typedef struct SequentialList{
int actualLength;//结构体长度
int data[List_Max_Length];//结构体数组
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#define List_Max_Length 10//定义一个定值
typedef struct SequentialList{
int actualLength;//结构体长度
int data[List_Max_Length];//结构体数组
void outputList(SequentialListPtr paraList){
for(int i=0;i<paraList->actualLength;i++){
printf("%d ",paraList->data[i]);
}//of outputList
void outputMemory(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr) {
printf("The address of the structure: %ld\r\n", paraListPtr);
printf("The address of actualLength: %ld\r\n", ¶ListPtr->actualLength);
printf("The address of data: %ld\r\n", ¶ListPtr->data);
printf("The address of actual data: %ld\r\n", ¶ListPtr->data[0]);
printf("The address of second data: %ld\r\n", ¶ListPtr->data[1]);
}//of outputMemory
//创建结构体 放入数值
SequentialListPtr sequentialListInit(int paraData[], int paraLength) {
SequentialListPtr resultPtr = (SequentialListPtr)malloc(sizeof(struct SequentialList));//动态分配内存
for (int i = 0; i < paraLength; i ++) {
resultPtr->data[i] = paraData[i];
resultPtr->actualLength = paraLength;
return resultPtr;
}//of sequentialListInit
void sequentialListInsert(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr, int paraPosition, int paraValue) {
// Step 1. 数组已满
if (paraListPtr->actualLength >= List_Max_Length) {
printf("Cannot insert element: list full.\r\n");
// Step 2. 插入位置不正确
if (paraPosition < 0) {
printf("Cannot insert element: negative position unsupported.");
if (paraPosition > paraListPtr->actualLength) {
printf("Cannot insert element: the position %d is bigger than the list length %d.\r\n", paraPosition,
// Step 3.若可插入,则将插入的位置及以后都向后移
for (int i = paraListPtr->actualLength; i > paraPosition; i --) {
paraListPtr->data[i] = paraListPtr->data[i - 1];
// Step 4. 在需要插入的位置插入数值
paraListPtr->data[paraPosition] = paraValue;
// Step 5. 数组长度加一
paraListPtr->actualLength ++;
}//of sequentialListInsert
void sequentialInsertTest() {
int i;
int tempArray[5] = {3, 5, 2, 7, 4};
printf("---- sequentialInsertTest begins. ----\r\n");
// Initialize.
SequentialListPtr tempList = sequentialListInit(tempArray, 5);
printf("After initialization, the list is: ");
// Insert to the first.
printf("Now insert to the first, the list is: ");
sequentialListInsert(tempList, 0, 8);
// Insert to the last.
printf("Now insert to the last, the list is: ");
sequentialListInsert(tempList, 6, 9);
// Insert beyond the tail.
printf("Now insert beyond the tail. \r\n");
sequentialListInsert(tempList, 8, 9);
printf("The list is:");
// Insert to position 3.
for (i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
printf("Inserting %d.\r\n", (i + 10));
sequentialListInsert(tempList, 0, (i + 10));
}//Of for i
printf("---- sequentialInsertTest ends. ----\r\n");
}// Of sequentialInsertTest
int sequentialListDelete(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr, int paraPosition) {
// Step 1. Position check.
if (paraPosition < 0) {
printf("Invalid position: %d.\r\n", paraPosition);
return -1;
}//Of if
if (paraPosition >= paraListPtr->actualLength) {
printf("Cannot delete element: the position %d is beyond the list length %d.\r\n", paraPosition, paraListPtr->actualLength);
return -1;
}//Of if
// Step 2. Move the remaining part.
int resultValue = paraListPtr->data[paraPosition];
for (int i = paraPosition; i < paraListPtr->actualLength; i ++) {
paraListPtr->data[i] = paraListPtr->data[i + 1];
}//Of for i
// Step 3. Update the length.
paraListPtr->actualLength --;
// Step 4. Return the value.
return resultValue;
}// Of sequentialListDelete
void sequentialDeleteTest() {
int tempArray[5] = {3, 5, 2, 7, 4};
printf("---- sequentialDeleteTest begins. ----\r\n");
// Initialize.
SequentialListPtr tempList = sequentialListInit(tempArray, 5);
printf("After initialization, the list is: ");
// Delete the first.
printf("Now delete the first, the list is: ");
sequentialListDelete(tempList, 0);
// Delete to the last.
printf("Now delete the last, the list is: ");
sequentialListDelete(tempList, 3);
// Delete the second.
printf("Now delete the second, the list is: ");
sequentialListDelete(tempList, 1);
// Delete the second.
printf("Now delete the 5th, the list is: ");
sequentialListDelete(tempList, 5);
// Delete the second.
printf("Now delete the (-6)th, the list is: ");
sequentialListDelete(tempList, -6);
printf("---- sequentialDeleteTest ends. ----\r\n");
}// Of sequentialDeleteTest
int locateElement(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr, int paraValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < paraListPtr->actualLength; i ++) {
if (paraListPtr->data[i] == paraValue) {
return i;
}// Of if
}//Of for i
return -1;
}// Of locateElement
int getElement(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr, int paraPosition) {
// Step 1. Position check.
if (paraPosition < 0) {
printf("Invalid position: %d.\r\n", paraPosition);
return -1;
}//Of if
if (paraPosition >= paraListPtr->actualLength) {
printf("Cannot get element: the position %d is beyond the list length %d.\r\n", paraPosition, paraListPtr->actualLength);
return -1;
}//Of if
return paraListPtr->data[paraPosition];
}// Of locateElement
void clearList(SequentialListPtr paraListPtr) {
paraListPtr->actualLength = 0;
}// Of clearList
int main() {
return 0;
}// Of main
---- sequentialInsertTest begins. ----
After initialization, the list is: 3 5 2 7 4
Now insert to the first, the list is: 8 3 5 2 7 4
Now insert to the last, the list is: 8 3 5 2 7 4 9
Now insert beyond the tail.
Cannot insert element: the position 8 is bigger than the list length 7.
The list is:8 3 5 2 7 4 9
Inserting 10.
10 8 3 5 2 7 4 9
Inserting 11.
11 10 8 3 5 2 7 4 9
Inserting 12.
12 11 10 8 3 5 2 7 4 9
Inserting 13.
Cannot insert element: list full.
12 11 10 8 3 5 2 7 4 9
Inserting 14.
Cannot insert element: list full.
12 11 10 8 3 5 2 7 4 9
---- sequentialInsertTest ends. ----
---- sequentialDeleteTest begins. ----
After initialization, the list is: 3 5 2 7 4
Now delete the first, the list is: 5 2 7 4
Now delete the last, the list is: 5 2 7
Now delete the second, the list is: 5 7
Now delete the 5th, the list is: Cannot delete element: the position 5 is beyond the list length 2.
5 7
Now delete the (-6)th, the list is: Invalid position: -6.
5 7
---- sequentialDeleteTest ends. ----
The address of the structure: 10778336
The address of actualLength: 10778336
The address of data: 10778340
The address of actual data: 10778340
The address of second data: 10778344