【Dtatset】ADNI table


  • ADNI1_imdb.csv : MRI
  • ADNI2_imdb.csv : MRI
  • ADNI3_imdb.csv : MRI
  • ADNIALL_AV45_imdb.csv : PET
  • ADNIALL_FDG_imdb.csv : PET
  • ADNIALL_imdb.csv : MRI
  • ADNIGO_imdb.csv : MRI
  • ADNIMERGE.csv :
  • DTI_6_28_2022.csv : DTI
  • DTI_9_20_2022.csv : DTI
  1. APOEA1”、“APOEA2”:实际上应该指的是“APOE ε1”和“APOE ε2”,这是载脂蛋白E基因的等位基因。APOE等位基因(ε2、ε3、ε4)是许多疾病的重要遗传因素,包括阿尔茨海默病。数字(例如,3和4)指的是个体拥有的特定等位基因,ε4与较高的阿尔茨海默病风险相关。

  2. Visit: 收集参与者随时间变化的数据


    • ADNI1/GO Month 6: 指的是在ADNI研究的第一阶段或“ADNI GO”阶段6个月时的随访。
    • ADNI Screening: 表示参与者在ADNI研究开始之前进行的筛查。
    • ADNI1/GO Month 48: 指的是在ADNI研究的第一阶段或“ADNI GO”阶段48个月(即4年)时的随访。
    • ADNI1/GO Month 36: 指的是在ADNI研究的第一阶段或“ADNI GO”阶段36个月(即3年)时的随访。
    • ADNI1/GO Month 12: 指的是在ADNI研究的第一阶段或“ADNI GO”阶段12个月(即1年)时的随访。
    • ADNI1/GO Month 24: 指的是在ADNI研究的第一阶段或“ADNI GO”阶段24个月(即2年)时的随访。
    • ADNI Baseline: 表示ADNI研究的基线访问,通常是参与者加入研究时的初始评估。
    • ADNI1/GO Month 18: 指的是在ADNI研究的第一阶段或“ADNI GO”阶段18个月时的随访。
    • Unscheduled: 表示这是一个未计划的访问,可能是因为某种突发事件或需要额外的数据收集。
    • No Visit Defined: 没有明确定义的访问,可能是数据缺失或参与者没有按计划完成访问。
  3. StudyDate /ArchiveDate

    • StudyDate: 这通常是指患者进行医学影像研究的实际日期。例如,如果一个患者接受了MRI扫描,那么StudyDate就是进行扫描的日期。
    • ArchiveDate: 这可能是指影像数据被存档或上传到存储系统的日期。这个日期可能是影像研究完成后不久,也可能是在某个后续的时间点,当数据被正式保存到研究数据库或电子健康记录系统中。


  4. GlobalCDR: This likely stands for the Global Clinical Dementia Rating. The CDR is a numeric scale used to quantify the severity of symptoms of dementia. A score of 0 indicates no dementia, 0.5 for very mild dementia, 1 for mild dementia, and so on, up to 3 for severe dementia. 全球临床痴呆等级,分越高越严重

  5. NPI_QTotalScore: This column probably refers to the total score from the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI-Q), which is a shorter version of the NPI and is used to assess neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia patients. 精神病学调查问卷

  6. MMSETotalScore: This stands for the Mini-Mental State Examination Total Score, which is a commonly used test to assess cognitive impairment. The MMSE tests various cognitive functions including arithmetic, memory, and orientation (算术、记忆和方向). The scores range from 0 to 30, with higher scores indicating better cognitive function. 简易精神状态检查总分,分越高越健康

  7. GDSCALETotalScore: This might refer to the Geriatric Depression Scale Total Score(老年抑郁量表总分), which is a screening tool used to identify depression in older adults. The scale typically ranges from 0 to 15 or 0 to 30, depending on the version, with higher scores indicating more severe depressive symptoms. (这里的总分应该是15 最大只看到了14)

  8. FAQTotalScore: This could be the Functional Activities Questionnaire Total Score, which assesses the impact of cognitive impairment on the ability to perform activities of daily living. Scores range from 0 to 30, with higher scores indicating greater functional impairment.(分数越高损伤越严重)

MPRAGE 和 MP-RAGE 都指的是相同的磁共振成像技术,全称是 “Magnetization Prepared Rapid Acquisition Gradient Echo”,即磁化准备快速梯度回波成像。它是一种用于脑部成像的MRI序列,特别是在神经影像学中广泛应用于详细显示脑部结构,如灰质和白质的界限。这个序列特别适合于制作高分辨率的T1加权图像,经常用于检测大脑中的病理改变,例如阿尔茨海默病中的脑萎缩。

  • MP-RAGE / MPRAGE: These are just different stylings of the same term and generally refer to the standard MPRAGE sequence.
  • MPRAGE SENS / MPRAGE SENSE: Could suggest a sensitivity-encoded MPRAGE scan, where SENS might refer to the use of parallel imaging techniques to speed up acquisition.
  • MPRAGE Repeat: Indicates that the MPRAGE sequence was repeated, possibly to improve image quality or to confirm findings.
  • ASO-MPRAGE / MPRAGE AUTOSHIM ON / MPRAGE ASO / MPRAGE REPEAT ASO: ASO could stand for a specific parameter or technology used during the MPRAGE sequence, such as Auto Shim Option, which is related to magnetic field homogeneity.
  • ADNI MPRAGE: This likely refers to the MPRAGE sequence used in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), potentially with specific parameters set by the study protocol.
  • MPRAGE SAG / MPRAGE SAGITTAL / Accelerated SAG IR-SPGR: Indicates that the images were acquired in the sagittal plane, which is a lengthwise plane from front to back.
  • SAG 3D MPRAGE: Refers to a three-dimensional MPRAGE scan in the sagittal plane.
  • MPRAGE 3dtfe / MPRAGE 3dtf: These might indicate three-dimensional turbo field echo(三维涡轮场回波) MPRAGE, which is a specific type of fast data acquisition method.
  • MPRAGE straight no angle / SAG MPRAGE NO ANGLE: 指没有使用角度调整的直接MPRAGE成像。



  1. Group:
    AD > MCI [ LMCI >EMCI ] > SMC >CN
  1. EMCI: Early Mild Cognitive Impairment. This refers to individuals who have a slight but noticeable and measurable decline in cognitive abilities, including memory and thinking skills, but do not yet have trouble with daily activities.
  2. CN: Cognitively Normal. Individuals in this group typically show no signs of significant memory or cognitive problems and are considered to have normal cognitive function for their age.
  3. LMCI: Late Mild Cognitive Impairment. This is a more advanced stage of cognitive impairment compared to EMCI and is often considered a transitional stage between normal aging and more serious conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.
  4. SMC: Subjective Memory Complaints. Individuals in this group perceive themselves to have memory problems, but their memory performance on standard tests is normal. They do not meet the criteria for MCI.
  5. AD: Alzheimer’s Disease. This group includes individuals who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior.
  6. MCI: Mild Cognitive Impairment. This is a broader category that includes both early and late mild cognitive impairment. It’s characterized by noticeable changes in cognitive abilities, including memory and thinking skills, that are greater than what might be expected from normal aging but do not yet severely impact daily living.
  1. Description: Further details about the imaging, here it says “Axial MB DTI,” which suggests that the DTI scans were taken in the axial plane and MB could stand for
    这些术语大多数与扩散张量成像(Diffusion Tensor Imaging, DTI)相关,这是一种MRI技术,主要用于测量脑内水分子的扩散特性,能够揭示大脑白质纤维路径的信息。以下是这些术语的中文解释:

    • Axial MB DTI: 表示在轴向平面进行的多频带DTI扫描。
    • Axial DTI: 轴向DTI成像。
    • Axial DTI_TRACEW: 轴向DTI的TRACE加权图像。
    • Axial DTI_FA: 轴向DTI的分数各向异性(Fractional Anisotropy, FA)图像。
    • Axial DTI_ADC: 轴向DTI的表观扩散系数(Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, ADC)图像。
    • Average DC: 平均扩散系数图像。
    • Fractional Aniso.: 分数各向异性图像。
    • Isotropic image: 各向同性图像。
    • Enhanced Axial DTI: 增强的轴向DTI成像。
    • corrected MD/FA/RD/AD image: 校正后的平均/分数各向异性/径向/轴向扩散系数图像。
    • Eddy current corrected image: 涡流校正后的图像。
    • EPI current corrected image: 回波平面成像涡流校正图像。
    • DTI_high_iso: 高各向同性的DTI图像。
    • 3 Plane Localizer: 三平面定位扫描。
    • HighResHippo Scan: 高分辨率海马扫描。
    • Axial DTI_REPEAT: 重复的轴向DTI扫描。
    • AX DTI: 轴向DTI的简写形式。
    • EPI corrected image: EPI校正图像。
    • dMRI_IXICO_30dir_1b0: 可能是指具有30个方向和1个b0值的扩散MRI扫描。
    • Axial MB DTI_FA/ADC/TRACEW/ColFA/TENSOR_B0: 轴向多频带DTI的不同参数图像。
    • ADC_S6_1: 某一特定设置下的ADC图像。
    • Axial DTI SEE NOTE: 需要查看注释的轴向DTI图像。
    • Axial MB DTI b0 AP/PA: AP/PA方向的b0值的轴向多频带DTI图像。
    • ep2d-advdiff: 二维扩散成像序列名称的一部分。
    • ep2d_DKI: 扩散张量成像的扩展形式,即扩散核磁共振成像(Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging, DKI)。


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