Android ANR日志分析指南,特殊渠道拿到阿里大厂面试真题

本文详述了如何分析Android ANR(应用无响应)日志,包括从traces.txt日志中提取关键信息,如ANR时间、进程PID、ANR类型,以及如何通过CPU使用率排除性能瓶颈。通过实例解析了如何跟踪到引起ANR的具体代码位置,为解决ANR问题提供了详细的分析流程。


07-20 15:36:36.472 1000 1520 1597 I am_anr : [0,1480,com.xxxx.moblie,952680005,Input dispatching timed out (AppWindowToken{da8f666 token=Token{5501f51 ActivityRecord{15c5c78 u0 com.xxxx.moblie/.ui.MainActivity t3862}}}, Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up.)]

从上面的log我们可以看出: 应用com.xxxx.moblie07-20 15:36:36.472时间,发生了一次KeyDispatchTimeout类型的ANR,它的进程号是1480. 把关键的信息整理一下:
ANR时间:07-20 15:36:36.472

我们已经知道了发生KeyDispatchTimeout的ANR是因为 input事件在5秒内没有处理完成。那么在这个时间07-20 15:36:36.472 的前5秒,也就是(15:36:30 ~15:36:31)时间段左右程序到底做了什么事情?这个简单,因为我们已经知道pid了,再搜索一下pid = 1480的日志.这些日志表示该进程所运行的轨迹,关键的日志如下:

07-20 15:36:29.749 10102 1480 1737 D moblie-Application: [Thread:17329] receive an intent from server, action=com.ttt.push.RECEIVE_MESSAGE
07-20 15:36:30.136 10102 1480 1737 D moblie-Application: receiving an empty message, drop
07-20 15:36:35.791 10102 1480 1766 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 9c9b012, I92eb381bc9
07-20 15:36:35.791 10102 1480 1766 I Adreno : Build Date : 12/31/17
07-20 15:36:35.791 10102 1480 1766 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.22.00.01
07-20 15:36:35.791 10102 1480 1766 I Adreno : Local Branch :
07-20 15:36:35.791 10102 1480 1766 I Adreno : Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.6.4.R1.
07-20 15:36:35.791 10102 1480 1766 I Adreno : Remote Branch : NONE
07-20 15:36:35.791 10102 1480 1766 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
07-20 15:36:35.826 10102 1480 1766 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from the current namespace instead.
07-20 15:36:36.682 10102 1480 1480 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_PERIOD, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=16099429, downTime=16099429, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }

从上面我们可以知道,在时间 07-20 15:36:29.749 程序收到了一个action消息。

07-20 15:36:29.749 10102 1480 1737 D moblie-Application: [Thread:17329] receive an intent from server, action=com.ttt.push.RECEIVE_MESSAGE。

原来是应用com.xxxx.moblie 收到了一个推送消息(com.ttt.push.RECEIVE_MESSAGE)导致了阻塞,我们再串联一下目前所获取到的信息:在时间07-20 15:36:29.749 应用com.xxxx.moblie 收到了一下推送信息action=com.ttt.push.RECEIVE_MESSAGE发生阻塞,5秒后发生了KeyDispatchTimeout的ANR

虽然知道了是怎么开始的,但是具体原因还没有找到,是不是当时CPU很紧张、各路APP再抢占资源? 我们再看看CPU的信息,。搜索关键字关键字: ANR IN

07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: ANR in com.xxxx.moblie (com.xxxx.moblie/.ui.MainActivity) (进程名)
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: PID: 1480 (进程pid)
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: Reason: Input dispatching timed out (AppWindowToken{da8f666 token=Token{5501f51 ActivityRecord{15c5c78 u0 com.xxxx.moblie/.ui.MainActivity t3862}}}, Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up.)
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: Load: 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 (Load表明是1分钟,5分钟,15分钟CPU的负载)
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: CPU usage from 20ms to 20286ms later (2018-07-20 15:36:36.170 to 2018-07-20 15:36:56.436):
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 42% 6774/pressure: 41% user + 1.4% kernel / faults: 168 minor
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 34% 142/kswapd0: 0% user + 34% kernel
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 31% 1520/system_server: 13% user + 18% kernel / faults: 58724 minor 1585 major
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 13% 29901/ 7.7% user + 6% kernel / faults: 56007 minor 2446 major
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 13% 32638/ 9.4% user + 3.8% kernel / faults: 48999 minor 1540 major
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 11% (CPU的使用率)1480/com.xxxx.moblie: 5.2%(用户态的使用率) user + (内核态的使用率) 6.3% kernel / faults: 76401 minor 2422 major
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 8.2% 21000/kworker/u16:12: 0% user + 8.2% kernel
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 0.8% 724/mtd: 0% user + 0.8% kernel / faults: 1561 minor 9 major
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 8% 29704/kworker/u16:8: 0% user + 8% kernel
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 7.9% 24391/kworker/u16:18: 0% user + 7.9% kernel
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 7.1% 30656/kworker/u16:14: 0% user + 7.1% kernel
07-20 15:36:58.711 1000 1520 1597 E ActivityManager: 7.1% 9998/kworker/u16:4: 0% user + 7.1% kernel

我已经在log 中标志了相关的含义。com.xxxx.moblie 占用了11%的CPU,其实这并不算多。现在的手机基本都是多核CPU。假如你的CPU是4核,那么上限是400%,以此类推。

既然不是CPU负载的原因,那么到底是什么原因呢? 这时就要看我们的终极大杀器——traces.txt

二、 traces.txt 日志分析

当APP不响应、响应慢了、或者WatchDog的监视没有得到回应时,系统就会dump出一个traces.txt文件,存放在文件目录:/data/anr/traces.txt,通过traces文件,我们可以拿到线程名、堆栈信息、线程当前状态、binder call等信息。
通过adb命令拿到该文件:adb pull /data/anr/traces.txt
trace: Cmd line:com.xxxx.moblie

“main” prio=5 tid=1 Runnable
| group=“main” sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x73bcc7d0 self=0x7f20814c00
| sysTid=20176 nice=-10 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f251349b0
| state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=12 stm=3 core=5 HZ=100
| stack=0x7fdb75e000-0x7fdb760000 stack





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