多节点OpenStack Charms 部署指南0.0.1.dev--41--配置openstack-base-73作为juju管理的openstack云

56 篇文章 4 订阅
56 篇文章 1 订阅



Using OpenStack with Juju

Add credentials

Cloud image metadata

Cloud image metadata

Glance Simplestreams Sync #47


本文中openstack使用maas+juju部署,使用的bundle为Openstack Base #73,如何部署,见前文.


1 在juju中添加一个openstack云,本文使用交互式添加,详情参见:OpenStack

1.1 添加环境变量

source /path/to/novarc


source /root/openstack-base-73/openstack-base-73/openrc

openrc文件从 Openstack Base #73中下载而来.

1.2 增加云

juju add-cloud --client
Cloud Types

Select cloud type: openstack

Enter a name for your openstack cloud: openstack-cloud

Enter the API endpoint url for the cloud []:

Enter a path to the CA certificate for your cloud if one is required to access it. (optional) [/root/snap/openstackclients/common/root-ca.crt]: /root/snap/openstackclients/common/root-ca.crt

Auth Types

Select one or more auth types separated by commas: userpass

Enter region [RegionOne]: RegionOne

Enter the API endpoint url for the region [use cloud api url]:

Enter another region? (y/N): N

Successfully read CA Certificate from /root/snap/openstackclients/common/root-ca.crt
Cloud "openstack-cloud" successfully added to your local client.
You will need to add a credential for this cloud (`juju add-credential openstack-cloud`)
before you can use it to bootstrap a controller (`juju bootstrap openstack-cloud`) or
to create a model (`juju add-model <your model name> openstack-cloud`).


juju clouds --local

2 增加凭证

2.1 增加凭证

juju add-credential openstack-cloud

详情参见Add credentials

This operation can be applied to both a copy on this client and to the one on a controller.
Do you want to add a credential to:
    1. client only (--client)
    2. controller "maas-controller" only (--controller maas-controller)
    3. both (--client --controller maas-controller)
Enter your choice, or type Q|q to quit: 1
Enter credential name: cre-2


Select region [any region, credential is not region specific]: RegionOne

Using auth-type "userpass".

Enter username: admin

Enter password:

Enter tenant-name (optional): admin

Enter tenant-id (optional): 90352c062edd4202a1149b6bbcba6619

Enter version (optional):

Enter domain-name (optional): 

Enter project-domain-name (optional): admin_domain

Enter user-domain-name (optional): admin_domain

Credential "cre-2" added locally for cloud "openstack-cloud".

tenant-id为project-id: 90352c062edd4202a1149b6bbcba6619


ERROR juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:883 failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot set up groups: failed to create a security group with name: juju-2d62d080-c9ce-4172-8c3f-3189afa2443a-f25b5951-d203-4921-8a50-da61108d3916

2.2 显示凭证

juju show-credentials --show-secrets openstack-cloud cre-2

3 添加matedata并上载镜像


1 建立目录

 mkdir -p ~/simplestreams/images

2 显示端点

openstack endpoint list
| ID                               | Region    | Service Name | Service Type | Enabled | Interface | URL                                      |
| 19d052f34a394740a28ffc2330a3d5d7 | RegionOne | keystone     | identity     | True    | internal  |               |
| 3090ea55c81343908747cb37b6ac2c8f | RegionOne | nova         | compute      | True    | internal  |             |
| 320f197d59a04a91892e4f98ad06d300 | RegionOne | swift        | object-store | True    | internal  |          |
| 3d507dbddc864eb584a3440eac5dc258 | RegionOne | swift        | object-store | True    | admin     |             |
| 465bddb2232b4743b80545b275430eeb | RegionOne | placement    | placement    | True    | public    |                  |
| 4fe16fd7c86d4dc4bead506cd4ee6c15 | RegionOne | cinderv2     | volumev2     | True    | admin     |$(tenant_id)s |
| 528f90b163b04e159d1fc357a8a5c1ef | RegionOne | swift        | object-store | True    | public    |          |
| 64a353b0fbbc4969a22043ad9cb66694 | RegionOne | placement    | placement    | True    | admin     |                  |
| 64e670e2ad06462e8fd4163fac1f52bc | RegionOne | glance       | image        | True    | internal  |                  |
| 713a5d983d3d4079957cdf95764ece40 | RegionOne | cinderv3     | volumev3     | True    | internal  |$(tenant_id)s |
| 8a56b634e3bd4fd080a3e4222bf58331 | RegionOne | keystone     | identity     | True    | public    |               |
| 948756b2dc784859b5b2e72bd7083d6f | RegionOne | nova         | compute      | True    | admin     |             |
| 980a867e537446c2aa1ac26bc3aa17e2 | RegionOne | glance       | image        | True    | public    |                  |
| 9bd6bb33211e406ebe3b18c30003ae5a | RegionOne | glance       | image        | True    | admin     |                  |
| 9ce5d15d7fff4a4d9761c3fcdfd5b22b | RegionOne | cinderv3     | volumev3     | True    | admin     |$(tenant_id)s |
| 9d47518687694b319c54d1cb524e8391 | RegionOne | neutron      | network      | True    | admin     |                  |
| a5f460e589c34037b5d24cde6a05730a | RegionOne | cinderv2     | volumev2     | True    | internal  |$(tenant_id)s |
| a9a2976a209c4edda787882ef5ea5223 | RegionOne | cinderv2     | volumev2     | True    | public    |$(tenant_id)s |
| ae61e398dc9643758a68503e698abba3 | RegionOne | s3           | s3           | True    | internal  |                  |
| b5f73dc745df4b04b0164ea578b9ccd0 | RegionOne | neutron      | network      | True    | internal  |                  |
| bbf47f9a3ea64376ae77ac0c37dab62a | RegionOne | s3           | s3           | True    | public    |                  |
| be3e4c3c6b27441185b8e674d320b818 | RegionOne | placement    | placement    | True    | internal  |                  |
| bf5bf4ffcd044c41a91cfb829448d6fe | RegionOne | neutron      | network      | True    | public    |                  |
| c092d40e45f34e66ac4a38ce3ff44aa7 | RegionOne | s3           | s3           | True    | admin     |                  |
| c13d2d4e81224ef19a53306857746227 | RegionOne | cinderv3     | volumev3     | True    | public    |$(tenant_id)s |
| c88d9b8973224fd596255d431377acef | RegionOne | nova         | compute      | True    | public    |             |
| f20daac00361410e8ae2e3fc1a281bc2 | RegionOne | keystone     | identity     | True    | admin     |              |

3 显示映像列表

openstack image list -f value

fb9ec298-c42d-4e49-82b8-6e5a37626ca8 focal active

4 创建matedata

 juju metadata generate-image -d ~/simplestreams -i fb9ec298-c42d-4e49-82b8-6e5a37626ca8 -s focal -r RegionOne -u
Image metadata files have been written to:
For Juju to use this metadata, the files need to be put into the
image metadata search path. There are 2 options:

1. For local access, use the --metadata-source parameter when bootstrapping:
   juju bootstrap --metadata-source /root/simplestreams [...]

2. For remote access, use image-metadata-url attribute for model configuration.
To set it as a default for any model or for the controller model,
it needs to be supplied as part of --model-default to 'juju bootstrap' command.
See 'bootstrap' help for more details.
For configuration for a particular model, set it as --image-metadata-url on
'juju model-config'. See 'model-config' help for more details.
Regardless of where this attribute is used, it expects a reachable URL.
You need to configure a http server to serve the contents of
and set the value of image-metadata-url accordingly.

5 验证是否正确产生元数据

root@vivodo-3:~# ls ~/simplestreams/*/streams/*
com.ubuntu.cloud-released-imagemetadata.json  index.json

6 输入以下命令为 Simplestreams 元数据创建一个新容器
root@vivodo-3:~# openstack container create simplestreams
| account | container     | x-trans-id                                      |
| v1      | simplestreams | tx000000000000000000001-006180d339-4079-default |

7 显示容器

openstack container list
| Name          |
| simplestreams |

8 输入以下命令查看容器状态

openstack container show simplestreams
| Field          | Value             |
| account        | v1                |
| bytes_used     | 0                 |
| container      | simplestreams     |
| object_count   | 0                 |
| storage_policy | default-placement |

9 要将 Simplestreams 元数据上传到容器,请输入以下内容:

 cd ~/simplestreams
 swift upload simplestreams *


上一条命令的输出将列出导入 Swift 的 json 文件。现在检查容器的状态:

swift stat simplestreams

                      Account: v1
                    Container: simplestreams
                      Objects: 2
                        Bytes: 1367
                     Read ACL:
                    Write ACL:
                      Sync To:
                     Sync Key:
                       Server: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
                  X-Timestamp: 1635832634.30891
X-Container-Bytes-Used-Actual: 8192
             X-Storage-Policy: default-placement
              X-Storage-Class: STANDARD
                Last-Modified: Tue, 02 Nov 2021 05:58:48 GMT
                   X-Trans-Id: tx00000000000000000000f-006180d3aa-4079-default
       X-Openstack-Request-Id: tx00000000000000000000f-006180d3aa-4079-default
                Accept-Ranges: bytes
                 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

输入以下命令以添加读取 ACL,该 ACL 将使容器可公开访问:

swift post simplestreams --read-acl .r:*

10 创建 Simplestream 服务

 openstack service create --name product-stream --description "Product Simple Stream" product-streams
| Field       | Value                            |
| description | Product Simple Stream            |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | b2c2afea848242618050de8cd0412d95 |
| name        | product-stream                   |
| type        | product-streams                  |

11 输入以下命令以确定 Swift 中 Simplestreams 对象的 URL:


接下来,输入以下命令以确定 Swift 中 Simplestreams 对象的 URL:

openstack endpoint show object-store


| Field        | Value                            |
| adminurl     |       |
| enabled      | True                             |
| id           | d16a01e7abca4b0c9124c3f13beec5af |
| internalurl  |    |
| publicurl    |    |
| region       | RegionOne                        |
| service_id   | d4dff1dd2e4540f18714703379ea5015 |
| service_name | swift                            |
| service_type | object-store                     |


 openstack endpoint show object-store
More than one endpoint exists with the name 'object-store'.


openstack endpoint list
| ID                               | Region    | Service Name | Service Type | Enabled | Interface | URL                                      |
| 19d052f34a394740a28ffc2330a3d5d7 | RegionOne | keystone     | identity     | True    | internal  |               |
| 3090ea55c81343908747cb37b6ac2c8f | RegionOne | nova         | compute      | True    | internal  |             |
| 320f197d59a04a91892e4f98ad06d300 | RegionOne | swift        | object-store | True    | internal  |          |
| 3d507dbddc864eb584a3440eac5dc258 | RegionOne | swift        | object-store | True    | admin     |             |
| 465bddb2232b4743b80545b275430eeb | RegionOne | placement    | placement    | True    | public    |                  |
| 4fe16fd7c86d4dc4bead506cd4ee6c15 | RegionOne | cinderv2     | volumev2     | True    | admin     |$(tenant_id)s |
| 528f90b163b04e159d1fc357a8a5c1ef | RegionOne | swift        | object-store | True    | public    |          |
| 64a353b0fbbc4969a22043ad9cb66694 | RegionOne | placement    | placement    | True    | admin     |                  |
| 64e670e2ad06462e8fd4163fac1f52bc | RegionOne | glance       | image        | True    | internal  |                  |
| 713a5d983d3d4079957cdf95764ece40 | RegionOne | cinderv3     | volumev3     | True    | internal  |$(tenant_id)s |
| 8a56b634e3bd4fd080a3e4222bf58331 | RegionOne | keystone     | identity     | True    | public    |               |
| 948756b2dc784859b5b2e72bd7083d6f | RegionOne | nova         | compute      | True    | admin     |             |
| 980a867e537446c2aa1ac26bc3aa17e2 | RegionOne | glance       | image        | True    | public    |                  |
| 9bd6bb33211e406ebe3b18c30003ae5a | RegionOne | glance       | image        | True    | admin     |                  |
| 9ce5d15d7fff4a4d9761c3fcdfd5b22b | RegionOne | cinderv3     | volumev3     | True    | admin     |$(tenant_id)s |
| 9d47518687694b319c54d1cb524e8391 | RegionOne | neutron      | network      | True    | admin     |                  |
| a5f460e589c34037b5d24cde6a05730a | RegionOne | cinderv2     | volumev2     | True    | internal  |$(tenant_id)s |
| a9a2976a209c4edda787882ef5ea5223 | RegionOne | cinderv2     | volumev2     | True    | public    |$(tenant_id)s |
| ae61e398dc9643758a68503e698abba3 | RegionOne | s3           | s3           | True    | internal  |                  |
| b5f73dc745df4b04b0164ea578b9ccd0 | RegionOne | neutron      | network      | True    | internal  |                  |
| bbf47f9a3ea64376ae77ac0c37dab62a | RegionOne | s3           | s3           | True    | public    |                  |
| be3e4c3c6b27441185b8e674d320b818 | RegionOne | placement    | placement    | True    | internal  |                  |
| bf5bf4ffcd044c41a91cfb829448d6fe | RegionOne | neutron      | network      | True    | public    |                  |
| c092d40e45f34e66ac4a38ce3ff44aa7 | RegionOne | s3           | s3           | True    | admin     |                  |
| c13d2d4e81224ef19a53306857746227 | RegionOne | cinderv3     | volumev3     | True    | public    |$(tenant_id)s |
| c88d9b8973224fd596255d431377acef | RegionOne | nova         | compute      | True    | public    |             |
| f20daac00361410e8ae2e3fc1a281bc2 | RegionOne | keystone     | identity     | True    | admin     |              |


您可以在引导之前验证 url

 wget --no-check-certificate

–2021-11-02 14:07:52--
Connecting to… connected.
WARNING: cannot verify’s certificate, issued by ‘CN=Vault Root Certificate Authority (charm-pki-local)’:
Unable to locally verify the issuer’s authority.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 668 [application/json]
Saving to: ‘index.json’

index.json 100%[=====================================================================================>] 668 --.-KB/s in 0s

2021-11-02 14:07:52 (62.5 MB/s) - ‘index.json’ saved [668/668]

11 使用 Identity v3 时,输入以下命令以向 Simplestreams 服务注册端点:

openstack endpoint create --region $REGION product-streams public $SWIFT_URL/simplestreams/images
openstack endpoint create --region $REGION product-streams internal $SWIFT_URL/simplestreams/images

$REGION = RegionOne


openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne product-streams public
| Field        | Value                                                |
| enabled      | True                                                 |
| id           | a6f2851a9da74b1caed56284ceee8376                     |
| interface    | public                                               |
| region       | RegionOne                                            |
| region_id    | RegionOne                                            |
| service_id   | b2c2afea848242618050de8cd0412d95                     |
| service_name | product-stream                                       |
| service_type | product-streams                                      |
| url          | |
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne product-streams internal
| Field        | Value                                              |
| enabled      | True                                               |
| id           | 621c4e6a8fac4b039eab511541305bf8                   |
| interface    | internal                                           |
| region       | RegionOne                                          |
| region_id    | RegionOne                                          |
| service_id   | b2c2afea848242618050de8cd0412d95                   |
| service_name | product-stream                                     |
| service_type | product-streams                                    |
| url          | |

12 创建控制器

juju bootstrap openstack-cloud --metadata-source /root/simplestreams --debug          
14:15:48 INFO  juju.cmd supercommand.go:56 running juju [2.9.17 0 a03f87273065bed590ee54b977eca87a6b323280 gc go1.14.15]
14:15:48 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:57   args: []string{"/snap/juju/17553/bin/juju", "bootstrap", "openstack-cloud", "--metadata-source", "/root/simplestreams", "--debug"}
14:15:48 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1305 authenticating with region "" and credential "cre-2" ()
14:15:48 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1453 provider attrs: map[external-network: network: policy-target-group: use-default-secgroup:false use-openstack-gbp:false]
14:15:51 INFO  cmd authkeys.go:114 Adding contents of "/root/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys
14:15:51 INFO  cmd authkeys.go:114 Adding contents of "/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys
14:15:51 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1523 preparing controller with config: map[agent-metadata-url: agent-stream:released apt-ftp-proxy: apt-http-proxy: apt-https-proxy: apt-mirror: apt-no-proxy: authorized-keys:ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCnLC27GpDOefFUmPCsapxieFz7rRQI7SXxnp8IDF76WbvlWfOB0nmSiJ4HPBIXf9DSg3mllz7qq4hS+jeo9AukTIlF3idhZEutMwPj0hSw7bW1BJbsvxun8tDvGaRvZh/mp7KJqnS+7rgmf8cGWggshcg8VOzsawMmFOp3MpkCXMOQAw1FnHm06QGG3KzrSM/nEdgGV9+T6bLt1uwhtkKVY/kcKkaD+Bdh/+dQdVXW4E0rp8UEdLvx3lW9GfSRgq0q/vLZF2sewuTeHUyltsSHXjRxLNN7BuL1ONAuKZ90MG225Mm/U9L9Bu9aaY2B07sKbjqI5/98XFhliljjhfYv juju-client-key
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCv4b0tcFDqfq7kzK3AqPU0mPrRH5N2/47w7FkFA0aqfeKdBz7n7YvzI6VqJ0dvf6u1cyZDnmf8qte34H+kbezcaAUGMSiCP7RVoPf3Rz9W+9ICRNU8zxTSvPhcjGKZh6IyF6CLsgNrgd13a953VR/WVcn/yHV1C/kcxNOn2pwD7b7OzS+TafhDzMPhgudpUT7EwA6SEUHdpUsAWBkQ9pEs/GYdOuE6tl0bnTLjkFMeN+iYUksyHrGyPVJ2Wd9Uf8reZjE/PjH4AFYlIWaYQerl1e8Y++X4aMI2LiI7ySgIEajLHzsO7YhyX0A0/HNAOk5md/mTtJoOe7B8AEFlZH1x root@vivodo-3
 automatically-retry-hooks:true backup-dir: charmhub-url:https://api.charmhub.io cloudinit-userdata: container-image-metadata-url: container-image-stream:released container-inherit-properties: container-networking-method: default-series:focal default-space: development:false disable-network-management:false disable-telemetry:false egress-subnets: enable-os-refresh-update:true enable-os-upgrade:true external-network: fan-config: firewall-mode:instance ftp-proxy: http-proxy: https-proxy: ignore-machine-addresses:false image-metadata-url: image-stream:released juju-ftp-proxy: juju-http-proxy: juju-https-proxy: juju-no-proxy:,localhost,::1 logforward-enabled:false logging-config: lxd-snap-channel:latest/stable max-action-results-age:336h max-action-results-size:5G max-status-history-age:336h max-status-history-size:5G name:controller net-bond-reconfigure-delay:17 network: no-proxy:,localhost,::1 policy-target-group: provisioner-harvest-mode:destroyed proxy-ssh:false resource-tags: snap-http-proxy: snap-https-proxy: snap-store-assertions: snap-store-proxy: snap-store-proxy-url: ssl-hostname-verification:true test-mode:false transmit-vendor-metrics:true type:openstack update-status-hook-interval:5m use-default-secgroup:false use-openstack-gbp:false uuid:0139bd7c-48a2-42ed-852f-14fa673559a0]
14:15:51 INFO  juju.provider.openstack provider.go:170 opening model "controller"
14:15:52 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 DEBUG: auth details: &{Token:gAAAAABhgNeYU73yffbB8JOT1GxE_ceMhKIKIDX_0hXLo2BhB1CYcartXW_Qfojze4M35LeeMjeroApFvMWr3p2wuTdj4fdrZcg_mXbpjY9Xir4OStBtCoxXNGf2TfhMrRofoNNME95rvsGjMfc4MjpFVw6tynlbMo-R-NdxIFYxx0IDQWSBn0I TenantId: TenantName: UserId:5c7248f9d84142fbb744d50fe7556570 Domain:admin_domain RegionServiceURLs:map[RegionOne:map[compute: identity: image: network: object-store: placement: product-streams: s3:]]}
14:15:52 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:854 Creating Juju controller "openstack-cloud-regionone" on openstack-cloud/RegionOne
14:15:52 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: api version will be inserted between "" and "/"
14:15:52 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 DEBUG: discovered API versions: [{Version:{Major:2 Minor:0} Links:[{Href: Rel:self}] Status:SUPPORTED} {Version:{Major:2 Minor:1} Links:[{Href: Rel:self}] Status:CURRENT}]
14:15:52 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:15:53 INFO  juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:920 combined bootstrap constraints:
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:321 model "controller" supports application/machine networks: true
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:323 network management by juju enabled: true
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:1040 no agent directory found, using default agent metadata source: https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:1065 setting default image metadata source: /root/simplestreams/images
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:46 new user image datasource registered: bootstrap metadata
14:15:53 INFO  juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:1102 custom image metadata added to search path
14:15:53 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:398 Loading image metadata
14:15:53 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:124 obtained image datasource "bootstrap metadata"
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:124 obtained image datasource "keystone catalog"
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:124 obtained image datasource "default ubuntu cloud images"
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:934 constraints for image metadata lookup &{{{RegionOne} [groovy disco cosmic xenial utopic quantal win2012hvr2 hirsute wily raring win2016 win2016nano win81 focal centos7 win2012 win8 impish bionic artful saucy precise kubernetes win2008r2 win2012hv eoan vivid trusty centos8 zesty win2012r2 win2016hv yakkety genericlinux opensuseleap win10 win2019 win7] [amd64 i386 armhf arm64 ppc64el s390x] released}}
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:946 found 1 image metadata in bootstrap metadata
14:15:53 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:946 found 1 image metadata in keystone catalog
14:15:55 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:498 skipping index "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson" because of missing information: index file has no data for cloud {RegionOne} not found
14:15:55 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:942 ignoring image metadata in default ubuntu cloud images: index file has no data for cloud {RegionOne} not found
14:15:55 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:950 found 2 image metadata from all image data sources
14:15:55 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:15:55 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:471 Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.9.17 for amd64
14:15:55 INFO  juju.environs.bootstrap tools.go:82 looking for bootstrap agent binaries: version=2.9.17
14:15:55 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:87 finding agent binaries in stream: "released"
14:15:55 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:89 reading agent binaries with major.minor version 2.9
14:15:55 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:98 filtering agent binaries by version: 2.9.17
14:15:55 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:101 filtering agent binaries by os type: ubuntu
14:15:55 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:104 filtering agent binaries by architecture: amd64
14:15:55 DEBUG juju.environs.tools urls.go:138 trying datasource "keystone catalog"
14:15:56 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:755 using default candidate for content id "com.ubuntu.juju:released:agents" are {20210329 mirrors:1.0 content-download streams/v1/cpc-mirrors-agents.sjson []}
14:15:58 INFO  juju.environs.bootstrap tools.go:84 found 1 packaged agent binaries
14:15:58 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:484 Located Juju agent version 2.9.17-ubuntu-amd64 at https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/agent/2.9.17/juju-2.9.17-ubuntu-amd64.tgz
14:15:58 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:567 Starting new instance for initial controller
14:15:59 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:167 Launching controller instance(s) on openstack-cloud/RegionOne...
14:15:59 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:15:59 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:15:59 DEBUG juju.environs.instances image.go:65 instance constraints {region: RegionOne, series: focal, arches: [amd64], constraints: mem=3584M, storage: []}
14:15:59 DEBUG juju.environs.instances image.go:71 matching constraints {region: RegionOne, series: focal, arches: [amd64], constraints: mem=3584M, storage: []} against possible image metadata [{Id:fb9ec298-c42d-4e49-82b8-6e5a37626ca8 Arch:amd64 VirtType:} {Id:fb9ec298-c42d-4e49-82b8-6e5a37626ca8 Arch:amd64 VirtType:}]
14:15:59 ERROR juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:883 failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: no instance types in RegionOne matching constraints "mem=3584M"
14:15:59 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:884 (error details: [{/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/cmd/juju/commands/bootstrap.go:983: failed to bootstrap model} {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/environs/bootstrap/bootstrap.go:681: } {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/environs/bootstrap/bootstrap.go:571: } {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/common/bootstrap.go:60: } {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/common/bootstrap.go:263: cannot start bootstrap instance} {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/openstack/provider.go:1087: } {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/openstack/provider.go:1105: } {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/openstack/image.go:86: } {no instance types in RegionOne matching constraints "mem=3584M"}])
14:15:59 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1634 cleaning up after failed bootstrap
14:15:59 INFO  juju.provider.common destroy.go:21 destroying model "controller"
14:15:59 INFO  juju.provider.common destroy.go:32 destroying instances
14:15:59 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:15:59 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:16:00 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack provider.go:1700 terminating instances []
14:16:01 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 DEBUG: auth details: &{Token:gAAAAABhgNegkCZzYu4cxpRTQB7sCDuDUETva0wQ8A3vV1MSa7w2PuxUzc-r9bGYBf2cPQ4UReRenq3pSEE20uOIG5s0uUaCg96BiBOz2K5oy6-hhOwyi4B_tX6urRKzuyzKdtAbtRGtn-ioGVtBbh5s5DUDO-HZrtUM-Zswpvu2PCHqY0y4M1s TenantId: TenantName: UserId:5c7248f9d84142fbb744d50fe7556570 Domain:admin_domain RegionServiceURLs:map[RegionOne:map[compute: identity: image: network: object-store: placement: product-streams: s3:]]}
14:16:01 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: api version will be inserted between "" and "/"
14:16:01 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 DEBUG: discovered API versions: [{Version:{Major:2 Minor:0} Links:[{Href: Rel:self}] Status:CURRENT}]
14:16:01 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:16:01 INFO  juju.provider.common destroy.go:56 destroying storage
14:16:01 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack cinder.go:723 endpoint "volumev3" not found for "RegionOne" region, trying "volumev2"
14:16:01 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack cinder.go:728 endpoint "volumev2" not found for "RegionOne" region, trying "volume"
14:16:01 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:16:01 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:16:01 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:16:01 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack cinder.go:723 endpoint "volumev3" not found for "RegionOne" region, trying "volumev2"
14:16:01 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack cinder.go:728 endpoint "volumev2" not found for "RegionOne" region, trying "volume"
14:16:01 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:16:02 INFO  cmd supercommand.go:544 command finished


openstack server create --image focal --flavor v2r3584 --key-name mykey \
   --network internal focal-test-1
| Field                               | Value                                          |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                   | MANUAL                                         |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone         |                                                |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host                | None                                           |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | None                                           |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name       |                                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state              | NOSTATE                                        |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state               | scheduling                                     |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                 | building                                       |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at              | None                                           |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at            | None                                           |
| accessIPv4                          |                                                |
| accessIPv6                          |                                                |
| addresses                           |                                                |
| adminPass                           | RLPGx44ddm9h                                   |
| config_drive                        |                                                |
| created                             | 2021-11-02T06:22:58Z                           |
| flavor                              | v2r3584 (a57ee899-be98-4e60-900d-60ff29e97eaa) |
| hostId                              |                                                |
| id                                  | b507520f-47f5-4e6c-a62b-e69fb48dce8e           |
| image                               | focal (fb9ec298-c42d-4e49-82b8-6e5a37626ca8)   |
| key_name                            | mykey                                          |
| name                                | focal-test-1                                   |
| progress                            | 0                                              |
| project_id                          | 90352c062edd4202a1149b6bbcba6619               |
| properties                          |                                                |
| security_groups                     | name='default'                                 |
| status                              | BUILD                                          |
| updated                             | 2021-11-02T06:22:57Z                           |
| user_id                             | 5c7248f9d84142fbb744d50fe7556570               |
| volumes_attached                    |                                                |
 openstack volume create --size=10 10g-volume-1
| Field               | Value                                |
| attachments         | []                                   |
| availability_zone   | nova                                 |
| bootable            | false                                |
| consistencygroup_id | None                                 |
| created_at          | 2021-11-02T06:24:16.000000           |
| description         | None                                 |
| encrypted           | False                                |
| id                  | 3820d5b7-c160-4cb4-904c-96b2f6300747 |
| migration_status    | None                                 |
| multiattach         | False                                |
| name                | 10g-volume-1                         |
| properties          |                                      |
| replication_status  | None                                 |
| size                | 10                                   |
| snapshot_id         | None                                 |
| source_volid        | None                                 |
| status              | creating                             |
| type                | __DEFAULT__                          |
| updated_at          | None                                 |
| user_id             | 5c7248f9d84142fbb744d50fe7556570     |
openstack server add volume focal-test-1 10g-volume-1
Cannot 'attach_volume' instance b507520f-47f5-4e6c-a62b-e69fb48dce8e while it is in vm_state building (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: req-2f143f7b-85eb-4756-a5b4-765a22ff3698)
root@vivodo-3:~/simplestreams# openstack server add volume focal-test-1 10g-volume-1


juju bootstrap openstack-cloud --metadata-source /root/simplestreams --debug
14:29:47 INFO  juju.cmd supercommand.go:56 running juju [2.9.17 0 a03f87273065bed590ee54b977eca87a6b323280 gc go1.14.15]
14:29:47 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:57   args: []string{"/snap/juju/17553/bin/juju", "bootstrap", "openstack-cloud", "--metadata-source", "/root/simplestreams", "--debug"}
14:29:47 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1305 authenticating with region "" and credential "cre-2" ()
14:29:47 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1453 provider attrs: map[external-network: network: policy-target-group: use-default-secgroup:false use-openstack-gbp:false]
14:29:54 INFO  cmd authkeys.go:114 Adding contents of "/root/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys
14:29:54 INFO  cmd authkeys.go:114 Adding contents of "/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys
14:29:54 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1523 preparing controller with config: map[agent-metadata-url: agent-stream:released apt-ftp-proxy: apt-http-proxy: apt-https-proxy: apt-mirror: apt-no-proxy: authorized-keys:ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCnLC27GpDOefFUmPCsapxieFz7rRQI7SXxnp8IDF76WbvlWfOB0nmSiJ4HPBIXf9DSg3mllz7qq4hS+jeo9AukTIlF3idhZEutMwPj0hSw7bW1BJbsvxun8tDvGaRvZh/mp7KJqnS+7rgmf8cGWggshcg8VOzsawMmFOp3MpkCXMOQAw1FnHm06QGG3KzrSM/nEdgGV9+T6bLt1uwhtkKVY/kcKkaD+Bdh/+dQdVXW4E0rp8UEdLvx3lW9GfSRgq0q/vLZF2sewuTeHUyltsSHXjRxLNN7BuL1ONAuKZ90MG225Mm/U9L9Bu9aaY2B07sKbjqI5/98XFhliljjhfYv juju-client-key
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCv4b0tcFDqfq7kzK3AqPU0mPrRH5N2/47w7FkFA0aqfeKdBz7n7YvzI6VqJ0dvf6u1cyZDnmf8qte34H+kbezcaAUGMSiCP7RVoPf3Rz9W+9ICRNU8zxTSvPhcjGKZh6IyF6CLsgNrgd13a953VR/WVcn/yHV1C/kcxNOn2pwD7b7OzS+TafhDzMPhgudpUT7EwA6SEUHdpUsAWBkQ9pEs/GYdOuE6tl0bnTLjkFMeN+iYUksyHrGyPVJ2Wd9Uf8reZjE/PjH4AFYlIWaYQerl1e8Y++X4aMI2LiI7ySgIEajLHzsO7YhyX0A0/HNAOk5md/mTtJoOe7B8AEFlZH1x root@vivodo-3
 automatically-retry-hooks:true backup-dir: charmhub-url:https://api.charmhub.io cloudinit-userdata: container-image-metadata-url: container-image-stream:released container-inherit-properties: container-networking-method: default-series:focal default-space: development:false disable-network-management:false disable-telemetry:false egress-subnets: enable-os-refresh-update:true enable-os-upgrade:true external-network: fan-config: firewall-mode:instance ftp-proxy: http-proxy: https-proxy: ignore-machine-addresses:false image-metadata-url: image-stream:released juju-ftp-proxy: juju-http-proxy: juju-https-proxy: juju-no-proxy:,localhost,::1 logforward-enabled:false logging-config: lxd-snap-channel:latest/stable max-action-results-age:336h max-action-results-size:5G max-status-history-age:336h max-status-history-size:5G name:controller net-bond-reconfigure-delay:17 network: no-proxy:,localhost,::1 policy-target-group: provisioner-harvest-mode:destroyed proxy-ssh:false resource-tags: snap-http-proxy: snap-https-proxy: snap-store-assertions: snap-store-proxy: snap-store-proxy-url: ssl-hostname-verification:true test-mode:false transmit-vendor-metrics:true type:openstack update-status-hook-interval:5m use-default-secgroup:false use-openstack-gbp:false uuid:33e23955-a80c-4e8f-8d2d-f254fdbfb53b]
14:29:54 INFO  juju.provider.openstack provider.go:170 opening model "controller"
14:29:55 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 DEBUG: auth details: &{Token:gAAAAABhgNrjSk_a9gGlNoZD0vERz8Af3stD97jiM_B0DWSywEqV8MkSDawdtsMXBNIaJr9i3XUhxNRdthWdRwGGDj37SH3gkKE3HYKCqYusAsOKaaS3rrKCFMNGooQMPqLf4_PokSkNJi_vkcUiIL5EGXh-e910gCAawIvaORAkVN4gZNEzqEA TenantId: TenantName: UserId:5c7248f9d84142fbb744d50fe7556570 Domain:admin_domain RegionServiceURLs:map[RegionOne:map[compute: identity: image: network: object-store: placement: product-streams: s3:]]}
14:29:55 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:854 Creating Juju controller "openstack-cloud-regionone" on openstack-cloud/RegionOne
14:29:55 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: api version will be inserted between "" and "/"
14:29:55 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 DEBUG: discovered API versions: [{Version:{Major:2 Minor:0} Links:[{Href: Rel:self}] Status:SUPPORTED} {Version:{Major:2 Minor:1} Links:[{Href: Rel:self}] Status:CURRENT}]
14:29:55 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:29:56 INFO  juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:920 combined bootstrap constraints:
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:321 model "controller" supports application/machine networks: true
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:323 network management by juju enabled: true
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:1040 no agent directory found, using default agent metadata source: https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:1065 setting default image metadata source: /root/simplestreams/images
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:46 new user image datasource registered: bootstrap metadata
14:29:56 INFO  juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:1102 custom image metadata added to search path
14:29:56 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:398 Loading image metadata
14:29:56 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:124 obtained image datasource "bootstrap metadata"
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:124 obtained image datasource "keystone catalog"
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:124 obtained image datasource "default ubuntu cloud images"
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:934 constraints for image metadata lookup &{{{RegionOne} [wily trusty saucy precise cosmic centos7 genericlinux win7 raring win2012 win2012hvr2 win2016nano win81 hirsute artful vivid utopic win2008r2 win2016hv groovy focal bionic centos8 win10 win2012hv eoan kubernetes win2012r2 win8 impish zesty yakkety xenial quantal win2019 disco opensuseleap win2016] [amd64 i386 armhf arm64 ppc64el s390x] released}}
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:946 found 1 image metadata in bootstrap metadata
14:29:56 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:946 found 1 image metadata in keystone catalog
14:29:57 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:498 skipping index "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson" because of missing information: index file has no data for cloud {RegionOne} not found
14:29:57 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:942 ignoring image metadata in default ubuntu cloud images: index file has no data for cloud {RegionOne} not found
14:29:57 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:950 found 2 image metadata from all image data sources
14:29:57 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:29:57 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:471 Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.9.17 for amd64
14:29:57 INFO  juju.environs.bootstrap tools.go:82 looking for bootstrap agent binaries: version=2.9.17
14:29:57 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:87 finding agent binaries in stream: "released"
14:29:57 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:89 reading agent binaries with major.minor version 2.9
14:29:57 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:98 filtering agent binaries by version: 2.9.17
14:29:57 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:101 filtering agent binaries by os type: ubuntu
14:29:57 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:104 filtering agent binaries by architecture: amd64
14:29:57 DEBUG juju.environs.tools urls.go:138 trying datasource "keystone catalog"
14:29:59 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:755 using default candidate for content id "com.ubuntu.juju:released:agents" are {20210329 mirrors:1.0 content-download streams/v1/cpc-mirrors-agents.sjson []}
14:30:01 INFO  juju.environs.bootstrap tools.go:84 found 1 packaged agent binaries
14:30:01 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:484 Located Juju agent version 2.9.17-ubuntu-amd64 at https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/agent/2.9.17/juju-2.9.17-ubuntu-amd64.tgz
14:30:01 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:567 Starting new instance for initial controller
14:30:01 INFO  cmd bootstrap.go:167 Launching controller instance(s) on openstack-cloud/RegionOne...
14:30:01 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:01 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:02 DEBUG juju.environs.instances image.go:65 instance constraints {region: RegionOne, series: focal, arches: [amd64], constraints: mem=3584M, storage: []}
14:30:02 DEBUG juju.environs.instances image.go:71 matching constraints {region: RegionOne, series: focal, arches: [amd64], constraints: mem=3584M, storage: []} against possible image metadata [{Id:fb9ec298-c42d-4e49-82b8-6e5a37626ca8 Arch:amd64 VirtType:} {Id:fb9ec298-c42d-4e49-82b8-6e5a37626ca8 Arch:amd64 VirtType:}]
14:30:02 INFO  juju.environs.instances image.go:107 find instance - using amd64 image with id: fb9ec298-c42d-4e49-82b8-6e5a37626ca8
14:30:02 DEBUG juju.cloudconfig.instancecfg instancecfg.go:914 Setting numa ctl preference to false
14:30:02 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 DEBUG: auth details: &{Token:gAAAAABhgNrqeFRX7i5ynJJlYLjVYp8rAHXhQbpWZm0t2YJ9tUTsS7r_53H3hfCgcvAGm_Il-yCHOJ3SS7rA6Dsa5MC49-sAsZiCcY_pr-feO5JXExavDMySNNpW-ilG_nMTD5ztV0e4KIFg0sBOdd4yHGmg8gGyBTTfu4Jzvan4pY8SaGTEmD8 TenantId: TenantName: UserId:5c7248f9d84142fbb744d50fe7556570 Domain:admin_domain RegionServiceURLs:map[RegionOne:map[compute: identity: image: network: object-store: placement: product-streams: s3:]]}
14:30:02 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: api version will be inserted between "" and "/"
14:30:02 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 DEBUG: discovered API versions: [{Version:{Major:2 Minor:0} Links:[{Href: Rel:self}] Status:CURRENT}]
14:30:02 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:02 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack provider.go:1563 using network id "f5d86e5e-da6e-4e89-954a-be39da97840b"
14:30:02 DEBUG juju.service discovery.go:68 discovered init system "systemd" from series "focal"
14:30:02 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack provider.go:1136 openstack user data; 2534 bytes
14:30:02 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:03 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:03 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:03 ERROR juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:883 failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot set up groups: failed to create a security group with name: juju-b9eec2e2-f10f-47a0-86a9-2677706a4a84-33e23955-a80c-4e8f-8d2d-f254fdbfb53b
caused by: request ( returned unexpected status: 400; error info: {"NeutronError": {"type": "HTTPBadRequest", "message": "Running without keystone AuthN requires that tenant_id is specified", "detail": ""}}
14:30:03 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:884 (error details: [{/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/cmd/juju/commands/bootstrap.go:983: failed to bootstrap model} {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/environs/bootstrap/bootstrap.go:681: } {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/environs/bootstrap/bootstrap.go:571: } {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/common/bootstrap.go:60: } {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/common/bootstrap.go:263: cannot start bootstrap instance} {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/openstack/provider.go:1087: } {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/openstack/provider.go:1193: } {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/openstack/provider.go:1193: cannot set up groups} {/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/provider/openstack/firewaller.go:355: } {failed to create a security group with name: juju-b9eec2e2-f10f-47a0-86a9-2677706a4a84-33e23955-a80c-4e8f-8d2d-f254fdbfb53b
caused by: request ( returned unexpected status: 400; error info: {"NeutronError": {"type": "HTTPBadRequest", "message": "Running without keystone AuthN requires that tenant_id is specified", "detail": ""}}}])
14:30:03 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1634 cleaning up after failed bootstrap
14:30:03 INFO  juju.provider.common destroy.go:21 destroying model "controller"
14:30:03 INFO  juju.provider.common destroy.go:32 destroying instances
14:30:03 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:03 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:03 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack provider.go:1700 terminating instances []
14:30:03 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:03 INFO  juju.provider.common destroy.go:56 destroying storage
14:30:03 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack cinder.go:723 endpoint "volumev3" not found for "RegionOne" region, trying "volumev2"
14:30:03 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack cinder.go:728 endpoint "volumev2" not found for "RegionOne" region, trying "volume"
14:30:03 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:03 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:04 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:04 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack cinder.go:723 endpoint "volumev3" not found for "RegionOne" region, trying "volumev2"
14:30:04 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack cinder.go:728 endpoint "volumev2" not found for "RegionOne" region, trying "volume"
14:30:04 DEBUG goose logger.go:44 TRACE: MakeServiceURL:
14:30:04 INFO  cmd supercommand.go:544 command finished
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