Life is a Game


本命年发生了很多事,让我感到自己的自控力储量之低,拖延症之严重。现已突破体重极限,肥如猪,脂肪肝也紧随而来。运动少,睡的也不规律,老刷知乎,书也看不进去。有种直堕地狱的感觉 -- oh, hell!

看了《自控力》和《拖延症治疗手册》,重温了《7天治愈拖延症》《暗时间》。有个问题一直困扰着我 -- 人活着有什么意义?特别是在看了这个回答后。最后结论给的太快,有种猛灌鸡汤的感觉,适应不了,反而给我平添了许多忧愁 -- 本来我是不会费心想这样的问题的。btw, 忘了谁说的,人在悲观的时候就容易想到这种问题。这也从侧面印证了我最近的心态。

现在我来阐述下我的回答。先引用上段提到的知乎回答《7天治愈拖延症》所得出和提到的结论: 人活着没有意义。具体论据我就不阐述了,谁叫我懒呢。好,既然没有意义,那就没有在乎什么得失,“生不带来,死不带去”呗。只要想通这点,人就会变得无限豁达。是啊,随便你多能折腾,对自己来说都没意义。失去了什么也没有意义。但是,得到了却是实实在在爽到了,赚了。

扯点别的。回头想想小时候玩的小霸王,为毛一个蹦蹦跳跳的plumber和马赛克般的tank能那么吸引我不断玩下去而不觉得疲倦?《自控力》里给出了答案: 我们这些“摩登原始人”被生存本能所释放的多巴胺所控制。多巴胺是提供做出符合“原始人”生存本能的奖励系统,鼓励我们不断重复做符合生存本能的事。在原始社会,人类要不断积蓄脂肪,收集信息,攒资源,杀敌,探索等等。玩游戏的人类就像被电击了的小白鼠一样,不断被level up, 过关等等所激励,持续释放多巴胺。然而这些都是game makers精心设计的trap:他们知道了许多许多人的大脑被生存本能所控制,前额皮质(进化中的理性区域)打不过多巴胺,分不清虚幻和现实,人们会不断重复的沉浸在跳啊跳中不能自拔。尤其是小孩儿,前额皮质发育本就不完全,不被干趴才奇怪。多巴胺是原始欲望的源泉,提供给我们近乎无限的快感。但快感不是快乐。快感是短暂的,快乐是能持续的。你会回忆带来快乐的记忆,但不会去回忆某次撸管,即使当时感觉high翻了。快感是空虚的,快乐是丰富的。撸管后的空虚不会忘了吧。快感只需要多巴胺,快乐是一系列复杂条件才能触发的化学反应。在这个时代,人被设计为快感只是过程,而快乐才是目的。快感的目标是为了获得快乐,是对快乐的逼近。而快乐才是那个limit, 不要错把渴望当目标。撸管的目标实际上是为了鼓励你去上个姑娘(当今撸管的门槛比过去低多了,十年前上哪去找苍老师这样的)而不是去下另一个A片,这才是符合这个时代的生存本能。

作为一名自负的INTJ,我可以被God玩,但tm被别人耍就会很low吧。为什么要沉浸在扮演plumber和某个别人设计的游戏中不能自拔而不去玩好人生这场游戏?看清自己所带的"装备" (生存本能和前额皮质),知道它的弱点。好好享受人生这个巨型arena。

顺便提下压力。压力过大为什么会导致拖延和逃避?压力和多巴胺是好gay,对没有看错。压力大时大脑就会分泌出多巴胺来抑制压力。然而多巴胺虽然爽,但是又会导致许多side effects如暴食(会增加多巴胺)。side effects却让人更觉得自己傻逼,压力更大,从而形成恶性循环。打破这层恶性循环的key就是不要让大脑靠多巴胺来缓解压力,其实能缓解压力的激素还有很多,而且没有side effects。多冥想,运动,放松。当然,也不要盲目乐观,这也是病。

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As an AI language model, I cannot create a Python game by myself, but I can provide you with the basic structure and rules of the game of Life. The Game of Life is a cellular automaton game that was invented by John Horton Conway in 1970. It is played on a grid of cells, where each cell can be either alive or dead. The rules are as follows: 1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies (underpopulation). 2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation. 3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies (overpopulation). 4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell (reproduction). To create a Python implementation of the Game of Life, you can use the following steps: 1. Create a grid of cells using a 2D list or numpy array. 2. Initialize each cell randomly as alive or dead. 3. Create a loop that will iterate through each cell in the grid. 4. For each cell, count the number of live neighbors. 5. Apply the rules of the game to determine whether the cell should live or die in the next generation. 6. Update the grid with the next generation of cells. 7. Repeat steps 4-6 for a set number of iterations or until the game reaches a stable state. Here is an example implementation of the Game of Life in Python: ``` import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation # Set the size of the grid and the number of iterations n = 100 iterations = 100 # Initialize the grid randomly grid = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=(n, n)) # Define a function to update the grid for each iteration def update(frame_number, grid, n): # Create a new grid to hold the next generation of cells new_grid = np.zeros((n, n)) # Loop through each cell in the grid for i in range(n): for j in range(n): # Count the number of live neighbors num_neighbors = (grid[(i-1)%n][(j-1)%n] + grid[(i-1)%n][j] + grid[(i-1)%n][(j+1)%n] + grid[i][(j-1)%n] + grid[i][(j+1)%n] + grid[(i+1)%n][(j-1)%n] + grid[(i+1)%n][j] + grid[(i+1)%n][(j+1)%n]) # Apply the rules of the game if grid[i][j] == 1 and (num_neighbors < 2 or num_neighbors > 3): new_grid[i][j] = 0 elif grid[i][j] == 0 and num_neighbors == 3: new_grid[i][j] = 1 else: new_grid[i][j] = grid[i][j] # Update the grid with the next generation of cells grid[:] = new_grid[:] # Plot the updated grid plt.imshow(grid, cmap='binary') # Create the animation fig = plt.figure() ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=iterations, fargs=(grid, n), interval=50, blit=False) # Show the animation ``` This code will create a random grid of cells and update it for a set number of iterations, following the rules of the Game of Life. The animation will show the evolution of the grid over time.


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