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原创 Grails(5)Guide Book Chapter 6 GORM

Grails(5)Guide Book Chapter 6 GORM6.3 Persistence Basics6.3.1 Saving and Updatingdef p = Person.get(1)p.save()This save will be not be pushed to the database immediately. It will be pushed...

2012-12-31 15:45:37 126

原创 Grails(4)Guide Book Chapter 4 Configuration and Command Line

Grails(4)Guide Book Chapter 4 Configuration and Command Line4.7.2 Dependency RepositoriesRemote RepositoriesInitially your BuildConfig.groovy does not use any remote public Maven repositories....

2012-12-31 12:22:12 151

原创 Grails(3)Guide Book Chapter 4 Configuration

Grails(3)Guide Book Chapter 4 Configuration4.3 The DataSourceIf we use a database other than H2 we need a JDBC driver. It's the best to use Ivy to resolve the jar.The dependency for the MySQL ...

2012-12-30 12:05:09 98

原创 Playframework(11)Scala Project and First Example

Playframework(11)Scala Project and First ExampleMaybe, I will try emacs in the future, but this time, still I will use eclipse.Project creation>play new todolistAnd this time I choose simp...

2012-12-30 03:21:41 97

原创 Playframework(10)Scala Project and Database

Playframework(10)Scala Project and DatabaseUsing the Parser APIThe most easiest parser is to parse a value to Scala Longval rowParser = scalar[Long]val rsParser = scalar[Long].singleTh...

2012-12-28 13:53:14 97

原创 Jenkins Configuration(3)Shell Script

Jenkins Configuration(3)Shell ScriptJenkins, we can make SVN, GIT, MAVEN, ANT working on that. But we need to restart JBOSS server, copy the package to working directory, remote access and sync fi...

2012-12-28 01:17:52 173

原创 Playframework(9)Scala Project and Working with JSON

Playframework(9)Scala Project and Working with JSON5. Working with JSON5.1 The Play JSON libraryWe recommend to deal with JSON based the type class library play.api.libs.json.This library ...

2012-12-26 13:20:51 122

原创 Playframework(8)Scala Project and Asynchronous HTTP Programming

Playframework(8)Scala Project and Asynchronous HTTP Programming1.5 Body ParsersAn HTTP PUT or POST request contains a body. This body can use any format, specified in the Cotnent-Type request head...

2012-12-26 05:25:33 102

原创 Playframework(7)Scala Project and HTTP Programming

Playframework(7)Scala Project and HTTP Programming1. HTTP Programming1.1 Actions, Controllers and Resultsplay.api.mvc.Result function that handles a request and generates a result to be sent t...

2012-12-25 04:52:06 90

原创 Playframework(6)Java Project and TODO Sample

Playframework(6)Java Project and TODO SampleCreate Project>play new todolistI choose simple java project.>cd todolist>play eclipsifyMake it works in eclipse.Using the Play Console>pl...

2012-12-23 14:36:28 77

原创 Playframework(5)Java Project and SQL Database

Playframework(5)Java Project and SQL Database8. Accessing an SQL DatabaseConfiguring JDBC connection poolsconf/application.conf# Default database configurationdb.default.driver=org.h2.Dr...

2012-12-22 10:12:36 92

原创 Playframework(4)Java Project and Handling form Submission

Playframework(4)Java Project and Handling form Submission4. Handling Form SubmissionDefining a form play.data.Form just defining the form with a classpublic class User{ public String ...

2012-12-21 12:38:13 75

原创 Playframework(3)Java Project and Handling asynchronous results

Playframework(3)Java Project and Handling asynchronous results2. Handling asynchronous resultsWe were able to compute the result to send to the web client directly. This is not always the case: th...

2012-12-20 13:50:58 85

原创 Lift(1)Setup a Simple Project

Lift(1)Setup a Simple Project1.1 Install the lift appDownload the latest file https://nodeload.github.com/lift/lift_25_sbt/legacy.tar.gz/masterExpand the project with command.>tar zxvf...

2012-12-19 14:36:51 135

原创 Playframework(2)Java Project and Concept HTTP programming

Playframework(2)Java Project and Concept HTTP programmingIt is not good to using eclipse IDE. I will verify the Playframework again based on other IDE.Play with IDEA>idea with-sourcesBut it ...

2012-12-19 14:07:56 120

原创 Grails(2)Clinic Sample and Guide Book

Grails(2)Clinic Sample and Guide BookFind the most recent sample from here:https://github.com/grails-samples/grails-petclinic.git>git clone https://github.com/grails-samples/grails-petclinic.g...

2012-12-18 07:39:39 86

原创 scala(7)Learn CH9 Programming in Scala from others

scala(7)Learn CH9 Programming in Scala from othersControl Abstraction File Top Functionpackage com.sillycat.easyscala.lesson7import java.io.FileReaderobject SafeFile { def main(args: Arr...

2012-12-17 12:01:59 65

原创 scala(6)Learn CH8 Programming in Scala from others

scala(6)Learn CH8 Programming in Scala from othersFunction can be used as an parameter, because function is also an object. It can be changed during processing.package com.sillycat.easyscala.les...

2012-12-17 02:27:17 52

原创 Using SOAPUI to Test on REST/JSON

Using SOAPUI to Test on REST/JSONChoose the project View to SOAPUI on STS.I create a new project with selecting [Opens dialog to Create REST Service]Put my Accept application/jsonFull ...

2012-12-16 14:22:17 79

原创 Grails(1)Build ENV on MAC

Grails(1)Build ENV on MAC1. Install the Latest Groovy and Grails1.1 install the latest groovy on mac>sudo port install groovy>groovy -vGroovy Version: 2.0.0 JVM: 1.6.0_37 Vendor: Apple Inc. ...

2012-12-15 00:19:18 149

原创 Stanford Cource(1)MVC and Object-C

Stanford Cource(1)MVC and Object-C1. IOS Layer1.1 Core OS OSX Kernel Power Management Mach 3.0 Keychain Access BSD Certificates Socket File System...

2012-12-14 14:04:32 84

原创 Install and Use Simple Build Tool

Install and Use Simple Build Tool1. Installing sbtIf I have MacPorts, I will use this command to do so.>sudo port selfupdateUpdate the MacPorts tool itself to update.>sudo port install sbt...

2012-12-08 10:25:25 133

原创 Playframework(1)Install and Demo

Playframework(1)Install and Demo1. Install the packageDownload the latest package from here http://download.playframework.org/releases/Move the file to working directory>mv play-2.0.4....

2012-12-07 06:02:06 75

原创 Android Talker(2)Project Environment

Android Talker(2)Project Environment1. Some tips about the eclipse and old projectError Message:org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal com.jayway.maven....

2012-12-06 23:53:50 113


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