Real-Time Rendering——5.2.2 Punctual Lights精准光

A punctual light is not one that is on time for its appointments, but rather a light that has a location, unlike directional lights.Such lights also have no dimensions to them,no shape or size, unlike real-world light sources.


We use the term “punctual,” from the Latin punctus meaning “point,” for the class consisting of all sources of illumination that originate from a single, local position. We use the term “point light” to mean a specific kind of emitter, one that shines light equally in all directions. So, point and spotlight are two different forms of punctual lights.


The light direction vector l varies depending on the location of the currently shaded surface point p0 relative to the punctual light’s position plight:


This equation is an example of vector normalization: dividing a vector by its length to produce a unit-length vector pointing in the same direction. 


This is another common shading operation, and, like the shading operations we have seen in the previous section, it is a built-in function in most shading languages.


Applying this to the punctual light direction computation gives us the following:


Since the dot product of two vectors is equal to the product of the two vector’s lengths with the cosine of the angle between them, and the cosine of 0° is 1.0,the dot product of a vector with itself is the square of its length. So, to find the length of any vector,we just dot it with itself and take the square root of the result. 


The intermediate value that we need is r, the distance between the punctual light source and the currently shaded point. Besides its use in normalizing the light vector,the value of r is also needed to compute the attenuation (darkening) of the light color clight as a function of distance. This will be discussed further in the following section.


Point/Omni Lights 点/泛光灯

Punctual lights that emit light uniformly in all directions are known as point lights or omni lights. For point lights, clight varies as a function of the distance r, with the only source of variation being the distance attenuation mentioned above.


Figure 5.5 shows why this darkening occurs, using similar geometric reasoning as the demonstration of the cosine factor in Figure 5.4.


Figure 5.5. The spacing between light rays from a point light increases proportionally to the distance r. Since the spacing increase occurs in two dimensions, the density of rays (and thus the light intensity) decreases proportionally to


 This enables us to specify the spatial variation in clight with a single light property, clight0 , which is defined as the value of clight at a fixed reference distance r0:

这使我们能够用单一光属性clight0指定clight的空间变化,clight 0定义为固定参考距离r0处的clight值:

Equation 5.11 is often referred to as inverse-square light attenuation. Although technically the correct distance attenuation for a point light, there are some issues that make this equation less than ideal for practical shading use. 


The first issue occurs at relatively small distances. As the value of r tends to 0,the value of clight will increase in an unbounded manner. When r reaches 0, we will have a divide-by-zero singularity. To address this, one common modification is to add a small value to the denominator 



The exact value used for depends on the application; for example, the Unreal game engine uses 

用于的确切值取决于应用;例如,虚幻游戏引擎使用 .

An alternative modification, used in the CryEngine and Frostbite game engines, is to clamp r to a minimum value rmin:

在CryEngine和Frostbite游戏引擎中使用的另一种修改将clamp r到最小值rmin:

Unlike the somewhat arbitrary value used in the previous method, the value of rmin has a physical interpretation: the radius of the physical object emitting the light.Values of r smaller than rmin correspond to the shaded surface penetrating inside the physical light source, which is impossible. 


 In contrast, the second issue with inverse-square attenuation occurs at relatively large distances. The problem is not with visuals but with performance. Although light intensity keeps decreasing with distance it never goes to 0.


For efficient rendering, it is desirable for lights to reach 0 intensity at some finite distance (Chapter 20). There are many different ways in which the inverse-square equation could be modified to achieve this. Ideally the modification should introduce as little change as possible. To avoid a sharp cutoff at the boundary of the light’s influence, it is also preferable for the derivative and value of the modified function to reach 0 at the same distance.


One solution is to multiply the inverse-square equation by a windowing function with the desired properties. One such function is used by both the Unreal Engine and Frostbite game engines:


The +2 means to clamp the value, if negative, to 0 before squaring it. Figure 5.6 shows an example inverse-square curve, the windowing function from Equation 5.14,and the result of multiplying the two. 


Figure 5.6. This graph shows an inverse-square curve (using the method to avoid singularities, with an value of 1), the windowing function described in Equation 5.14 (with rmax set to 3), and the windowed curve. 


Application requirements will affect the choice of method used. For example,having the derivative equal to 0 at rmax is particularly important when the distance attenuation function is sampled at a relatively low spatial frequency (e.g., in light maps or per-vertex). CryEngine does not use light maps or vertex lighting, so it employs a simpler adjustment, switching to linear falloff in the range between 0.8rmax and rmax


For some applications, matching the inverse-square curve is not a priority, so some other function entirely is used. This effectively generalizes Equations 5.11–5.14 to the following:


where fdist(r) is some function of distance. Such functions are called distance falloff functions. In some cases, the use of non-inverse-square falloff functions is driven by performance constraints. 


For example, the game Just Cause 2 needed lights that were extremely inexpensive to compute. This dictated a falloff function that was simple to compute, while also being smooth enough to avoid per-vertex lighting artifacts

例如,游戏Just Cause 2只需要计算起来非常便宜的灯。这规定了一个衰减函数,它计算起来很简单,同时也足够平滑以避免每顶点的灯光伪像

In other cases, the choice of falloff function may be driven by creative considerations.For example, the Unreal Engine, used for both realistic and stylized games,has two modes for light falloff: an inverse-square mode, as described in Equation 5.12,and an exponential falloff mode that can be tweaked to create a variety of attenuation curves. 


The developers of the game Tomb Raider (2013) used spline-editing tools to author falloff curves, allowing for even greater control over the curve shape.



Unlike point lights, illumination from nearly all real-world light sources varies by direction as well as distance. This variation can be expressed as a directional falloff function fdir(l), which combines with the distance falloff function to define the overall spatial variation in light intensity:

与点光源不同,几乎所有真实光源的照明都随方向和距离而变化。这种变化可以表示为方向衰减函数fdir(l ),它与距离衰减函数结合来定义光强度的整体空间变化:

Different choices of fdir(l) can produce various lighting effects. One important type of effect is the spotlight, which projects light in a circular cone. 


A spotlight’s directional falloff function has rotational symmetry around a spotlight direction vector s, and thus can be expressed as a function of the angle θs between s and the reversed light vector −l to the surface. The light vector needs to be reversed because we define l at the surface as pointing toward the light, and here we need the vector pointing away from the light.


Most spotlight functions use expressions composed of the cosine of θs, which (as we have seen earlier) is the most common form for angles in shading. Spotlights typically have an umbra angle θu, which bounds the light such that fdir(l) = 0 for all θs ≥ θu.This angle can be used for culling in a similar manner to the maximum falloff distance rmax seen earlier. It is also common for spotlights to have a penumbra angle θp, which defines an inner cone where the light is at its full intensity. See Figure 5.7.

大多数聚光灯函数使用由θs的余弦组成的表达式,这是阴影中角度最常见的形式(正如我们前面看到的)。聚光灯通常有一个本影角度θu,它限制了光线,使得对于所有θs ≥ θu,fdir(l) = 0。该角度可用于剔除,其方式与前面看到的最大衰减距离rmax类似。聚光灯的半影角θp也很常见,半影角θp定义了光线处于最大强度的内锥。参见图5.7。

Figure 5.7. A spotlight: θs is the angle from the light’s defined direction s to the vector −l, the direction to the surface; θp shows the penumbra; and θu shows the umbra angles defined for the light. 


Various directional falloff functions are used for spotlights, but they tend to be roughly similar. For example, the function fdirF(l) is used in the Frostbite game engine, and the function fdirT(l) is used in the three.js browser graphics library:


Recall that x+ is our notation for clamping x between 0 and 1, as introduced in Section 1.2. The smoothstep function is a cubic polynomial that is often used for smooth interpolation in shading. It is a built-in function in most shading languages. 

回想一下,x+是我们将x clamping在0和1之间的符号,如1.2节所介绍的。smoothstep函数是一个三次多项式,通常用于着色中的平滑插值。它是大多数着色语言中的内置函数。

Figure 5.8 shows some of the light types we have discussed so far.


Figure 5.8. Some types of lights. From left to right: directional, point light with no falloff, and spotlight with a smooth transition. Note that the point light dims toward the edges due to the changing angle between the light and the surface. 


In Section 6.9 we will discuss how light intensity and color can be varied via the use of textures.


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