<configuration name=“pocketsphinx.conf“ description=“PocketSphinx ASR Configuration“>

<configuration name="pocketsphinx.conf" description="PocketSphinx ASR Configuration">
    <param name="threshold" value="400"/>
    <param name="silence-hits" value="25"/>
    <param name="listen-hits" value="1"/>
    <param name="auto-reload" value="true"/>
    <!--<param name="language-weight" value="1"/>-->
    <!--<param name="narrowband-model" value="communicator"/>-->
    <!--<param name="wideband-model" value="wsj1"/>-->
    <!--<param name="dictionary" value="default.dic"/>-->
<configuration name="portaudio.conf" description="Soundcard Endpoint">
    <!-- indev, outdev, ringdev: 
	 partial case sensitive string match on something in the name 
	 or the device number prefixed with # eg "#1" (or blank for default) -->

    <!-- device to use for input -->
    <param name="indev" value=""/>
    <!-- device to use for output -->
    <param name="outdev" value=""/>

    <!--device to use for inbound ring -->
    <!--<param name="ringdev" value=""/>-->
    <!--File to play as the ring sound -->
    <!--<param name="ring-file" value="/sounds/ring.wav"/>-->
    <!--Number of seconds to pause between rings -->
    <!--<param name="ring-interval" value="5"/>-->
    <!--Enable or Disable dual_streams-->
    <!--<param name="dual-streams" value="true"/>-->

    <!--file to play when calls are on hold-->
    <param name="hold-file" value="$${hold_music}"/>
    <!--Timer to use for hold music (i'd leave this one commented)-->
    <!--<param name="timer-name" value="soft"/>-->

    <!--Default dialplan and caller-id info -->
    <param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>
    <param name="cid-name" value="$${outbound_caller_name}"/>
    <param name="cid-num" value="$${outbound_caller_id}"/>

    <!--audio sample rate and interval -->
    <param name="sample-rate" value="48000"/>
    <param name="codec-ms" value="20"/>

    <!--uncomment the following line to make mod_portaudio fail to load if it fails to find a device-->
    <!-- <param name="unload-on-device-fail" value="true"/> -->

	mod_portaudio "streams"

	The portaudio streams were introduced to support multiple devices and multiple channels in mod_portaudio.
	For example, if you have a sound card that supports multiple channels or have multiple sound cards and you
	want to use them at the same time, you can do it configuring streams and endpoints here.

	A "stream" is just a logical container for some settings required by portaudio in order to stream audio and
	define a friendly name for that configuration. Streams in itself do not do anything else than contain configs. 
	Once you have your streams defined you can proceed to define "endpoints". Go to the "<endpoints>" section 
	for more information on endpoints.

	You can use the command "pa shstreams" (portaudio shared streams) to show the configured streams.
	In this example we define 2 streams, one for a usb audio device and another for the usual Mac defaults
	The name="" attribute in the <stream> tag must uniquely identify the stream configuration and can be
	later used when creating endpoints in the "instream" and "outstream" parameters of the endpoint.

	<!-- This sample "usb1" configuration was tested with a USB Griffin iMic device -->
  	<stream name="usb1">
			Which device to use for input in this stream 
			The value for this parameter must be either in the form '#devno', 
			for example '#2' for device number 2, or 'device-name', like 'iMic USB audio system'
			The output of command "pa devlist" will show you device names and numbers as enumerated
			by portaudio.
		<param name="indev" value="#2" />

			Same as the indev but for output. In this case the device is capable of input and output
			Some devices are capable of input only or output only (see the default example)
		<param name="outdev" value="#2" />

		<!-- The sample rate to use for this stream -->
		<param name="sample-rate" value="48000" />

			Size of the packets in milliseconds. The smaller the number the less latency you'll have
			The minimum value is 10ms 
		<param name="codec-ms" value="10" />

			How many channels to open for this stream.
			If you're device is stereo, you can choose 2 here. However, bear in mind that then
			your left and right channels will be separated and when creating endpoints you will have
			to either choose the left or right channel. This may or may not be what you want. This separation
			means that you can have 2 separate FreeSWITCH calls, listening to one of them in your left channel
			and the other in the right chanel.
		<param name="channels" value="2" />

	<!-- This default stream was tested using the default Macbook Pro input/output devices -->
  	<stream name="default">
		<!-- The default system input device -->
		<param name="indev" value="#0" />
		<!-- The default system output device -->
		<param name="outdev" value="#1" />
		<!-- CD quality sampling rate ftw -->
		<param name="sample-rate" value="48000" />
		<!-- Low latency -->
		<param name="codec-ms" value="10" />
		<!-- Choosing 1 channel allows to hear in both left-right channel when using a headset -->
		<param name="channels" value="1" />

	mod_portaudio "endpoints"

	Endpoints is a way to define the input and output that a given portaudio channel will use.
	There is a lot of flexibility. You can create endpoints which are "send-only", which means
	audio will be read from FreeSWITCH and sent down to the provided stream, but no audio will
	be read from that stream and only silence provided back to FreeSWITCH.

		send-only endpoint:
			(FS CORE) ->-> audio ->-> sound-card-x

	You can also create a read-only endpoint.

			(FS CORE) <-<- audio <-<- sound-card-x

	And of course you can create a bidirectional endpoint:
			(FS CORE) <-> audio <-> sound-card-x

	You can also define a stream which uses only the left or only the right channel of a given device stream.
	This means you can have 2 SIP calls connected to the same device haring one call in your left ear and
	the other call to your right ear :-)

	The name="parameter" of the endpoint allows you to use it in the FreeSWITCH dial plan to dial, ie:

	<action application="bridge" data="portaudio/endpoint/usb1out-left" />

	You can use the command "pa endpoints" to show the configured endpoints.

		An endpoint is a handle name to refer to a configuration that determines where to read media from 
		and write media to. The endpoint can use any input/output stream combination for that purpose as 
		long as the streams match the sampling rate and codec-ms (see <streams> XML tag).
		You can also omit the instream or the outstream parameter (but obviously not both).

		Configuration for a "default" bidirectional endpoint that uses the default stream defined previously in
		the <streams> section.
  	<endpoint name="default">
			The instream, outstream is the name of the stream and channel to use. The stream
			name is the same you configured in the <streams> section. This parameters follow 
			the syntax <stream-name>:<channel index>. You can omit either the outstream
			or the instream, but not both! The channel index is zero-based and must be consistent 
			with the number of channels available for that stream (as configured in the <stream> section).
			You cannot use index 1 if you chose channels=1 in the stream configuration.
		<param name="instream" value="default:0" />
		<param name="outstream" value="default:0" />

		This endpoint uses the USB stream defined previously in the <streams> section and
		is 'send-only' or 'output-only' and uses the channel index 0 (left channel in a stereo device) 
  	<endpoint name="usb1out-left">
		<param name="outstream" value="usb1:0" />

		This endpoint uses the USB stream defined previously in the <streams> section and
		is 'send-only' or 'output-only' and uses the channel index 1 (right channel in a stereo device) 
  	<endpoint name="usb1out-right">
		<param name="outstream" value="usb1:1" />

		This endpoint uses the USB stream defined previously in the <streams> section and
		is 'receive-only' or 'input-only' and uses the channel index 0 (left channel in a stereo device) 
  	<endpoint name="usb1in-left">
		<param name="instream" value="usb1:0" />

		This endpoint uses the USB stream defined previously in the <streams> section and
		is 'receive-only' or 'input-only' and uses the channel index 1 (right channel in a stereo device) 
  	<endpoint name="usb1in-right">
		<param name="instream" value="usb1:1" />

		This endpoint uses the USB stream defined previously in the <streams> section and
		is 'bidirectional' or 'send-receive' and uses the channel index 0 (left channel in a stereo device) 
  	<endpoint name="usb1-left">
		<param name="instream" value="usb1:0" />
		<param name="outstream" value="usb1:0" />

		This endpoint uses the USB stream defined previously in the <streams> section and
		is 'bidirectional' or 'send-receive' and uses the channel index 1 (right channel in a stereo device) 
  	<endpoint name="usb1-right">
		<param name="instream" value="usb1:1" />
		<param name="outstream" value="usb1:1" />



<configuration name="modules.conf" description="Modules">
    <!-- Loggers (I'd load these first) -->
    <load module="mod_console"/>
    <!-- <load module="mod_graylog2"/> -->
    <load module="mod_logfile"/>
    <!-- <load module="mod_syslog"/> -->

    <!--<load module="mod_yaml"/>-->

    <!-- Multi-Faceted -->
    <!-- mod_enum is a dialplan interface, an application interface and an api command interface -->
    <load module="mod_enum"/>

    <!-- XML Interfaces -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_xml_rpc"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_xml_curl"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_xml_cdr"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_xml_radius"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_xml_scgi"/> -->

    <!-- Event Handlers -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_amqp"/> -->
    <load module="mod_cdr_csv"/>
    <!-- <load module="mod_cdr_sqlite"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_event_multicast"/> -->
    <load module="mod_event_socket"/>
    <!-- <load module="mod_event_zmq"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_zeroconf"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_erlang_event"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_smpp"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_snmp"/> -->

    <!-- Directory Interfaces -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_ldap"/> -->

    <!-- Endpoints -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_dingaling"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_portaudio"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_alsa"/> -->
    <load module="mod_sofia"/>
    <load module="mod_loopback"/>
    <!-- <load module="mod_woomera"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_freetdm"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_unicall"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_skinny"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_khomp"/>   -->
    <load module="mod_rtc"/>
    <!-- <load module="mod_rtmp"/>   -->
    <load module="mod_verto"/>

    <!-- Applications -->
    <load module="mod_commands"/>
    <load module="mod_conference"/>
    <!-- <load module="mod_curl"/> -->
    <load module="mod_db"/>
    <load module="mod_dptools"/>
    <load module="mod_expr"/>
    <load module="mod_fifo"/>
    <load module="mod_hash"/>
    <!--<load module="mod_mongo"/> -->
    <load module="mod_voicemail"/>
    <!--<load module="mod_directory"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_distributor"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_lcr"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_easyroute"/>-->
    <load module="mod_esf"/>
    <load module="mod_fsv"/>
    <!--<load module="mod_cluechoo"/>-->
    <load module="mod_valet_parking"/>
    <!--<load module="mod_fsk"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_spy"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_sms"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_sms_flowroute"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_smpp"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_random"/>-->
    <load module="mod_httapi"/>
    <!--<load module="mod_translate"/>-->

    <!-- SNOM Module -->
    <!--<load module="mod_snom"/>-->

    <!-- This one only works on Linux for now -->
    <!--<load module="mod_ladspa"/>-->

    <!-- Dialplan Interfaces -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_dialplan_directory"/> -->
    <load module="mod_dialplan_xml"/>
    <load module="mod_dialplan_asterisk"/>

    <!-- Codec Interfaces -->
    <load module="mod_spandsp"/>
    <load module="mod_g723_1"/>
    <load module="mod_g729"/>
    <load module="mod_amr"/>
    <!--<load module="mod_ilbc"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_h26x"/>-->
    <load module="mod_b64"/>
    <!--<load module="mod_siren"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_isac"/>-->
    <load module="mod_opus"/>

    <!-- File Format Interfaces -->
    <!--<load module="mod_av"/>-->
    <load module="mod_sndfile"/>
    <load module="mod_native_file"/>
    <load module="mod_png"/>
    <!-- <load module="mod_shell_stream"/> -->
    <!--For icecast/mp3 streams/files-->
    <!--<load module="mod_shout"/>-->
    <!--For local streams (play all the files in a directory)-->
    <load module="mod_local_stream"/>
    <load module="mod_tone_stream"/>

    <!-- Timers -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_timerfd"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_posix_timer"/> -->

    <!-- Languages -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_v8"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_perl"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_python"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_java"/> -->
    <load module="mod_lua"/>

    <!-- ASR /TTS -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_flite"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_pocketsphinx"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_cepstral"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_tts_commandline"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_rss"/> -->

    <!-- Say -->
    <load module="mod_say_en"/>
    <!-- <load module="mod_say_ru"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_say_zh"/> -->
    <!-- <load module="mod_say_sv"/> -->

    <!-- Third party modules -->
    <!--<load module="mod_nibblebill"/>-->
    <!--<load module="mod_callcenter"/>-->
    <load module="mod_vad"/>
    <load module="mod_da2"/>
    <load module="mod_autodialer"/>

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