
昨天在某个论坛发现一个新的GUI,很小巧,心就痒痒了,想试试,目前官方版本是v0.3,官方网站也只提供了f429的demo,但是因本人见识较少,不知道那工程是什么后缀STM32F429.coproj,无奈,就就自己移植一下玩玩了,权当娱乐了。       下班回到家,把f429的discover板子找了出来,已经放了3年了,竟然还能亮起来,很兴奋啊。又从网上找了个discover的例程能点亮ltdc的。万事具备了。
What is μGUI
μGUI is a free and open source graphic library for embedded systems. It is platform-independent and can be easily ported to almost any microcontroller system. As long as the display is capable of showing graphics, μGUI is not restricted to a certain display technology. Therefore, display technologies such as LCD, TFT, E-Paper, LED or OLED are supported. The whole module consists of two files: ugui.c and ugui.h.
μGUI Features
  • μGUI supports any color, grayscale or monochrome display
  • μGUI supports any display resolution
  • μGUI supports multiple different displays
  • μGUI supports any touch screen technology (e.g. AR, PCAP)
  • μGUI supports windows and objects (e.g. button, textbox)
  • 16 different fonts available
  • integrated and free scalable system console
  • basic geometric functions (e.g. line, circle, frame etc.)
  • can be easily ported to almost any microcontroller system
  • no risky dynamic memory allocation required
μGUI Requirements
μGUI is platform-independent, so there is no need to use a certain embedded
system. In order to use μGUI, only two requirements are necessary:
  • a C-function which is able to control pixels of the target display.
  • integer types for the target platform have to be adjusted in ugui.h.



/* GUI structure */
UG_GUI gui;
/* Touch structure */
//static TP_STATE* TP_State;
/* Some defines */
#define MAX_OBJECTS        10
#define TOGGLE_GREEN_LED   GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOG,GPIO_Pin_13);
#define TOGGLE_RED_LED     GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOG,GPIO_Pin_14);
/* Window 1 */
UG_WINDOW window_1;
UG_OBJECT obj_buff_wnd_1[MAX_OBJECTS];
UG_BUTTON button1_1;
UG_BUTTON button1_2;
UG_BUTTON button1_3;
UG_BUTTON button1_4;
UG_BUTTON button1_5;
UG_BUTTON button1_6;
/* Window 2 */
UG_WINDOW window_2;
UG_OBJECT obj_buff_wnd_2[MAX_OBJECTS];
UG_BUTTON button2_1;
UG_TEXTBOX textbox2_1;
UG_TEXTBOX textbox2_2;
UG_IMAGE image2_1;
/* Window 3 */
UG_WINDOW window_3;
UG_OBJECT obj_buff_wnd_3[MAX_OBJECTS];
UG_BUTTON button3_1;
UG_TEXTBOX textbox3_1;
/* FSM */
#define STATE_MAIN_MENU                0
#define STATE_BENCHMARK_RUN            1
#define STATE_BENCHMARK_RESULT         2
volatile UG_U32 state;
volatile UG_U32 next_state;
/* Benchmark */
volatile UG_U32 timer;
volatile UG_U32 hw_acc = 1;
char result_str[30];
UG_S16 xs,ys;
UG_S16 xe,ye;
extern u32 ltdc_work_layer;
/* Hardware accelerator for UG_DrawLine (Platform: STM32F4x9) */
UG_RESULT _HW_DrawLine( UG_S16 x1, UG_S16 y1, UG_S16 x2, UG_S16 y2, UG_COLOR c )
   DMA2D_InitTypeDef DMA2D_InitStruct;
   RCC_AHB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA2D, ENABLE);
   RCC_AHB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA2D, DISABLE);
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_Mode = DMA2D_R2M;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_CMode = DMA2D_RGB565;
   /* Convert UG_COLOR to RGB565 */
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputBlue = (c>>3) & 0x1F;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputGreen = (c>>10) & 0x3F;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputRed = (c>>19) & 0x1F;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputAlpha = 0x0F;
   /* horizontal line */
   if ( y1 == y2 )
      DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputOffset = 0;
      DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_NumberOfLine = 1;
      DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_PixelPerLine = x2-x1+1;
   /* vertical line */
   else if ( x1 == x2 )
      DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputOffset = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 1;
      DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_NumberOfLine = y2-y1+1;
      DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_PixelPerLine = 1;
      return UG_RESULT_FAIL;
   if ( ltdc_work_layer == LAYER_1 )
      DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputMemoryAdd = SDRAM_BANK_ADDR + LAYER_1_OFFSET + 2*(LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH * y1 + x1);
      DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputMemoryAdd = SDRAM_BANK_ADDR + LAYER_2_OFFSET + 2*(LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH * y1 + x1);
   while(DMA2D_GetFlagStatus(DMA2D_FLAG_TC) == RESET){};
   return UG_RESULT_OK;
/* Hardware accelerator for UG_FillFrame (Platform: STM32F4x9) */
UG_RESULT _HW_FillFrame( UG_S16 x1, UG_S16 y1, UG_S16 x2, UG_S16 y2, UG_COLOR c )
   DMA2D_InitTypeDef      DMA2D_InitStruct;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_Mode = DMA2D_R2M;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_CMode = DMA2D_RGB565;
   /* Convert UG_COLOR to RGB565 */
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputBlue = (c>>3) & 0x1F;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputGreen = (c>>10) & 0x3F;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputRed = (c>>19) & 0x1F;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputAlpha = 0x0F;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputOffset = (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - (x2-x1+1));
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_NumberOfLine = y2-y1+1;
   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_PixelPerLine = x2-x1+1;
   if ( ltdc_work_layer == LAYER_1 )
      DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputMemoryAdd = SDRAM_BANK_ADDR + LAYER_1_OFFSET + 2*(LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH * y1 + x1);
      DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputMemoryAdd = SDRAM_BANK_ADDR + LAYER_2_OFFSET + 2*(LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH * y1 + x1);
   while(DMA2D_GetFlagStatus(DMA2D_FLAG_TC) == RESET){}
   return UG_RESULT_OK;
/* Systick interrupt */
void SysTick_Handler(void)
   if ( timer ) timer--;
   if ( state == STATE_MAIN_MENU )
//      TP_State = IOE_TP_GetState();
//      if( TP_State->TouchDetected )
//      {
//         if ( (TP_State->X > 0) && (TP_State->X < 239 ) )
//         {
//            if ( (TP_State->Y > 0) && (TP_State->Y < 319 ) )
//            {
//               UG_TouchUpdate(TP_State->X,TP_State->Y,TOUCH_STATE_PRESSED);
//            }
//         }
//      }
//      else
//      {
//         UG_TouchUpdate(-1,-1,TOUCH_STATE_RELEASED);
//      }
void led_init(void)
   GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
   RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOG, ENABLE);
   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_13 | GPIO_Pin_14;
   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_UP;
   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
   GPIO_Init(GPIOG, &GPIO_InitStructure);
void systick_init( void )
   /* Init SysTick (100Hz) */
   if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 100))
      /* Capture error */
      while (1);
/* Callback function for the main menu */
void window_1_callback( UG_MESSAGE* msg )
   if ( msg->type == MSG_TYPE_OBJECT )
      if ( msg->id == OBJ_TYPE_BUTTON )
         switch( msg->sub_id )
            case BTN_ID_0: /* Toggle green LED */
            case BTN_ID_1: /* Toggle red LED */
            case BTN_ID_2: /* Show ?UI info */
               UG_WindowShow( &window_2 );
            case BTN_ID_3: /* Toggle hardware acceleration */
               if ( !hw_acc )
                  UG_ButtonSetForeColor( &window_1, BTN_ID_3, C_RED );
                  UG_ButtonSetText( &window_1, BTN_ID_3, "HW_ACC\nOFF" );
                  UG_DriverEnable( DRIVER_DRAW_LINE );
                  UG_DriverEnable( DRIVER_FILL_FRAME );
                  UG_ButtonSetForeColor( &window_1, BTN_ID_3, C_BLUE );
                  UG_ButtonSetText( &window_1, BTN_ID_3, "HW_ACC\nON" );
                  UG_DriverDisable( DRIVER_DRAW_LINE );
                  UG_DriverDisable( DRIVER_FILL_FRAME );
               hw_acc = !hw_acc;
            case BTN_ID_4: /* Start benchmark */
               next_state = STATE_BENCHMARK_RUN;
            case BTN_ID_5: /* Resize window */
               static UG_U32 tog;
               if ( !tog )
                  UG_WindowResize( &window_1, 0, 40, 239, 319-40 );
                  UG_WindowResize( &window_1, 0, 0, 239, 319 );
               tog = ! tog;
/* Callback function for the info window */
void window_2_callback( UG_MESSAGE* msg )
   if ( msg->type == MSG_TYPE_OBJECT )
      if ( msg->id == OBJ_TYPE_BUTTON )
         switch( msg->sub_id )
            case BTN_ID_0:
               UG_WindowHide( &window_2 );
/* Callback function for the result window */
void window_3_callback( UG_MESSAGE* msg )
   if ( msg->type == MSG_TYPE_OBJECT )
      if ( msg->id == OBJ_TYPE_BUTTON )
         switch( msg->sub_id )
            /* OK button */
            case BTN_ID_0:
               UG_WindowShow( &window_1 );
/* better rand() function */
UG_U32 randx( void )
   static UG_U32 z1 = 12345, z2 = 12345, z3 = 12345, z4 = 12345;
   UG_U32 b;
   b  = ((z1 << 6) ^ z1) >> 13;
   z1 = ((z1 & 4294967294U) << 18) ^ b;
   b  = ((z2 << 2) ^ z2) >> 27;
   z2 = ((z2 & 4294967288U) << 2) ^ b;
   b  = ((z3 << 13) ^ z3) >> 21;
   z3 = ((z3 & 4294967280U) << 7) ^ b;
   b  = ((z4 << 3) ^ z4) >> 12;
   z4 = ((z4 & 4294967168U) << 13) ^ b;
   return (z1 ^ z2 ^ z3 ^ z4);

int main(void)里面需要拷贝的有

/* Init ?UI */
   /* Init Touch */
//   IOE_Config();
   /* Register hardware acceleration */
   UG_DriverRegister( DRIVER_DRAW_LINE, (void*)_HW_DrawLine );
   UG_DriverRegister( DRIVER_FILL_FRAME, (void*)_HW_FillFrame );
   UG_DriverEnable( DRIVER_DRAW_LINE );
   UG_DriverEnable( DRIVER_FILL_FRAME );
   /* Init SysTick (100Hz) */
   /* Clear Screen */
   UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );
   /* Create Window 1 */
   UG_WindowCreate( &window_1, obj_buff_wnd_1, MAX_OBJECTS, window_1_callback );
   UG_WindowSetTitleText( &window_1, "?UI [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=775551]@[/url] STM32F429" );
   UG_WindowSetTitleTextFont( &window_1, &FONT_12X20 );
   /* Create some Buttons */
   UG_ButtonCreate( &window_1, &button1_1, BTN_ID_0, 10, 10, 110, 60 );
   UG_ButtonCreate( &window_1, &button1_2, BTN_ID_1, 10, 80, 110, 130 );
   UG_ButtonCreate( &window_1, &button1_3, BTN_ID_2, 10, 150, 110,200 );
   UG_ButtonCreate( &window_1, &button1_4, BTN_ID_3, 120, 10, UG_WindowGetInnerWidth( &window_1 ) - 10 , 60 );
   UG_ButtonCreate( &window_1, &button1_5, BTN_ID_4, 120, 80, UG_WindowGetInnerWidth( &window_1 ) - 10, 130 );
   UG_ButtonCreate( &window_1, &button1_6, BTN_ID_5, 120, 150, UG_WindowGetInnerWidth( &window_1 ) - 10, 200 );
   /* Configure Button 1 */
   UG_ButtonSetFont( &window_1, BTN_ID_0, &FONT_12X20 );
   UG_ButtonSetBackColor( &window_1, BTN_ID_0, C_LIME );
   UG_ButtonSetText( &window_1, BTN_ID_0, "Green\nLED" );
   /* Configure Button 2 */
   UG_ButtonSetFont( &window_1, BTN_ID_1, &FONT_12X20 );
   UG_ButtonSetBackColor( &window_1, BTN_ID_1, C_RED );
   UG_ButtonSetText( &window_1, BTN_ID_1, "Red\nLED" );
   /* Configure Button 3 */
   UG_ButtonSetFont( &window_1, BTN_ID_2, &FONT_12X20 );
   UG_ButtonSetText( &window_1, BTN_ID_2, "About\n?UI" );
   UG_WindowShow( &window_1 );
   /* Configure Button 4 */
   UG_ButtonSetFont( &window_1, BTN_ID_3, &FONT_12X20 );
   UG_ButtonSetForeColor( &window_1, BTN_ID_3, C_RED );
   UG_ButtonSetText( &window_1, BTN_ID_3, "HW_ACC\nOFF" );
   /* Configure Button 5 */
   UG_ButtonSetFont( &window_1, BTN_ID_4, &FONT_8X14 );
   UG_ButtonSetText( &window_1, BTN_ID_4, "Start\nBenchmark" );
   /* Configure Button 6 */
   UG_ButtonSetFont( &window_1, BTN_ID_5, &FONT_10X16 );
   UG_ButtonSetText( &window_1, BTN_ID_5, "Resize\nWindow" );
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Create Window 2 (?UI Info)                                                      */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   UG_WindowCreate( &window_2, obj_buff_wnd_2, MAX_OBJECTS, window_2_callback );
   UG_WindowSetTitleText( &window_2, "Info" );
   UG_WindowSetTitleTextFont( &window_2, &FONT_12X20 );
   UG_WindowResize( &window_2, 20, 40, 219, 279 );
   /* Create Button 1 */
   UG_ButtonCreate( &window_2, &button2_1, BTN_ID_0, 40, 150, UG_WindowGetInnerWidth( &window_2 )-40, 200 );
   UG_ButtonSetFont( &window_2, BTN_ID_0, &FONT_22X36 );
   UG_ButtonSetText( &window_2, BTN_ID_0, "OK!" );
   /* Create Textbox 1 */
   UG_TextboxCreate( &window_2, &textbox2_1, TXB_ID_0, 10, 10, UG_WindowGetInnerWidth( &window_2 )-10, 40 );
   UG_TextboxSetFont( &window_2, TXB_ID_0, &FONT_16X26 );
   UG_TextboxSetText( &window_2, TXB_ID_0, "?UI v0.3" );
   UG_TextboxSetAlignment( &window_2, TXB_ID_0, ALIGN_TOP_CENTER );
   /* Create Textbox 2 */
   UG_TextboxCreate( &window_2, &textbox2_2, TXB_ID_1, 10, 125, UG_WindowGetInnerWidth( &window_2 )-10, 135 );
   UG_TextboxSetFont( &window_2, TXB_ID_1, &FONT_6X8 );
   UG_TextboxSetText( &window_2, TXB_ID_1, "" );
   UG_TextboxSetAlignment( &window_2, TXB_ID_1, ALIGN_BOTTOM_CENTER );
   UG_TextboxSetForeColor( &window_2, TXB_ID_1, C_BLUE );
   UG_TextboxSetHSpace( &window_2, TXB_ID_1, 1 );
   /* Create Image 1 */
   UG_ImageCreate( &window_2, &image2_1, IMG_ID_0, (UG_WindowGetInnerWidth( &window_2 )>>1) - (logo.width>>1), 40, 0, 0 );
   UG_ImageSetBMP( &window_2, IMG_ID_0, &logo );
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Create Window 3 (Benchmark Result)                                               */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   UG_WindowCreate( &window_3, obj_buff_wnd_3, MAX_OBJECTS, window_3_callback );
   UG_WindowSetTitleText( &window_3, "Benchmark Result" );
   UG_WindowSetTitleTextFont( &window_3, &FONT_10X16 );
   UG_WindowResize( &window_3, 20, 90, 219, 230 );
   /* Create Textbox 1 */
   UG_TextboxCreate( &window_3, &textbox3_1, TXB_ID_0, 5, 10, UG_WindowGetInnerWidth( &window_3 )-5, 60 );
   UG_TextboxSetFont( &window_3, TXB_ID_0, &FONT_12X20 );
   UG_TextboxSetText( &window_3, TXB_ID_0, "Result:\n99999 frm/sec" );
   UG_TextboxSetAlignment( &window_3, TXB_ID_0, ALIGN_TOP_CENTER );
   /* Create Button 1 */
   UG_ButtonCreate( &window_3, &button3_1, BTN_ID_0, 40, 65, UG_WindowGetInnerWidth( &window_3 )-40, 100 );
   UG_ButtonSetFont( &window_3, BTN_ID_0, &FONT_12X16 );
   UG_ButtonSetText( &window_3, BTN_ID_0, "OK!" );
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Start demo application                                                           */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Show Window 1 */
   UG_WindowShow( &window_1 );
   /* Initialize FSM */
   next_state = STATE_MAIN_MENU;
   state = !STATE_MAIN_MENU;
    static int frm_cnt;
      /* Do we change the state? */
      if ( next_state != state )
         /* Initialize the next state */
         switch ( next_state )
            case STATE_MAIN_MENU:
               /* Nothing to do */
            case STATE_BENCHMARK_RUN:
               /* Clear layer 2 */
               ltdc_draw_layer( LAYER_2 );
               UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );
               /* Fade to layer 2 */
               ltdc_fade_to_layer( LAYER_2 );
               /* Reset the frame counter */
               frm_cnt = 0;
               /* Run benchmark for 5 seconds */
               timer = 500;
            case STATE_BENCHMARK_RESULT:
               /* Nothing to do */
         state = next_state;
      /* FSM */
      switch ( state )
         /* Run the benchmark */
         case STATE_BENCHMARK_RUN:
            xs = randx() % 240;
            xe = randx() % 240;
            ys = randx() % 320;
            ye = randx() % 320;
            c = randx() % 0xFFFFFF;
            UG_FillFrame( xs, ys, xe, ye, c );
            if ( !timer ) next_state = STATE_BENCHMARK_RESULT;
         /* Show benchmark result */
            sprintf( result_str, "Result:\n%u frm/sec", frm_cnt/5 );
            UG_TextboxSetText( &window_3, TXB_ID_0, result_str );
            /* Fade to layer 1 */
            ltdc_draw_layer( LAYER_1 );
            ltdc_fade_to_layer( LAYER_1 );
            /* Show benchmark result */
            UG_WindowShow( &window_3 );
            next_state = STATE_MAIN_MENU;
         case STATE_MAIN_MENU:
            /* Let ?UI do the job! */


  • 0
  • 6
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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钱包余额 0


