ___ other types of music.
  10. He longed to ___ the bondage of an unhappy marriage.
  11. Please __ yourself ___ a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.
  12. He had already become ___ city life.
  13. He ____ muilitary service on account of his short-sightedness.
  14. We cannot ___ any student ___ being late for school because of oversleeping.
  15. This exercise asks you to ___ the blanks with appropriate pronouns.
  16. Would you please __ this registration form?
  17. After your rmisconduct last time,did you __ be invited again?
  18. She has made up her mind to ___ the cause of peace all her life.
  19. You cannot ____ the GDP of USA ___ that of a developing country.
  20. I couldn’t ___ who the lady with the sunglasses was.


  1. find out
  2. fall behind
  3. fight with
  4. fall down
  5. feed on
  6. exclude from
  7. feel about
  8. feel like
  9. experiment with/on
  10. escape from
  11. equip with
  12. fed up with
  13. is excused from
  14. excuse for
  15. fill in
  16. fill out
  17. expect to
  18. fight for
  19. equate with
  20. figure out

博主上一篇博文(day7 week1):

dream of/dress up/drink to等动词词组





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