TOEFL Listening: TPO58 conversation1 精听分析


I. Background Information





VI.出题点4:细节题 [解决问题,给建议]【摘要点】



I. Background Information

NARRATOR: Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee in the
university work-study office.
MALE STUDENT: Hi, I’m, uh, Paul Bensen(简写“P.B.”).
FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Paul Bensen? Oh! That’s a coincidence. The
museum director sent a fax about you...your two-month review, um, your
job review.


       我其实在看文本之前没有听出来“fax”,但是通过“job review”也可以理解接下来展开的会是什么话题。


Q1. Why does the student go to the work-study office?
A. To talk about what he would like to do after graduation
B. To receive feedback on his performance at work
C. To ask for advice about finding a new job
D. To learn what courses best match his career goals

MALE STUDENT: Oh, OK. I-I guess we can do that first.

       注意这句话,为什么student会说"do that first",说明他来的目的并不是接受工作反馈,只不过可以先谈这个,之后再说他来的目的。所以B选项是错误的。


Q2. What information was included in the report from the museum director?
A. The student spoke with friends when he should have been helping visitors.
B. The student did not give accurate information to museum visitors.
C. The student arrived late to work on one occasion.
D. The student requested a job in a different part of the museum.

FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Alright. Uh, let’s see...overall, you’re doing a good job. I have
to stress that. But the director did note that you invited friends over during working
hours. Instead of greeting visitors and answering questions about the
outdoor sculpture garden, like you were supposed to, you talked with your friends.
MALE STUDENT: It was only that one time. And they just showed up. I-I did not
invite them. I straightened it out with the director.



Q1. Why does the student go to the work-study office?
A. To talk about what he would like to do after graduation
B. To receive feedback on his performance at work
C. To ask for advice about finding a new job
D. To learn what courses best match his career goals

FEMALE EMPLOYEE: OK. But, of course, you’re still expected
to behave professionally, do your job.
MALE STUDENT: Yeah, I know. But actually, uh, the fact is, I’d really like to work
somewhere else. Maybe in a library, or as a tutor somewhere? I was hoping you
could help. I, uh, I brought my updated résumé.



FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Well, I don’t know—you applied at the museum because you’re
a fine-arts major. And you apparently made a very good impression on the
museum director at your interview. You asked good questions about the sculptures
and took notes, it says here. That’s why they hired you and why they were willing
to pay you. Museums normally use volunteers, you know.
MALE STUDENT: I did enjoy learning about the sculptures.


Q3. What is the student's main concern about his job?
A. He does not like working outdoors.
B. He is not confident interacting with museum visitors.   
C. He does not have enough time to spend on academic studies.
D. He is not interested in the sculptures at the museum.

FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Good, and your job is to share that information with the public.
MALE STUDENT: Yeah, I know. But I’m always worried I’ll give out wrong
information. And if I can’t answer a question, it’s embarrassing, you know?

FEMALE EMPLOYEE: So the problem is the public nature of your work?
MALE STUDENT: Yeah. I didn’t realize how uncomfortable I’d feel doing this.


VI.出题点4:细节题 [解决问题,给建议]【摘要点】

Q4. Why does the woman suggest that the student call the curator's office?
Click on 2 answers
A. To find out if he can work there
B. To get more information about the sculpture garden
C. To apologize for causing a problem at the museum
D. To learn what background he will need to become a curator

MALE STUDENT: I applied there because I’d like to be a museum curator someday.
FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Well, there are museum jobs that don’t involve interacting with
the public. You know, working behind the scenes. You could help set up exhibits,
document new acquisitions, maybe work as an assistant in the curator’s office. It
wouldn’t hurt to ask about other opportunities there.
MALE STUDENT: Would you call and ask if I could, like you said, work with the
curator? I’ve only met her a couple times, but she...


FEMALE EMPLOYEE: You know, I think you should call. Tell the curator what you told
me, and ask if they could use any help.
MALE STUDENT: What if she says no?
FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Well, you could still ask for information that might help you in
the future, like what courses you should take and what kind of work experience is
necessary to become a curator.



Q5. What does the woman imply when she says this: That’s why they hired you and why they were willing to pay you. Museums normally use volunteers, you know.
A. The student does not understand that the museum's rules are less strict for
B. The student should work more closely with volunteers in the sculpture garden.
C. The museum should hire more work-study students.×
D. The student does not appreciate his job.



前文学生表示自己想要换一个工作。但是员工觉得很奇怪,因为他本身是fine art专业的学生,并且之前在museum的访问也给director 留下很深刻的印象,各方面都说明学生的表现是不错的,所以museum才愿意付工资雇他。一般都雇佣不给钱的志愿者。但是学生还是表示想要换工作,所以员工讲这句话其实是表达,学生怎么不喜欢这份工作呢?因此对应D选项。



MALE STUDENT: Yeah, that would definitely help. But then would you be willing to
help me find a job somewhere else?

FEMALE EMPLOYEE: I suppose, if it came to that. But you know, if you
just educated yourself more about the sculpture garden, then you’d gain
more confidence—and maybe enjoy your current job more.
MALE STUDENT: Yeah, I guess you’re right.

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