
| code_regress.rar
| oasis_info.rar
| config.py
| dataloader.py
| dataset.py
| main.py
| main_test.py
| models.py
| run.job
| oasis_cluster.csv
| oasis_dHOFC_shen268.mat
| oasis_PC_roi600.mat
| oasis_pet.csv
ADRC Clinical Data.csv
MR Sessions.csv
Psych Assessments.csv
Subjects Information.csv
UDS A1_Sub Demos.csv
UDS A2_Informant Demos.csv
UDS A3_Partcpt Family Hist.csv
UDS A5_Sub Health Hist.csv
UDS B2_HIS and CVD.csv
UDS B5_NPI-Q.csv
UDS B6_GDS.csv
UDS B7_FAQs.csv
UDS B8_Phys. Neuro Findings.csv
UDS B9_Clin. Judgements.csv
UDS D1_Clinician Diagnosis.csv


  1. oasis_cluster.csv
    C,D,E,F,G 分别表示每一折预测的结果
    oasis_cluster_with_mode.csv 为对后五列进行投票表决得到众数的一列,如果有多个,只保留第一个

  2. oasis_pet.csv
    num_rows, num_cols = 213 166 # 166个脑区,213个时间(?)

  3. oasis_dHOFC_shen268.matmatoasis_PC_roi600.mat
    低阶和高阶脑网络,大小都是 600x600x213


  1. ADRC Clinical Data.csv: This could contain clinical data collected by Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers (ADRC), possibly including patient assessments, disease progression data, and other clinical measures.
  2. FreeSurfers.csv: The file “FreeSurfers.csv” contains data that seems to be processed by FreeSurfer, a software for analyzing and visualizing human brain MRI data. Here’s an overview of the columns in the dataset:
  1. FS_FSDATA ID: A unique identifier for each FreeSurfer dataset entry.
    2. Session: Identifier for the session, likely related to the MRI scanning session.
    3. Subject: The subject’s unique identifier.
    4. FS Date: The date of the FreeSurfer data processing (appears to be missing in the dataset).
    5. Included T1s: Number of T1-weighted images included in the analysis (also missing in the dataset).
    6. IntraCranialVol: The total intracranial volume, which is the estimated volume of the cranial cavity.
    7. lhCortexVol and rhCortexVol: Volumes of the left hemisphere and right hemisphere cortical grey matter, respectively.
    8. CortexVol: The total cortical grey matter volume.
    9. SubCortGrayVol: Volume of the subcortical grey matter.
    10. TotalGrayVol: The total grey matter volume.
    11. SupraTentorialVol: Volume above the tentorium cerebelli, which is a structure separating the cerebrum from the cerebellum.
    12. lhCorticalWhiteMatterVol and rhCorticalWhiteMatterVol: Volumes of the left and right hemisphere cortical white matter, respectively.
    13. CorticalWhiteMatterVol: Total volume of the cortical white matter.
  1. MR Sessions.csv: This might include data from Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging sessions, detailing the imaging parameters, dates, and possibly the findings of each session.
  2. PETs.csv: Data from Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans, which are used to observe metabolic processes in the body as an aid to the diagnosis of disease.
  3. Psych Assessments.csv: 心理评估
    The file “Psych Assessments.csv” seems to contain data from various psychological assessments. The columns in the dataset include:
  1. CNDA_PSYCHOMETRICSDATA ID: A unique identifier for each psychometric data entry.
    2. Subject: The subject’s unique identifier.
    3. Date: The date of the assessment (appears to be missing in the dataset).
    4. Age: The age of the subject at the time of assessment (also missing in the dataset).
    5. LogMemory, LogMemoryRecall: These columns might represent scores or metrics related to memory and recall tests, but specific details are not provided.
    6. DigitSpan: A common test for attention and working memory, measuring how many numbers a person can remember and repeat in order.
    7. AssocRecallEasy, AssocRecallHard: These could be scores from an associative recall test, possibly with different difficulty levels.
    8. AssocRecogEasy, AssocRecogHard: Similar to the above, these might be scores from an associative recognition test.
    9. TRAILA, TRAILB: These columns likely refer to the Trail Making Test parts A and B, which are neuropsychological tests of visual attention and task switching.
    10. TRAILARR, TRAILALI, TRAILBRR, TRAILBLI: These might be related to specific aspects or revised/repeated attempts of the Trail Making Test.
    11. WAIS: Could refer to the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, a test for adult intelligence.
    12. MEMUNITS, MEMTIME: These could be related to memory tests, possibly measuring the number of items remembered and the time taken.
    13. BOSTON: This might refer to the Boston Naming Test, a common neuropsychological assessment used to measure language ability.

The remaining columns are not specifically identified here but likely include various other psychometric and cognitive assessment scores. Each of these tests assesses different cognitive functions like memory, attention, language, executive function, and processing speed, which are crucial in diagnosing and understanding neurological and psychiatric conditions.
6. PUPs.csv: Could be related to pupillometry data (eye tracking and pupil size measurements) or another specific type of assessment (PUP is not a standard acronym in medical datasets).
7. Subjects Information.csv & Subjects.csv: These files likely contain demographic and other baseline information about the subjects participating in the study.
8. UDS A1_Sub Demos.csv - UDS D1_Clinician Diagnosis.csv: These files seem to be part of the Uniform Data Set (UDS), a standardized battery of evaluations and assessments used in Alzheimer’s Disease Centers. They could include a range of data from subject demographics (A1), informant demographics (A2), participant family history (A3), health history (A5), to various specific assessments like history of illness and cardiovascular disease (B2), Parkinson’s disease rating scale (B3), neuropsychiatric inventory (B5), geriatric depression scale (B6), functional activities questionnaire (B7), physical and neurological findings (B8), clinical judgments (B9), and clinician diagnosis (D1).
DTI_DWI_PET_subjectcounts.csv:统计了dwi和pet pair subject
DWI :911
AV45-PET: 415
PIB-PET: 593
DWI-AV45 :357

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Qt可以使用第三方库如OASIS和QGsl来读取gds文件并绘图。 1. 使用OASIS库读取gds文件 OASIS库是一个用于读取和写入OASIS格式文件的C++库,它也支持读取gds格式文件。可以使用以下步骤在Qt使用OASIS库: - 下载OASIS库并将其添加到Qt项目。 - 在Qt项目创建一个新的类来处理OASIS文件。在这个类,可以使用OasisReader类从gds文件读取数据。 - 使用Qt的绘图工具来绘制OASIS文件的数据。 以下是一个简单的示例代码: ```cpp #include <QtGui> #include "oasis/oasis_reader.h" class OasisReader : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: OasisReader(QObject* parent = nullptr); public slots: void read(const QString& fileName); signals: void finished(); private: void drawData(const Oasis::OasisData& data); }; OasisReader::OasisReader(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) { } void OasisReader::read(const QString& fileName) { Oasis::OasisReader reader(fileName.toStdString().c_str()); while (reader.hasNext()) { Oasis::OasisData data = reader.next(); drawData(data); } emit finished(); } void OasisReader::drawData(const Oasis::OasisData& data) { // 使用Qt绘图工具来绘制数据 // ... } ``` 2. 使用QGsl库读取gds文件 QGsl库是一个用于读取和写入gds格式文件的C++库,它也可以与Qt一起使用。可以使用以下步骤在Qt使用QGsl库: - 下载QGsl库并将其添加到Qt项目。 - 在Qt项目创建一个新的类来处理gds文件。在这个类,可以使用QGsl类从gds文件读取数据。 - 使用Qt的绘图工具来绘制QGsl类的数据。 以下是一个简单的示例代码: ```cpp #include <QtGui> #include "qgsl/gdsii_reader.h" class GdsiiReader : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: GdsiiReader(QObject* parent = nullptr); public slots: void read(const QString& fileName); signals: void finished(); private: void drawData(const QGsl::GdsiiData& data); }; GdsiiReader::GdsiiReader(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) { } void GdsiiReader::read(const QString& fileName) { QGsl::GdsiiReader reader(fileName.toStdString().c_str()); while (reader.hasNext()) { QGsl::GdsiiData data = reader.next(); drawData(data); } emit finished(); } void GdsiiReader::drawData(const QGsl::GdsiiData& data) { // 使用Qt绘图工具来绘制数据 // ... } ``` 以上是使用Qt读取gds文件并绘图的两种方法。具体选择哪种方法取决于您的需求和个人偏好。


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