




nullExplore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from multiple data sourcesicon-default.png?t=O83Ahttps://www.kaggle.com/code/richolson/isic-2024-magic-noise-for-lb-overfit选择版本41



import os
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import polars as pl

from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedGroupKFold
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from sklearn.ensemble import VotingClassifier
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler
from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler

import lightgbm as lgb
import catboost as cb
import xgboost as xgb

import optuna
from optuna.samplers import TPESampler

#downsampling techniques
# they took long time, so we use RandomUnderSampler
from imblearn.under_sampling import NearMiss
from imblearn.under_sampling import ClusterCentroids
from imblearn.under_sampling import TomekLinks
from imblearn.under_sampling import EditedNearestNeighbours
from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline as ImbPipeline
from imblearn.under_sampling import NearMiss, TomekLinks
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

import time
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2, mutual_info_classif, VarianceThreshold
!python /kaggle/input/isic-2024-pl-submission-script-and-preds/pl_submission.py
!mv submission.csv submission_image3.csv
!python /kaggle/input/ser-sub/main.py
!mv submission.csv submission_ser.csv
!python /kaggle/input/fb-sub/main.py
!mv submission.csv submission_fb.csv
!python /kaggle/input/isic-script-inference-effnetv1b0-f313ae/main.py /kaggle/input/isic-pytorch-training-baseline-image-only/AUROC0.5171_Loss0.3476_epoch35.bin
!mv submission.csv submission_effnetv1b0.csv
!python /kaggle/input/dense-sub-cat/main.py
!mv submission.csv submission_den.csv


root = Path('/kaggle/input/isic-2024-challenge')

train_path = root / 'train-metadata.csv'
test_path = root / 'test-metadata.csv'
subm_path = root / 'sample_submission.csv'

id_col = 'isic_id'
target_col = 'target'
group_col = 'patient_id'

err = 1e-5
sampling_ratio = 0.01
seed = 42

num_cols = [
    'age_approx',                        # Approximate age of patient at time of imaging.
    'clin_size_long_diam_mm',            # Maximum diameter of the lesion (mm).+
    'tbp_lv_A',                          # A inside  lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_Aext',                       # A outside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_B',                          # B inside  lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_Bext',                       # B outside lesion.+ 
    'tbp_lv_C',                          # Chroma inside  lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_Cext',                       # Chroma outside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_H',                          # Hue inside the lesion; calculated as the angle of A* and B* in LAB* color space. Typical values range from 25 (red) to 75 (brown).+
    'tbp_lv_Hext',                       # Hue outside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_L',                          # L inside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_Lext',                       # L outside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_areaMM2',                    # Area of lesion (mm^2).+
    'tbp_lv_area_perim_ratio',           # Border jaggedness, the ratio between lesions perimeter and area. Circular lesions will have low values; irregular shaped lesions will have higher values. Values range 0-10.+
    'tbp_lv_color_std_mean',             # Color irregularity, calculated as the variance of colors within the lesion's boundary.
    'tbp_lv_deltaA',                     # Average A contrast (inside vs. outside lesion).+
    'tbp_lv_deltaB',                     # Average B contrast (inside vs. outside lesion).+
    'tbp_lv_deltaL',                     # Average L contrast (inside vs. outside lesion).+
    'tbp_lv_deltaLB',                    #
    'tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm',                # Contrast between the lesion and its immediate surrounding skin. Low contrast lesions tend to be faintly visible such as freckles; high contrast lesions tend to be those with darker pigment. Calculated as the average delta LB of the lesion relative to its immediate background in LAB* color space. Typical values range from 5.5 to 25.+
    'tbp_lv_eccentricity',               # Eccentricity.+
    'tbp_lv_minorAxisMM',                # Smallest lesion diameter (mm).+
    'tbp_lv_nevi_confidence',            # Nevus confidence score (0-100 scale) is a convolutional neural network classifier estimated probability that the lesion is a nevus. The neural network was trained on approximately 57,000 lesions that were classified and labeled by a dermatologist.+,++
    'tbp_lv_norm_border',                # Border irregularity (0-10 scale); the normalized average of border jaggedness and asymmetry.+
    'tbp_lv_norm_color',                 # Color variation (0-10 scale); the normalized average of color asymmetry and color irregularity.+
    'tbp_lv_perimeterMM',                # Perimeter of lesion (mm).+
    'tbp_lv_radial_color_std_max',       # Color asymmetry, a measure of asymmetry of the spatial distribution of color within the lesion. This score is calculated by looking at the average standard deviation in LAB* color space within concentric rings originating from the lesion center. Values range 0-10.+
    'tbp_lv_stdL',                       # Standard deviation of L inside  lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_stdLExt',                    # Standard deviation of L outside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_symm_2axis',                 # Border asymmetry; a measure of asymmetry of the lesion's contour about an axis perpendicular to the lesion's most symmetric axis. Lesions with two axes of symmetry will therefore have low scores (more symmetric), while lesions with only one or zero axes of symmetry will have higher scores (less symmetric). This score is calculated by comparing opposite halves of the lesion contour over many degrees of rotation. The angle where the halves are most similar identifies the principal axis of symmetry, while the second axis of symmetry is perpendicular to the principal axis. Border asymmetry is reported as the asymmetry value about this second axis. Values range 0-10.+
    'tbp_lv_symm_2axis_angle',           # Lesion border asymmetry angle.+
    'tbp_lv_x',                          # X-coordinate of the lesion on 3D TBP.+
    'tbp_lv_y',                          # Y-coordinate of the lesion on 3D TBP.+
    'tbp_lv_z',                          # Z-coordinate of the lesion on 3D TBP.+

new_num_cols = [
    'lesion_size_ratio',             # tbp_lv_minorAxisMM      / clin_size_long_diam_mm
    'lesion_shape_index',            # tbp_lv_areaMM2          / tbp_lv_perimeterMM **2
    'hue_contrast',                  # tbp_lv_H                - tbp_lv_Hext              abs
    'luminance_contrast',            # tbp_lv_L                - tbp_lv_Lext              abs
    'lesion_color_difference',       # tbp_lv_deltaA **2       + tbp_lv_deltaB **2 + tbp_lv_deltaL **2  sqrt  
    'border_complexity',             # tbp_lv_norm_border      + tbp_lv_symm_2axis
    'color_uniformity',              # tbp_lv_color_std_mean   / tbp_lv_radial_color_std_max

    'position_distance_3d',          # tbp_lv_x **2 + tbp_lv_y **2 + tbp_lv_z **2  sqrt
    'perimeter_to_area_ratio',       # tbp_lv_perimeterMM      / tbp_lv_areaMM2
    'area_to_perimeter_ratio',       # tbp_lv_areaMM2          / tbp_lv_perimeterMM
    'lesion_visibility_score',       # tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm      + tbp_lv_norm_color
    'symmetry_border_consistency',   # tbp_lv_symm_2axis       * tbp_lv_norm_border
    'consistency_symmetry_border',   # tbp_lv_symm_2axis       * tbp_lv_norm_border / (tbp_lv_symm_2axis + tbp_lv_norm_border)

    'color_consistency',             # tbp_lv_stdL             / tbp_lv_Lext
    'consistency_color',             # tbp_lv_stdL*tbp_lv_Lext / tbp_lv_stdL + tbp_lv_Lext
    'size_age_interaction',          # clin_size_long_diam_mm  * age_approx
    'hue_color_std_interaction',     # tbp_lv_H                * tbp_lv_color_std_mean
    'lesion_severity_index',         # tbp_lv_norm_border      + tbp_lv_norm_color + tbp_lv_eccentricity / 3
    'shape_complexity_index',        # border_complexity       + lesion_shape_index
    'color_contrast_index',          # tbp_lv_deltaA + tbp_lv_deltaB + tbp_lv_deltaL + tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm

    'log_lesion_area',               # tbp_lv_areaMM2          + 1  np.log
    'normalized_lesion_size',        # clin_size_long_diam_mm  / age_approx
    'mean_hue_difference',           # tbp_lv_H                + tbp_lv_Hext    / 2
    'std_dev_contrast',              # tbp_lv_deltaA **2 + tbp_lv_deltaB **2 + tbp_lv_deltaL **2   / 3  np.sqrt
    'color_shape_composite_index',   # tbp_lv_color_std_mean   + bp_lv_area_perim_ratio + tbp_lv_symm_2axis   / 3
    'lesion_orientation_3d',         # tbp_lv_y                , tbp_lv_x  np.arctan2
    'overall_color_difference',      # tbp_lv_deltaA           + tbp_lv_deltaB + tbp_lv_deltaL   / 3

    'symmetry_perimeter_interaction',# tbp_lv_symm_2axis       * tbp_lv_perimeterMM
    'comprehensive_lesion_index',    # tbp_lv_area_perim_ratio + tbp_lv_eccentricity + bp_lv_norm_color + tbp_lv_symm_2axis   / 4
    'color_variance_ratio',          # tbp_lv_color_std_mean   / tbp_lv_stdLExt
    'border_color_interaction',      # tbp_lv_norm_border      * tbp_lv_norm_color
    'size_color_contrast_ratio',     # clin_size_long_diam_mm  / tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm
    'age_normalized_nevi_confidence',# tbp_lv_nevi_confidence  / age_approx
    'color_asymmetry_index',         # tbp_lv_symm_2axis       * tbp_lv_radial_color_std_max

    'volume_approximation_3d',       # tbp_lv_areaMM2          * sqrt(tbp_lv_x**2 + tbp_lv_y**2 + tbp_lv_z**2)
    'color_range',                   # abs(tbp_lv_L - tbp_lv_Lext) + abs(tbp_lv_A - tbp_lv_Aext) + abs(tbp_lv_B - tbp_lv_Bext)
    'shape_color_consistency',       # tbp_lv_eccentricity     * tbp_lv_color_std_mean
    'border_length_ratio',           # tbp_lv_perimeterMM      / pi * sqrt(tbp_lv_areaMM2 / pi)
    'age_size_symmetry_index',       # age_approx              * clin_size_long_diam_mm * tbp_lv_symm_2axis
    'index_age_size_symmetry',       # age_approx              * tbp_lv_areaMM2 * tbp_lv_symm_2axis

cat_cols = ['sex', 'anatom_site_general', 'tbp_tile_type', 'tbp_lv_location', 'tbp_lv_location_simple', 'attribution']
norm_cols = [f'{col}_patient_norm' for col in num_cols + new_num_cols]
special_cols = ['count_per_patient']
image_cols = ["target_3","target_ser02","target_den02","target_effnetv1b0"]
#image_cols = ["target_3","target_effnetv1b0"]

#norm_cols += image_cols
feature_cols = num_cols + new_num_cols + cat_cols + norm_cols + special_cols
def read_data(path):
    return (
            pl.col('age_approx').cast(pl.String).replace('NA', np.nan).cast(pl.Float64),
            pl.col(pl.Float64).fill_nan(pl.col(pl.Float64).median()), # You may want to impute test data with train
            lesion_size_ratio              = pl.col('tbp_lv_minorAxisMM') / pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm'),
            lesion_shape_index             = pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') / (pl.col('tbp_lv_perimeterMM') ** 2),
            hue_contrast                   = (pl.col('tbp_lv_H') - pl.col('tbp_lv_Hext')).abs(),
            luminance_contrast             = (pl.col('tbp_lv_L') - pl.col('tbp_lv_Lext')).abs(),
            lesion_color_difference        = (pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaA') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaB') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaL') ** 2).sqrt(),
            border_complexity              = pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') + pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis'),
            color_uniformity               = pl.col('tbp_lv_color_std_mean') / (pl.col('tbp_lv_radial_color_std_max') + err),
            position_distance_3d           = (pl.col('tbp_lv_x') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_y') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_z') ** 2).sqrt(),
            perimeter_to_area_ratio        = pl.col('tbp_lv_perimeterMM') / pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2'),
            area_to_perimeter_ratio        = pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') / pl.col('tbp_lv_perimeterMM'),
            lesion_visibility_score        = pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm') + pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color'),
            combined_anatomical_site       = pl.col('anatom_site_general') + '_' + pl.col('tbp_lv_location'),
            symmetry_border_consistency    = pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis') * pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border'),
            consistency_symmetry_border    = pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis') * pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') / (pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis') + pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border')),
            color_consistency              = pl.col('tbp_lv_stdL') / pl.col('tbp_lv_Lext'),
            consistency_color              = pl.col('tbp_lv_stdL') * pl.col('tbp_lv_Lext') / (pl.col('tbp_lv_stdL') + pl.col('tbp_lv_Lext')),
            size_age_interaction           = pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm') * pl.col('age_approx'),
            hue_color_std_interaction      = pl.col('tbp_lv_H') * pl.col('tbp_lv_color_std_mean'),
            lesion_severity_index          = (pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') + pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color') + pl.col('tbp_lv_eccentricity')) / 3,
            shape_complexity_index         = pl.col('border_complexity') + pl.col('lesion_shape_index'),
            color_contrast_index           = pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaA') + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaB') + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaL') + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm'),
            log_lesion_area                = (pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') + 1).log(),
            normalized_lesion_size         = pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm') / pl.col('age_approx'),
            mean_hue_difference            = (pl.col('tbp_lv_H') + pl.col('tbp_lv_Hext')) / 2,
            std_dev_contrast               = ((pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaA') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaB') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaL') ** 2) / 3).sqrt(),
            color_shape_composite_index    = (pl.col('tbp_lv_color_std_mean') + pl.col('tbp_lv_area_perim_ratio') + pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis')) / 3,
            lesion_orientation_3d          = pl.arctan2(pl.col('tbp_lv_y'), pl.col('tbp_lv_x')),
            overall_color_difference       = (pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaA') + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaB') + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaL')) / 3,
            symmetry_perimeter_interaction = pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis') * pl.col('tbp_lv_perimeterMM'),
            comprehensive_lesion_index     = (pl.col('tbp_lv_area_perim_ratio') + pl.col('tbp_lv_eccentricity') + pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color') + pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis')) / 4,
            color_variance_ratio           = pl.col('tbp_lv_color_std_mean') / pl.col('tbp_lv_stdLExt'),
            border_color_interaction       = pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') * pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color'),
            border_color_interaction_2     = pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') * pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color') / (pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') + pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color')),
            size_color_contrast_ratio      = pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm') / pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm'),
            age_normalized_nevi_confidence = pl.col('tbp_lv_nevi_confidence') / pl.col('age_approx'),
            age_normalized_nevi_confidence_2 = (pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm')**2 + pl.col('age_approx')**2).sqrt(),
            color_asymmetry_index          = pl.col('tbp_lv_radial_color_std_max') * pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis'),
            volume_approximation_3d        = pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') * (pl.col('tbp_lv_x')**2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_y')**2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_z')**2).sqrt(),
            color_range                    = (pl.col('tbp_lv_L') - pl.col('tbp_lv_Lext')).abs() + (pl.col('tbp_lv_A') - pl.col('tbp_lv_Aext')).abs() + (pl.col('tbp_lv_B') - pl.col('tbp_lv_Bext')).abs(),
            shape_color_consistency        = pl.col('tbp_lv_eccentricity') * pl.col('tbp_lv_color_std_mean'),
            border_length_ratio            = pl.col('tbp_lv_perimeterMM') / (2 * np.pi * (pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') / np.pi).sqrt()),
            age_size_symmetry_index        = pl.col('age_approx') * pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm') * pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis'),
            index_age_size_symmetry        = pl.col('age_approx') * pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') * pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis'),
            ((pl.col(col) - pl.col(col).mean().over('patient_id')) / (pl.col(col).std().over('patient_id') + err)).alias(f'{col}_patient_norm') for col in (num_cols + new_num_cols)
            count_per_patient = pl.col('isic_id').count().over('patient_id'),
def preprocess(df_train, df_test):
    global cat_cols
    encoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse_output=False, dtype=np.int32, handle_unknown='ignore')
    new_cat_cols = [f'onehot_{i}' for i in range(len(encoder.get_feature_names_out()))]

    df_train[new_cat_cols] = encoder.transform(df_train[cat_cols])
    df_train[new_cat_cols] = df_train[new_cat_cols].astype('category')

    df_test[new_cat_cols] = encoder.transform(df_test[cat_cols])
    df_test[new_cat_cols] = df_test[new_cat_cols].astype('category')
    # effnetv1b0
    df_eff = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/isic-inference-effnetv1b0-for-training-data/train_effnetv1b0.csv")
    df_train = df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_eff = df_eff.reset_index(drop=True)
    #upload effnetv1b0 train predictions values
    df_train["target_effnetv1b0"] = df_eff["target_effnetv1b0"]
    df_eff = pd.read_csv("submission_effnetv1b0.csv")
    df_test = df_test.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_eff = df_eff.reset_index(drop=True)
    #upload effnetv1b0 test predictions values
    df_test["target_effnetv1b0"] = df_eff["target"]
    # effnetv1b0
    df_den = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/dense-train-cat/train_eva02.csv")
    df_train = df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_den = df_den.reset_index(drop=True)
    #upload effnetv1b0 train predictions values
    df_train["target_den02"] = df_den["target_eva02"]
    df_den = pd.read_csv("submission_den.csv")
    df_test = df_test.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_den = df_den.reset_index(drop=True)
    #upload effnetv1b0 test predictions values
    df_test["target_den02"] = df_den["target"]
    # target 3
    df_image_3 = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/isic-2024-pl-submission-script-and-preds/train_preds.csv")
    df_train = df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_image_3 = df_image_3.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_train["target_3"] = df_image_3["pred"]
    df_3 = pd.read_csv("submission_image3.csv")
    df_test = df_test.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_image_3 = df_image_3.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_test["target_3"] = df_3["target"]
    df_ser = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/ser-train/train_eva02.csv")
    df_train = df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_ser = df_ser.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_ser = df_ser[["target_eva02"]]
    df_train["target_ser02"] = df_ser["target_eva02"]
    df_ser = pd.read_csv("submission_ser.csv")
    df_test = df_test.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_ser = df_ser.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_test["target_ser02"] = df_ser["target"]

    for col in cat_cols:

    cat_cols = new_cat_cols
    return df_train, df_test
def custom_metric(estimator, X, y_true):
    y_hat = estimator.predict_proba(X)[:, 1]
    min_tpr = 0.80
    max_fpr = abs(1 - min_tpr)
    v_gt = abs(y_true - 1)
    v_pred = np.array([1.0 - x for x in y_hat])
    partial_auc_scaled = roc_auc_score(v_gt, v_pred, max_fpr=max_fpr)
    partial_auc = 0.5 * max_fpr**2 + (max_fpr - 0.5 * max_fpr**2) / (1.0 - 0.5) * (partial_auc_scaled - 0.5)
    return partial_auc
df_train = read_data(train_path)
df_test = read_data(test_path)
df_subm = pd.read_csv(subm_path, index_col=id_col)

df_train, df_test = preprocess(df_train, df_test)
least_important_features = ['onehot_32', 'onehot_6', 'onehot_33', 'onehot_30', 'onehot_26', 'onehot_22', 'onehot_36', 'onehot_4']
#they are detected after the least_important_features are removed and it has increased cv score also so I add it
#least_important_features_2 = ['onehot_17', 'onehot_42', 'onehot_29', 'onehot_13', 'onehot_25']
#least_important_features += least_important_features_2
df_train.drop(columns =least_important_features,inplace = True)
for feature in least_important_features:
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
import copy

feature_cols_without_image_cols = copy.copy(feature_cols)
feature_cols += image_cols

class SelectColumns(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    def __init__(self, columns):
        self.columns = columns
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        return self
    def transform(self, X):
        return X[self.columns]
lgb_params = {
    'objective':        'binary',
    'verbosity':        -1,
    'n_iter':           250,
    'boosting_type':    'gbdt',
    'random_state':     seed,
    'lambda_l1':        0.08758718919397321, 
    'lambda_l2':        0.0039689175176025465, 
    'learning_rate':    0.03231007103195577, 
    'max_depth':        4, 
    'num_leaves':       103, 
    'colsample_bytree': 0.8329551585827726, 
    'colsample_bynode': 0.4025961355653304, 
    'bagging_fraction': 0.7738954452473223, 
    'bagging_freq':     4, 
    'min_data_in_leaf': 85, 
    'scale_pos_weight': 2.7984184778875543,

sampling_ratio = 0.01
seed =42

lgb_model = Pipeline([
    ('sampler_1', RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy= 0.003 , random_state=seed)),
    ('sampler_2', RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy=sampling_ratio, random_state=seed)),
    ('filter', SelectColumns(feature_cols_without_image_cols)),
    ('classifier', lgb.LGBMClassifier(**lgb_params)),
cb_params = {
    'loss_function':     'Logloss',
    'iterations':        250,
    'verbose':           False,
    'random_state':      seed,
    'max_depth':         7, 
    'learning_rate':     0.06936242010150652, 
    'scale_pos_weight':  2.6149345838209532, 
    'l2_leaf_reg':       6.216113851699493, 
    'subsample':         0.6249261779711819, 
    'min_data_in_leaf':  24,
    'cat_features':      cat_cols,
cb_model = Pipeline([
    ('sampler_1', RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy= 0.003 , random_state=seed)),
    ('sampler_2', RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy=sampling_ratio, random_state=seed)),
    ('classifier', cb.CatBoostClassifier(**cb_params)),
xgb_params = {
    'enable_categorical': True,
    'tree_method':        'hist',
    'random_state':       seed,
    'learning_rate':      0.08501257473292347, 
    'lambda':             8.879624125465703, 
    'alpha':              0.6779926606782505, 
    'max_depth':          6, 
    'subsample':          0.6012681388711075, 
    'colsample_bytree':   0.8437772277074493, 
    'colsample_bylevel':  0.5476090898823716, 
    'colsample_bynode':   0.9928601203635129, 
    'scale_pos_weight':   3.29440313334688,

xgb_model = Pipeline([
    ('sampler_1', RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy= 0.003 , random_state=seed)),
    ('sampler_2', RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy=sampling_ratio, random_state=seed)),
    ('classifier', xgb.XGBClassifier(**xgb_params)),
estimator = VotingClassifier([
    ('lgb', lgb_model), ('cb', cb_model), ('xgb', xgb_model),
], voting='soft')
X = df_train[feature_cols]
y = df_train[target_col]
groups = df_train[group_col]
cv = StratifiedGroupKFold(5, shuffle=True, random_state=seed)

val_score = cross_val_score(
    X=X, y=y, 

np.mean(val_score), val_score
X, y = df_train[feature_cols], df_train[target_col]

estimator.fit(X, y)
df_subm['target'] = estimator.predict_proba(df_test[feature_cols])[:, 1]



root = Path('/kaggle/input/isic-2024-challenge')

train_path = root / 'train-metadata.csv'
test_path = root / 'test-metadata.csv'
subm_path = root / 'sample_submission.csv'

id_col = 'isic_id'
target_col = 'target'
group_col = 'patient_id'

err = 1e-5
sampling_ratio = 0.01
seed = 42

num_cols = [
    'age_approx',                        # Approximate age of patient at time of imaging.
    'clin_size_long_diam_mm',            # Maximum diameter of the lesion (mm).+
    'tbp_lv_A',                          # A inside  lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_Aext',                       # A outside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_B',                          # B inside  lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_Bext',                       # B outside lesion.+ 
    'tbp_lv_C',                          # Chroma inside  lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_Cext',                       # Chroma outside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_H',                          # Hue inside the lesion; calculated as the angle of A* and B* in LAB* color space. Typical values range from 25 (red) to 75 (brown).+
    'tbp_lv_Hext',                       # Hue outside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_L',                          # L inside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_Lext',                       # L outside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_areaMM2',                    # Area of lesion (mm^2).+
    'tbp_lv_area_perim_ratio',           # Border jaggedness, the ratio between lesions perimeter and area. Circular lesions will have low values; irregular shaped lesions will have higher values. Values range 0-10.+
    'tbp_lv_color_std_mean',             # Color irregularity, calculated as the variance of colors within the lesion's boundary.
    'tbp_lv_deltaA',                     # Average A contrast (inside vs. outside lesion).+
    'tbp_lv_deltaB',                     # Average B contrast (inside vs. outside lesion).+
    'tbp_lv_deltaL',                     # Average L contrast (inside vs. outside lesion).+
    'tbp_lv_deltaLB',                    #
    'tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm',                # Contrast between the lesion and its immediate surrounding skin. Low contrast lesions tend to be faintly visible such as freckles; high contrast lesions tend to be those with darker pigment. Calculated as the average delta LB of the lesion relative to its immediate background in LAB* color space. Typical values range from 5.5 to 25.+
    'tbp_lv_eccentricity',               # Eccentricity.+
    'tbp_lv_minorAxisMM',                # Smallest lesion diameter (mm).+
    'tbp_lv_nevi_confidence',            # Nevus confidence score (0-100 scale) is a convolutional neural network classifier estimated probability that the lesion is a nevus. The neural network was trained on approximately 57,000 lesions that were classified and labeled by a dermatologist.+,++
    'tbp_lv_norm_border',                # Border irregularity (0-10 scale); the normalized average of border jaggedness and asymmetry.+
    'tbp_lv_norm_color',                 # Color variation (0-10 scale); the normalized average of color asymmetry and color irregularity.+
    'tbp_lv_perimeterMM',                # Perimeter of lesion (mm).+
    'tbp_lv_radial_color_std_max',       # Color asymmetry, a measure of asymmetry of the spatial distribution of color within the lesion. This score is calculated by looking at the average standard deviation in LAB* color space within concentric rings originating from the lesion center. Values range 0-10.+
    'tbp_lv_stdL',                       # Standard deviation of L inside  lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_stdLExt',                    # Standard deviation of L outside lesion.+
    'tbp_lv_symm_2axis',                 # Border asymmetry; a measure of asymmetry of the lesion's contour about an axis perpendicular to the lesion's most symmetric axis. Lesions with two axes of symmetry will therefore have low scores (more symmetric), while lesions with only one or zero axes of symmetry will have higher scores (less symmetric). This score is calculated by comparing opposite halves of the lesion contour over many degrees of rotation. The angle where the halves are most similar identifies the principal axis of symmetry, while the second axis of symmetry is perpendicular to the principal axis. Border asymmetry is reported as the asymmetry value about this second axis. Values range 0-10.+
    'tbp_lv_symm_2axis_angle',           # Lesion border asymmetry angle.+
    'tbp_lv_x',                          # X-coordinate of the lesion on 3D TBP.+
    'tbp_lv_y',                          # Y-coordinate of the lesion on 3D TBP.+
    'tbp_lv_z',                          # Z-coordinate of the lesion on 3D TBP.+

new_num_cols = [
    'lesion_size_ratio',             # tbp_lv_minorAxisMM      / clin_size_long_diam_mm
    'lesion_shape_index',            # tbp_lv_areaMM2          / tbp_lv_perimeterMM **2
    'hue_contrast',                  # tbp_lv_H                - tbp_lv_Hext              abs
    'luminance_contrast',            # tbp_lv_L                - tbp_lv_Lext              abs
    'lesion_color_difference',       # tbp_lv_deltaA **2       + tbp_lv_deltaB **2 + tbp_lv_deltaL **2  sqrt  
    'border_complexity',             # tbp_lv_norm_border      + tbp_lv_symm_2axis
    'color_uniformity',              # tbp_lv_color_std_mean   / tbp_lv_radial_color_std_max

    'position_distance_3d',          # tbp_lv_x **2 + tbp_lv_y **2 + tbp_lv_z **2  sqrt
    'perimeter_to_area_ratio',       # tbp_lv_perimeterMM      / tbp_lv_areaMM2
    'area_to_perimeter_ratio',       # tbp_lv_areaMM2          / tbp_lv_perimeterMM
    'lesion_visibility_score',       # tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm      + tbp_lv_norm_color
    'symmetry_border_consistency',   # tbp_lv_symm_2axis       * tbp_lv_norm_border
    'consistency_symmetry_border',   # tbp_lv_symm_2axis       * tbp_lv_norm_border / (tbp_lv_symm_2axis + tbp_lv_norm_border)

    'color_consistency',             # tbp_lv_stdL             / tbp_lv_Lext
    'consistency_color',             # tbp_lv_stdL*tbp_lv_Lext / tbp_lv_stdL + tbp_lv_Lext
    'size_age_interaction',          # clin_size_long_diam_mm  * age_approx
    'hue_color_std_interaction',     # tbp_lv_H                * tbp_lv_color_std_mean
    'lesion_severity_index',         # tbp_lv_norm_border      + tbp_lv_norm_color + tbp_lv_eccentricity / 3
    'shape_complexity_index',        # border_complexity       + lesion_shape_index
    'color_contrast_index',          # tbp_lv_deltaA + tbp_lv_deltaB + tbp_lv_deltaL + tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm

    'log_lesion_area',               # tbp_lv_areaMM2          + 1  np.log
    'normalized_lesion_size',        # clin_size_long_diam_mm  / age_approx
    'mean_hue_difference',           # tbp_lv_H                + tbp_lv_Hext    / 2
    'std_dev_contrast',              # tbp_lv_deltaA **2 + tbp_lv_deltaB **2 + tbp_lv_deltaL **2   / 3  np.sqrt
    'color_shape_composite_index',   # tbp_lv_color_std_mean   + bp_lv_area_perim_ratio + tbp_lv_symm_2axis   / 3
    'lesion_orientation_3d',         # tbp_lv_y                , tbp_lv_x  np.arctan2
    'overall_color_difference',      # tbp_lv_deltaA           + tbp_lv_deltaB + tbp_lv_deltaL   / 3

    'symmetry_perimeter_interaction',# tbp_lv_symm_2axis       * tbp_lv_perimeterMM
    'comprehensive_lesion_index',    # tbp_lv_area_perim_ratio + tbp_lv_eccentricity + bp_lv_norm_color + tbp_lv_symm_2axis   / 4
    'color_variance_ratio',          # tbp_lv_color_std_mean   / tbp_lv_stdLExt
    'border_color_interaction',      # tbp_lv_norm_border      * tbp_lv_norm_color
    'size_color_contrast_ratio',     # clin_size_long_diam_mm  / tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm
    'age_normalized_nevi_confidence',# tbp_lv_nevi_confidence  / age_approx
    'color_asymmetry_index',         # tbp_lv_symm_2axis       * tbp_lv_radial_color_std_max

    'volume_approximation_3d',       # tbp_lv_areaMM2          * sqrt(tbp_lv_x**2 + tbp_lv_y**2 + tbp_lv_z**2)
    'color_range',                   # abs(tbp_lv_L - tbp_lv_Lext) + abs(tbp_lv_A - tbp_lv_Aext) + abs(tbp_lv_B - tbp_lv_Bext)
    'shape_color_consistency',       # tbp_lv_eccentricity     * tbp_lv_color_std_mean
    'border_length_ratio',           # tbp_lv_perimeterMM      / pi * sqrt(tbp_lv_areaMM2 / pi)
    'age_size_symmetry_index',       # age_approx              * clin_size_long_diam_mm * tbp_lv_symm_2axis
    'index_age_size_symmetry',       # age_approx              * tbp_lv_areaMM2 * tbp_lv_symm_2axis

cat_cols = ['sex', 'anatom_site_general', 'tbp_tile_type', 'tbp_lv_location', 'tbp_lv_location_simple', 'attribution']
norm_cols = [f'{col}_patient_norm' for col in num_cols + new_num_cols]
special_cols = ['count_per_patient']
image_cols = ["target_3","target_ser02","target_fb02","target_effnetv1b0"]
#image_cols = ["target_3","target_effnetv1b0"]

#norm_cols += image_cols
feature_cols = num_cols + new_num_cols + cat_cols + norm_cols + special_cols
def read_data(path):
    return (
            pl.col('age_approx').cast(pl.String).replace('NA', np.nan).cast(pl.Float64),
            pl.col(pl.Float64).fill_nan(pl.col(pl.Float64).median()), # You may want to impute test data with train
            lesion_size_ratio              = pl.col('tbp_lv_minorAxisMM') / pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm'),
            lesion_shape_index             = pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') / (pl.col('tbp_lv_perimeterMM') ** 2),
            hue_contrast                   = (pl.col('tbp_lv_H') - pl.col('tbp_lv_Hext')).abs(),
            luminance_contrast             = (pl.col('tbp_lv_L') - pl.col('tbp_lv_Lext')).abs(),
            lesion_color_difference        = (pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaA') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaB') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaL') ** 2).sqrt(),
            border_complexity              = pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') + pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis'),
            color_uniformity               = pl.col('tbp_lv_color_std_mean') / (pl.col('tbp_lv_radial_color_std_max') + err),
            position_distance_3d           = (pl.col('tbp_lv_x') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_y') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_z') ** 2).sqrt(),
            perimeter_to_area_ratio        = pl.col('tbp_lv_perimeterMM') / pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2'),
            area_to_perimeter_ratio        = pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') / pl.col('tbp_lv_perimeterMM'),
            lesion_visibility_score        = pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm') + pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color'),
            combined_anatomical_site       = pl.col('anatom_site_general') + '_' + pl.col('tbp_lv_location'),
            symmetry_border_consistency    = pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis') * pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border'),
            consistency_symmetry_border    = pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis') * pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') / (pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis') + pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border')),
            color_consistency              = pl.col('tbp_lv_stdL') / pl.col('tbp_lv_Lext'),
            consistency_color              = pl.col('tbp_lv_stdL') * pl.col('tbp_lv_Lext') / (pl.col('tbp_lv_stdL') + pl.col('tbp_lv_Lext')),
            size_age_interaction           = pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm') * pl.col('age_approx'),
            hue_color_std_interaction      = pl.col('tbp_lv_H') * pl.col('tbp_lv_color_std_mean'),
            lesion_severity_index          = (pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') + pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color') + pl.col('tbp_lv_eccentricity')) / 3,
            shape_complexity_index         = pl.col('border_complexity') + pl.col('lesion_shape_index'),
            color_contrast_index           = pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaA') + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaB') + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaL') + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm'),
            log_lesion_area                = (pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') + 1).log(),
            normalized_lesion_size         = pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm') / pl.col('age_approx'),
            mean_hue_difference            = (pl.col('tbp_lv_H') + pl.col('tbp_lv_Hext')) / 2,
            std_dev_contrast               = ((pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaA') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaB') ** 2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaL') ** 2) / 3).sqrt(),
            color_shape_composite_index    = (pl.col('tbp_lv_color_std_mean') + pl.col('tbp_lv_area_perim_ratio') + pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis')) / 3,
            lesion_orientation_3d          = pl.arctan2(pl.col('tbp_lv_y'), pl.col('tbp_lv_x')),
            overall_color_difference       = (pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaA') + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaB') + pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaL')) / 3,
            symmetry_perimeter_interaction = pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis') * pl.col('tbp_lv_perimeterMM'),
            comprehensive_lesion_index     = (pl.col('tbp_lv_area_perim_ratio') + pl.col('tbp_lv_eccentricity') + pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color') + pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis')) / 4,
            color_variance_ratio           = pl.col('tbp_lv_color_std_mean') / pl.col('tbp_lv_stdLExt'),
            border_color_interaction       = pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') * pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color'),
            border_color_interaction_2     = pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') * pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color') / (pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_border') + pl.col('tbp_lv_norm_color')),
            size_color_contrast_ratio      = pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm') / pl.col('tbp_lv_deltaLBnorm'),
            age_normalized_nevi_confidence = pl.col('tbp_lv_nevi_confidence') / pl.col('age_approx'),
            age_normalized_nevi_confidence_2 = (pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm')**2 + pl.col('age_approx')**2).sqrt(),
            color_asymmetry_index          = pl.col('tbp_lv_radial_color_std_max') * pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis'),
            volume_approximation_3d        = pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') * (pl.col('tbp_lv_x')**2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_y')**2 + pl.col('tbp_lv_z')**2).sqrt(),
            color_range                    = (pl.col('tbp_lv_L') - pl.col('tbp_lv_Lext')).abs() + (pl.col('tbp_lv_A') - pl.col('tbp_lv_Aext')).abs() + (pl.col('tbp_lv_B') - pl.col('tbp_lv_Bext')).abs(),
            shape_color_consistency        = pl.col('tbp_lv_eccentricity') * pl.col('tbp_lv_color_std_mean'),
            border_length_ratio            = pl.col('tbp_lv_perimeterMM') / (2 * np.pi * (pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') / np.pi).sqrt()),
            age_size_symmetry_index        = pl.col('age_approx') * pl.col('clin_size_long_diam_mm') * pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis'),
            index_age_size_symmetry        = pl.col('age_approx') * pl.col('tbp_lv_areaMM2') * pl.col('tbp_lv_symm_2axis'),
            ((pl.col(col) - pl.col(col).mean().over('patient_id')) / (pl.col(col).std().over('patient_id') + err)).alias(f'{col}_patient_norm') for col in (num_cols + new_num_cols)
            count_per_patient = pl.col('isic_id').count().over('patient_id'),
def preprocess(df_train, df_test):
    global cat_cols
    encoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse_output=False, dtype=np.int32, handle_unknown='ignore')
    new_cat_cols = [f'onehot_{i}' for i in range(len(encoder.get_feature_names_out()))]

    df_train[new_cat_cols] = encoder.transform(df_train[cat_cols])
    df_train[new_cat_cols] = df_train[new_cat_cols].astype('category')

    df_test[new_cat_cols] = encoder.transform(df_test[cat_cols])
    df_test[new_cat_cols] = df_test[new_cat_cols].astype('category')
    # effnetv1b0
    df_eff = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/isic-inference-effnetv1b0-for-training-data/train_effnetv1b0.csv")
    df_train = df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_eff = df_eff.reset_index(drop=True)
    #upload effnetv1b0 train predictions values
    df_train["target_effnetv1b0"] = df_eff["target_effnetv1b0"]
    df_eff = pd.read_csv("submission_effnetv1b0.csv")
    df_test = df_test.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_eff = df_eff.reset_index(drop=True)
    #upload effnetv1b0 test predictions values
    df_test["target_effnetv1b0"] = df_eff["target"]
    # target 3
    df_image_3 = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/isic-2024-pl-submission-script-and-preds/train_preds.csv")
    df_train = df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_image_3 = df_image_3.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_train["target_3"] = df_image_3["pred"]
    df_3 = pd.read_csv("submission_image3.csv")
    df_test = df_test.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_image_3 = df_image_3.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_test["target_3"] = df_3["target"]
    df_ser = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/ser-train/train_eva02.csv")
    df_train = df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_ser = df_ser.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_ser = df_ser[["target_eva02"]]
    df_train["target_ser02"] = df_ser["target_eva02"]
    df_ser = pd.read_csv("submission_ser.csv")
    df_test = df_test.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_ser = df_ser.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_test["target_ser02"] = df_ser["target"]
    df_fb = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/fb-train/train_eva02.csv")
    df_train = df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_fb = df_fb.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_fb = df_fb[["target_eva02"]]
    df_train["target_fb02"] = df_fb["target_eva02"]
    df_fb = pd.read_csv("submission_fb.csv")
    df_test = df_test.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_fb = df_fb.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_test["target_fb02"] = df_ser["target"]

    for col in cat_cols:

    cat_cols = new_cat_cols
    return df_train, df_test
def custom_metric(estimator, X, y_true):
    y_hat = estimator.predict_proba(X)[:, 1]
    min_tpr = 0.80
    max_fpr = abs(1 - min_tpr)
    v_gt = abs(y_true - 1)
    v_pred = np.array([1.0 - x for x in y_hat])
    partial_auc_scaled = roc_auc_score(v_gt, v_pred, max_fpr=max_fpr)
    partial_auc = 0.5 * max_fpr**2 + (max_fpr - 0.5 * max_fpr**2) / (1.0 - 0.5) * (partial_auc_scaled - 0.5)
    return partial_auc
df_train = read_data(train_path)
df_test = read_data(test_path)
df_subm = pd.read_csv(subm_path, index_col=id_col)

df_train, df_test = preprocess(df_train, df_test)
least_important_features = ['onehot_32', 'onehot_6', 'onehot_33', 'onehot_30', 'onehot_26', 'onehot_22', 'onehot_36', 'onehot_4']
#they are detected after the least_important_features are removed and it has increased cv score also so I add it
#least_important_features_2 = ['onehot_17', 'onehot_42', 'onehot_29', 'onehot_13', 'onehot_25']
#least_important_features += least_important_features_2
df_train.drop(columns =least_important_features,inplace = True)
for feature in least_important_features:
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
import copy

feature_cols_without_image_cols = copy.copy(feature_cols)
feature_cols += image_cols

class SelectColumns(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    def __init__(self, columns):
        self.columns = columns
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        return self
    def transform(self, X):
        return X[self.columns]
lgb_params = {
    'objective':        'binary',
    'verbosity':        -1,
    'n_iter':           250,
    'boosting_type':    'gbdt',
    'random_state':     seed,
    'lambda_l1':        0.08758718919397321, 
    'lambda_l2':        0.0039689175176025465, 
    'learning_rate':    0.03231007103195577, 
    'max_depth':        4, 
    'num_leaves':       103, 
    'colsample_bytree': 0.8329551585827726, 
    'colsample_bynode': 0.4025961355653304, 
    'bagging_fraction': 0.7738954452473223, 
    'bagging_freq':     4, 
    'min_data_in_leaf': 85, 
    'scale_pos_weight': 2.7984184778875543,

sampling_ratio = 0.01
seed =42

lgb_model = Pipeline([
    ('sampler_1', RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy= 0.003 , random_state=seed)),
    ('sampler_2', RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy=sampling_ratio, random_state=seed)),
    ('filter', SelectColumns(feature_cols_without_image_cols)),
    ('classifier', lgb.LGBMClassifier(**lgb_params)),
cb_params = {
    'loss_function':     'Logloss',
    'iterations':        250,
    'verbose':           False,
    'random_state':      seed,
    'max_depth':         7, 
    'learning_rate':     0.06936242010150652, 
    'scale_pos_weight':  2.6149345838209532, 
    'l2_leaf_reg':       6.216113851699493, 
    'subsample':         0.6249261779711819, 
    'min_data_in_leaf':  24,
    'cat_features':      cat_cols,
cb_model = Pipeline([
    ('sampler_1', RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy= 0.003 , random_state=seed)),
    ('sampler_2', RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy=sampling_ratio, random_state=seed)),
    ('classifier', cb.CatBoostClassifier(**cb_params)),
xgb_params = {
    'enable_categorical': True,
    'tree_method':        'hist',
    'random_state':       seed,
    'learning_rate':      0.08501257473292347, 
    'lambda':             8.879624125465703, 
    'alpha':              0.6779926606782505, 
    'max_depth':          6, 
    'subsample':          0.6012681388711075, 
    'colsample_bytree':   0.8437772277074493, 
    'colsample_bylevel':  0.5476090898823716, 
    'colsample_bynode':   0.9928601203635129, 
    'scale_pos_weight':   3.29440313334688,

xgb_model = Pipeline([
    ('sampler_1', RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy= 0.003 , random_state=seed)),
    ('sampler_2', RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy=sampling_ratio, random_state=seed)),
    ('classifier', xgb.XGBClassifier(**xgb_params)),
estimator = VotingClassifier([
    ('lgb', lgb_model), ('cb', cb_model), ('xgb', xgb_model),
], voting='soft',weights=[0.2,0.4,0.4])
X = df_train[feature_cols]
y = df_train[target_col]
groups = df_train[group_col]
cv = StratifiedGroupKFold(5, shuffle=True, random_state=seed)

val_score = cross_val_score(
    X=X, y=y, 

np.mean(val_score), val_score
X, y = df_train[feature_cols], df_train[target_col]

estimator.fit(X, y)
df_subm['target'] = estimator.predict_proba(df_test[feature_cols])[:, 1]



id_col = 'isic_id'
df_subm = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/isic-2024-challenge/sample_submission.csv", index_col=id_col)


以下是使用Python和Keras库来解决Kaggle Digit Recognizer比赛的代码示例: 首先,导入必要的库: ```python import pandas as pd import numpy as np from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten, Conv2D, MaxPool2D from keras.optimizers import RMSprop from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split ``` 然后,读取和处理训练数据和测试数据: ```python train_data = pd.read_csv('train.csv') test_data = pd.read_csv('test.csv') # 将数据分成输入和输出 X_train = train_data.drop(['label'], axis=1) y_train = train_data['label'] # 将输入数据重塑为28x28像素 X_train = X_train.values.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) test_data = test_data.values.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) # 将像素值转换为浮点数并归一化 X_train = X_train.astype('float32') / 255 test_data = test_data.astype('float32') / 255 # 将输出数据转换为独热编码 y_train = pd.get_dummies(y_train).values ``` 接着,将数据分成训练集和验证集,设置数据增强器并构建卷积神经网络模型: ```python # 将数据分成训练集和验证集 X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size=0.1) # 设置数据增强器 datagen = ImageDataGenerator( rotation_range=10, zoom_range = 0.1, width_shift_range=0.1, height_shift_range=0.1) # 构建卷积神经网络模型 model = Sequential() model.add(Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=(5,5), padding='Same', activation='relu', input_shape=(28,28,1))) model.add(Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=(5,5), padding='Same', activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2,2))) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3), padding='Same', activation='relu')) model.add(Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3), padding='Same', activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2,2), strides=(2,2))) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(256, activation="relu")) model.add(Dropout(0.5)) model.add(Dense(10, activation="softmax")) # 定义优化器和损失函数 optimizer = RMSprop(lr=0.001, rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-08, decay=0.0) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss="categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"]) ``` 最后,使用训练集和验证集来训练和评估模型,并对测试数据进行预测: ```python # 训练模型 history = model.fit_generator(datagen.flow(X_train, y_train, batch_size=64), epochs=30, validation_data=(X_val, y_val), verbose=2) # 在验证集上评估模型 score = model.evaluate(X_val, y_val, verbose=0) print("Validation loss:", score[0]) print("Validation accuracy:", score[1]) # 对测试数据进行预测 predictions = model.predict(test_data) ``` 这就是一个简单的使用卷积神经网络和数据增强器来解决Kaggle Digit Recognizer比赛的代码示例。




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