op: "<"表示小于指标 触发
op: ">"表示大于指标时触发
- 方式:WebHook
- 配置文件位置:\config\alarm-settings.yml
- 建议不要使用 endpoint 规则,相比 service、instance 规则耗费更多内存及资源
- alarm参考:https://github.com/apache/skywalking/blob/master/docs/en/setup/backend/backend-alarm.md
- metrics参考:https://github.com/apache/skywalking/blob/master/docs/en/concepts-and-designs/oal.md
- oal-scope参考:https://github.com/apache/skywalking/blob/master/docs/en/concepts-and-designs/scope-definitions.md
- 默认 oal:\config\oal\core.oal,可自定义oal于该文件中,后在alarm-settings文件中使用
- example
- // Calculate the percent of response status is true, for each service.
- endpoint_success = from(Endpoint.*).filter(status == true).percent()
- // Calculate the sum of response code in [404, 500, 503], for each service.
- endpoint_abnormal = from(Endpoint.*).filter(responseCode in [404, 500, 503]).sum()
1. 示例
1.1 在最近10分钟的3分钟内服务平均响应时间超过1000ms:
metrics-name: service_resp_time
op: ">"
threshold: 1000
period: 10
count: 3
silence-period: 5
message: Response time of service {name} is more than 1000ms in 3 minutes of last 10 minutes.
1.2 在最近10分钟的2分钟内服务成功率低于80%
# Metrics value need to be long, double or int
metrics-name: service_sla
op: "<"
threshold: 8000
# The length of time to evaluate the metrics
period: 10
# How many times after the metrics match the condition, will trigger alarm
count: 2
# How many times of checks, the alarm keeps silence after alarm triggered, default as same as period.
silence-period: 3
message: Successful rate of service {name} is lower than 80% in 2 minutes of last 10 minutes
sla参见 你真的了解性能压测中的SLA吗?
1.2.1 SLA定义
服务级别协议(英语:service-level agreement
SLO:SLO(服务等级目标)指定了服务所提供功能的一种期望状态,包含所有能够描述服务应该提供什么样功能的信息。一般描述为:每分钟平均qps > 100k/s;99% 访问延迟 < 500ms;99% 每分钟带宽 > 200MB/s。
1.3 在最近10分钟的3分钟90%服务响应时间超过1秒
# Metrics value need to be long, double or int
metrics-name: service_p90
op: ">"
threshold: 1000
period: 10
count: 3
silence-period: 5
message: 90% response time of service {name} is more than 1000ms in 3 minutes of last 10 minutes
1.4 在最近10分钟的2分钟内服务实例的平均响应时间超过1秒
metrics-name: service_instance_resp_time
op: ">"
threshold: 1000
period: 10
count: 2
silence-period: 5
message: Response time of service instance {name} is more than 1000ms in 2 minutes of last 10 minutes
Rule name。在告警信息中显示的唯一名称。必须以_rule结尾。规则命名用户自定义
属性 | 含义 |
metrics-name | oal脚本中的度量名称 ,不能随便定义 |
threshold | 阈值,与metrics-name和下面的比较符号相匹配 |
op | 比较操作符,可以设定>,<,= |
period | 多久检查一次当前的指标数据是否符合告警规则,单位分钟 |
count | 达到多少次后,发送告警消息 |
silence-period | 在多久之内,忽略相同的告警消息 |
message | 告警消息内容 |
include-names | 本规则告警生效的服务列表 |
Metrics name。 也是oal脚本中的度量名。只支持long,double和int类型。详细参数可见解压包下/你的路径apache-skywalking-apm-bin-es7\config\oal\core.oal
service_instance_sla = from(ServiceInstance.*).percent(status == true);
service_instance_resp_time= from(ServiceInstance.latency).longAvg();
service_instance_cpm = from(ServiceInstance.*).cpm();